General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Mr. Raptor

Message started by Arizuno on 11/11/11 at 17:30:06

Title: Mr. Raptor
Post by Arizuno on 11/11/11 at 17:30:06

Well, my stock petcock has gone the way of all (flesh?), replaced with a Raptor petcock as so many here have done. My thanks to the many here who have offered their advices on the subject, with special thanks to txsizzler; after watching his YouTube videos 2-3 times, by the time I actually did it I felt like I'd already done it. MOST useful for the faint of wrench.

I concluded I needed to make the switch even w/o doing Serowbot's petcock test, based on the bikes behavior - spontaneous silence followed by reluctance to start. When I pulled the vacuum line this afternoon, sure enough, there was gasoline therein, a sure sign of vacuum petcock failure. On a 2007 with just over 3000 miles on the clock. (!) >:(

Anyway, to my question: While I didn't smell any gasoline in the sump, is it's presence in the vac line cause for alarm?

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by verslagen1 on 11/11/11 at 17:52:47

0B3823303F24254A0 wrote:
Anyway, to my question: While I didn't smell any gasoline in the sump, is it's presence in the vac line cause for alarm?

There's always a presents of gas in the sump, a small amount won't cause harm.

so if the level didn't rise you're fine.

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by Oldfeller on 11/11/11 at 18:57:17

If you can't sniff it at the oil fill hole or can't see any rise in oil level, don't sweat it.   It is only there temporarily anyway.

Tiny amounts of gasoline will stay in suspension in the oil until normal engine heat causes them to evaporate into the crankcase vapors that our engines constantly re-digest through the huff tube from the head which goes to the post filter side of the air box.  

Your various crankcase vapors then get sucked back into the cylinder and burned with the normal charge of gas vapor.

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by Oldfeller on 11/12/11 at 06:50:32


You've had it a few days now, how about your gut impressions about the post Raptor change performance, reliability, etc. etc.

;D   ;D   ;D

The boys are all bored acting again, so we might as well chase some butterflies together ....

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by Arizuno on 11/12/11 at 08:22:33

I just installed it yesterday, but I'll comment more as I get more familiar with it. One thing I think I noticed was reduced low speed surging, at the beginning of my ride, which I'd been attributing to unsteady operator input. In fairness, though, it's cooler here now so I was using a little choke, which may have mitigated that issue. I'm planning a longer ride today & will do my best to pay attention to (the bike's) behavioral differences. What should I expect? If it only ceases to shut itself off at inconvenient times, I'll be delighted.

BTW, for all who may be following this thread, with all the verbal and video help availavble here, removal/installation couldn't have been easier. Piece o' cake.

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by AlphaBarney on 11/12/11 at 11:30:04

I get that same surge/loss of power in 1st/2nd gear when my bike is cold, too.  Didn't know if it was the vacuum petcock or just the nature of the beast.  Seems to go away once the engine has had some time to warm up though, so I don't sweat it.  It does make me feel silly pulling out of work and having the bike act up cause it's cold.

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by Serowbot on 11/12/11 at 11:36:32

Alpha,.. check your vac line for presence of any fuel... if that's okay,.. you can try running on prime...
... but,... a cold engine will always be a bit persnickety... probably normal...

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by Arizuno on 11/12/11 at 12:49:43

Just returned from the afore-mentioned ride (man it's windy today!). The most I can report at this point is that throttle roll-on seems smoother, and perhaps a little more low-rpm power. I think Alpha's right about the cold engine low speed stumbles. In any case, the engine didn't retire until I instructed it to do so, and I have an idea that tendency is gone for good (or at least until some safety switch acts up).

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by Routy on 11/12/11 at 14:50:43

5B766A727B587B68747F631A0 wrote:
I get that same surge/loss of power in 1st/2nd gear when my bike is cold, too.  Didn't know if it was the vacuum petcock or just the nature of the beast.

Its not the petcock ! Any of you that think a Raptor is going to fix any lower speed problem, when it still will run at hi speed, is suffering from the petcock paranoia that has set in here. And the paranoia is getting so bad that imagination has taken priority over common sense, seeing stuff that ain't even there, gas being sucked up a vacuum hose, but not ending up anywhere.
Keep it up OF,'re doing a great job, should really be proud ! ::)

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by Arizuno on 11/12/11 at 15:36:36

Routy - Is the vacuum hose a likely/appropriate place to find gasoline? There was definately gasoline in my vacuum hose when I removed it yesterday, and I can't help thinking it shouldna been there.

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by Oldfeller on 11/12/11 at 15:51:34

Arrg there, matey !!  

Routy believes you to be delusional,  you be seeing vac hose fuel whut isn't there ....

Summat like them 'oliphants what he sees, when he's a crying in his cups late at night.

Routy ain't seen no bad vac petcorks nowhere -- so's obviously there AIN'T any, nowhere.

Nottin' of whut all the dozens of Raptor folks have seen with their own eyes is REAL (sez Routy with assurance).

I have infected you all with a fictitious virus thingie, and you is all in a pitched fever from it -- surely you can see whut he means, can't you?

I have made you all see imaginary fictitious thingies whut ain't there .....

;D   ;D   ;D   ;D

me be a 'orrible bad pirate fer doin' it to ye, surely surely so

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by Serowbot on 11/12/11 at 16:05:25

Oldfeller,... could ye hytnostize me to see'in through the ladies coverin's to their naughty bits?...
I be offrin' me rum rations and spare pistol for such a privilege?...  :-?...

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by Oldfeller on 11/12/11 at 17:04:55

Nay, Serrobot, I canst be a doing it unless Routy he be saying it be so ....

The magic of the delusionment she lays with Routy .....   not wid me.

He has to be convinced I done give'd it to ye beforin' it will be so.

;D    ;D    ;D    ;D

T'is a strange sort of odd magic, this be sure & true enough .....

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by Arizuno on 11/12/11 at 17:06:44

Lash 'im to the foc'sle davit! Belay the snotter gudgeon! I'm off to drown me sorrows in a flagon of SeaFoam!

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by Oldfeller on 11/13/11 at 02:02:43


Has anybody that put on a Raptor not seen needed improvements?    

Speak up, we really want to know.


This is apart from getting rid of all the vac petcock confusion so you could clearly see a real carb issue if it existed?  

There have been a few of those, but not very many ....

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by dinsdale on 11/14/11 at 09:44:27

I put on a Raptor just for ease of use.

I have a non-stock Carb (Mikuni 38mm VM) and wasn't using the Vacuum at all so decided to swap so I could ride and have a reserve again.That and don't have to remember in the spring  which way to turn it so it will run.

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by Routy on 11/14/11 at 22:52:42

565B5C4156535E57320 wrote:
I put on a Raptor just for ease of use.

I have a non-stock Carb (Mikuni 38mm VM) and wasn't using the Vacuum at all so decided to swap so I could ride and have a reserve again.

You had a good reason to swap.  

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by Arizuno on 11/18/11 at 10:54:50

Aw jeez. My Raptor installation has turned into a flawed mileage experiment. Mileage on two laps of a favorite loop on first tank since installation has improved from about 62 to about 68 mpg. Same gas station, same pump. First part of the loop is, slow, twisty (beautiful, fun).

The "flawed" part comes from having added SeaFoam to that tank, which I did because my bike had very low odometer mileage when I bought it - thus had sat idle a lot - and because the bike will get relatively intermittent use over the winter. I wasn't looking for a mileage bump from the Raptor or the SeaFoam, so I never even thought to isolate the changes. But the improvement is striking.

Since the vac. hose was wet with gasoline when I removed it during the Raptor installation I'm wondering if it was wasting gas and fouling the spark plug (which I didn't check at the time and which now may be cleaner thanks to the SeaFoam). ? I can also report that although I ride pretty conservatively, there appears to be a low-end power improvement. Most importantly, however, my bike's willingness to spontaneously silence itself has not recurred.

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by Serowbot on 11/18/11 at 12:06:54

If you were losing fuel down the vac line,.. you will get a boost in power and mileage by having that line blocked...
Yippie!... ;D...

... and, you were getting pretty good mileage to start...  ;)...

I usually get between 60 and 65mpg ...

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by EJID on 11/18/11 at 12:33:51

You guys are doing much better mpg than I am...I'm lucky if I get over 42mpg it's been a good tank. (most of my rides are short and quick, very quick  ;D)

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by Joe F on 03/11/12 at 18:39:12

I used to get 55-60. Then it dropped to the high 40s at the 12K mark.  I changed to the raptor thinking I had some kind of leak.  I average about 46-48 mpg at 17K miles.  It could be my driving but that seems like a big (disappointing) drop off.

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by Boofer on 03/11/12 at 19:08:38

The Raptor cured all my ridability problems about a year ago. Does anybody remember the Honda CBX? 6 CYL. A recent mc magazine had a letter from a guy who used the stock non-vacuum petcock that came on the bike recently. There was apparently a technical bulletin to replace it with a vacuum petcock years ago. His carb leaked gas into one cyclinder and the other five tried to crank. Remember the Hindenburg? It wasn't that bad  ;D But it bent a rod on a complex engine. He had forgotten to turn the gas off as was usual to do back then on the old bikes. For you youngun's I can say carbs and electrical have come a long way in 40 years as well as oils, tires, you get the idea. Like I said...the Raptor did the trick for me.

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by singlesgoinsteady on 03/13/12 at 21:37:21

What's the part number of the Raptor petcock to get?

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by Savage_Rob on 03/13/12 at 22:09:47

My mileage went down when I installed my Amal roundslide carb but my throttle response is much better.  Installing the raptor just increased the simplicity and did away with potential points of failure.  In fact, changing the carb did too by getting rid of yet another rubber diaphragm.  I'm getting about 45-50 MPG these days, I think.

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by EJID on 03/14/12 at 06:50:41

33292E272C2533272F292E333425212439400 wrote:
What's the part number of the Raptor petcock to get?

Even though I have not done this mod yet, I have noted the model # for when I get around to ordering one.

Off a 2001-2005 Yamaha Raptor 660, Part #5LP-24500-01-00

Here's a link to one on RonAyers...


Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by Bubba on 03/14/12 at 06:57:38



Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by singlesgoinsteady on 03/14/12 at 07:01:19

5D52515C180 wrote:
Off a 2001-2005 Yamaha Raptor 660, Part #5LP-24500-01-00

Here's a link to one on RonAyers...

Cool, thanks. P/N noted.

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by Joe F on 04/07/12 at 06:49:20

616E637B2F716A6D6D766770020 wrote:
I used to get 55-60. Then it dropped to the high 40s at the 12K mark.  I changed to the raptor thinking I had some kind of leak.  I average about 46-48 mpg at 17K miles.  It could be my driving but that seems like a big (disappointing) drop off.

I was actually getting in the 46 range until I changed out the air filter last week. Now I'm getting 48-50 on my last 3 tanks.  About a 5% increase by putting in a clean filter.

Title: Re: Mr. Raptor
Post by Routy on 04/07/12 at 07:41:20

Think mabey we should get "Raptorized" so we could get up to 60+ MPG ?? ::) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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