General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Ultra Sonic carb cleaning?

Message started by built2last66 on 09/23/11 at 07:22:43

Title: Ultra Sonic carb cleaning?
Post by built2last66 on 09/23/11 at 07:22:43

Is ultra sonic carb cleaning needed with only around 7.500 miles on my bike? I know it's something that can never hurt, but it would hurt my wallet.

Title: Re: Ultra Sonic carb cleaning?
Post by Morgii on 09/23/11 at 08:03:59

I'm not sure how much it is needed per se AND I'm not sure how much it would cost for someone to do this for you but if you happen to know anybody in physical sciences (chemistry, biology, etc), they have sonicators which can be used for F-R-E-E.


Title: Re: Ultra Sonic carb cleaning?
Post by built2last66 on 09/23/11 at 08:08:34

It's about $100, and they'll have my carb apart anyway... but I don't have $100 just laying around to play with... only 7,500 miles on my bike.. so I'm wondering if it's worth it for me....

Title: Re: Ultra Sonic carb cleaning?
Post by Gyrobob on 09/23/11 at 08:29:40

66716D687036686577703232040 wrote:
It's about $100, and they'll have my carb apart anyway... but I don't have $100 just laying around to play with... only 7,500 miles on my bike.. so I'm wondering if it's worth it for me....

For less than that, you can BUY an ultrasonic machine.  Clean your carbs ultrasonically for the rest of your life for next to nothing.  (on sale at the moment)

I have one of these.  I use it for everything from LS650 carbs to jewelry, to 9mm brass, to disassembled guns, to clock parts, to computer parts, to collector coins.  This particular model is cheap chinese stuff, but I probably have several hundred hours on it so far, and it still works.

If you get one, you'll be wanting to do a little internet research on what kinds of solutions to use for different situations.

Title: Re: Ultra Sonic carb cleaning?
Post by built2last66 on 09/23/11 at 09:00:41

Thanks for the link!  :)

Title: Re: Ultra Sonic carb cleaning?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/23/11 at 09:26:01

It may make it less labor intensive, but you can clean a carb up just fine w/0 sonics.

Title: Re: Ultra Sonic carb cleaning?
Post by Gyrobob on 09/23/11 at 09:31:36

4E5157504D4A7B4B7B43515D16240 wrote:
It may make it less labor intensive, but you can clean a carb up just fine w/0 sonics.

Very true.  Good solvents and some compressed air, even the computer-duster-in-can air, will work fine.  It just makes me feel all tingly inside knowing those ultrasonic vibes got way down inside and vibrated every molecule off of every surface.

Title: Re: Ultra Sonic carb cleaning?
Post by bill67 on 09/23/11 at 09:33:59

Just use Sea Foam and you will get the vibration from the motor just by driving down the road.

Title: Re: Ultra Sonic carb cleaning?
Post by built2last66 on 09/23/11 at 09:35:06

I already use Seafoam occasionally.. I think I'm gonna throw some in my crankcase next oil change :)

I gotta figure out how to get the Seafoam bottle clean so I can drink beer out of it...  :D

Title: Re: Ultra Sonic carb cleaning?
Post by Gyrobob on 09/23/11 at 09:41:01

43484D4D1716210 wrote:
Just use Sea Foam and you will get the vibration from the motor just by driving down the road.

Sea foam is a good solvent, alright.  Just like Berryman's chem tool, gunk carb/parts cleaner.  Just don't use MMO.

Title: Re: Ultra Sonic carb cleaning?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/23/11 at 09:51:23

I gotta figure out how to get the Seafoam bottle clean so I can drink beer out of it...

This would look like one of those things that would be in the
Not Recommended column..

Title: Re: Ultra Sonic carb cleaning?
Post by bobert on 09/23/11 at 10:40:31

I'm kind of in the if it ain't broke, don't fix it camp.  Carburetors will work almost forever IF they are used regularly and IF there is nothing abnormal like a big slug of watery or dirty gasoline.

I think the biggest killer of motorcycles is not operating them enough.  If they sit around too long, with gas evaporating out of the carbs,  they get gunky.  Tanks can get rusty.  I know everyone can't do this, but my bikes have always gotten run regularly.  Even in winter, if there was a day over 40 degrees I would take it out.  Generally no more than 2 weeks between operation.  Also, my bikes are parked with the gas tank full.  I've never had to tear down a carb to clean it.

Built2last66, Is the carb working OK now?  You said the shop would have it apart.  Needs work or just a rejet or something simple?  If the bike is running OK now, other than just a tuning issue, I would skip the ultra-sonic cleaning.  Just get out there a ride the thing.

My son bought a 76 Kaw KZ400 a few months ago.  14k miles.  It sat for a few years.  then a new owner had for about 3 years and would only ride it about once a year.  Every year, he had to take it to the shop to get tuned up and the carbs cleaned up.  The carbs were a mess.  Dried out O-rings and rubber plugs, plugged jets.  We cleaned up the jet and pathways, new O-rings and checked the float levels.  We did not do a full carb teardown and soak.  It's running great now.

Title: Re: Ultra Sonic carb cleaning?
Post by Serowbot on 09/23/11 at 10:44:02

091610170A0D3C0C3C04161A51630 wrote:
I gotta figure out how to get the Seafoam bottle clean so I can drink beer out of it...

Throw it in one of those ultra sonic thingys..... :-?...

Title: Re: Ultra Sonic carb cleaning?
Post by built2last66 on 09/23/11 at 10:51:25

Maybe I'll just drink beer out of the ultra sonic thingy... at least I know its clean...

Title: Re: Ultra Sonic carb cleaning?
Post by Boule’tard on 09/23/11 at 10:59:21

112F2439343934560 wrote:
It just makes me feel all tingly inside knowing those ultrasonic vibes got way down inside and vibrated every molecule off of every surface.

When the box says "parts cleaner" they don't mean THOSE parts  ::)

Anyone tried PineSol to clean their carbs?  It supposedly works almost as well as gunk/gumout/specificCleaner but is a lot cheaper and less toxic.  I bet PineSol in an ultrasonic cleaner would really get it.

Title: Re: Ultra Sonic carb cleaning?
Post by built2last66 on 09/23/11 at 11:16:19

Maybe I'll put some Pine Sol in my gas tank?  :D

Title: Re: Ultra Sonic carb cleaning?
Post by Gyrobob on 09/23/11 at 11:16:31

3538223B3223362533570 wrote:
[quote author=112F2439343934560 link=1316787763/0#6 date=1316795496]
It just makes me feel all tingly inside knowing those ultrasonic vibes got way down inside and vibrated every molecule off of every surface.

When the box says "parts cleaner" they don't mean THOSE parts  ::)

Anyone tried PineSol to clean their carbs?  It supposedly works almost as well as gunk/gumout/specificCleaner but is a lot cheaper and less toxic.  I bet PineSol in an ultrasonic cleaner would really get it. [/quote]

I've experimented with all kinds of cleaners for various parts. (not THOSE parts) Yes, there are a lot of references for ultrasonic cleaning with Pine Sol in other forums.  Most of them are pretty favorable.  I only have seen few that said something about plating being damaged.

The ultrasonic process is pretty cool.  The ultrasonic waves hit the surface to be cleaned and create billions of microscopic little bubbles that last only for microseconds (?),.. cavitation.  The bubbles lift the contaminants off the surface.  The cleaning solution should have something in it that helps the formation of those bubbles.  Apparently Pine Sol does this, but you have to have the right cleaner/water ratio.

Title: Re: Ultra Sonic carb cleaning?
Post by built2last66 on 09/23/11 at 11:21:02

Thanks for the info, you guys saved me $100 (that I can spend on my own ultrasonic cleaner) that I don't have anyway.. I can't wait to get one in the near future and start cleaning stuff!!

Title: Re: Ultra Sonic carb cleaning?
Post by Boule’tard on 09/23/11 at 11:30:45

That does sound awesome, and I had no idea they could be had that cheap.  Definitely going on my b-day or Christmas list.  

Plus, if I pass it off as a "jewelry cleaner" maybe my wife will let me keep it in the house.  :D

Title: Re: Ultra Sonic carb cleaning?
Post by JohnBoy on 09/23/11 at 21:56:51

I have used an ultrasonic cleaner to clean jewelry for years.
I mix water and ammonia 50/50 then add a few drops of dish washer soap.
You can clean a ring so clean that you can't remove any more dirt. Then throw that same ring in the ultrasonic and give it three minutes. The water will be warm or even hot from the cavitation, and the water will be gray from all the stuff you couldn't see.

Title: Re: Ultra Sonic carb cleaning?
Post by Gyrobob on 09/24/11 at 05:56:49

002522240825334A0 wrote:
I have used an ultrasonic cleaner to clean jewelry for years.
I mix water and ammonia 50/50 then add a few drops of dish washer soap.
You can clean a ring so clean that you can't remove any more dirt. Then throw that same ring in the ultrasonic and give it three minutes. The water will be warm or even hot from the cavitation, and the water will be gray from all the stuff you couldn't see.

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