General Category >> The Cafe >> Cholesterol breakfast.

Message started by arteacher on 08/28/11 at 08:12:44

Title: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by arteacher on 08/28/11 at 08:12:44

I don't do it very often but today I am having my Cholesterol Breakfast:
Three double yoked eggs fried in butter and bacon fat,
6 slices of bacon,
3 slices of toast dipped in the bacon fat.
Good thing I'm not having any blood work done soon. ;D ;D

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/28/11 at 09:30:27

Cholesterol isnt what hurts us,, my dr spent about an hour explaining it,, get away from margarine, use real butter,. inflammation is a problem,,
the plaque in  arteries isnt cholesterol,  

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by Arizuno on 08/28/11 at 09:39:15

Next time, skip the toast. No grains, no insulin reaction, no increase in BODY'S cholesterol output.

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by mpescatori on 08/28/11 at 10:18:14

6F5C47545B40412E0 wrote:
Next time, skip the toast. No grains, no insulin reaction, no increase in BODY'S cholesterol output.

You have a point there.

Regardless of what history books tell schoolchildren, stone age man actually lived to a highly respectable old age... if he didn't die mauled by big game or killed in tribal wars... or by childhood fevers.

Yet his diet, inherently protein-rich, was also very poor of carbohydrates.

So how was it that stone age man loved to be 100... literally !

Low carbs, no alcohol, and most of all... no wifey looking over his shoulder as he was busy on the PC  ;D ;D ;D

(Oh... hi honey !  :-*)  ;)

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by kimchris1 on 08/28/11 at 10:25:50

That kind of breakfast may be good for you,
however if I ate that, I would be soo sick..

Glad to hear it is not an everyday breakfast
for you.
Try oatmeal with unsweetened applesauce. I like
it. :) kim

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by Serowbot on 08/28/11 at 10:30:11

Well,...    Now I'm hungry...

... and I have no clue what to eat... (pretty sure it won't be oatmeal)...

Basically,.. I think food is bad for you...
Seems like everybody that eats it, dies eventually... :-?...

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/28/11 at 12:21:06

Avoid calorie dense foods, ice cream is one,, any food that ha a lot of calories per unit volume is hard on the body, calorie restriction is, as ar a I am aware anyway, th only proven life extension technique.

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by bill67 on 08/28/11 at 13:27:02

Viagara improves the life line extension ;D

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by Arizuno on 08/28/11 at 17:30:15

Is THAT the extension Viagra improves?

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by Serowbot on 08/28/11 at 18:35:20

If your life is extended by more than 6 hours,... you're supposed to seek medical help...
I just can't imagine anybody actually doing that...
What would you say?...  

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by mmosel on 08/28/11 at 18:41:26

Some info regarding cholesterol and expensive medication. Don't bother.

Instead, take red yeast & rice pills. Get a good quality pill. It works just as well as any pharma med, and it is all natural. This is a truth they don't want you to know about. Both myself and my mom have lowered ours by significant amounts. When I mentioned this to my doctor, he had never even heard about it.

If you have any doubts, google it. Or better yet, try it. You'll see a difference if you get any sort of regular blood tests.

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by Starlifter on 08/28/11 at 21:17:57

Eat less, move more. Lots of fresh fruits and veggies. No meat. You'll live long enough to die of natural causes. ;D

(Years and years ago before I went vegetarian we used to buy pea-meal bacon in Canada every week. That stuff alone made it hard to go veggie.)

Late August and the butter cream sweet corn and fresh vine ripened sun warmed tomatoes right out of the garden are a feast fit for kings.

Dammm, thats good eating!

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by mpescatori on 08/29/11 at 00:39:34

1E392C3F21242B39283F4D0 wrote:
Eat less, move more. Lots of fresh fruits and veggies. No meat. You'll live long enough to die of natural causes. ;D

(Years and years ago before I went vegetarian we used to buy pea-meal bacon in Canada every week. That stuff alone made it hard to go veggie.)

Late August and the butter cream sweet corn and fresh vine ripened sun warmed tomatoes right out of the garden are a feast fit for kings.

Dammm, thats good eating!

I couldn't agree more.

I eat relatively little, yet weigh a full 200lbs for a 5'6" body.
If that's not obese, it's jolly good overweight.

My cholesterol is low because I follow the "Mediterranean Diet" -
- lots of fresh fruitveggies (canned beans and canned peaches are NOT fresh!)
- no butter, strictly olive oil (no yucky vegetable oils)
- white meat YES but red meat only sometimes,
- lots of fish (not canned tuna or frozen wotsit fillet, I mean REAL fish!)
- little alcohol (but a glass of good quality red wine is OK once a week, say on Sunday)

My problem is I sit in a cubicle at work, sit behind the wheel 3 hour/day, sit (slouch) on the sofa watching TV after dinner...

...and jogging once/week is not the way to go.

But at least my cholesterol is in the 190 range...

Anybody want Mediterranean recipes, I'm ready to open a dedicated thread  ;)

PS for those not convinced of the superiority of olive oil vs. vegetable oil, try this:
- taste a teaspoon of canola oil or your ordinary vegetable oil, swirl it in your mouth, what does it taste lke? Can you smell the aroma? NO?
- cleanse your mouth by chewing on a piece of plain bread, take a sip of water and then...
- taste a teaspoon of extra-virgni olive oil (you can find it at Walmart) and taste the difference; can you taste the texture? The fruity aroma? The olive scent that rises and caresses your nostruls?
Do you really want to lose thatwonderful taste by chewing on another piece of toast?

Here's what Extra Virgin Olive Oil looks like at Walmart

Other brands are BERTOLLI, CARAPELLI, DECECCO, they are just as good as the brands pictured,
but somehow I couldn't get to paste the pics in my post.

Spanish oils, or oils from Chile are just as good, as long as the label reads "EXTRA VIRGIN" and not just "Olive Oil",
the "Extra Virgin" is the first squeeze and is much higher quality.

Dress your salad with salt, oil and a little vinegar, you'll never want "Vinaigrette" again !  8-)

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by mmosel on 08/29/11 at 03:39:46

Quality meat is very good for you. Especially good for a clear & focused mind. Also good for maintaining muscle as you get older. But if you're going to eat red meat, try to get grass fed local beef instead of feed lot gmo grain or soy fed. The fat in the meat makes the difference. The more processed the meat, and food in general, the worse it is for you. Whole food is the way to go, but it is expensive. But it is well worth it.

Keeping a general balance in your diet goes a long way.

And definitely go for real butter and not the fake stuff. ;)

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by arteacher on 08/29/11 at 05:07:00

As a diabetic I have to eat carbs- very carefully. Margarine does not cross my lips, just butter and olevetri olive oil. I eat very little processed foods, lots of fiber (fruits and vegetables).
My doctor gave me a diet to follow when I was first diagnosed. One thing on it was a 6 oz steak. I told him I pick more than that out of my teeth after I grill a nice juicy.
I like to eat good food and fell that my quality of life would suffer if I gave up too much, so I have struck a balance. Once a week I eat whatever the hell I want, and compensate with extra insulin. ;D

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 08/30/11 at 07:58:08

For JOG and the rest of the "Natural" fans:

Back in July, 2004 I had a sudden onset of chest pain, then it radiated down the left arm and up into the left jaw.  Any middle aged man knows what that means - angina.

Thankfully, I didn't have a heart attack - just a badly 95% occluded left anterior descending coronary artery, and a 100% blocked right coronary artery.  The right side had developed good collateral circulation around the blockage so nothing was done.  Two stents were put in the left side.

At the time of my procedure, my cholesterol was 280, despite eating fairly healthily and being both a runner and a bicyclist.

With Vytorin and Tricor, I'm now around 130.

The human liver, in fact all animals' livers, manufacture cholesterol, and if you're one of the unlucky ones like I am, only prescrition statin drugs will "shut down" the cholesterol factory in your own body.  If you are lucky and don't have this problem, I'm glad for you, but don't be telling others that these health food pills will always remedy run-away high cholesterol.

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by mmosel on 08/30/11 at 14:56:52

Well, that is not a fact Jerry.

Red yeast rice has been used for thousands of years. It IS a natural statin, and a very effective one. If you've never tried it, don't knock it, simply because you take pharma drugs. (I take pharmaceutical drugs for other things. )

Doing a simple internet search, you'll find plenty of info on Red yeast rice.


"Red yeast rice contains naturally-occurring substances called monacolins. Monocolins, particularly one called lovastatin, is believed to be converted in the body to a substance that inhibits HMG-CoA reductase, an enzyme that triggers cholesterol production. This is the way the popular statin drugs work."

High cholesteral runs high in my family, esp on my mother's side. We both get tested regularly for it. I have to for a couple of reasons.
Red yeast rice has kept both of ours down significantly and enough that we don't need pharma drugs in this case.

From wikipedia:

"In the late 1970s, researchers in the United States and Japan were isolating lovastatin from Aspergillus and monacolins from Monascus, respectively, the latter being the same yeast used to make red yeast rice but cultured under carefully controlled conditions. Chemical analysis soon showed that lovastatin and monacolin K are identical. The article "The origin of statins" summarizes how the two isolations, documentations and patent applications were just months apart.[2] Lovastatin became the patented, prescription drug Mevacor for Merck & Co. Red yeast rice went on to become a contentious, non-prescription dietary supplement in the United States and other countries."

It is not just some health food pill gimmick. And I'm not saying it will work for everyone, or that everyone will even want to try it. That is up to you. But it works for me, my mom and probably millions of other people. So don't knock it until you try it.

I should also mention my mom is a registered nurse. I spoke to her again about this just today. She said that both herself and nurses she has spoken to about drugs like lipitor, have seen that they can have really bad side effects. She said that Red yeast rice does not have the same threat.

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 08/31/11 at 06:27:11

While the red yeast rice does have some positive effects, it cannot lower cholesterol to the levels needed by people like me.

If you're a normally healthy person with somewhat elevated cholesterol, this remedy may be all you need to lower your readings 20, 30, or maybe even 40 points.  For most people, that brings them down into a normal range.

But for people like me, who need to lower their readings by 150 points, and sometimes even more, no amount of red yeast rice will do it.  That's why it took both Tricor and Vytorin to get me from 280 down to around 135.

For someone who already has heart disease, like me, we need these extremely low levels.  This is already some medical research to show that with readings below 140, there is likely some reversal of the disease process.

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by Wolfman on 09/01/11 at 13:10:35

Actualy stoneage man didnt live to a ripe old age.
Neanderthal man lived to a ripe old age of 30. Very few lived longer.
Fact is it was'nt until the late 1800's and early 1900's that the average age began t go higher then 50 or so.
In the 1700's 40-50 was considered extreme old age.
The average for the male of the species stands at 76 right now with the female being an average of 83.
Better foods, eatting habits, medical and dental care are what has extended the average life span to what it is.

Margerine is only a couple of molicules different from basic plastic.
Bugs wont even eat it. Put a Big pat of it out and see how long it takes to disappear.

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by Gyrobob on 09/03/11 at 20:14:59

Atkins was a cardiologist.  His regimen has lots of protein (if you want), can have lots of fat (if you want), lots of veggies and some fruit, lots of exercise, and reduced carbs.  My cholesterol ratio went from about 6:1 to 3.8:1 eight years ago.  Blood pressure went down as well.

For heart health, I like eating this way a LOT better than using drugs.

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by Starlifter on 09/05/11 at 10:56:47

Atkins diet?...umm no.


"When I saw the Atkin's diet come out, I just cringed," said UC Berkeley's Joanne Ikeda,

one of the nation's leading nutrition experts. "I think this stuff makes money for Dr. Atkins and not much more than that. If he was right, the Italians who have twice as much carbohydrates in their diet would be worse off than we are. But they have half the obesity compared to us. The epidemiological evidence is just not there."

But study or no study, health professionals say Atkins is simply an unhealthy approach that can't work in the long run.

From Times Online
February 10, 2004

Founder of Atkins diet 'was obese when he died'
Dr Robert Atkins, creator of the famous low-carbohydrate diet, was clinically obese at the time of his death, according to medical reports made public today.

The New York medical examiner's records, which have been published by the Wall Street Journal, state that Dr Atkins weighed 260 lbs. when he died last April after being injured in a fall on an icy New York City street.

At 6ft tall, Dr Atkins, 72, would have qualified as obese, according to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention's body mass index calculator.

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by Gyrobob on 09/05/11 at 13:14:23

4B6C796A74717E6C7D6A180 wrote:
Atkins diet?...umm no.


Founder of Atkins diet 'was obese when he died'
Dr Robert Atkins, creator of the famous low-carbohydrate diet, was clinically obese at the time of his death, according to medical reports made public today.
The New York medical examiner's records, which have been published by the Wall Street Journal, state that Dr Atkins weighed 260 lbs. when he died last April after being injured in a fall on an icy New York City street.
At 6ft tall, Dr Atkins, 72, would have qualified as obese, according to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention's body mass index calculator.

Your comments are not credible.  I assume it is because you know little about the Atkins regimen; you are basing your statements on very old information; and you don't care to know anything about the subject.  Recent information shows the Atkins regimen works well.   For example:

I am also living proof it works well.  I not only lost weight, my blood numbers all improved and my blood pressure went down.  Besides, I get to eat lots of FUN stuff (steaks, salads, pasta, eggs, burgers, fruit, etc.), not starve myself with pathetic quantities of rabbit food.

I can go to any restaurant and find all kinds of savory delights that are low carb.  
 -- My wife, a low fat lady, often has difficulty in finding anything that qualifies.  We have never left a restaurant because I couldn't find something enjoyable,... we have left many many times because SHE couldn't find acceptable rabbit food.  
 -- Lots of restaurants these days (Golden Corral, Shoney's, Cracker Barrel, etc.) have desserts for the growing population of diabetics.  I'm not diabetic, but these desserts have low or no sugar, which results in reduced carbs.  
 -- I can have apple pie ala mode.  She can't have dessert anywhere, unless it is cantalope or some such.

As to the baseless claim about Atkins being obese when he died ::) ... states, “Thanks to his death certificate, we know Atkins was 258 lbs at the time of his death.  Yet, according to … his medical records … Atkins weighed 195 pounds upon admission to the hospital 8 April 2003 following his fall. … During his week-long coma, as he deteriorated and his major organs failed, fluid retention and bloating dramatically distorted his body and left him at 258 pounds at the time of his death, a documented weight gain of over 60 pounds.”  At 258 pounds the 6’ Atkins would have been obese, but at his decades-long weight in the 195 area, he certainly was in much better shape than most his age.  Not skinny, maybe, but certainly not fat.

It is interesting how those that know so little about the Atkins approach dismiss it so categorically,.. with such ignorance.  I'm sure after you do a little homework, you won't say such silly things.

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by bill67 on 09/05/11 at 14:14:30

My diet no vegetables and a donut for breakfast.I can do between 3 and 400 push ups.

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by Gyrobob on 09/05/11 at 16:46:41

5B5055550F0E390 wrote:
My diet no vegetables and a donut for breakfast.I can do between 3 and 400 push ups.

What about lunch and dinner and the midmorning snack and the afternoon snack and the evening goody?

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by Starlifter on 09/05/11 at 18:21:28

"It is interesting how those that know so little about the Atkins approach dismiss it so categorically,.. with such ignorance.  I'm sure after you do a little homework, you won't say such silly things."

Yikes!..calm down, just reporting what I read at the time of his death.

Whatever works for you, go for it with my blessing.  :P

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by Gyrobob on 09/05/11 at 18:28:36

5B7C697A64616E7C6D7A080 wrote:
"It is interesting how those that know so little about the Atkins approach dismiss it so categorically,.. with such ignorance.  I'm sure after you do a little homework, you won't say such silly things."

Yikes!..calm down, just reporting what I read at the time of his death.

Whatever works for you, go for it with my blessing.  :P

My my,... I didn't mean to ruffle your whatever,..

You did dismiss it categorically, and I did allow that it was probably just because your information was out of date.  I used the term "ignorance" objectively, not pejoratively.

Yes, at the time of his death, there were some grossly inaccurate statements about the situation.  Mrs. Atkins received public apologies later from Bloomberg and Ornish about their statements on his passing.

In any event, his ways still work quite well for those who can discipline themselves to give up donuts and potatoes.

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by arteacher on 09/06/11 at 04:10:40

The Atkins diet puts a strain on the liver as all the blood sugars that you normally get easily from carbs have to be created from fat by the liver, which makes it work much harder than it should. The two people whom I know well who used the Atkins diet successfully to lose weight had their livers monitored closely while on the diet.

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 09/06/11 at 10:08:43

This may be alittle long, but hopefully, informative:

My former law partner's father had been a college football player.  Like many others, his weight climbed dramatically after football, and by the time he was 50, he weighed over 350.

His knees were giving out due to the football injuries and the weight they were carrying.  He went to an orthopaedist to get knee replacements, who told him that since it wasn't a life threatening condition, the doc wouldn't operate on him at that weight as he posed too great an opertative risk.

So, the former player went on Adkins.  He lost over 100 pounds, no longer needed the knees replaced.  He lived only about another 10 years, and died of a heart attack on the golf course, but that can't be tied to Adkins, since he never had any cardiac workup before, so who knows what his state of cardiac health was.  My guess is that it was fairly poor, from all of the crap he ate to get so heavy in the first place.

Now for JOG -

I researched red yeast rice as you suggested.  Looks like it contains the same chemical as statin drugs do.  In fact, the FDA made several manufacturers quit making it, since people were getting statins without knowing it, and without the liver function tests periodically required of all who take Rx statins.  Many people taking the RYR also got the long muscle pain (myalgia) as do some who take Rx statins.

So, other than perhaps some cost savings, why take RYR, unsupervised by a doctor, and without getting the liver tests?  I think I'll stick with my Vytorin.

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by prsavage on 09/07/11 at 14:19:58

I had what BC Ferries calls the All Aboard breakfast this morning.  Two over easy eggs, 6 pieces of bacon, three hash brown patties, two pieces of toast and coffee.

Its good to insulate the arteries now and again isn't it?   ;)

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by Gyrobob on 09/07/11 at 15:10:17

7972727B7778796362160 wrote:
The Atkins diet puts a strain on the liver as all the blood sugars that you normally get easily from carbs have to be created from fat by the liver, which makes it work much harder than it should. The two people whom I know well who used the Atkins diet successfully to lose weight had their livers monitored closely while on the diet.

Two people is not a very large sample size.  That reduces your comment to anecdotal info.  

Done according to the real procedures, Atkins puts no additional strain on the liver.  More and more studies are coming out, several this year, with themes like "Atkins was right."

It is hard to sort out the real info from the hype, though, with the available reporting on Atkins.  So many "experts" have so much of their money and lives tied up in lowfat this, and lowfat that,.. they are very passionate about spreading all kinds of misinformation to discredit the low-carb lifestyle.

If you stick to peer-reviewed studies, and avoid the inherently biased websites (both pro and con) you'll find that Atkins is very healthful.  If you have a low level of carbs (especially from manufactured food with lots of sugars, or sugar-producing stuff) and eat good meat/fish, good veggies and fruits, and exercising regularly your heart and all the rest of the internal organs will be very pleased with you.

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by Gyrobob on 09/07/11 at 15:12:36

6163696060060 wrote:
I had what BC Ferries calls the All Aboard breakfast this morning.  Two over easy eggs, 6 pieces of bacon, three hash brown patties, two pieces of toast and coffee.

Its good to insulate the arteries now and again isn't it?   ;)

Wow,.. high fat, high carb, and high blood sugar.  You must be quite a guy!!

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by Starlifter on 09/07/11 at 19:20:31

Wash it all down with a beer and have a cigarette. ;D

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by arteacher on 09/07/11 at 20:10:11

" That reduces your comment to anecdotal info. "
It may be anecdotal, I never claimed it was not. It was, however personal experience, with real people I know, which I tend to give more credit to than anything experienced second hand.

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by Gyrobob on 09/08/11 at 05:40:55

727979707C737268691D0 wrote:
" That reduces your comment to anecdotal info. "
It may be anecdotal, I never claimed it was not. It was, however personal experience, with real people I know, which I tend to give more credit to than anything experienced second hand.

Certainly!  I put more stock in personal anecdotal info than I do in someone else's anecdotal info, to be sure.

I would also put more stock in actual info collected on a large scale by professionals that are studying an issue, than I would in my one personal experience that goes against that learned by skillful research.

For example, I have a cousin who refuses to get on an airliner because her college chum was killed in a tragic crash.  Her anecdotal info was that flying was dangerous.  The research shows it is by far the safest way to get from one place to another.

When you have something like the Atkins system being used by millions of people, of course there will be examples of it not working, or even causing problems.  No system is ever perfect.  The overall verdict, though, as shown by recent studies is that the Atkins system really does work, and that most of the nasty hype thrown at it is baseless.

If you want some anecdotal info, I started using it in 2003.  I weighed 235.  I had moderately high cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure.  I had a blood yeast imbalance.  I had problems with joints that I assumed was either just from aging or arthritis or both.  Then the Doc put me on a diet that I noticed had a lot in common with Atkins, so I bought a book, studied it hard, and adopted it fully.  

Cutting to the chase, within 6 months, I lost 30 lbs, cholesterol/triglycerides changed from scary to excellent, and the blood yeast thing cleared up.   Blood pressure changed to what it was 30 years ago.  As another pleasant surprise, I noticed several months into it that my creaky achy joints felt a lot smoother.  I could now turn my head around to check traffic before changing lanes, for example.

I don't doubt your anecdotal info.  Just realize that is but one example.  In any situation where you have millions of examples, it won't be hard to find a few that run counter to the overwhelming majority.

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by bill67 on 09/08/11 at 05:52:17

You can eat all you want as long as you burn more calories than you eat.Thats why kids were skinny years ago,Now they only have skinny fingers and eyeballs.

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by Gyrobob on 09/08/11 at 06:06:44

3C37323268695E0 wrote:
You can eat all you want as long as you burn more calories than you eat.Thats why kids were skinny years ago,Now they only have skinny fingers and eyeballs.

What you say is true, but if you eat hi-carb food, the body wants to burn the sugar from the carbs, which takes a lot less energy to do.  If you eat low-carb food, the body has to work harder to create the sugar to use for fuel.  Therefore you have an easier time of using up the fat.

Another way to look at it, for a given amount of calories and exercise, more fat will be stored if you eat donuts instead of eggs and bacon.  

   -- Two Krispy Kreme donuts have about 700 calories.  

   -- 12 strips of bacon and 3 eggs have about the same.  

   -- The body sees the sugar in the donuts, and the white flour, which turns into sugar right away, so it has no need to burn the fat for fuel.  It stores the fat.  Don't you look so nice and soft!

   -- The eggs and bacon have no sugar, and since they have no carbs, the only fuel in there is fat.  The body has to use a lot of energy simply to convert the fat to fuel.  So,... it doesn't store the fat, it burns the fat.  Don't you look so nice and trim!

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by mpescatori on 09/08/11 at 06:49:23

41797A707B7778160 wrote:
Actualy stoneage man didnt live to a ripe old age.
Neanderthal man lived to a ripe old age of 30. Very few lived longer.
Fact is it was'nt until the late 1800's and early 1900's that the average age began t go higher then 50 or so.
In the 1700's 40-50 was considered extreme old age.
The average for the male of the species stands at 76 right now with the female being an average of 83.
Better foods, eatting habits, medical and dental care are what has extended the average life span to what it is.

Margerine is only a couple of molicules different from basic plastic.
Bugs wont even eat it. Put a Big pat of it out and see how long it takes to disappear.

The nice thing about this Forum is one can disagree without being shot at.

Wolfman, you confuse a statistic with a social condition.

The statistic is "in the days of the Stone Age, a man's average age was 30".

Read that again, it says "average age", meaning, for every baby who died during childbirth, or during his first year... for every child who died of a fever before reaching 10... for every inexperienced young hunter who got mauled by a beast, or inexperienced young warrior who got killed on his first expedition... someone would live to see 70 or more.

Not to mention teenage brides who died during their very first childbirth (which is always the most troublesome).

Now, we can either claim historical recodrs are a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, and Kings and Pharaohs never really lived to be 90+, we can claim the old Medicine men and Shamans (and Priests in the Temples) actually never lived to be of a highly respectable age...
...or we can admit that Mr. and Mrs. Main Street have been brainwashed into believing a statistic was actually a threshold.

If I have two chickens and you go hungry, we got a chicken each, right?

Just go and read Mark Twain, or R.L.Stevenson, or Homer, if you care, and you'll see antiquity was rife with people well beyond 60 or 70.
It's just that so many died in childhood or by their 40s, either from illness or childbirth (any lady rider can tell us what 12+hours labor are like !) that the avergage age was brought down.

Incidentally, it was brought down by statisticians and would be historians whom were proven wrong by later archaeological dscoveries.

As for myself, of my 8 great-grandparents...
- the four who lived farmers' or fishermen's lives, all lived beyond 95 (in the 19th century)
- the four who lived in the city, and were "well off" and had heating, running water and ate meat many times/week... one GGF died of a heart attack at 40; the other lived to a mere 60; the two great-grandnothers lived through two world wars, and died into their nineties.

So, looking at family who were all born around 1850/1860, 6 lived to 90, 1 lived to 60, one died at 40.

That's pretty significant to me.  8-)

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by arteacher on 09/08/11 at 09:50:24

"I don't doubt your anecdotal info.  Just realize that is but one example.  In any situation where you have millions of examples, it won't be hard to find a few that run counter to the overwhelming majority."

I did not say they had problems. I said the potential for problems existed, and their doctor monitored liver function throughout the diet. As my doctor would, and yours should have.
Why don't you read what is on the page instead of what you want to see!!

Title: Re: Cholesterol breakfast.
Post by Gyrobob on 09/08/11 at 18:46:05

575C5C555956574D4C380 wrote:
"I don't doubt your anecdotal info.  Just realize that is but one example.  In any situation where you have millions of examples, it won't be hard to find a few that run counter to the overwhelming majority."

I did not say they had problems. I said the potential for problems existed, and their doctor monitored liver function throughout the diet. As my doctor would, and yours should have.
Why don't you read what is on the page instead of what you want to see!!

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