General Category >> The Cafe >> oops... verslagy down

Message started by verslagen1 on 09/17/11 at 10:20:13

Title: oops... verslagy down
Post by verslagen1 on 09/17/11 at 10:20:13

think i dropped a valve going to work yesterday morn.
it lost power and as usual I grabbed for the petcock and waited for it to pick back up.  No go, even worse it started to clatter.  Ok, over to the side I go, only I can't get thru traffic quick enough.  Just as I get to the right lane... oh forgot to say I'm on the superslab in the carpool lane, 4 lanes of fun... she locks up, so here I am flat trackin' the last lane and it's a wonder I didn't drop it right there.  So anywho I make it to the emergency lane upright and coming to an abrupt stop when howdy doody a F250 says hello and launches me 20 feet.  Out pops 4 guys eyes big as saucers pouring out concern, just what you'd want to be met with while down on the asfault.  So here I am still clutching the handlebars and crouching over a smoking mess.  I crawl off it and sit on the curb.  Hey fella's pick it up will ya?  it's leaking gas cause I just filled up and I don't want the hazmat team to declare a disaster.

Hey I'm ok, wrenched shoulder from the truck breakin' my death grip on the handlebars.  Musta pancaked on the grill of the truck, there's a little mark on the back of the helmet, which saved me from any back trauma.

The bike on the other hand is a mess.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by Serowbot on 09/17/11 at 10:39:56

Jeepers!....  Glad you're still here...

Luckily,... you're just the guy to have around when a bike needs some fixin'...

Speedy healin'!... ;)...

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by Markusublime on 09/17/11 at 11:03:31

Wow,glad you're ok.that's one crazy series of events that could have had a bad outcome multiple times,luckily your road guardian angel was with you on that one.  :o

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/17/11 at 11:10:39

Well, CRAP!  Hate to hear this but Tickled in ways you cant imagine that youre telling us about it.& NOt from a hospital.,

Pullin the clutch is a good idea. I see old riders & sometimes I notice a guy with a couple fingers across the clutch lever, I figure he used to ride dirt bikes. At the first sign of trouble, they pull in, if it locks up, they arent in a Big Slide..

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by Starlifter on 09/17/11 at 11:23:49

I'm very glad that your okay Vers, take care of yourself.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by Mike W. on 09/17/11 at 12:22:19

Holy crap! Glad to hear you are not too damaged.
Take care of yourself.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by Boule’tard on 09/17/11 at 12:44:14

Yikes!  Good job on not getting hurt too much, better the bike take the brunt of an impact than you.  

If you choose to rebuild that bike, I bet a lot of people on here will be happy to donate their spare parts.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by Oldfeller on 09/17/11 at 12:54:25

The guys in the F150 that smacked into you when you were in the emergency lane doing an emergency stop -- they carrying enough insurance to pay for the damage they have done to your bike?  

Why the heck were they there in the emergency lane, anyway?

Man, I am glad you are not hurt very much -- take it easy and do get checked out by the Dr. as any non-obvious or concealed injury needs to be documented as soon as possible to cut down on the massive BS from the Insurance Companies.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by Midnightrider on 09/17/11 at 13:03:53

Best wishes Versy. I hope you and your Savage recover real quickly.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by LostArtist on 09/17/11 at 13:14:55

best wishes on recovery, both you and the bike.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by PerrydaSavage on 09/17/11 at 13:45:00

Jeesuz Vers!!!! :o You are one lucky-to-be-alive sumb!tch ... glad you are OK buddy ... rest up, heal up and get another Savage ... preferably from chappy's insurance money ...

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by arteacher on 09/17/11 at 13:58:27

Glad you are ok. Sorry about the bike. Both of you heal quickly.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by arteacher on 09/17/11 at 13:59:45

Glad you are ok. Sorry about the bike. Both of you heal quickly.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by Boule’tard on 09/17/11 at 14:14:11

Anyone notice how incredibly cool verslagen seems about this?  Dude just about got splatted like a bug on a windshield, on an LA freeway and the report is "oops! .. versy's down."  I'd a freaked out.

The word verslagen should be coined as "Adj.  Manly and serene. Absolute opposite of a drama queen."

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by on 09/17/11 at 14:38:32

Versy,  You and Serowbot should form a club.  A pickup tried to take him out too.  They had to get a tow truck to lift the pickup off of the bike.  Have no idea how Serowbot didn't end up under the pickup with the bike.

I guess it is a little of that "any crash that you can walk away from is a good landing."

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by verslagen1 on 09/17/11 at 14:52:01

thanks friends, all your warm wishes has filled heart again.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by mmosel on 09/17/11 at 15:10:39

Wow, congrats on getting over and sorry to hear about the 20 ft bumpl Really glad you're alright.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by kuri77 on 09/17/11 at 16:20:00

Glad to hear you're still with us.  Hope you get the bike up and going soon.  

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by Smokestack on 09/17/11 at 18:41:37

Glad to hear you made it out.  Remember to take it easy for a while, heal up, and carry on.

I've got some parts you can have for a rebuild if you want.  Nothing structural, like frame or forks, but I gots a full seat and sissy bar, rear fender and lights, full set of turn signals and some buckhorn bars that're yours if you want 'em.

Get well, man.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by verslagen1 on 09/17/11 at 19:14:19

thanks for the offer
there's several things i've wanted to do to this bike and have collected parts to do it.  now seems like the time.   8-)

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by Fish on 09/17/11 at 20:53:07

darn, man. That's nuts. Good to see you're well enough to be on the board. Have fun using those parts you've collected and put her back together.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by Skid Mark on 09/17/11 at 21:58:48

Wow! Good to hear you are ok.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by surtees on 09/17/11 at 23:09:58

oh sh't!  sounds to me like a hair raising, shakes for a week experience but like the rest I am so happy to hear you seem to have made it out in pretty good shape. sorry about the bike but if you are ok then it will be fixed soon enough (and we will get back to dashing and dipping).

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by kimchris1 on 09/18/11 at 00:25:53

Vers, so sorry to hear of the mishap. Glad to hear your not
in the hospital recovering from injuries.
How are you feeling today?
Take it easy for a couple days. Your possibly going to be, if
not already a little sore from this accident.
:-* :-*   :-*  And again glad to know it wasn't as bad as it could have been... Hugs and take care...:) kim

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by Dade on 09/18/11 at 08:45:28

My sympathies. I'm happy to hear you fared better than the bike, as sad as this all is.  Don't forget to add a new helmet into the insurance costs!

Stay well hydrated and on top of the anti-inflammitories! I imagine you must be sore.

(btw, we all know you have awesome frogger skills now)

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by skatnbnc on 09/18/11 at 08:57:50

Thank goodness you made it thru THAT one!
I think you are at an advantage with being an experienced rider too - no panic when the series of unfortunate events started, just moving from one thing to the next to get out of harms way...right up until harm of Mr Not Paying Attention F250 bounced you 20 feet down the road.

The guys are right - he had better be insured and you need a new helmet.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by AlphaBarney on 09/18/11 at 10:45:47

Dang Versy, any time you can take on an F250 and walk away is a good day I suppose.  Take car of yourself out there, and heal up.  You gotta stay around long enough for me to meander out to Cali and ride with ya, at least.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by Gyrobob on 09/18/11 at 17:35:03

Versl, glad you are okay.  You beat the odds.

I've been dethroned in traffic as well,.. not much fun, eh?

Here's hoping there is no PTSD  :o , and the bike gets reinvigorated soon.

Do you have a plan for re-Savaging?

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by verslagen1 on 09/18/11 at 17:46:01

I got most of the parts, but I got to rebuild another engine.  Supposed to have a bad tranny.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by PiaFea on 09/18/11 at 19:06:43

Sorry that stuff like this happen! Luckily you are OK. May you recover well.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by Boofer on 09/18/11 at 19:12:06

Glad you're OK. Nothing like experience to take over in a bad situation. Just be sure you're all right before getting too wild again. Again, glad you're OK. PM me if I can do anything to help. Boofer

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by Rogue_Cheddar on 09/18/11 at 19:40:36

(Whew!) Scary shite that! Glad you're okay. Sorry about the bike. Riding the highway is always traumatic during rush hour. Surrounded by four lanes of stupid is not for the squeamish.   :o

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by Arizuno on 09/18/11 at 19:56:05

Yikes! Just saw this - really glad you're OK, 'though your fondness for understatement has me wondering how "
OK" you really are... I've spent LOTS of time on SoCal freeways (in various cages) & could never imagine getting comfortable on a bike in all that madness. I wish you a speedy recovery and join you in thanking Powers that kept you whole.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by SuperSavage on 09/18/11 at 22:42:22

Sorry to read of your unfortunate turn of events, but glad you were able to walk (hobble) away from it. That's a good day in my book. Best of luck in healing up the appendage and getting the bike back together.


Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by Sunchasers on 09/18/11 at 23:50:38

Glad you are OK Vers!  Ya gotta guardian angel lookin over ya for sure!  ;)

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by MMRanch on 09/19/11 at 02:16:37

Arrraa Mattie Versey

I be glad you could walk-a-way.  

The Question in me mind is "What the Heck was a F-250 doing in the emergcy lane anyway ?

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by babyhog on 09/19/11 at 06:59:13

Geez!  I take a couple days to go to the woods and you go and do something like this!   :o

I'm very glad you are ok!  We'd be lost without you around here, you know!  So take it easy, watch out for stuff that you didn't think was hurting at the time.  And stop scaring me with thread titles like that!   ;)  

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by Boule’tard on 09/19/11 at 07:11:16

Dang, I guess this means we can't bag on verslagen for not restoring the CB500... now he's got bigger fish to fry.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by youzguyz on 09/19/11 at 08:40:14

Well.. hell..  Sure am glad your OK!!

Sure was rude of them to whack you in the rear like that after all the dancing to get it over to the shoulder and stopped.

Sure hope you ain't too sore.. that can happen a couple days after.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/19/11 at 10:28:09

5459435A5342574452360 wrote:
Dang, I guess this means we can't bag on verslagen for not restoring the CB500... now he's got bigger fish to fry.

drat,, & I was looking forward to ribbing him over that.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by Edgar on 09/19/11 at 11:39:59

Glad ur ok Big V. But what the hell was that truck doing in the emergency lane??? Or were you sticking out some?

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by verslagen1 on 09/19/11 at 12:13:23

The fool I was waiting on to clear the right lane musta been backing up traffic for awhile.  And as soon as I could cut in, and when it locked up, the next following car skidded too.  The heavily load F250 went to the right to avoid him.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by rl153 on 09/19/11 at 13:31:38

Glad you're ok.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by built2last66 on 09/19/11 at 15:20:40

Glad you're ok, that would scare the hell out of me. I've only been in 1 bike wreck so far, when I was around 11 years on a 50cc honda dirt bike.. almost broke my leg.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by Grand Strand on 09/19/11 at 17:26:46

63706766797472707B24150 wrote:
The fool I was waiting on to clear the right lane musta been backing up traffic for awhile.  And as soon as I could cut in, and when it locked up, the next following car skidded too.  The heavily load F250 went to the right to avoid him.

>:( :-? :-[ :-/ ::)

Verslagy, you are scary with your understatements, I am relieved that you say that you’re OK. It’s my hope and prayer that you are indeed unhurt.  Really sorry about the bike but that can be put back together.

As a newbie I am glad that I was able to pick up a parts bike this weekend, and I will gladly help out if you will let us know what you may need.

Glad you made it through all of that, and I want to take a moment a say how much we appreciate all that you give to our little community.

All the best to you Verslagy!!!


Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by verslagen1 on 09/19/11 at 17:42:37

a red wine rear fender would be nice.

but I think I'm gonna bob it otherwise.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by Grand Strand on 09/19/11 at 17:45:13

Mines black and in poor shape... but PM if it will help!

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by verslagen1 on 09/19/11 at 17:52:01

thanks already have a silver one in good shape, just liked the red

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by Grand Strand on 09/19/11 at 17:54:12

A couple of eBay hits to look at:
This one is just $14

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by mpnoffi on 09/19/11 at 18:06:58

Glad you made it out ok Versy.  Sounds like you are already looking forward to the new bobber build.  Hope we get a build thread!  :)

On another note, if you find yourself needing a part, make sure that you ask on here (or shoot me a PM.  I have lots of stuff in a box by this time).  I'm sure that there are lots of folks on this board that would love the opportunity to give back to someone who gives so much to all the people that come here...old AND new.  
take care,

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by mpescatori on 09/20/11 at 08:01:35

OK, Verslagen...

this time you really "verslagen"-ed it !!!
(if you remember the time we visited in 2008 and you exlpained the reason and origin of your nickname... ;))

Anyway, my comments:

1) The heavily load F250 went to the right to avoid him. To my ears, this sounds as "the F250 was speeding not related to the speed limit posted, but in relation to the load it was carrying".  
Use your insurance to blast the guy, he could have killed you !!!  :-X

2) I am looking at e8ay, there's a seller in India (yes, India!) who specializes in Royel Enfield, if you have even just a half idea of giving your bike a 1960's look, that's the pace to go! Fenders for $15, Smiths speedos and an incredible variety of accessories to choose from!

3) Take your kids to Disneyland for the weekend and give your Guardian Angel a 2-day furlough, he/she deserves it !!!  ;)


Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by drharveys on 09/20/11 at 14:17:22

Unscheduled dismounts are never one of life's little pleasures, although surviving them sure is!

Heal quickly and completely!

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by scroop on 09/20/11 at 19:18:30

WOW Versy!  Reading your story is all the closer that I ever want to get to a bang-up like that.  No doubt the good Lord still got plans for you, bro.   :o    

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by John_D FSO on 09/21/11 at 03:56:55

Wow, too bad about the bike, but most importantly, glad to hear you came through in such good shape.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by photojoe on 09/21/11 at 18:28:31

Glad you're up and about V. I have a cam chain from a 2003 w/8000 miles on it. It's not the super-duper chain, just stock but it's yours if you want it, free of charge. PM me your snail-mail address if interested.

Feel better brother.

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by verslagen1 on 09/21/11 at 18:56:00

4E5346504042574C514A230 wrote:
OK, Verslagen...

this time you really "verslagen"-ed it !!!
(if you remember the time we visited in 2008 and you exlpained the reason and origin of your nickname... ;))

No strength in it yet, but I got full motion back in my arm.
Doc said I probably needed therapy, I said "yep and have a full box of wrenches to do it with"  He gave me a little slip of paper anyway.  Wonder if parts could be considered medical supplies?   ;D

Title: Re: oops... verslagy down
Post by verslagen1 on 10/08/11 at 17:13:38

shoulder feeling better, bike's almost back together.
got a deal on an engine with only 3k miles on it.
must of been sitting outside for a long time.
they put a crappy paint job on it, won't take much to burn it right off.
new pegs, gonna have to break them in.   8-)
new fender, don't match, oh well.
going back to stock most every thing.
well I did loose the airbox.   ;D
and the carby can's missing, musta been the tow truck driver.   :-? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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