General Category >> The Cafe >> Put yourself in a box...

Message started by Serowbot on 11/08/11 at 23:00:55

Title: Put yourself in a box...
Post by Serowbot on 11/08/11 at 23:00:55

I count five kinds of member...
Which are you?...

1. Noobs... looking for info, help, advice...  you might be attracted by the extraneous tomfoolery or repulsed by it,... but you want serious answers...
2. Lurkers... came here, liked it... and check in to see what's up, enjoy the site... but, rarely or never post...
3. Regulars... came,.. and stayed... like the community, and have people here they consider friends, but mostly just adding comments, not quite ready to start threads...
4. Old Timers... been here a while and not going anywhere... regular contributors... bikes are done, not here for the info anymore, but the friendship...
5. Experts... that's the old timers that have been here, seen it all, said it all,... feel like they are repeating themselves, but dutifully show up to give more, giving excellent advice...  (these are the folks that the Noobs show up for)...

Which are you?... (vote,... even if you don't usually, vote, that includes you,... Noobs and Lurkers )... show support with your vote...

Each category is needed here,... everyone's welcome and appreciated...
... but, if you like this bike, and this site... your goal should be to step up to next level...
Share... advice, technical expertise, opinions, humor, appreciation, friendship, pics, experiences...
Everything here, is given by someone...
Just like in real life,.. sharing is a two way street...

The nice thing about the internet, and your internet friends,... is that you can step out and say things... if your post doesn't get comments, try again... no penalties... A+ for effort...

If you love your bike,...  do your part to keep it represented...  
Most people aren't leaders or joiners in the outside world, but here,... you have to do more than just show up...
It's just dark without your words...

I got the feeling I'm being an a$$ with this poll,... but it's the, "Getting tired of this site" post, that got me thinking...
Hope people will at least let us know they are there,... Because, I've been getting tired lately too...

The only thing that gives this site life, is you... :-?...

So, which are you?... check yer' box...

Title: Re: Put yourself in a box...
Post by Boofer on 11/08/11 at 23:36:01

Serow, I called myself an old timer, which makes me an expert in some categories, even though I don't like being a former drip.  ;D If you'll notice, the old hands are dropping out of discussions. I too, feel the site is losing steam, but I also feel that it will come back when the Noobs figure out the advice they are getting is usually wrong. What we want is answers from a mixture of those who can think, read, AND wrench. We lost our core of experienced rider/wrenchers. I have been called stupid, misled, panicked, and other unpleasant names simply because I finally, after two years switched to a Raptor petcock and I use Seafoam. Also I was misstated and accused of not knowing about vacuum lines, etc. I stated more than once that I took my petcock apart, changed vacuum lines, used clamps, and did what I would do with any malfunctioning part. I advised anyone with similar problems to do the same and switch if they wanted to. I use Seafoam as a continuous cleaner...not a purge for dislodging large parts of varnish that can stop the carb altogether. It is well known that Marvel Mystery oil can, in some cases free stuck rings by filling the cylinder with a good sized dose and leaving it a few days. I did it regularly while working at my uncle's boat repair shop in the late 60s. It was our aim to save an expensive tear down, and it usually worked. I welcome questions of why or how, but I don't appreciate personal attacks from someone who has wife/family problems or an IQ of 80, or is just plain mean. Though they are lurking now, the good folks will hang around and help the Noobs and each other. I suggest the PM until the no-it-alls slack off. It still helps without drawing fire. I am conservative in my answers and do not have the money some have, but a little patience and some forethought can save money, time, and anxiety. Enjoy the Savage. I just did the cap plug and chain adjusted with no trouble just by reading up on this forum for the last couple of years. Think before you speak and offer your advice with a teacher's heart--not that of an egomaniac. Sorry, Serow, for the long post, and thanks for the help You guys and gals have given me. JMO    Boofer

Title: Re: Put yourself in a box...
Post by PerrydaSavage on 11/09/11 at 00:12:58

Oldtimer ... been coming here since 2003 ... this place is home! 8-)

Title: Re: Put yourself in a box...
Post by prechermike on 11/09/11 at 02:22:52

I need another catagory, I am more of a regular lurker.

Title: Re: Put yourself in a box...
Post by Demin on 11/09/11 at 04:54:16

I think I'm somewhere between old timer and expert.I've been here awhile............learned ALOT!!!!!Thank you guys for that.Since I've built a few Savages,I think I've learned some tricks,and no about what parts to least for the ape hangin',bobber crew. ::)Next one will be Frisco mounted Sporty tank,drag bars on low risers,and just maybe..............jockey shift.I think personally for me Verslagen with the Verslavy is the biggest life saver for these bikes.NOT taking anything from Oldfeller,Lancer,and the rest of the tech guys.Thanx Ed_L for the extensions.It's even been fun pissing off the"don't touch your bike and it'll last forever"guys ;D
It might get boring here at times,but do you call all your friends everyday and bs for 1/2 or so EVERYDAY?

Title: Re: Put yourself in a box...
Post by Boule’tard on 11/09/11 at 06:40:00

Dad gummit, I could've been "expert" by now if I actually still had a Savage!  

There's a DR650 forum but I don't stop by there nearly as often as here.  It just takes a while for a forum to "catch" I guess.  Maybe by the time I start hanging out at the DR forum I'll have moved on to a scooter.  A mobility scooter.

Title: Re: Put yourself in a box...
Post by Bubba on 11/09/11 at 06:49:49

I've only been here for a little over a year but this site basically helped me become less intimidated with doing my own work. The folks here have a great wealth of knowledge that (for the most part) comes without any snobbery.
I gotta tell ya, when I bought the second savage to resurrect from the dead I could have never done it w/o the help of the folks here. Even tho' some topics get beat to death it's nice to know that there is a place to go and get various opinions.

Title: Re: Put yourself in a box...
Post by Serowbot on 11/09/11 at 06:55:36

If you are in doubt,.. be cocky, and pick the more advanced category...
You'll be there soon, if not already... ;)...

Title: Re: Put yourself in a box...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/09/11 at 07:01:17

231403030050515952610 wrote:
I've only been here for a little over a year but this site basically helped me become less intimidated with doing my own work. The folks here have a great wealth of knowledge that (for the most part) comes without any snobbery.
I gotta tell ya, when I bought the second savage to resurrect from the dead I could have never done it w/o the help of the folks here. Even tho' some topics get beat to death it's nice to know that there is a place to go and get various opinions.

When someone from Denver complains about snobbery, you know its bad. When we visited friends there, I decided I never wanted to go back. Never met so many jakasses in one place.

Title: Re: Put yourself in a box...
Post by built2last66 on 11/09/11 at 07:18:44

I'm a noob, starting to become a regular, and hope to hit expert soon... I've gotten more useful help here than I have from many cycle shops I've been to, so my loyalty rests with the "old timers" and "experts" at this site...  :)

Title: Re: Put yourself in a box...
Post by EJID on 11/09/11 at 07:34:03

I consider myself a regular, but I'm not afraid to post my own new posts if I have a question or find something amusing to share. With the help of this site I have been able and have jumped into more mechanical work on this bike than I would have imagined. When I bought my bike it was chopped into a bar hopper, and in the first month with help from this site I made it rideable and legal to ride.  Now I contemplate new mods and even jump in based on items I've read and ideas I get from other members.

Maybe I will change my classification if I can ever consider my bike as being "done." But watching this board on an almost daily basis I'm always getting new ideas and don't think I will ever leave it completely alone.  :D

Title: Re: Put yourself in a box...
Post by babyhog on 11/09/11 at 09:12:30

I marked Regular, because I'm not sure how long you have to be around to qualify as an Old Timer.  I'm certainly no Expert, and won't ever be.  But like others, have learned alot about my bike and other bikes from this site.  I don't answer too many technical questions, not because I don't know the answer, but because I'm not always "sure" my answer is correct.  But I find more often than not, that it is right.  haha.   I also try to always be polite and would never intentionally offend anyone.  Just my nature and I hate it when I see it.

I come for a break almost every day.  I started the Scavenger Hunt thread which whizzes along at times, and dies at times.  But mostly, I guess I try to keep the female presence here.  I don't get into the wars, especially the politics, but it still can be interesting reading to me sometimes.  I sure have learned alot about oil.  LOL   

I also wonder about people who disappear... like where the heck did Wolfman go?  And Paladin?  etc, etc.  

Title: Re: Put yourself in a box...
Post by sjaskow on 11/09/11 at 09:26:15

I answered Lurker but I kind of fall between Lurker and Regular.  I come here every day as part of my post lunch web cycle to see what's what.  But I don't post very much since I've been a member since 2007 and still have less than 200 posts.

Title: Re: Put yourself in a box...
Post by Serowbot on 11/09/11 at 09:37:16

Well,... we've got two refusers,... but, at least nobody's holding their breath... yet... ;D...

Refuse to be catagorized...  
 1 (4.1%)
Refuse to even reply...  
 1 (4.1%)
Holding my breath 'till I turn blue...  
 0 (0%)

Title: Re: Put yourself in a box...
Post by Bubba on 11/09/11 at 12:37:08

332C2A2D30370636063E2C206B590 wrote:
[quote author=231403030050515952610 link=1320822055/0#6 date=1320850189]I've only been here for a little over a year but this site basically helped me become less intimidated with doing my own work. The folks here have a great wealth of knowledge that (for the most part) comes without any snobbery.
I gotta tell ya, when I bought the second savage to resurrect from the dead I could have never done it w/o the help of the folks here. Even tho' some topics get beat to death it's nice to know that there is a place to go and get various opinions.

When someone from Denver complains about snobbery, you know its bad. When we visited friends there, I decided I never wanted to go back. Never met so many jakasses in one place. [/quote]

Hey JOG that sounds kinda snobby... ;D

Title: Re: Put yourself in a box...
Post by Fish on 11/09/11 at 15:02:28

Lurker. I visit pretty much daily, but I hardly post.

Title: Re: Put yourself in a box...
Post by Arizuno on 11/09/11 at 19:33:53

I'm a Junior Member who lurked starting last fall and joined earlier this year around the time I actually acquired the appropriate credentials (an S40). I marked "regular" due to newness. As a life-long "non-joiner" I have to say this forum is the best thing since thumpers, and was a major reason I got an S40/LS650/Savage. The people here are just great - knowledgable, friendly, welcoming, caring, always willing to share. I feel a part of this great bunch, and I like that. A lot.

Title: Re: Put yourself in a box...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/09/11 at 22:37:06

Lurker, enjoy reading, rarely post,, I guess Im just kinda shy..

Title: Re: Put yourself in a box...
Post by runwyrlph on 11/10/11 at 10:32:27

514E484F52556454645C4E42093B0 wrote:
Lurker, enjoy reading, rarely post,, I guess Im just kinda shy..

wow, i barely remember the last time you chimed in, j.o.g II! you need to get out of your shell!   ;D

i called myself a "regular": i read a lot, reply a little and hardly ever start a topic

Title: Re: Put yourself in a box...
Post by Smokestack on 11/10/11 at 14:54:23

I picked Noob for meself, 'cuz while I post here, its not too often, and youze all sometimes blind me with your science  and know-how.  I'm pickin' up a ton of stuff, and havin' a blast working on my Sav.  I try to keep the progress of my bike updated, and hope to have helped a few people out on occasion (or at least got 'em thinkin'...), but I gots nuthin' on Verslagen, Lancer, Oldfeller, Demin, etc...

Title: Re: Put yourself in a box...
Post by drums1 on 11/10/11 at 18:42:34

I guess I'm a regular......although the bikes nowhere near "done", and occasionally, I have had to pry my foot out of my mouth. Although limited financially, I have tried to do the best with the resources I do have. And this site is one of the best resources I have. I didn't know diddly squat about wrenching on bikes until I was given this one. In some ways I'm still a newb, as I have not dug deep into the motor. Again, limited financially. But I'm mechanically inclined enough to handle most of the rest of the stuff that comes up. But with the help and guidance of the good folks on this site, I was able to resusitate the beast from 7 years in a garage, and keep it running for 6 years. I try to answer some questions if I have experience in what's being asked. And I have no problem starting a new thread if I need help and can't find an answer. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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