General Category >> The Cafe >> Must watch documentary - Consuming Kids

Message started by Stimpy - FSO on 12/25/11 at 05:54:56

Title: Must watch documentary - Consuming Kids
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 12/25/11 at 05:54:56

Done with unwraping all those gifts?
have a bit of time off these days?

Want to understand the what , why & how
of people's (and children's) behaviour and drive nowadays?

Well here you go.

Consuming Kids:
The Commercialization of Childhood

This film will change your life, it will make your jaw drop,
it will even make you get angry and say: "oh, that's why?!"
" I understand", "bastards".  

Just trust me on this one, you'll thank and curse me later
because of the "oh, If I'd only known this sooner" factor.

Do it for yourself, do it for your loved ones but please
take 60min from your life to find the answers and open
your eyes; as consumers we have the last word and can
change the world one purchase at a time.

Pls understand that good parenting and family values are simpy
not enough and have NO CHANCE today whatsoever against
neuro-marketing, 24/7/365 interactive ads and THE BIG P
(peer pressure), you must arm yourself with knowledge and
understand how the machine works from the inside.

Happy holidays and 2012 to all!


Title: Re: Must watch documentary - Consuming Kids
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/25/11 at 07:41:13

Easy fix.. "Yes, junior, you may have a new Nintendo. Get a job & earn the $$$."

Title: Re: Must watch documentary - Consuming Kids
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 12/25/11 at 10:07:46

well yes, the problem is that this particular rabbithole goes really really really deep

...also there are not a lot of jobs for kids around these days
(specially in the suburbs, projects or out in the woods/desert
/rural/etc) other than fast food, retail, wallyworld and such as;
as a kid (about 11-17y/o) I use to wash cars, paint housenumbers
on the sidewalk, deliver pizza, mow lawns and even dj for parties
for $$$, the problem is that today most no one will pay for "kid services"
like those, forgetaboutit.


just tell me what chance does a kid (and the poor parents) have against
new generation interactive packaging like this one (push play, 20sec video).


I really wish more ppl will get involved in this thread within these
coming weeks, I personally really enjoy reading the very insightful  
opinions of the different members of this site, lots of smart folks
in this particular site, that is why I stick around after all these years,
but a lot of people simply DO NOT want even listen, trust me, they
know exactly what will happen if they push play on that film, their
world will change forever and simple awareness demands choice,
you can't go back anymore, and most do not want this kind of
responsability. Only time will tell how this thread evolves or dies.

...happy holidays to j.o.g. and the lot of you, cheers!

Title: Re: Must watch documentary - Consuming Kids
Post by verslagen1 on 12/25/11 at 10:16:03

pretty soon the boxes will leap into your cart as you go by.
and shock you if you try to take it out.

Title: Re: Must watch documentary - Consuming Kids
Post by RidgeRunner13 on 12/25/11 at 11:23:55

Well, with my internet connection, watching the documentary would take forever. But I'm pretty sure I know what it's about.

These days if you don't have the latest, greatest model of whatever you are looked down upon by some people. From smart phones & new computers, right down to the fastest bikes & cars that do everything but wipe your butt for you, you're made to feel like you are less of a person if you don't own the "best".

I have a friend who has a new car. He traded a perfectly good car that he bought new in '06 to get it. He has a 5 year old bike he still makes payments on. And he has a house payment too. And he also owns a Ford pickup & a Chevy Suburban. God only knows how much money he owes, because he couldn't tell you.

Except for my 2 year old V-Star 950T, I've bought everything used for years now whenever possible. I still don't have a big flat screen & my computer is a $500 special about 6 years old. I drive a '94 Toyota pickup & my wife drives a '98 Buick LeSabre I bought from a customer who was going to trade it in. I'm not driven to buy things anymore by fancy ad campaigns but by what I need to get the job done. I'd rather have something older that still does the job than new that may not work as well for me.

That being said, if some one wants to give me a Black Diamond Cadillac CTS-V wagon or a Yamaha Stratoliner, I won't turn them down. But if it turns out they don't work for me, don't be surprised if I sell them & pocket the money.

I've owned 5 H-Ds in my lifetime, kept one for almost 6 months. There is always somebody who thinks they're worth more than I do. Very few people these days seem to know the true value of things. Most are so caught up in the hype they are never happy with what they have.

I'm thankful everyday to have grown up at a time when I could earn a little extra money helping out at a service station with repair bays (what are those?) at age 12, and learning to be a mechanic from a master who owned his own shop when I was 14. I rebuilt my first car engine at 14. Very little chance of that these days.

Learning to be happy with what you have is the best lesson in life, IMO. 8-)

Title: Re: Must watch documentary - Consuming Kids
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/25/11 at 17:23:41

Hey, everybody knows that IF You arent Happy, you need to eat something, or drink something, or buy something, then youll be happy,,
well,, till youre finished eating it, or drinking it, orr, orr, orr,,
In short, if youre not happy, it wont Fix from the outside. BUt weve been taught to TRY real hard to satisfy ourselves by consuming, I fell for it for a long time. Wised up in my mid 20's to a lot of it,. Sadly, I am human & just because you KNow youve been brainwashed, doesnt UNwash anything. It only lets you have a shot at deprogramming yourself. Ive been working on that for 30 years,, Im a lot farther down the road on that than lots of people.

Title: Re: Must watch documentary - Consuming Kids
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 12/26/11 at 09:17:11

yup, wise words Mr. Guy

Very true, to my eyes, what makes us human are basically 2 things,
the connections we make with others and yes, the way we react to
stimulus and how we make up our own "truth" from all this.

We ALL have our week spots and comfort foods or whatever,
hell I'm eating chocolate right now and just bought a high-end
knife for the kitchen that I don't really need and have pretty
much have broken EVERY single commandment and deadly sin
known to theology, including murder since I ate meat for a long
time and also wished on different people to truly drop dead on
more than one occasion and intention is what really counts,
so yeah, I can relate perfectly to what your saying, still I think
I'm doing pretty ok in my journey and I know I've come very
very far from the ignorant, selfish fool I once was and at this
stage my "mission", for lack of a better word, is to try to help
others by just letting them know there IS another road and
pointing in that direction, after that it's up to every individual
to find their way.  

Nowadays corporations are praying on the dumb and gullible
like vultures all while destroying all values, the family unit and
whole countries on their path; things are not well right now,
we all have to put our grain of sand to even give a fighting
chance to our children.

Title: Re: Must watch documentary - Consuming Kids
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/26/11 at 10:36:59

selfish fool I once was and at this
stage my "mission", for lack of a better word, is to try to help
others by just letting them know there IS another road and
pointing in that direction, after that it's up to every individual
to find their way.  

I think youll find that supported by Scripture.

Nowadays corporations are praying on the dumb and gullible
like vultures all while destroying all values, the family unit and
whole countries on their path; things are not well right now,
we all have to put our grain of sand to even give a fighting
chance to our children.

By design. Edward Bernayse , public relations ( manipulator of perception) expert, Gloria Steinham, CIA, Margaret Sanger, racist, eugenicist, founder of PLanned Parenthood.

How DID Steinham get her hands on a microphone & why did the media have her on TV & in the magazines? & what did it all do for America?

Sanger was a hate filled monster.

Bernays taught the tobacco companies how to sell to women, the cigarette makers Paid the leaders of the womens movement to smoke,
before he hit the scene, bacon & eggs wasnt a normal breakfast,  

Title: Re: Must watch documentary - Consuming Kids
Post by MMRanch on 12/28/11 at 07:20:02

You ought to see what happens around our house when a Honda motorcycle comerical comes on ! ;D

Title: Re: Must watch documentary - Consuming Kids
Post by WebsterMark on 12/28/11 at 08:02:01

have broken EVERY single commandment and deadly sin
known to theology, including murder since I ate meat for a long
time and also wished on different people to truly drop dead on

Say what?....

Title: Re: Must watch documentary - Consuming Kids
Post by HalfPint on 12/28/11 at 08:09:29

I ended up watching this yesterday and I thought it was getting a little exaggerated the more the minutes past. Before I knew it I was at the end of the movie. lol

This documentary really appealed to myself because I was the first generation that grew up with those commercials. A lot of the examples they used like the Reece's Puffs, I remember getting that cereal because of that specific ad. I even played on the children's websites like Neopets and the Nabisco site when I was little. I never asked for a Neopet though and I didn't eat more cookies after that. The only commercial that really ever made me want to get anything was really that cereal.

My original view on bratty children was that the parents are bending more to the child's will because there are more things the parents can get in trouble for now. When I would get an ole' fashion spanking when I was little now a lot of people view as being too harsh. This documentary just reinforced the fact to me that parents are way too soft on children believing they just can't handle the rejection at that age. Which is from what I've seen problem number 1. No one is teaching their children anymore how to make themselves cope.

People forget you could have all the money in the world, but if you don't to be happy no one can make you happy.

Title: Re: Must watch documentary - Consuming Kids
Post by Serowbot on 12/28/11 at 11:25:44

584741465B5C6D5D6D55474B00320 wrote:
Hey, everybody knows that IF You arent Happy, you need to eat something, or drink something, or buy something, then youll be happy,,

I get that,.. "life sucks, I have to buy something, feeling"...
Thank god for the dollar stores... ;D...

Title: Re: Must watch documentary - Consuming Kids
Post by arteacher on 12/28/11 at 16:12:01

There has always been marketing directed at children, at least since the invention of marketing. The thing that bothers me the most is the drastic reduction in creative play. It is making the kids fat and dull.

Title: Re: Must watch documentary - Consuming Kids
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/28/11 at 16:47:37

I have no idea why kids are so unable to entertain themselves, unless its because when they are infants, someone sits them in front of a mind numbing box with singing , dancing, stupid crap on it. Dont TRY to keep a kid happy, let them BE unhappy. No finer motivation to DO Something other than sit. Too much crap is tossed at them, fewer toys creates focus. Cant drop one & grab another all day if youve only got 4.
Of course, the vaccines & the baby formula & OHH lets Not forget, special fluoridated baby water,, gotta be Goood for that brain.

Title: Re: Must watch documentary - Consuming Kids
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/28/11 at 16:48:13

3422352830252833470 wrote:
[quote author=584741465B5C6D5D6D55474B00320 link=1324821297/0#5 date=1324862621]Hey, everybody knows that IF You arent Happy, you need to eat something, or drink something, or buy something, then youll be happy,,

I get that,.. "life sucks, I have to buy something, feeling"...
Thank god for the dollar stores... ;D...

Yea, even I can afford to smile once a week that way. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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