General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying problems.

Message started by Bobber Fett on 08/30/11 at 16:06:58

Title: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying problems.
Post by Bobber Fett on 08/30/11 at 16:06:58

Hey Savages,

I bought my 1987 Savage about 3 months ago with mileage in the low 18,000's and have been casually riding it around.  It's my first bike, and first carb-based engine, but I'm familiar with engines to a point and one of the reasons I bought it was to get better with them.

All was well until earlier last week, when a storm came through and I wasn't able to cover the bike in time.  I get up the next morning and the bike wont turn on, but after shifting the battery around it started and so I drove to work.  The bike putted a lot on the ride to and from work almost like it was running out of gas.  I tightened the connections when I got home, and everything ran smoothly... for a bit.

On Monday, the bike started chugging along again like it was low on gas, and actually almost died on me.  I barely got it home.  No wet connections, no loose connections, but when I checked this by removing the battery, the positive terminal looked like it had melted a little bit?!?! I reconnected the battery after leaving it alone for a day because I was going to drop the oil and needed to get it warmed up, and the engine started right up.  Quick test drive and it runs fine... I don't trust it...

The bike is 10 miles shy of 20,000 and I am about to do a ton of work on it this weekend, because a ticking sound has also begun to arise and get louder.  Since I bought the bike used I was planning on doing a whole shakedown (cam-tensioner check, valve clearance check, change the oil and oil filter, etc.).  Since there are so many experts on this forum, I thought I would at least get a consult on the issues I've been having in case I need to do something else while she's torn down.

I uploaded a video of the engine running to youtube:

Firstly, does the idle seem a bit high to anyone?  I'm not familiar with these bikes, but it seems like it's thumping away a lot faster than others I've seen (on youtube). Is there any way to diagnose that ticking?  I figure its either the valves needing adjustment or the tensioner about to conk out and turn my bike into a paperweight. Lastly, does that odd behavior I experienced before sound merely like a loose wire somewhere, or paired with the ticking a bigger problem?

Thanks for any help you guys might be able to give.  I look forward to learning all I can from all the Savage gurus out there.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Oldfeller on 08/30/11 at 16:20:39

Lookie, you made the hall of fame !!

You got 20 K on it, you do need a Verslavy extension and you may need to do this analysis routine to remove the curse of the ancient mariner's petcork -- a repeated curse that strikes older bikes all in their due time.  

Arrrgh !!  Shiver me timbers!   Sounds like your petcork's time may have come there matie ....

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Bobber Fett on 08/30/11 at 16:28:36

Haha, I'm glad my ignorance can help others  8-).

So how can you tell it's a bad tensioner vs valve issues?  Would valves tapping be at a different rate than the tensioner ticking?

Also, I take it shouldn't turn my bike on anymore? ;)

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by drums1 on 08/30/11 at 16:32:06

I had a stuck solenoid recently, so I disconnected the battery. After rapping on the solenoid, I went to put it all back together. I got sparks from the battery case when I accidentally touched the screwdriver to a grounded spot. Turns out, the rubber boot covering the Pos batt terminal had a hole in it. When the battery was all the way in there, the pos terminal touches the battery case, inside there. I guess that's what the boot is there for. Sounds like you may have had the same problem, with the "melted" pos terminal and all. I ended up wrapping it all up with electrical tape. No trouble since.
An electrical short, as such, will definately cause it to stumble and generally run like crap. Especially when wet.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Bobber Fett on 08/30/11 at 16:39:35

Oldfeller, I actually have a raptor petcock installed already.  It's pretty new, I installed it maybe 1000 miles back.  I plugged the old line by screwing a screw into the end of the hose.

Could there still be an issue in that area?

Remove the hose and put a little rubber cap from the auto parts store over the brass spud in the side of the carburetor -- you could have an air leak.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Oldfeller on 08/30/11 at 16:40:46

Yes, your valves need adjusting, but that isn't the rattle-tick from down below, that's your cam chain needing a second hole on the tensioner.

Rest of your symptoms could be as simple as some water in your gasoline or as complex as a stuck float in the carburetor.  (3 whacks with a screwdriver to fix)

Start out by putting a couple of ounces of Seafoam in your gas tank and running that tank of gas out.   This will get rid of any water, etc.  Do the 3 whacks with a screwdriver to fix any float sticking once the Seafoam is at work in the carburetor to clean up any little messes you may have.

Yes, you can ride your bike for a little bit -- your cam chain needs attention but as you can tell you aren't as bad off as some have been.  I wouldn't ride it much though and I would lay in plans to do a clutch side tear down after you get your hands on an extended (2nd hole) tensioner and a new side cover gasket.

How is your clutch rod looking?  (angle of clutch arm to high/low marks on main case).

'Bout time for that, too, while you are in that side of the engine.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Bobber Fett on 08/30/11 at 16:49:24

I'll check the clutch lever tomorrow (I have to run for a bit and it'll be really dark when i get back).  I'm almost out of gas, because I hit reserve maybe 2 miles ago, should I just let her die on her own?  Adding seafom to a low tank won't do damage right?

I was hoping to open her up this weekend, if I got verslagen paypal money tonight, what do you think the odds are that he could get a verslavy out to me in NC by fri?

Not very good, he may be out of stock right now as folks have got to send him back the center shaft that they take out and he's got to modify them which takes some time.   Seafoam goes into a full tank of gas or you will be too concentrated and run like crap from that reason all by itself  .....

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by verslagen1 on 08/30/11 at 17:47:05

It'd be an ugly one, I just got a batch done.
but the power tools that I usually use are locked up till next week.
so I'd have to use a grinder and finish will look like chit.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Bobber Fett on 08/30/11 at 21:09:49

I don't want to cause any trouble, I can wait out the week if it'll be for the better. I can open her up and do the other stuff.

She's not my only way to get to work, but definitely my favorite :)

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Bobber Fett on 09/05/11 at 15:11:04


I checked the clutch lever and it's sitting at the high limit.  I haven't had much issue with clutching so far, however, sometimes when I shift into first from second it feels like it misses the gear.  I can feel a vibration in my foot and it doesn't shift into first.  Usually this hasn't been a big issue because I try again and it shifts fine.  Based on the forum earlier, this means my clutch rod is too short?  If I read correctly, worn pads would make the clutch lever drop, but a worn rod makes it go up?

Any suggestions?

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Oldfeller on 09/06/11 at 11:01:58

There is a 3 front war full of wear stuff going on in your clutch all the time.

MOST MINOR EFFECT - Clutch plates
The clutch plates wear extremely slowly (we have never seen a clutch worn out yet -- Clymers has the thicknesses of the plates swapped in their printed materials BTW -- a known Clymer's error).   Other than getting coated with friction reducer crap from using the wrong motor oils, clutch plates have not yet been a real failure point.   Really, when troubleshooting clutch wear I tend to ignore the plates mostly.

BIGGEST EFFECT - Clutch rod and rod seating surface wear
The clutch rod actually gets slightly shorter as the eccentric wears the outer end of it and it wears on the seating surface inside the spring loaded face assembly.   Longer clutch rods fix this issue and move your clutch lever back up into the middle to top of the range cast into your cases.

BIG ARSED BUT TOTALLY ADJUSTABLE EFFECT - mechanical clutch cable system
The clutch cable and all its levers and brackets do wear, the steel cable itself stretches and the moving steel eats into the plastic and steel bushing surfaces inside the cable itself.  This really doesn't do much as it seems like you have a ton of adjustment range on the lever screw and the clutch lever nuts -- but all that range is only about 1/3 of the amount of wear tolerance in the clutch plate's stack up.   The only way to get to or use the rest of the plate stack up total wear tolerance is to put in a longer rod.  And yes, I do mean go past what Suzuki supplies and go longer if you need to.  You likely aren't here yet, BTW.

It sounds like you need a longer clutch rod.   And a baggie lube job on your clutch cable.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Bobber Fett on 09/07/11 at 05:55:24

Nice summary of that post! That was the idea that I was getting from the "post war" between you and Rich :).

What causes my intermittent shifting into first thing?  All the other gears shift with no problem.  It seems to only be the first gear.  Also, I did notice that if I'm trying to shift into first while stationary, I sometimes have to walk the bike forward a slight amount before it will shift.  Will all of these be fixed when I get in there and put in a longer clutch rod?

Also, where should I get the shift rod? I might as well go ahead and order one while waiting for the Verslavy.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Oldfeller on 09/07/11 at 07:17:51

Your problems with engaging the shift dogs in first and second is typical of the beast.

The gears are small, so the standard dog width is seemly "large" compared to the turn radius of the little gears -- there is approximately 25% of the rotation of these two gears that is dog face hitting dog face with no chance of the gears going into engagement.

Fix is to shift while the bike is still moving, this allows the dog gaps to find each other.

Finding rods -- go to the post you mention and write down the part numbers and punch them into Ron Ayers or Bike Bandit or whoever you use to buy parts from.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Bobber Fett on 09/18/11 at 20:07:27

I finally got the parts in and had a chance to crack the engine open this weekend.  The verslavy worked extremely well and is at 1/3 of extension (I have a "before" picture for your wall of fame Oldfeller), and I put in a longer push rod for my clutch.  The old one was sitting near the top of it's extension, and the longer one made it sit lower.

So, the louder ticking is gone (with the verslavy), but there is still a ticking sound.  I'm assuming that's the valves?  I'll go in and correct the clearances when I get a chance.

However, something a bit more disturbing is that my clutch is now slipping... it seems like a push rod that is too long could cause that, so I might have to go back in and switch back to the original.  Does that sound right? or could this be caused by the cable somehow?

Also, I used Ultra Gray gasket for sealing the cover.  Since the gasket is so new, can it be reused or will I have to wait another 24 hours to cure a new one?

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by drums1 on 09/19/11 at 05:44:13

Should be reusable as long as it's still in 1 piece. Even a very small section missing will cause a leak. I would still put a thin smear of the grey on there just to be sure.

Whatever happened with the Pos battery cable looking melted? I remember you saying when you shifted battery or cable around it ran ok then? I had the same problem with the pos terminal touching the battery box, when fully installed. I had to wrap it all up with electrical tape. Mine is also an '87. Was just wondering if that issue gave you any more trouble.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Bobber Fett on 09/19/11 at 06:00:44


Well, it stopped for a while, but when I took her out for her maiden voyage after fixing all of the parts, it was cutting off on me again.  I may have to wrap it up and see if it fixes the issue.  The battery case cover is missing (blame the previous owners) so the battery can shift around.  I'm wondering if that's not making it worse.  I might try to secure the battery and tape up the connection until this battery dies and I can get one of those awesome Lithium Ion ones and build a custom case for it :o.

I may have to go in there to replace the clutch rod with the original if the longer push rod could be causing my slipping. Any thoughts on whether that could be the case?

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by verslagen1 on 09/19/11 at 07:08:52

I think the rod should be no longer than 12.5 mm protruding from the clutch basket.

I just put one in that was 12.19 and it was fine so I'll go with that number.

I think I had one sticking out 13mm and it slipped too.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/19/11 at 10:10:22

Im not a big fan of seeing batteries bounce around a lot, but I know for certain too much pressure from a tie down is even worse,, I tied one down with a piece of seat belt & some all thread, on a welding machine & something inside shorted ( a few months after I tied it down) & when it exploded it sounded like a shotgun, flung acid on my boss , his clothes developed a lot of holes when they got washed,, so, be cool with that tie down, firm is good,, gorilla grip,, not so good.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Bobber Fett on 09/19/11 at 14:42:42

Yeah, I rode the bike in with the slippery clutch and all of a sudden I had a 650 CC scooter!  It wouldn't get over 45 MPH, which was OK for these small town roads, but it's really depressing to feel all that power and see it go nowhere...

I'll keep the 12.5 mm tip in mind when I open her up.  I installed the longest rod because I figured I had the stock one in there. The prev owner didn't even have a Verslavy, so I didn't think he ever would have changed it out.  It also put the lever just to the bottom of the acceptable range.  Apparently, I should have followed the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" adage.

Battery-related issue confirmed on the way home.  At every stop light she would sputter a bit, and if I pushed the battery further into the holder, the sputtering stopped.  I'll find a good way to fix it without loading a shotgun under my tushy Justin ;D

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Bobber Fett on 09/29/11 at 06:59:25


I got in this weekend and replaced the pushrod with the original and the bike was running and sounding great, so I decided to tackle the wiring issue.

I checked the battery connections and they didn't look that dirty, but I decided to sand them down anyway to be sure and I got them back to copper brown.  Since then, the battery position hasn't mattered and the bike is running great.  With the engine sound now lacking the cam chain noise I can hear an audible ticking, which I am guessing is the valves.  That'll be the next thing on the list.

I've got some before and after pictures from the chain tensioner replacement for your wall of fame, Oldfeller. If you want em, PM me your email.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Gyrobob on 09/29/11 at 07:13:40

0C213A39342C580 wrote:

I got in this weekend and replaced the pushrod with the original and the bike was running and sounding great, so I decided to tackle the wiring issue.

I checked the battery connections and they didn't look that dirty, but I decided to sand them down anyway to be sure and I got them back to copper brown.  Since then, the battery position hasn't mattered and the bike is running great.  With the engine sound now lacking the cam chain noise I can hear an audible ticking, which I am guessing is the valves.  That'll be the next thing on the list.

I've got some before and after pictures from the chain tensioner replacement for your wall of fame, Oldfeller. If you want em, PM me your email.

Post the pics here, whydoncha!!  Surely you can appreciate that this crowd is entertained much more with pics, rather than boring old text.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Bobber Fett on 09/29/11 at 13:43:31

Fair enough!



Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Gyrobob on 09/29/11 at 13:48:05



Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by EJID on 09/29/11 at 13:58:09

Even though I don't think you mentioned how far out the original tensioner was, it's obvious that the 2nd pic looks so much more comfortable. I sighed a bit of relief seeing and comparing the pictures. Still makes me wonder what mine might look like when I finally open it up.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Bobber Fett on 09/29/11 at 14:10:02

Yeah, I never measured the original because it was pretty obvious that it needed replacement.  The noise had just begun maybe 40 miles before I changed it, so it was probably early in its expansion.  You can hear it in the video I posted earlier, it's not as bad as the others on the "wall of fame".

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Gyrobob on 09/30/11 at 06:45:54

Just for the fun of it, here are some pics from the tensioner mod we did for one of the bikes in the Double RYCA Build.  It had about 14,000 miles on it.
For all of its life it has used a mixture of 50% 101 octane Sunoco race fuel, 40% Seafoam, and 10% Marvel Mystery oil. Also, it has used a schmagnet oil drain plug and every bolt and screw in the engine has been magnetized to make sure every bit of ferritic dust gets trapped, plus a fuel magnetizer. The oil has been changed every 1,000 miles. Klotz, of course, with a cup of Seafoam, and another cup of MMO at each oil change. K&N air filter. Straight pipe exhaust, except for a washer jammed into the ass end of the pipe with a 3/4" hole in it.

The first pic shows the tensioner when we pulled the clutch cover off the 14,000 mile motor.  The plunger was extended a lot, but no so far as to get cocked in the housing.  The motor was making the clicking noise several folks referred to in other threads.

The second pic shows the piece we cut out of some mild steel to weld to the plunger.

Third pic shows the first grinds after the initial welds.  We used a MIG welder because we wanted the minimum duration of weld heat put on the piece, so as to disturb the case hardening of the part as little as possible.  The piece was clamped into a vise lined with aluminum to suck out heat as rapidly as possible.

Final pic shows the lengthened tensioner.  After the welded part was stuffed all the way back in to the housing, and turned loose to tighten the cam chain, the plunger moved back out two clicks on its ratchet.

                                                           I hope everyone realizes the paragraph in dark blue has tongue firmly planted in cheek.


Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Bobber Fett on 09/30/11 at 14:33:35

So now I've discovered that I need to get my hands on a 1995+ torque limiter year and install it on the other side.  I bought the gear and will prob get it next week.  Due to my schedule I'll have to wait until next weekend to get it in the bike.  Is there anything I should do during shutdown that will prevent cylinder kick-back.  I'd hate the irony of buying the gear and the engine blowing up before it gets here :o.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by verslagen1 on 09/30/11 at 14:59:59

When you shut off, leave it in gear and as it spins down just before it stops, let out the clutch to stop rotation.  You want to prevent back spin.

Those with the limiter will note an ocassional twang when this happens.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Bobber Fett on 10/02/11 at 10:27:09

Got the limiter in from fleabay. and it wasn't exactly what I expected. (the ebay ad on the right and what I got is on the left).

Is there any way to fix this?  I think I'm missing a retainer ring on the back side or something, but it needs to be compressed in order to get it in.  I contacted the seller to complain because he lists it as working, which I don't see how it could be...

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by verslagen1 on 10/02/11 at 10:49:22

That's not right, no way.

I've put one back together, it ain't easy, but I had all the parts.

Your retainer ring is busted.

doesn't even look like the same part, as that one is rusted.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Bobber Fett on 10/02/11 at 12:13:08

I think the one up front is supposed to be in 2 pieces.  There is a circular recession in the gear to hold it in place.  However, I have no idea what goes on the back.  You didn't happen to take pictures when you took the other one apart did you?  I'm wondering if I can't get a replacement retainer and put this guy back together.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by verslagen1 on 10/02/11 at 13:15:45

You're right, the 2 half rings nest on the small gear side.
On the other side goes a standard external retaining ring.
It's going to be a metric size, but should be available anywhere these things are sold.

When I had to put it back together, it took a good sized vise and 2 sockets to squeeze the sonabeech back together.

If you can't figure it out, mail it to me.

When you talk to the ahole that sold you it, tell'm for $20 you can get it repaired.  or tell'm to refund the cost + all shipping.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Bobber Fett on 10/02/11 at 13:35:41

Thanks, I have a vise and can prob get it to work.  What kind of retaining ring is it? Will it get in the way when I put it back into the engine if I don't get the exact match?

Would any of these work?

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by verslagen1 on 10/02/11 at 14:39:29

The middle one

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Bobber Fett on 10/02/11 at 14:51:10

Rock on! I see a trip to Lowes in my very near future.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Bobber Fett on 10/02/11 at 18:02:37

I rigged this up to help fix the part:

I got the retaining ring in and it covers most of the lip but not the whole thing.

This should be fine right?  Apparently Lowe's doesn't carry the exact size, but I may try to find one at work tomorrow if needed.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by verslagen1 on 10/02/11 at 18:37:58

Worst case, the ring pops off and it won't start.
Hopefully it doesn't snap it 2 and get lodged somewhere critical.
And hopefully not at the furthest end of your travels.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Bobber Fett on 10/02/11 at 19:03:32

Haha, very reassuring ;D.  I'll likely see if I can't find a better fit at work tomorrow.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Bobber Fett on 10/03/11 at 10:45:41

Because I'm currently bored at work, I thought I'd work out my RPMs from a video I put up at the start of this thread.  I worked it up using audacity in the same way an audio tachometer would do.

The top is a clip of the sound from the video and the second one is the time-based FFT.
For those unfamiliar, it's a plot of frequencies present in the sound clip (AKA the harmonics of my engine sound).

The next part is the average frequency spectrum plotted for the sound clip.
This gives the average information about the whole 5 seconds that the clip contains (making it much more accurate).

The engine harmonics show that it's basically 12Hz, maybe more like 12.5, but no real biggie.
So 12Hz*60sec = 720 explosions per minute.  
However, I think that 4 stroke engines do 2 rotations per explosion, so 1440 RPMs.
I think that is pretty high right?  I prob am wasting fuel at red lights....

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by EJID on 10/03/11 at 11:33:04

Not going to check your math, but the idle does sound a bit higher than mine. You want to maintain at least 1,000 RPM at idle so that the cam journals keep enough oil flowing, if you lower too much you risk major engine damage.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by verslagen1 on 10/03/11 at 11:46:16

a little fast don't hurt much if you're not stopped for long.
I would back it off to about 11 to 12 hundred.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by EJID on 10/03/11 at 12:05:27

I just added a tach and realized mine was set about 1400-1500.

Out of curiosity I backed it down to about 1000 and thought it sounded REALLY LOW and ended turning it back up to about 1100 and felt comfortable with it being there.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Bobber Fett on 10/03/11 at 13:02:28

Yeah, I was actually thinking of turning it down to 1100.  EJID, I've heard that the oil pump doesn't get up to the cylinder if its lower than 1000, so prob a smart move to turn it back up.

So I got a better retaining ring at work, I also got one of the ones in the far right on the post below.  It seems a lot beefier, but I couldn't get it into the groove.  I wonder if it's a bit too small.  Think it's worth the switch, or will this one hold up better?

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by verslagen1 on 10/03/11 at 13:28:56

The one you are using now is correct and looks right.

the far left ring is not correct as it's an internal ring, not external.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by bill67 on 10/03/11 at 14:41:49

I really don't know but looks to me like that ring should be in deeper is that alway in,Are do you need a size smaller.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Bobber Fett on 10/03/11 at 15:10:53

Yeah bill, the ring is all the way in, the grooves only go halfway into the teeth.  It looks weird, but any ring I put in there is going to sit that way.

I have one of the ones to the far right for 9/16", but it's not easy to get in.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Bobber Fett on 10/04/11 at 05:10:57

I sent the guy who sold it to me an email about returning it and the 2 pictures I posted before, and the response I got was:

Sorry but we won't be doing anything about this issue, for one thing the
gear on the priority bag is NOT ours and the one that is "yours" is ours
just cropped to a smaller image. As you can see "yours is on our board and
it is marked up just like the one in our listing while "ours" has no
marks.... have a great day, if you want to bring ebay into the matter we
more than welcome that so we can show them the pictures and your emails,
that way they know the type of person they will be dealing with. Don't bid
on any more of our parts.

I don't know if I'm a big fan of Kevin .  Fortunately for him, I figured out how to fix it for free, so I don't have to haggle my way into a refund.  What a douche.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by babyhog on 10/04/11 at 07:02:31

Douche is being too nice.   ;)

I wouldn't want to deal with someone who makes no attempt to help you.  I'd like to have his fleabay ID, just so I don't buy anything from him.  Share it if you don't mind, or PM it to me please.  Crap like that bugs me....  

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Fish on 10/04/11 at 07:08:36

What a prick.Good thing you managed to fix it yourself, jeeze.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by verslagen1 on 10/04/11 at 07:19:32

Something's not adding up for me...
You got it for $10   [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
I recall it listed for about $20
and I recall only seeing 1 pic
if I had looked at all the pic's they have now it clearly shows the missing retaining ring.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Bobber Fett on 10/04/11 at 07:42:14

Yeah, I think that he was accusing me of trying to claim that the part on the left (the one I got from him) was a broken one that I had laying around, and I took pictures of in order to scam him.  I was really confused at first, but upon rereading, I get that impression.

Versy, yeah I got a good deal by making an offer for $10.  I think his pics show it missing the retaining ring, but he claims that it is in working condition.  I could fight for a full refund if I wanted, but I sent the email about it being broken before I fixed it, so now its irrelevant.

Babyhog, his name is 83hurst, he seems to be a volume bike parts seller.  His issue was that he didn't bother to find out what really happened, and jumped to the "don't buy parts from me again" idea.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by verslagen1 on 10/04/11 at 08:11:59

I should have added that you couldn't know the part was busted unless you had a good one in your hand.

The reply to him should be...
thanks, I'll do the same for you on our 14,000 owners group site.

Don't worry, I got this tag too from someone else for retracting a bid well before the bidding closed.  Some people are just snarly, and I don't want to deal with that anyway.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by MERKURMAN on 10/04/11 at 11:47:55

Just a thought is there any way that someone could start a thread about individual sellers, like the vendor reviews. Where you can post your experiences with individual sellers on sites like fleabay or any others.  Just a thought but before I bought something from an individual I would want to do some research within the community before spending my hard earned money just to get jerked around.

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by Fish on 10/04/11 at 21:11:40

3935323F3F36216366530 wrote:
Just a thought is there any way that someone could start a thread about individual sellers, like the vendor reviews. Where you can post your experiences with individual sellers on sites like fleabay or any others.  Just a thought but before I bought something from an individual I would want to do some research within the community before spending my hard earned money just to get jerked around.

Something, exactly like this?

Title: Re: New (to me) bike just hit 20K = annoying probl
Post by MERKURMAN on 10/05/11 at 03:51:48

Similar but geared more toward individual sellers not companies.  A place where that you can post your good or bad experiences, like Bobber Fett did in this post. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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