General Category >> The Cafe >> Anyone Else Riding With Knee Issues? Need Advice!

Message started by Southpaw on 01/03/12 at 21:46:20

Title: Anyone Else Riding With Knee Issues? Need Advice!
Post by Southpaw on 01/03/12 at 21:46:20

I hope you all don't mind if I pick the collective knowledge of the board to help me solve a rather aggravating problem that has come up as a byproduct of riding after orthoscopic knee surgery.

 I got cleared to start riding again in November after finishing my physical therapy despite having been told I'm bone on bone in one spot on the knee I got scoped years ago, and have been riding a few times a month with a soft knee brace on the left leg. (the kind that's like a compression tube with the stays on the sides and the patelar donut on the kneecap) I started experiencing pain hours after my ride as well as stiffness in cold weather when coming to rest at a stopsign that I was blaming on the cold and arthritis in the knee. I recently bought a pair of bicyclist's knee warmers that fit tight from mid-thigh to mid-calf that I can fit the knee brace over that keep my knees wonderfully warm even in very cold weather. Keeping my rides short and having reasonably warm December weather, I thought I'd solved my problem.
 Having a week off between Christmas and New Years and feeling rather smug about my discovery I gave myself a congratulatory long ride last Friday, feeling great the entire time I was out...until I was off the bike for several hours and what started out as a minor ache turned into a "toothache" in the joint that had me hobbling for several days. No real medical explanation has come up and staying off the bike seems to help. The only thing I can figure, and my therapist finds plausible is that the vibration transmitted through the act of squeezing the tank with my knees through curves etc. is pressing right on the nerve where the lack of cartillige can't protect it. I've tried every knee brace I own, and repositioning the stays, and am currently considering an althletic style knee pad to cushion the spot but really hate the bulk of that while riding. I'm also considering adding hiway bars to extend my legs hoping to contact the tank at a different angle if I thought that might help.
 I know Ive heard a few folks off this site mention past knee and back problems and thought I'd pick your brains as to what you all were doing, what works or hasn't worked for you or if I've missed an obvious answer. Any input would be appreciated. I've really enjoyed my time riding and it has always been some of my best personal "therapy" but the nagging pain of this when it flares up is kind of taking all the joy out of things! Any ideas?

Title: Re: Anyone Else Riding With Knee Issues? Need Advi
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/03/12 at 22:47:17

If the vibration from gripping the tank is doing it.,could you strap a pad onto the tank? Inside the knee?

I know my knees dont appreciate keeping the same bend in them for too long, Hiway bars would let you change positions, I think thats a good idea,,

Title: Re: Anyone Else Riding With Knee Issues? Need Advi
Post by Jimmer on 01/04/12 at 04:21:23

I've had both knees replaced and have figured out that I need to change leg position now and then. I think keeping any joint in one place to long can cause stress on that joint. It took me about a year to get comfortable and figure out how to position myself on the bike for long rides with minimal discomfort.

Title: Re: Anyone Else Riding With Knee Issues? Need Advi
Post by arteacher on 01/04/12 at 05:12:31

Try forward controls, if you don't have them already.

Title: Re: Anyone Else Riding With Knee Issues? Need Advi
Post by dasch on 01/04/12 at 07:51:10

I got arthritis, nothing really serious usually, but I change leg position every so often... and exercise care on stoplights.

Title: Re: Anyone Else Riding With Knee Issues? Need Advi
Post by Boofer on 01/04/12 at 07:58:53

Southpaw, as a long time back pain sufferer, I can say what works for me may not work for you. I bought a couple of $20 foot pegs and use one at a time to reposition my body slightly. My knees ache from years of construction work and being on concrete in retail work. IIRC, you work at Lowe's. Take measures to reduce impact at work and do whatever it takes to repositon your knee joints while riding. Highway bars are worth a shot, and anything to keep you riding is good.  :)

Title: Re: Anyone Else Riding With Knee Issues? Need Advi
Post by 12Bravo on 01/04/12 at 14:38:37

I have arthritis and fibromyalgia, I put 4" forward controls on my bike and switch between resting my feet on the pegs and resting my ankles on the pegs. I still get stiff and sore and take time to move/stretch at fuel stops. The arthritis and fibromyalgia effects both my knees and hips. look into floor boards or highway pegs, main thing is the ability to change positions safely while riding to stay comfortable.

Title: Re: Anyone Else Riding With Knee Issues? Need Advi
Post by RidgeRunner13 on 01/04/12 at 18:41:57

My wife had both knees replaced in Sept. 2011. Although she just rides with me, the knee pain she was having was terrible. I put some passenger floorboards on for her & it helped so much she would ask to go for a ride again. She said she was in less pain on the bike than any where else.

I figured if she liked them so much I would try some. I already had the 4" extensions so I picked up some H-D double mount floorboards & made mounting brackets. Sweet! Now I have room to move my feet around, & if I move them to the back edge it's almost like a standard bike position.

My choice of a new bike came with front floorboards & I quickly added passenger floorboard that I mounted lower & further foward. Once again my wife was much happier with her leg position & angle. I don't think she could have ridden with me the last 3 years before her surgery without floorboards.

Now that she has new knees I'm having a hard time keeping up with her!!! 8-)

Title: Re: Anyone Else Riding With Knee Issues? Need Advi
Post by Southpaw on 01/04/12 at 20:13:39

Thanks guys. Excellent suggestions! I hadn't thought about the 4" extensions AND the highway bars. That might be the way to go. (I almost did the extensions when I painted the bike last year.) I got to ride MMRanch's bike with the floorboards when we were coming back from the tail of the dragon run a couple of years ago but just couldn't get used to them. Maybe time to revisit that also. I knew I could count on you all for some good insight and I've certainly got some things to consider. I'll let you know and maybe post some pics when I get it figured out!

Ride safe


Title: Re: Anyone Else Riding With Knee Issues? Need Advi
Post by Southpaw on 01/04/12 at 20:19:07

By the way Boofer, for what its worth, Nike makes a shoe with the "Air Jordan" center air support that works great on concrete under the name "Air Monarch" I just bought my second pair for under $40 at a Nike outlet store and highly recommend them! Thanks again!

Title: Re: Anyone Else Riding With Knee Issues? Need Advi
Post by verslagen1 on 01/04/12 at 20:39:08

There's another possibility
durring WWII, the ppl sleeping in the underground all night were having leg pains, it turned out that the folding cots they were sleeping in was cutting off the circulation to the legs by compressing the arteries behind the knees.

So it may be that the brace is cutting off the circulation enough to be an issue.

Title: Re: Anyone Else Riding With Knee Issues? Need Advi
Post by Southpaw on 01/04/12 at 21:47:28

I thought of that Versy, but I've used the same brace for years anytime I'm doing something where lateral support might be necessary such as working on a ladder etc. and riding is one of the few things that consistantly causes problems. I let a hamstring issue pull the knee joint out of whack in Sept. and took about 4-6 weeks of pt to get it right again. I've lost a little weight, do maintenance stretches and exercises, avoid squatting on that joint and am much more aware of sleep position and keeping the knee elevated when I'm working at my desk. I had knee problems since 1995 so the whole thing isn't new to me but this episode is the darnedest thing I've been through yet. The Drs. (read - insurance companies) don't want to do replacement surgery and I hold that as a last resort myself. They are saying that overall my cartilige is in good shape and another scope won't do any good - just not enough material left to work with. The brace was actually MY idea when I noticed a side to side waiver at stopsigns and noticed an improvement when using the brace. I was dumb enough to mention it to my primary care dr in front of my wife when arguing that it didn't contribute to the condition because I was taking extra precautions and thus hung myself by my tongue!  ::)  I've ridden without the brace to and from work when I didn't want to wear the darn thing all day long and have the same result! I've also tried wrap arounds with velcro and ace styles with little difference. I guess I keep going back to this style because I've had the most success with it!

Title: Re: Anyone Else Riding With Knee Issues? Need Advi
Post by verslagen1 on 01/04/12 at 22:01:43

Yeah, I got a looser knee after a scopy.
they don't tell you what they do get at the cartilage to do a little trimming.

What I've heard from a fellow knee sufferer, is that if they remove all of the cartilage, it will grow back good as new after a few years.

Mine developed a second tear after the 1st trim.  if I new then how to set the tear straight like I do now, I wouldn't of had the surgery.

Title: Re: Anyone Else Riding With Knee Issues? Need Advi
Post by Southpaw on 01/04/12 at 22:27:22

Had the left done in '95 and the right in 2001. Afterwards tried Glucosimine and Chondroitin, physical therapy and yoga (that was a treat!) hydration and calcium suppliments....and I'm convinced most of it was just snake oil! Crawling around in tunnels and climbing pole scaffolds just tears up your knees and thats just the way it is!  I got the best dr. I could find and took my shot. The rest is just shoulda, coulda,  woulda...Nothing to do now but live with it! A little diet, a little exercise, a little Scotch (whoops, how'd that get in there?) and I'll be fine!  ;D Another six months and I might be lookin' for that bad ol' dragon never know!  ;)

Title: Re: Anyone Else Riding With Knee Issues? Need Advi
Post by SuperSavage on 01/04/12 at 23:51:48

I'm pretty well busted up all over. Comfort is a personal, subjective ideal. I'm 6' 1" and I am getting 6" forward controls for comfort.
How about floorboards with a heel-toe shifter? Sometimes the upward pull of shifting can bring on fatigue and pain coupled with the cramped ergonomics of stock peg locations. Good luck in finding your  two-wheeled nirvana. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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