General Category >> The Cafe >> My first bow hunting success!  :)

Message started by babyhog on 11/15/11 at 12:11:13

Title: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by babyhog on 11/15/11 at 12:11:13

Well, I finally harvested my first deer this past weekend.  See the blood print on the tree?  I watched her slam into it from my stand, about 60 yards away, and there she dropped.  (She was only about 15 yards from me when I shot).  And I video'd it with my little bike camera too!!  She's not huge, but she's not a baby either.  Good eatin'!!

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by prechermike on 11/15/11 at 12:23:38

Congratulations!  You are ahead of me, I never got one with a bow.

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by bill67 on 11/15/11 at 12:37:13

Lets see the video when you get a chance.

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by dinsdale on 11/15/11 at 12:46:06

Bow hunting is very rewarding!

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by EJID on 11/15/11 at 12:51:11 has to be a thrill to get one with a bow when they are that close to you. I've only shot them with a rifle at a minimum of 150-200yards out, so I can only imagine 15yards.

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by babyhog on 11/15/11 at 13:01:01

Thanks.  It was a rush.  Since the season opened, I've watched several walk through without being able to shoot... the bow... shot a bunch of video LOL.  From nerves, to not being able to move without them catching me... its all pretty exciting.

The video is actually pretty uneventful, but I'll post it anyway.  The turkey that I shot with the bow though... now that's some cool footage!!  Will try to post them later this evening.

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by thumperclone on 11/15/11 at 13:07:59

i want the back strap  yumm

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by MrBrownTX on 11/15/11 at 14:44:13

Awesome, Congrats!

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by John_D FSO on 11/15/11 at 15:56:07

Woohoo, congrats! [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif]

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by Wolfman on 11/16/11 at 01:08:51

Any deer with a bow is a trophy. Youll see a multitude for every one you get a shot at. Turkey with a bow is even more of a trophy.
Ie known guys hunted 10 years before thier first bow kill. Lot that still havent taken a turkey with a bow.

My youngest got her first(doe) with a gun monday evening at 15 yards then missed a 4 point buck at 20 yards about 20 minutes
Ex took a 5 point this evening. So far all ive done is passed on does and small bucks, guided the girls and cleaned

That and try to get pms to work and even regular posts to work. Stinking error msgs.
Need your e-mail addy BH.

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by drums1 on 11/16/11 at 06:25:54

You go girl. Mmmmmm deer sausage.....

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/16/11 at 06:32:05

Take the brain & rub it on a spot on a sidewalk, it wont get wet for 2 years. Or try it on some leather,

What did it dress out at? YOu dont know yet, I know, but tell us when you get it all cut up & deboned. The only deer I took weighed about 35 pounds after. Like a big dog,,

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by Wolfman on 11/16/11 at 11:07:39

Looks like one of last years justin so being a WV deer probably about 80lbs field dressed. Looks about as tender as
Farther north you get the bigger they get. Id like one of them canadian Hogs they call deer. 200+ lbs field dressed
Really big buck or doe might go 200 field dressed around here if its fed good.

BH has 'lost her deer cherry' so now shes got to look for that thirty point

BH, make sure you talk that turkey kill into the conversation with bowhunters. Thats something to brag about. ;)

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/16/11 at 11:19:09

Looks about as tender as

DUUUDE!  Thats harsh,, she isnt exactly plump, tho,, Looks like an active lady, probably be one of those 90+ year old spitfire gals one day.

She mite dress out about the same as that little deer.. she is a tiny one.
Congratulations on being an adventurous woman Piglet... Your hubby is a lucky man.

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by Serowbot on 11/16/11 at 11:25:29

Piglet bags Bambi!...  Will Pooh Corner ever be the same?...
Rabbit has a panic attack...


Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by Wolfman on 11/16/11 at 14:00:10

Well that normaly would be an implied compliment to BH as that young deer will be so tender and tastey.
Or it could be construed that the deer itself is going to be

Wonder if eeyor will tape down his ears and take up wearing blaze orange in her neck of the woods for the duration. ;D

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by Starlifter on 11/16/11 at 14:45:27

No offence meant BH, but is that a fawn? You say you get a 'rush' from hurting and killing a gentle and inoffensive animal....sad :-/

Please reconsider this activity and let your conscience be your guide.

And yes I am a member of PETA. Meh, I might as well confess. I'm also a vegetarian, and a member of the ACLU. :D

Okay, flame suit on, fire away as I retreat to the TT where I'm already being burned at the stake. :P

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by runwyrlph on 11/16/11 at 15:14:54

so, BH what do you plan to do with the meat?  do you butcher it yourself, or take it to be processed?  there are some pretty good jerky recipes out there you can make in your oven

congrats on your hunting success!  

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by SurfJunkie on 11/16/11 at 15:45:44

1A3D283B25202F3D2C3B490 wrote:
No offence meant BH, but is that a fawn? You say you get a 'rush' from hurting and killing a gentle and inoffensive animal....sad :-/

Please reconsider this activity and let your conscience be your guide.

And yes I am a member of PETA. Meh, I might as well confess. I'm also a vegetarian, and a member of the ACLU. :D

Okay, flame suit on, fire away as I retreat to the TT where I'm already being burned at the stake. :P

Here in the USA we have the CHOICE to legally hunt wild game, or not to. She has clearly made her's. I think we all should defend that ability to CHOOSE.

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by drums1 on 11/16/11 at 15:47:40

I've had deer prepared like roast beef--sliced for sandwiches--a whole barful of people pounded that stuff till it was gone. Then, they were told it was deer meat. I could not believe how many people either got mad or got sick. Idiots. It's ok to eat cow and pig and chicken and and and....but oh my god if it's deer.

Here in Wisconsin, deer hunting is part of the herd control. And there is still hundreds, if not thousands of deer hit by motor vehicles every year, just in Wisconsin. Can you imagine how many would be hit if there was no hunting? Bambi my a$$, that's dinner!!

Again I say, mmmmm deer sausage. Especially the spicy sticks kind. YUM YUM.

I, too, am an animal lover.....they're delicious !!

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by babyhog on 11/16/11 at 16:42:54

Well, I was gonna post the turkey video, but I wouldn't want to offend Starlifter.  If anyone wants to see it, feel free to PM me and I'll send you a link.

Thanks for the support of others, yes, it is MY choice to hunt wild game, just as it is anyone else's choice to be vegetarian.  I don't condemn anyone for being vegetarian, so I deserve the same in return.  It is a sport, but we do it for the meat... yes, we eat the meat.  Every possible ounce.  We butcher any kill ourselves.  What could be fresher?  

I agree with Drums, the deer population would be unreal if there weren't hunters.  Would you rather they die slow, painful deaths in the woods, from starvation because there isn't enough food to go around?  Some years the trees and land just don't produce enough natural food to sustain the herds.  Or they fight and kill each other over what is there.  But those who understand already know this... so that's all I'm going to say about it.

And my husband says if God didn't want us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat.  

So... if you disagree with hunting, that's fine.  But please don't turn my thread into a political debate.

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by Serowbot on 11/16/11 at 17:21:38

2E2D2C212339400 wrote:
...And my husband says if God didn't want us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat.  

W-wwe-we're m-made out of meat, too...  Gulp!...  :-/...
I'm stayin' clear of Mr.Piglet... :-?...

Happy Thanksgiving Piglet... ;)...

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by Starlifter on 11/16/11 at 18:03:32

"We butcher any kill ourselves.  What could be fresher?"

Jeez, I hope this doesn't mean you're cannibals!  :o

Yes, Happy Thanksgiving Piglet... ;)  

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by SuperSavage on 11/16/11 at 19:49:11

In today's world, the whitetail deer population greatly out numbers its predators. There are more deer alive today than ever before.

Where I live, the populations are exploding and without culling, the only predator is a hulking, 2-ton piece of iron that runs on four rubber tires. If the deer is really lucky, it may fell a 2-wheeler as well.

I feel for my furry friends as well, but hunting controls burgeoning populations.

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by Wolfman on 11/16/11 at 21:39:25

Dont even get me started on that lieing money grubbing people useing deceitfull org called PETA.

We were born as predators, we are meant to eat meat. God made us that way. Ripping and tearing teeth with eyes set foreward and movement oriented.

There are more deer in the USA today then when Colubus hit our shores.
There are over 10,000 deer car collisions every year just in MO.
Deer hunters are what keep your car and bike insurance as low as they are. Thats a fact. Without deer season you could expect your premiums to double. Not to mention all the damage the herd does to ornamental shrubs in the burbs.

Id much rather eat a nice tastey free range deer with a whole lot better than even chance of outwitting the hunter then some poor cow or sheep kept up in a pen and raised to be eatten.
And i eat them as well. Raised em to.

And no starlifter thats NOT a fawn. Looks to be a yearling from last year. Good tender meat, yum yum.

You eat the liver BH?

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by Trippah on 11/17/11 at 07:29:15

Congrats Piglet..better by bow than Savage.    ;)

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by Starlifter on 11/17/11 at 09:46:02

Jesus Wolfman, you sound like some kind of a blood-thirsty savage. Lighten up buddy.

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by kel30734 on 11/17/11 at 09:57:48



Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by drums1 on 11/17/11 at 10:59:43

Starlifter, I don't know if you've always been a vegan, but as long as you are, that's more yummy meat for the rest of us. YAY !! We should have a poll--everybody's favorite meat, and how to prepare it.

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by Starlifter on 11/17/11 at 11:10:45


Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by dinsdale on 11/17/11 at 12:17:14

Post the video anyway.
Starlifter can choose to watch and be offended or not.

This one was a buck fawn and tasty as all get out!
December 6th and running out of hunting season.

This one is a little 6 pt.

Biggest deer so far, killed by the cage in front of me.
Still made great sausage.

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by Wolfman on 11/17/11 at 12:23:22

Been called that before. Cant eat meat without a lil blood. Really bugs me when someone goes after a beginning hunter as well.

Spent 15 years getting kids and young adults started hunting as an instructor. Done a lot of 'how to' for adults on hunting forums over the years as well. Ive had a LOT more to do with PETA and its followers, attacking hunters, especially new hunters then most have.

I have absolutely NO respect for the org. Its as manipulative and money hungry as they come.
Any org that puts the well being and safety of animals before people has something seriously wrong with it.
They put nude young women painted as animals out in front of hunting stores in cages in winter to show cruelty to animals??
The founder once stated if he had a choice of only saveing a 3 month old dog or a 3 month old baby from drowning he would save the dog. It deserved to live more.
Several years back they took in on the order of 50,000 unwanted pets promiseing to find homes for ALL of them. Had to have a good donation for each though of course.
They found homes for around 50 of them. Most were euthanised immediately. Sucker Money Grab.
I could go on.
Thats your peta org. And this IS LIGHT.

Not so much railing at you as informing you about your org you support. And honest to god a lot of thir supporters actualy think deer can talk like bambi does in the movie. Ive had em argue the fact with me.

Sorry BH but peta just gets under my skin. Ive seen their supporters rip to many kids and beginning hunters.
Im done.

DINSDALE! Baby Killer!
You should see the two late fawns ive been avoiding here. Pretty much raised in my yard this summer(live in the woods) and their 'maybe' half as big as that lil one of
Had them and their momma within 5 feet of me twice yesterday evening while i was out. No their not tame, just Got a real fascination for buck grunts to. Still looking for daddy.
No rush, got two in the freezer already and 5 more tags to fill.
Call me Bloodthirsty. ;)

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by Starlifter on 11/17/11 at 12:45:03

"The founder once stated if he had a choice of only saveing a 3 month old dog or a 3 month old baby from drowning he would save the dog. It deserved to live more.

And honest to god a lot of thir supporters actualy think deer can talk like bambi does in the movie. Ive had em argue the fact with me."

...such bullsh!t.

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by dinsdale on 11/17/11 at 13:11:41

Ingrid Newkirk is bashit crazy.
Watch/listen to some of her speeches.

PETA kills thousands of animals every year and it's board members use drugs from animal research but that's OK because they "know better".

Suckers. Wingnuts and eco-terrorists as bad or worse than Greenpeace.

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by Starlifter on 11/17/11 at 15:28:33


"Suckers. Wingnuts.".... sounds like the Republican party.

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by Grand Strand on 11/17/11 at 16:06:42

Please take the politics and opinions to TT and leave this post to BH and her rights! The right to hunt, the right to eat, and the right to share!  [smiley=cool.gif] BH while I’m not a hunter and can’t really share in your experience, I can appreciate your success!  [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif] Way to go.

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by thumperclone on 11/17/11 at 18:09:38

backstrap in a sauce pan sauted with real butter
cook gently & brown lightly

venison ham
venison sausage
had ribs once,  too dry and not much meat

the mule deer here in colorado are "managed" also
still have some winter kills but cant remember the last one

bambi CAN talk i saw it on tv it must be true

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by drums1 on 11/17/11 at 19:03:34

Ah yes, Colorado. I remember the deer walking through town, down to the river for a drink. (Estes Park) They didn't bother anyone and no one bothered them. Same with the elk. We were there in September. Further south, by the Royal Gorge Bridge, they would walk right up to you. My son, who was 12 at the time, walked over and pet one of the smaller ones.
Love to watch them, love to eat them.  :D

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by Starlifter on 11/17/11 at 19:13:00

Beautiful area the higher elevation roads in RMNP were still impassable (snow) the first week of June. Aspen and Vail were awsome. :D

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by thumperclone on 11/18/11 at 06:19:20

moose have been reintroduced in parts of colorado
some hunters have mistaken them for elk

p.s. to my last post
venison jerkey  ;)

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by runwyrlph on 11/18/11 at 08:14:59

5640475F4103320 wrote:
Ah yes, Colorado. I remember the deer walking through town, down to the river for a drink. (Estes Park) They didn't bother anyone and no one bothered them. Same with the elk. We were there in September. Further south, by the Royal Gorge Bridge, they would walk right up to you. My son, who was 12 at the time, walked over and pet one of the smaller ones.
Love to watch them, love to eat them.  :D

yeah, i saw mule deer and elk in town in estes park (wow- that's been 11 years ago! time flies!)

my brother just moved back to ft. collins, so maybe we'll go visit him again and check out rock mt nat'l park again!  

speaking of hunting ... PA has had a "mentored youth" hunting program for a few years now. You can take a kid with you for deer, turkey, or squirell (no lower age limit, adult carries the gun).  My (then) 8 year old got a 5 point buck last fall with a 20G slugger.  He can't wait to try again in alittle more than a week!  His 11 year old brother is dying to settle the score- he can't stand that little bro is 'ahead" :)

My personal favorite deer season is the after christmas flintlock season.  I haven't gotten 1 with the flintlock yet - they're pretty spooked after all the weeks of being hunted, but it's a great time to be in the woods!  

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by built2last66 on 11/18/11 at 21:52:40

Is it just me or would hunter vs hunter be more sportsman like? Oh wait, that'd be war and Starlifter would still be against that...  :D

Anyways, I'm glad someone's taking out these deer vermin.. they're cute and cuddly and all but dumb as bricks.. I've had 2 hit my car... coulda killed me... I hope they woulda at least eaten me if they did kill me...

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by arteacher on 11/19/11 at 06:29:14

Oh geeez....don't say that! Can you imagine the trouble we would have with them if they were predators? :o

Title: Re: My first bow hunting success!  :)
Post by drums1 on 11/19/11 at 07:10:10

57405E50505C4A330 wrote:
[quote author=5640475F4103320 link=1321387873/30#37 date=1321585414]Ah yes, Colorado. I remember the deer walking through town, down to the river for a drink. (Estes Park) They didn't bother anyone and no one bothered them. Same with the elk. We were there in September. Further south, by the Royal Gorge Bridge, they would walk right up to you. My son, who was 12 at the time, walked over and pet one of the smaller ones.
Love to watch them, love to eat them.  :D

yeah, i saw mule deer and elk in town in estes park (wow- that's been 11 years ago! time flies!)

my brother just moved back to ft. collins, so maybe we'll go visit him again and check out rock mt nat'l park again!  

speaking of hunting ... PA has had a "mentored youth" hunting program for a few years now. You can take a kid with you for deer, turkey, or squirell (no lower age limit, adult carries the gun).  My (then) 8 year old got a 5 point buck last fall with a 20G slugger.  He can't wait to try again in alittle more than a week!  His 11 year old brother is dying to settle the score- he can't stand that little bro is 'ahead" :)

My personal favorite deer season is the after christmas flintlock season.  I haven't gotten 1 with the flintlock yet - they're pretty spooked after all the weeks of being hunted, but it's a great time to be in the woods!  [/quote]

Ya the last time we were out there in Estes Park, we were playing mini-golf at the place right in town there. We had to stop play for 15 minutes as 4 elk strolled right across the course. Also saw 3 elk in the backyard next door to our cabin, eating the guys flower garden. He had a 6 foot fence around the whole yard too. The best one though, had to be when we saw the large herd gathering in that field just west of town, as you start on that road up into RMNP. Awesome. There had to be about a thousand of them there, one early morning. Apparently, it's an every year type of thing in that one spot. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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