General Category >> The Cafe >> 8 point buck

Message started by MMRanch on 11/28/11 at 13:43:25

Title: 8 point buck
Post by MMRanch on 11/28/11 at 13:43:25

Hi guys

I just hung-up a 8 pointer in the garage to cool off.   For my neighborhood thats about as good as it gets.

This is the first one I've shot with a 223 , and it was very inpressive.   62gr.SP  made a quater size hole going in , about 3" hole in both lungs, then about a half-dollar size going out.    Rib on both side.

There will be Jerky in the dehydrator tomorrow !!! :P

Anybody else got lucky this year ?


Title: Re: 8 point buck
Post by bill67 on 11/28/11 at 14:18:09

MM do 2 legged dear count. :)

Title: Re: 8 point buck
Post by WD on 11/28/11 at 14:43:33

Just squirrels and snapping turtles. Coyotes ran off the deer, turkeys and feral pigs. Ducks and geese bypassed the pond this year. West TN and north MS have been off this year for deer.

Title: Re: 8 point buck
Post by ksthumper on 11/28/11 at 19:12:39

Truck up to Kansas. I see deer all year round on the outskirts of town. We actually had to have police do a mass deer hunt to curb the population in a local park.

Title: Re: 8 point buck
Post by prechermike on 11/29/11 at 04:41:42

I have taken a couple this year.  The best was this seven point.
We have jerky, roast and meat cut to fry.

Title: Re: 8 point buck
Post by youzguyz on 11/29/11 at 08:18:01

I got hit by a small doe on Thanksgiving Day.  
Yes, I was on my Savage, no, I did not get hurt (but I don't know how not).
She came out of the brush and hit me on the left.  Banged my knee into the tank pretty good, but no dent on the tank and no bruise on the knee.
Checked the rear view, and she was down in the road.  By the time I got turned around, she had gotten up and ran off.
We were both REAL happy.. and thankful!!

Title: Re: 8 point buck
Post by EJID on 11/29/11 at 08:58:12

40564C435E4C4043390 wrote:
I got hit by a small doe on Thanksgiving Day.  
Yes, I was on my Savage, no, I did not get hurt (but I don't know how not).
She came out of the brush and hit me on the left.  Banged my knee into the tank pretty good, but no dent on the tank and no bruise on the knee.
Checked the rear view, and she was down in the road.  By the time I got turned around, she had gotten up and ran off.
We were both REAL happy.. and thankful!!

You were very lucky  :o ...did you buy a lottery ticket after that?   ;D

Title: Re: 8 point buck
Post by Boofer on 11/29/11 at 22:53:17

A friend rode up on a VT? Honda 1300 Saturday. He got a deal on it because of busted headlight shell and signals and cracked fiberglass front fender. Otherwise perfect and beautiful. Owner said he will never ride again. Hit a buck square on, but didn't go down. Rode home and put it up for sale.

Title: Re: 8 point buck
Post by stinger on 11/30/11 at 01:13:08

I hope you are all better hunters than this guy!

Title: Re: 8 point buck
Post by stinger on 11/30/11 at 01:15:48

The day I bought my savage it was raining and I had to drive to work. I was thinking "Oh man! How much fun is this gonna be when I can ride to work on my bike!" A deer jumped out in front of me and totaled my car! Left his head in the radiator.

Title: Re: 8 point buck
Post by Wolfman on 11/30/11 at 12:34:43

We got three in the freezer and Muzzle Loader season still to go. Lot of archery season left if i get the time.
Deer Steak, Hamburger, Deer Stew, Tenderloin, Backstrap, Fried liver, and Jerky. Num

Title: Re: 8 point buck
Post by mpescatori on 12/01/11 at 03:03:24

Given the way some scooter/MC riders behave this season of the year, I wish we could shoot at 2-legged vermin... :-X

Anyway, I was a big fan and supporter of thje right to hunt some 20 years ago, mostly because I was a shooting enthusiast.

I somehow fail to see the logic of going out hunting, these days, when there's more food in stores than we could ever actually eat.


Title: Re: 8 point buck
Post by WD on 12/02/11 at 16:16:21

I just hunt the squirrels to keep them out of the plantation house. It still has lacquer coated fabric covered wiring. Wouldn't take much of a spark to set off 170 year old wood. And squirrels love to chew on wiring.

The snapping turtles are a menace too. And as common as the squirrels here. Have one with a head almost the size of a football... probably pushing 100 years old, scares the locals into NOT fishing my pond. He can stay...

Title: Re: 8 point buck
Post by MMRanch on 12/02/11 at 19:41:47


I've put about $300.00 worth of red meat in the frezzer this year while doing something I enjoy doing.   How much better could it get ?

That would be 70 lbs of  (98-2) ground , four sholder roast and four backstraps (tenderlon)16#.    Come to think on it .... probley more than $300.

You ever try the "Iron Turkey" shooting game ?
Back befor I had Livestock to take of and more time on my hands I played the pistol version a couple years.   Its fun and feels great when the targets go over , not quite as good a deer hunting but close.

you still shoot any ?


Oh yea
Bill , You have to do the two legged kind  a hole different way !

Title: Re: 8 point buck
Post by JohnBoy on 12/03/11 at 08:21:39

4C5144524240554E5348210 wrote:
I somehow fail to see the logic of going out hunting, these days, when there's more food in stores than we could ever actually eat.

I agree.
I love shooting but where is the 'sport' of shooting at something that can't shoot back?
Where are the Zombies when you need them?

Title: Re: 8 point buck
Post by WD on 12/04/11 at 19:49:13

Wild meat is actually better for you than feed lot meat. Lower cholesterol and higher omega -3s.

I think I read too much "hippy times" (Mother Earth News)...

Last couple deer I got, I gave away to someone with 4 kids, an unemployable wife and a barely above minimum wage job. I don't like venison, where I grew up, it tastes like Christmas trees smell. The little, and I mean little scrawny puny pathetic excuses for deer, eat fir tree branch tips. The elk weren't much better.

Title: Re: 8 point buck
Post by JohnBoy on 12/04/11 at 20:13:27

I go for wild food too...wild Beer, wild Cheese, and wild Brats...and I don't have to kill any of it!

Title: Re: 8 point buck
Post by WD on 12/05/11 at 18:38:44

I think the limit here is 3 bucks and as many does as you want... At our place they will eat out of your hand, they like the mini horse's crimped oats. This land hasn't been hunted for big game since at least 1958. Lisa and Jack (her dad) consider the deer pets.

Would be like shooting our beagles.

But those miserable bushy tailed tree rats had best keep their eyes peeled. Sambo (Jack's beagle) and Rosco (Lisa's barn kitten) tag team them. Rosco chases them out, Sambo kills them. Or my beagle Poppy trees one and I shoot it.  Squirrels are causing me a lot of extra work on the big house, they've chewed up the soffets, rotted out the bead board ceiling on the front porch, torn out the asbestos wool insulation in the attic... » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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