General Category >> The Cafe >> stolen truck

Message started by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 10/09/11 at 16:36:22

Title: stolen truck
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 10/09/11 at 16:36:22

Here's the deal. I left my truck at a so called friends place and now when i want to retreave it the guy wont let me. He has gotten a title for it in his name without my consent and refuses to even talk to me. In fact the idiot hung up on me when I was trying to talk to him about it. I need that truck back asap and can't wait to go through a lengthy legal procedure.

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by Serowbot on 10/09/11 at 16:52:55

Call the police,.. and show them your title...
.. about all you can do...

You might try him one more time,.. and let him know, that if the police become involved, he may be charged with grand theft...

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 10/09/11 at 16:58:59

6771667B63767B60140 wrote:
Call the police,.. and show them your title...
.. about all you can do...

You might try him one more time,.. and let him know, that if the police become involved, he may be charged with grand theft...

The problem with that is I lost all the paperwork for the truck the last time I moved.

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by Serowbot on 10/09/11 at 17:05:28

Just have to go to Motor Vehicles and explain the situation... don't know if they will help or not...

Beyond that,... are only the violent alternatives that could get you in trouble...
Wrong as he is,... not worth the risk...

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/09/11 at 17:08:29

Id get copies of my registration from the state & you should be able to file for lost title. Then demand he show proof of purchase.. IF you sold it, whats it worth? If you had sold it, then that $$$ would have shown up in yhour life,, you woulda paid bills or deposited it,, use what ya have,

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by Gyrobob on 10/09/11 at 17:29:04

Get your key, hop in the truck, take it down to the DMV, tell them you lost all the paperwork and want to get new copies.  Take with you any paperwork (bill of sale, registration, etc.) you have already.

If that doesn't work, when he comes to take the truck back, shoot him.

Well, don't actually shoot him.   Not right off, anyway.

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/09/11 at 17:31:54

That guy must be some kinda idiot,, he has to know all the hell youve been thru,, doesnt he know even nice guys get enough one day? Id say hes playing with fire,,

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by built2last66 on 10/09/11 at 17:38:47

Wait.. you can just LEGALLY steal peoples vehicles? I think I lost a Lamborghini or 2....  :D

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by Rome08 on 10/09/11 at 17:58:54

there is a rule about maintaining a piece of property for abotu 7 years then it becomes yours. but I know in jersey that if you claim someone left a vehicle on your property they have to run a newpaper ad for 4 weeks  and then do a bunch of stuff. so if he has not proof of that then he never should have gotten a title. unless he created insurance or registration papers in his name then sent them to DMV to claim a "lost" title

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/09/11 at 18:00:11

You might see about making an appointment with the district attorneys office,,

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by built2last66 on 10/09/11 at 18:02:09

How long was it actually there for?

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by 12Bravo on 10/09/11 at 18:06:45

Check state laws. Here in Missouri, one can apply for a title for vehicles left on their property after so long. I don't remember the time limit. Missouri will make an attempt to contact the last registered owner and if no reply is received, issues a title to the person claiming it as abandoned on their property.

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by skatnbnc on 10/09/11 at 19:09:46

Have you been paying insurance on it? Taxes, tags, license?
Or do you have records of service, proof of prior insurance, invoice of sale when you bought it originally? Did you get a bank or car dealer loan when you bought it?

Any of these can help prove ownership, and you can go to the DMV and get the registration in your name, then claim the truck with the sheriff along.

We had to do that once for a client - her husband claimed the car was his so we helped her get the paperwork together, and had the sheriff meet her at the house where the car was. She got her car back; he got a restraining order served.

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by Boule’tard on 10/09/11 at 19:12:13

Yep, I bet there's a state law that says you can't store your truck on someone's property indefinitely. At some point it is considered "abandoned" and the property owner can apply for a title, which he did.  But to pull that off while the title is in Yonuh's name and he was (presumably) paying registration on it.. and wasn't contacted.. that doesn't add up.

I like the idea of the surreptitious repo.. just don't get thrown in the clink for "stealing" your own truck..  ::)

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by Serowbot on 10/09/11 at 19:23:23

Yea,.. stealing it back, while the other guy has the current legal title, will just get you into hot water...  .. law will side with the other guy after that...
...Jail... :-?...

Get someone at Motor Vehicle on to your side,.. then the law will listen...

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by RidgeRunner13 on 10/09/11 at 21:20:15

#1. Was the truck registered & titled in your name? If so, unless N.M. is different from Texas there are a whole lot of regulations to comply with to get legal title, even if it was "abandoned" on his property. Usually one of the first things is to notify the last registered owner by either certified or registered (can't remember which) mail. Then if there is no response from that person, you can proceed with the rest of the red tape to get title. If he did not follow the legal procedures, then you have a case & should contact your local D.A. who can advise you on how to proceed.

If the truck was not registered in your name, it is not hopeless but it will be much harder to prove your claim. To start with, you will need to contact the person you bought it from & get a statement from them verifying your purchase. That statement will probably have to be notarized to be valid. You may be able to get legal aid to help you.
Not to sure where to go from there but it's a start.

I am not a lawyer, my mother was the accountant for a car dealership for years & I've owned an auto repair business for over 25 years. In that time, I have on several occasions had to file paperwork to get title to vehicles & even with a mechanics lean it has been a PITA to get a legal title.

Good luck, but unless you can put legal pressure on your friend to force him to relinquish his claim, it may take a while.

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/09/11 at 22:34:53

Times like this test a good mans soul,, hang in there..

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by RidgeRunner13 on 10/12/11 at 10:14:30

Wonder if Yonuh got his truck back? :-/..........been a couple of days now.......... :-?

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/12/11 at 20:13:55

I sure hope so,, that guys had all the trouble one man needs//

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by RidgeRunner13 on 10/12/11 at 20:48:14

Yeah, I know. I posted all that legal crap I had to learn because my first instinct is to grab my tire thumper & go explain things in terms such people can understand, using the thumper to emphacize the points I feel they are having the most trouble with. 8-)

I'm hoping he did nothing to cause himself trouble...... :(

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 10/20/11 at 12:30:33

I left him a voice mail saying he has had plenty of time to make it right. If I don't have my truck back by friday I will be calling the police on monday and report it stolen.

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by sluggo on 10/20/11 at 16:06:03

dirty deeds done, done dirt cheep 8-)

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/20/11 at 16:06:36

I shouldnt speak for others, I know, but I will here. We all wish you the best. I know Ive seen enough of what youve said & I think youre a really good man. A good dad & a good husband & Ive seen all the hard times youvbe had & this is just uncalled for aggravation in your life. I sure hope this guy comes to his senses. I would try borrowing a phone & calling him from a number he doesnt recognize.
Peace to you & your family.

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 10/30/11 at 15:21:22

Apparently you can legally steal a truck here in New Mexico. I talked to the cops and they say they can't do anything about it. Since he has a title in his name it is legally his. So I am stuck with no truck to move with. And no money to even get a cheap pickup bed trailer.

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 10/30/11 at 15:23:54

Oops double posted.

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/30/11 at 15:56:43

You dont have a title in your name?

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by Serowbot on 10/30/11 at 18:15:20

Here in Arizona,.. any new title issued supersedes the old one...

Just don't how the F'er got a new one...

Sorry Yonuh...

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by BurnPgh on 10/30/11 at 18:39:07

destroy the truck.  Any way you can think of. You turned to the law and that didnt work. A screwdriver and small hammer can smash out lights with fairly little noise with a tap. You got the keys? pop the hood. Sand or metal filing in the oil filler, tranny filler, gas tank, master cylinder. Disconnect the battery terminals and reverse. Hole in the tank maybe? Old brake fliud all over the paint.

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/30/11 at 18:47:13

& who would they go lookin at? No, he has to walk away,, Im very sorry, Yonuh,

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by BurnPgh on 10/30/11 at 18:51:41

why would they look at him? Its not his truck, remember? Why would he destroy his buddies truck? clearly it was those dam teenagers.

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by stinger on 10/31/11 at 01:32:08

In Oregon I think the abandonment law is like 60 days. Without a bill of sale tho, I think your out of luck and any attempt to retrieve the car will result in your arrest. Sorry! :-X

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 10/31/11 at 11:24:50

About the title, I mentioned before that I had lost all the paperwork for it when I moved from South Carolina over 5 years ago.
I will just have to walk away from it with no reprisals. But I hope the engine blows sky high while he is driving it up hill in front of a speeding semi.

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by RidgeRunner13 on 10/31/11 at 11:49:23

65535249547D58554F553C0 wrote:
About the title, I mentioned before that I had lost all the paperwork for it when I moved from South Carolina over 5 years ago.
I will just have to walk away from it with no reprisals. But I hope the engine blows sky high while he is driving it up hill in front of a speeding semi.

Was it ever titled in your name anywhere? If so, you can apply for a replacement title in that state, & have it mailed to you. If it was never in your name, then you are SOL. :'(

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by mpescatori on 10/31/11 at 23:20:45

Do you hace the receipt for a traffic ticket, parking ticket, anything ticket the Police issued you? For once, you might be happy you broke the law "just a little bit", a ticket is the kind of paperwork which proves beyond any doubt they acknowledged the vehicle you were driving as your own and not somebody else's ...

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 11/01/11 at 06:40:31

Unfotrtunately for Yonuh, he may have lost his truck.  He never did say how long it had been left at the other guy's place, nor what type and model year the truck is.

Let's all learn from his misfortune, though.  If you lose a title, get a replacement pronto - don't wait 5 years, or even 5 weeks.  In Ohio, you can't get license plates without your title, so how did he license the truck every year?

Where I live in Ohio, we don't have smog testing every year, although some parts of the state do.  For those of you in smog testing states, do you have to show your title every year when you get the test performed?

I feel badly for our friend, but I don't see how he drove and licensed this truck for 5 years with no title.

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by Serowbot on 11/01/11 at 10:05:25

Nope,.. here in AZ,.. a title is only needed for selling...  emissions and reg don't need a title...

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 11/02/11 at 11:21:21

In NewMexico they send you a piece of paper in the mail with the total due to reregistedr evry year and that is all you have to take to the dmv or you can do it online and they mail you the sticker for your plate.
The truck was at my former friends place not even a year, just a few months.

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by built2last66 on 11/02/11 at 11:28:15

Take him to court, say he was your friend and verbally said you could leave it there so you did, then he went and got a title change after you left it there... I'm sure a judge will give it back to you...

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/02/11 at 11:30:17

It'd be worth a shot.. Surely you have a picture of you in the truck from some time ago? Neighbors who would say it was your truck, anything,, ? Have you ever gotten a ticket driving it?

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by Boule’tard on 11/02/11 at 11:53:21

A small claims case might be worthwhile.. IF you have the patience/time for it AND proof that you once owned the truck AND at least a verbal agreement that the friend would store the truck for X amount of time, which you did not exceed... then yes, do try and sue in replevin (or for a return, is that right Jerry?) and a judge might order the truck returned.  Much easier than trying to collect money from a deadbeat after winning a case.  But you'll need the right ammo to win it in the first place.  From the details given so far, it's legally indistinguishable from Yonuh having given the truck away.

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by Serowbot on 11/02/11 at 11:59:22

I agree...  Only a couple of months?...
I'd take him to small claims court,... with any evidence you have...
Even if you have none,.. just tell the judge, the truth...

He may even just sign it back when he gets the summons...  He knows he's in the wrong...

At the least, you'll have the satisfaction of dragging his ass to court...  

PS... can something like "car fax" help you acquire proof of past ownership?...

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by verslagen1 on 11/02/11 at 11:59:46

4076776C71587D706A70190 wrote:
In NewMexico they send you a piece of paper in the mail with the total due to reregistedr evry year and that is all you have to take to the dmv or you can do it online and they mail you the sticker for your plate.
The truck was at my former friends place not even a year, just a few months.

If you kept the registration up... it should be yours.
a few months is not abandoned.
something stinks, like maybe he forged your sig on a bill of sale.
Take him to court and get the facts.
I guess you have to take him to small claims for the value of the truck.
It's your word against his regarding the permission to park it.

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 05/29/12 at 22:18:29

Karma's a pregnant dog and she's back in heat.

That is for the former friend who stole that truck from me. Apparently he had gotten a title loan on it for five grand then he totaled it at an intersection.

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by verslagen1 on 05/29/12 at 22:22:15

no insurance I hope

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by mpescatori on 05/30/12 at 04:58:38

D I V I N E   J U S T I C E

Now... what if the accident victim claims are delivered to you because the truck is magically reassigned to you ?

;D ;D ;D What a dispute !!!  ;) (don't worry, it ain't gonna happen...)  ;)

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/30/12 at 05:08:15

I hope the wreck was his fault.,.& he was drunk.

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by mpescatori on 05/30/12 at 06:37:30

495650574A4D7C4C7C44565A11230 wrote:
I hope the wreck was his fault.,.& he was drunk.

...and on the phone...  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/30/12 at 07:58:11

Drivin NEKKID, sending pictures of his wee willy to his boyfriend.

Yea,, I wanna see this jerk get in BIG trouble,,

Title: Re: stolen truck
Post by lg_fry on 05/30/12 at 15:28:32

well i don't know about all of your states, but in PA we have the castle doctrine, this wonderful little law that says if you fear for your life, either in your home, in/on a vehicle, even in a workplace, you have, given certain restrictions, the right to use deadly force.

I love my state especially when it tells the feds to go screw. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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