General Category >> The Cafe >> What in the heck are these bikes?

Message started by built2last66 on 09/16/11 at 07:23:11

Title: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by built2last66 on 09/16/11 at 07:23:11

I don't know how I found this site, it was an add some webpage... but are these just no brand name, no model name, generic 250cc bikes?

Does anyone actually buy these?

Says they are top quality...??

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by Oldfeller on 09/16/11 at 07:43:48

Chinese bikes, originally sold in China are now being imported as "toss away" bikes.

The only "name brand" bikes from China are Johnny Page and LiFan.

There are literally 50 Chinese bike makers right now, good luck on finding any parts for your generic nameless Chinese bike here in the USA.

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by built2last66 on 09/16/11 at 07:58:27

Sounds better than my 2005 S40 ;(

Maybe my RAASK dragpipe will arrive today  :P

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by Gyrobob on 09/16/11 at 10:34:51

The Chinese motorcycle industry currently is about where the Japanese motorcycle industry was in the early 1960's.

Watch out!

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by prsavage on 09/16/11 at 10:54:19

Some chinese bikes available in the USA.

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by MrBrownTX on 09/16/11 at 11:05:50

My friend has a Chinese 250 A Brute 250.  It is a tiny Harley look a like and people ooh and ah over it that are clueless it's funny!  It runs great but every week some other part breaks off.  It is held together now with duct tape.

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by built2last66 on 09/16/11 at 11:14:08


Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by mpescatori on 09/16/11 at 11:16:36

D'ya think the front fork is compatible to the Savage?

Buy the bike, swap over the forks, sell the ricer, and voilà! Springer Savage!


Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by Gyrobob on 09/16/11 at 11:19:58

352A3A2A372F362C20580 wrote:
My friend has a Chinese 250 A Brute 250.  It is a tiny Harley look a like and people ooh and ah over it that are clueless it's funny!  It runs great but every week some other part breaks off.  It is held together now with duct tape.

To those of us who were kids when the Japanese motorcycles started to show up in the states, this is a very familiar story,..  although as I remember the early Jap bikes were better quality machines than most of the current Chinese stuff.  All the bike shops and bike veterans decried the rice-burning crap that was showing up.  "Get a REAL motorcycle like a Beezer or a Trumpet or a Norton or even a Harley!!"

By the mid 60's the Japanese bikes were way better than the stuff from Britain and the rest of Europe.  I was in a band with a couple of guys who bought bikes.  Honda Superhawk 305 and a BSA Goldstar 500.  The guy that bought the BSA spent hundreds more because he didn't "want no friggin (he didn't say friggin) HONDO jap crap that can't get out of its own way and spends all its time in the shop!!!"  Well as it turned out, the Superhawk could stomp on the Beezer at will, and the Beezer spent a lot of time in the garage waiting for parts while the two of them tooled around on the friggin Hondo.

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by babyhog on 09/16/11 at 11:31:05

My neighbor (75+ years old) bought a 250 scooter from them.  Crashed it (driving into sun, dropped the wheels off the side of the road and over-corrected).  Then he decided he wanted a trike.  He liked the 2 wheels on front, so he ordered one of them.  Said it was too floppy to ride.  I didn't ride that one, but my husband did.  He even said it was really weird to steer.  He has since sold both of those.  So now, he is thinking of buying the 2-rear wheel trike, and will probably buy from the same place again.  

So yes, people are buying them.  Top quality?  Nah! Both of those were cheaply made, but served the purpose for him.  I wouldn't personally put too much faith in them lasting very long, but I guess it all depends on what you want it for.    

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by Fish on 09/16/11 at 12:50:40

67706C697137696476713333050 wrote:

Sounds better than my 2005 S40 ;(

Maybe my RAASK dragpipe will arrive today  :P

Haha, that little thing doesn't sound too bad. That big guy does not fit that bike, at all however.

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by WD on 09/16/11 at 16:09:38

Super powerful? And that "street legal" bobber (which isn't, lights don't meet highway standards).

I've got an early 60s Honda 250 Scrambler (remnants). The frame is ugly as sin but I can't fault the powertrain, at all. Easier to fix than a Savage (cheaper too) and a whole lot less complicated. Most complex part is the dual point breaker plate. If I didn't feel it made me look like a "monkey f***ing a football" I'd probably have it on the road by now.

If Chinese bikes are as durable as Chinese boots you'd have to buy a new one every couple months.

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/16/11 at 19:19:32

If Chinese bikes are as durable as Chinese boots you'd have to buy a new one every couple months.

I guess if ya bought their boots & their bikes & ate their food, you go broke pretty quick..

wait,, I think we already did that..

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by built2last66 on 09/16/11 at 19:26:57

Maybe chinese bikes are just knock off bikes of chinese bikes?

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by Boofer on 09/16/11 at 20:49:16

I don't know if this is true, but a motorcycle writer once said that Harley or Davidson once said, "The American buyer will never accept a four cylinder in-line engine." I've thought about buying up some of these Chinese bikes for a song and getting knowledgable about them. May be a gold mine. Very few dealers and absolutely no support. If you can find suppliers online the parts are dirt cheap. Check 'em out. Of course the thing that bugs me is helping out China in the process. I don't feel the same about Japan, for some reason. Must be the Communism.

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by mmosel on 09/16/11 at 22:53:52

Well, I guess we'll find out soon enough. I'm sure people will start buying them and reporting on how well they run, and for how long...

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by mpescatori on 09/17/11 at 07:24:43

416C6C656671030 wrote:
I don't know if this is true, but a motorcycle writer once said that Harley or Davidson once said, "The American buyer will never accept a four cylinder in-line engine." I've thought about buying up some of these Chinese bikes for a song and getting knowledgable about them. May be a gold mine. Very few dealers and absolutely no support. If you can find suppliers online the parts are dirt cheap. Check 'em out. Of course the thing that bugs me is helping out China in the process. I don't feel the same about Japan, for some reason. Must be the Communism.

Sorry, Boofer, but somehow methinks that the Chinese government isn't communist at all.

Quite the contrary, mao dead, the finally DID get their chance at the Great Leap Fprward, and leap they did, to the point they cught up with the rest of the world quite quickly.
So quickly, they are now third, or second, of first of the world's most industrialized nations, depends on who writes the resume.

Those bikes remind me of Henry Ford's Model T - anything you like, but it comes with one (or two) types of engine, period.

Grab your chance at becoming your State's one and only ricer dealer providing tech support - it may make you rich very very quickly.

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by brucey on 09/17/11 at 14:55:31

I had a Chinese 150cc scooter once. The carburetor needed to be rebuilt before it would run, Brand new right out of the crate. I also had a Chinese bobber style bike , the engine ran solid but all of the other parts especially the electrical system was piss poor quality. The prices are very low but you get what you pay for. If you like fixing stuff all the time than you will love the quality of these bikes  ;)  I will stick with my savage  

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by mmosel on 09/17/11 at 15:03:39

One law of this world, which seems to be very consistent:

You get what you pay for.

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by PiaFea on 09/18/11 at 19:28:27

In my opinion, these chinese bikes ... may look nice on advertisement ads, but once you see one and test drive one, they are of very little quality. I would not spent my $$ on any of them ... just my opinion.

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by Boofer on 09/18/11 at 19:28:59

I understand they are not truly communist, but are they truly socialist? It really doesn't matter. I'm glad I'm over here. Our western "dacadence" and music may be what saves us from them in the end. As far as buying up cheap bikes to rebuild, I have several great ideas a day..then I try to walk across the floor and reality sets in. It seems I'm safer and have less chance of falling when I'm riding.  ;D

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by WD on 09/19/11 at 17:31:58

Man does that sound familiar. I think I have a workshop somewhere under the piles of motorcycle stuff, beach cruiser stuff, tractor parts, old car parts...

I've got 54 acres to mess up, yet ALL the junk is in/on/around the garage and barn. And front porch (I think I have one of those).

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/19/11 at 22:43:14

4242405C4A432F0 wrote:
One law of this world, which seems to be very consistent:

You get what you pay for.

Almost correct,,

YOu will pay for what you get,.,

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by Gyrobob on 09/20/11 at 08:04:06

The Chinese may say they are commies,.. and we may accuse them of being commies, but they are increasingly driven by profits,... a notoriously capitalistic notion.

They have some huge advantages for the next decade or so:
 -- obscenely cheap labor
 -- a work ethic our unions despise
 -- a rapidly increasing understanding of technology, manufacture, and innovation
 -- the own a lot of the western world when you consider how much of our financial debt they hold
When you combine those advantages with their greed, beware the sleeping dragon.

They are not stupid.  If they haven't figured it out already, they will soon understand the western world needs high-quality, reliable, high-performance stuff.  

They already know this for the various products they manufacture for name brand old-line companies.  In some product lines, they do make quality stuff, but mainly because the western companies contracting with them demand it, and will pay more to have quality stuff produced.

Yes, many of these strangely-named "motorcycles" are junk, but it is only a matter of time until they start sending motorcycles over here that are competitive in every way, and distressingly superior price-wise.

I don't like it.  But,... that is the way of the world.  Our companies, European companies, and other Pacific rim companies will have to vastly improve in every way to hold off the Chinese onslaught.  Look at what happened to BSA, Norton, Zundapp, Jawa, Parilla, Gilera, etc., half a century ago.  

Also, remember Marusho, Tohatsu, Bridgestone, Yamaguchi, and so forth?  A lot of the the Jap motorcycle companies failed in the 1960s as the market sorted itself out and left the big four to dominate the rest of the world for so long.  It makes me wonder about Lifan, Kymko, Zongshen, Hyosung and so forth.  Which of these will survive?  Which will make better bikes than Suzuki in ten years (and at half the price)?

Anyway, make all the degrading remarks you want about Chinese junk.  Many of those remarks are correct.  Some aren't.  I doubt the Chinese motorcycle invasion will stop, or that most of their products will stay crappy.  I'm thinking it will be history repeating itself.

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by built2last66 on 09/20/11 at 08:12:51

In my little tiny opinionated head, the chinese only make cheap junk to sell BECAUSE it's cheap, and you have to pay less for it, hence you sell more to someone on a budget. Selling for cheap is a business model, but it has been taken over by no quality products.

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by MrBrownTX on 09/20/11 at 09:46:29

251B100D000D00620 wrote:
The Chinese may say they are commies,.. and we may accuse them of being commies, but they are increasingly driven by profits,... a notoriously capitalistic notion.

I think the difference is who gets the profits.  I am no expert and not claiming to know but I assume that many of those factories in China that produce "cheap" products are run by the state and manned by practically slave labor.

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/20/11 at 10:07:33

Slave labor type environment, yes, state owned? IDK,, I know Corporations appear to own them, but what %age has to be paid to the State?? IDK,,

Look up

chinese workers suicide

Chinese Factory Under Scrutiny as Suicides Mount - Time Magazine

May 26, 2010 ... (Read about the Chinese worker.) In 1999, the most recent year for which numbers are available, China reported its national suicide rate was ...,8599,1991620,00.html - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight
After Suicides, Technology Firm Raises Salaries -

Jun 2, 2010 ... The company, which is based in Taiwan and employs more than 800000 workers in China, has denied that the suicides were work-related or ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight
Revealed: Inside the Chinese suicide sweatshop where workers toil ...

Jun 11, 2010 ... Amid the fanfare of iPod's new launch, there was one sour, niggling note: reports of a spate of suicides at a secretive Chinese complex where ... news/ article-1285980/ Revealed-Inside-Chinese-suicide-sweatshop-workers-toil-34-hour-shifts -make-iPod.html - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight
Apple assembler in China faces numerous workers' suicide amidst ...

May 28, 2010 ... Apple contractor Foxconn has started instituting precautionary and even bizarre measures to protect its workers and business in the aftermath ... articles/ 25271/ 20100527/ china-taiwan-foxconn-apple-dell-hewlett-packard-iphone-ipad-assembler -contractor-technology-electron.htm - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight
13th Worker Attempts Suicide at China Plant - Man survives cutting ...

May 27, 2010 ... A Foxconn Technology worker tried to kill himself today, becoming the 13th person to commit suicide or attempt to do so this year at the ... story/ 90306/ 13th-worker-attempts-suicide-at-china-plant.html - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight
Apple's Chinese Workers Forced to Sign Anti-Suicide Pledge ...

May 1, 2011 ... An investigation into the conditions of Chinese workers has revealed the shocking human cost of producing the must-have Apple iPhones and ... apples-chinese-workers-forced-to-sign-anti-suicide-pledge/ - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight
China: Another suicide at Foxconn - China Worker

China: Another suicide at Foxconn. Thursday, 20 January 2011. Nationalise Foxconn under workers' control and management – end the scourge of 'blood ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight
Foxconn faces fresh suicide fears as 14th worker dies - Telegraph

Aug 6, 2010 ... Foxconn, the Chinese maker of Apple's iPhone, is investigating the death of a packaging plant worker, following a string of 13 staff suicides at ... finance/ china-business/ 7929938/ Foxconn-faces-fresh-suicide-fears-as-14th-worker-dies.html - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight
Chinese worker commits suicide after losing prototype iPhone 4G ...

Jul 21, 2009 ... VentureBeat reports (via News reports coming out of China) that 25 year-old Sun Danyong committed suicide on July 9 after a ... blog/ apple/ chinese-worker-commits-suicide-after-losing-prototype-iphone-4g-updat ed/ 4449 - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight
Chinese iPad Workers Forced To Sign "No Suicide" Pledge - The ...

May 5, 2011 ... A new investigation by two NGO's into working conditions at two major Chinese factories run by Foxconn responsible for pumping out iPads ... 2011/ 05/ chinese-ipad-workers-forced-to-sign-pledges-to-not-commit-suicide.htm l - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight
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Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by verslagen1 on 09/20/11 at 10:31:40

One wonders how were they planning on enforcing the pledge?

Title: Re: What in the heck are these bikes?
Post by Gyrobob on 09/20/11 at 12:21:44

I wonder what the suicide rate will be among the motorcycle companies/dealers put out of business in the next decade or so. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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