General Category >> The Cafe >> Pretty pitiful

Message started by kuri77 on 02/06/12 at 20:07:57

Title: Pretty pitiful
Post by kuri77 on 02/06/12 at 20:07:57

Wow, just found out what the honor wall was and where it is.  Are you kidding me, only 20 people out of all the people that come here could even cough up a couple of bucks?  Don't people realize this forum just doesn't come out of nowhere?  Somebody has to step up and evidently Mysterious John is our guy.  Bet he puts in a lot of hours and though it's not supposed to be a paying gig sheesh!  I'm disappointed.  I also have a KLR650 and there seems to be a lot more people over there willing to help support a knowledgeable, informative and entertaining medium.  I count these 2 forums as part of my entertainment budget as well as keep me up on my bikes needs and options.

Title: Re: Pretty pitiful
Post by arteacher on 02/07/12 at 02:54:38

Don't forget- some have contributed but chose not to be on the wall.

Title: Re: Pretty pitiful
Post by Routy on 02/07/12 at 05:44:52

And ya really think comin on here pissin people off is going to help the contributions ?

Title: Re: Pretty pitiful
Post by thumperclone on 02/07/12 at 06:43:07

455B5C4719192E0 wrote:
Wow, just found out what the honor wall was and where it is.  Are you kidding me, only 20 people out of all the people that come here could even cough up a couple of bucks?  Don't people realize this forum just doesn't come out of nowhere?  Somebody has to step up and evidently Mysterious John is our guy.  Bet he puts in a lot of hours and though it's not supposed to be a paying gig sheesh!  I'm disappointed.  I also have a KLR650 and there seems to be a lot more people over there willing to help support a knowledgeable, informative and entertaining medium.  I count these 2 forums as part of my entertainment budget as well as keep me up on my bikes needs and options.

where you been the last 5 years??

Title: Re: Pretty pitiful
Post by kuri77 on 02/07/12 at 09:50:55

First, you're right Arteacher, maybe there are a lot of anonymous donors.  Anyway I hope so but can't be enough of them if MysteriousJ is asking for support.
Second, Routy, my intention wasn't to tick anyone off and I'm sorry if it came off that way.  As stated I didn't even know there was an honor wall and maybe others don't either.  Anyway M asked for contributions and I don't think he's getting much response from what I've read.  I only wanted to bring up some awareness and hopefully get some people to realize that this forum isn't free in reality.  Maybe I could've been more diplomatic in my statements, sorry again.
Third, Thumperclone, I haven't been here obviously because I only bought the bike a few months ago.  
Anyway, your responses are keeping this thread alive enough that hopefully some more people will reconsider donating.  If that happens then all to the good and I can take the criticism.
I've gained a ton of info from this site and possibly saved my bike's life just because I tuned in, bought a Verslavy and installed it almost from day 1.  Plus I've bought other products from site members that I only found out about on this site.  To me that's worth contributing.  To be up front, I only contributed $5 this first time so that doesn't make me a gold card member but if only a 100 people out of the thousands who visit here did the same I'm sure M would be in a much better position for keeping the site going.

Title: Re: Pretty pitiful
Post by splash07 on 02/07/12 at 10:03:46

I agree that this site is not actually free, and I have donated in the past and plan on donating again. With that said I also see the ads at the top of the page. It would be helpful if we knew what our annual operating cost was and what percentage of that is covered by ads. Maybe do like some pledge drives do and give us a goal to reach and let us know how we are doing at reaching that goal. Food for thought.  

Title: Re: Pretty pitiful
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/07/12 at 11:33:14

Splash made a suggestion & said

Food for thought.

It has come to my attention after years of offering up Food for thought that the average person has a severe eating disorder & is mentally anorexic, unwilling to eat the food.

Title: Re: Pretty pitiful
Post by teabowl13 on 02/07/12 at 12:02:54

I for one, donated $100 a couple of months back, and didn't ask to be publicly credited. I applaud you for speaking up and keeping the topic fresh in people's minds, but that is a lot of hot talk from a $5 contributor...

I mean that with all due respect. I had a good week that week, and wanted to share. I know this site has saved me much more than that in just the few 6 months that I have been working on my project.

Title: Re: Pretty pitiful
Post by lg_fry on 02/07/12 at 12:10:03

lol whiteknight

you drew enough attention to yourself already. please burn your soapbox and get on with your life.

Title: Re: Pretty pitiful
Post by kuri77 on 02/07/12 at 13:03:49

Cool that you could donate that much but you've gotta admit that is way beyond what most people would be comfortable with.  I admitted to $5 just to show that a lot of people giving a little, very little, would aid greatly to the site owner.  If he had to rely on $100 donations from everyone there'd be few takers.
I said I'd take any criticism and I will.  Your comment does keep the thread going and thereby getting more people to read it and hopefully contribute.  As for going on with my life, I hope to do that right alongside this site because if it goes down due to lack of funds we'll all be whining later.

Title: Re: Pretty pitiful
Post by 23Skidoo on 02/09/12 at 03:45:13

3A2423386666510 wrote:
First, you're right Arteacher, maybe there are a lot of anonymous donors.  

I sent a small gift on the 26/12/11 but being on the wall isn't important.. It was only a few buck to say thanks from Limey Island

paypal Donation Sent (Unique Transaction ID #96M62452GD580264E)

Business Name:      
     john himmelberger    (The recipient of this payment is Verified)

Title: Re: Pretty pitiful
Post by 23Skidoo on 02/09/12 at 03:45:47

111070484A474C4C230 wrote:
[quote author=3A2423386666510 link=1328587677/0#4 date=1328637055]First, you're right Arteacher, maybe there are a lot of anonymous donors.  

I sent a small gift on the 26/12/11 but being on the wall isn't important.. It was only a few bucks to say thanks from Limey Island

paypal Donation Sent (Unique Transaction ID #96M62452GD580264E)

Business Name:      
     john himmelberger    (The recipient of this payment is Verified)


Title: Re: Pretty pitiful
Post by MMRanch on 02/13/12 at 23:40:42

I've donated twice now ,  not on the supporter page yet.  

Anybody else in the same boat ?

Well ... its a really great site !


Title: Re: Pretty pitiful
Post by babyhog on 02/14/12 at 13:12:37

I'm a little leary of giving donations when I don't know what its being used for, but I did finally make a monetary donation a while back.  Alot of folks are severly strapped for cash these days, and I've been there.  Luckily I had a little extra, so I sent him some.  I do value this site and have learned an incredible amount of stuff.  And "met" alot of cool people.  I'd hate to see it disappear.

But I'd still like to know exactly what the money covers...  I think the email request I got said servers, storage space, etc... but no detail on what all that costs.

As far as the honor wall, I didn't really care if he posted my donation or not, but I at least wanted him to know which member the money came from.  When making the donation, I forgot to add my "babyhog" anywhere within Paypal, so I sent him a seperate pm.  Didn't want my ID getting deleted from here because of no donation...   ;)   

Title: Re: Pretty pitiful
Post by scottnj on 02/14/12 at 22:26:05

Also donated but didn't ask to be on the wall. I wouldn't assume the wall has many of the donor names on it. Would be nice to know the budget and shortfall of donations, if any, but that's additional work to ask of those who run the site. If it's working okay as is I'm glad to contribute once in a while to keep it going and trust that johnh will make a change if if one is really needed.  :)

Title: Re: Pretty pitiful
Post by BuckRYCA on 02/15/12 at 14:19:48

I've donated. Neglected to give my forum name, so I'm not on the wall. Doesn't matter.

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