General Category >> The Cafe >> What to do about Iran?

Message started by Jerry Eichenberger on 02/22/12 at 06:29:13

Title: What to do about Iran?
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 02/22/12 at 06:29:13

OK, Boys and Girls:

Since the IACE talks broke down yesterday, what do we do with Iran?  Forget about them, and let them proceed as they wish with likely development of an atomic weapon?  If they have one, and since they already have an operative medium range missile that can reach Israel, does anyone really believe that they won't use it to "wipe Israel off of the map" as their leader has said?

Do we encourage Israel to take the lead and attack Iran's nuclear sites alone?

Do we jointly proceed with Israel in such an attack to make sure that the attack is successful and hits the hardest?

Opinions, please, well reasoned and not one-liners.

Title: Re: What to do about Iran?
Post by Gyrobob on 02/22/12 at 07:00:16

Here's what to do:
1. Immediately announce we are going to open up all our own energy resources on and offshore,.. oil, gas, geothermal,,.. and that we are committing a lot more funding to solar, wind, wave, etc,. development.
 -- The idea is to shock the world (short-term) into knowing we are now serious about being energy independent.  The price of oil will plummet just on the news, and in a matter of months, the funding for raghead activities against us will start to dry up.
 -- The mid/long term effect is that the fundamentals for supply and demand really will change.  We have more oil available to us within our own borders than all of the middle east put together.  When we can start using our own resources, there will be so much oil available, and we will need to buy so much less from the ragheads, they will really be hurting for food, let alone terrorist financing.
2. Get with Israel and finance/arm/support in any way necessary their military removal of all middle eastern nuclear weapons capability.  They want to annihilate Israel anyway, so if they get stomped by the Jews, it won't make them any madder than they already are, and they will be largely disarmed.  

These two steps would make such a statement to the rest of the world, things would stabilize for decades.  Yes, the ragheads are always going to want to kill us, but their ability to do so would be greatly reduced, and their ability to garner support would be greatly reduced.

The huge problem with this plan is our rookie imposter, aka the buffoon.  He wants us to become more and more dependent on outside energy.  He wants to give more and more of our national treasure to the ragheads.  He just gave away seven of our oil-rich islands to the Russians. The seven endangered islands in the Arctic Ocean and Bering Sea include one the size of Rhode Island and Delaware combined. The Russians are also to get the tens of thousands of square miles of oil-rich seabeds surrounding the islands. The Department of Interior estimates billions of barrels of oil are at stake.

The buffoon has no solutions for the Iran problem.  His only activity will be further bumbling, more bowing to raghead leaders, and increased payment of my taxes to those who would kill me.

Title: Re: What to do about Iran?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/22/12 at 07:09:26

We have been sticking a thumb in their eye for years, theyve had people killed & stuff blown up. There is a DESIRE to go to war there & the media will, once again, be used to paint them as the Bad Guy until a sufficient number of the dumb masses buy it & agree "We have to DO something"..
OR,  we will simply pull a false flag attack on ourselves so we can "respond" & get a war going in time to be able to get Bammy reelected. Either way, we will be at war no later than September.

Title: Re: What to do about Iran?
Post by bill67 on 02/22/12 at 07:48:46

We leave them alone,Having another war takes a lot of money and fuel,If we drill for more oil here we ill be selling it to china,So our prices want really chance unless we keep it for our selfs,but the oil companies are in business to made money and the highest bidder will get the oil.

Title: Re: What to do about Iran?
Post by Savage_Rob on 02/22/12 at 08:03:09

It's a rock and a hard place dilemma, for sure.  Our resources have been stretched thin as it is over the past 11 years in military pursuits in the middle east.  I don't know that we have the capacity to wage a protracted campaign at this point and from what I've heard, Iran's newest facilities are built deeper than even our bunker-busters can reach.  Options get pretty limited under these circumstances and in all likelihood they will have a nuke within the next year or two.  I hate to say this, but I really hope our military and government leaders have better information than we do and have an ace or two up their collective sleeves (maybe something like better bunker-busters kept under wraps).  I won't hold my breath.

Title: Re: What to do about Iran?
Post by Serowbot on 02/22/12 at 09:02:45

I think we may have surreptitiously already done it, or be attempting it...
These overt actions in the news are just a subterfuge...
What was it, a year or two ago?... We infected the web with a virus that had no effect on normal computers, but caused the centrifuge's used in Iran's weapons development facilities to run amok and self destruct...

Cyber warfare... Cheap, clean, and effective...
I'm sure they are at least attempting it,.. but it will not be announced publicly...

Title: Re: What to do about Iran?
Post by Oldfeller on 02/22/12 at 09:18:11

The Geo Politics is leaking out of the Tall Table again ....  somebody get a mop.

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