General Category >> The Cafe >> Thinking of moving to Nevada

Message started by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 08/23/11 at 15:58:47

Title: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 08/23/11 at 15:58:47

Still thinking about it and discussing it with the wife, but we have a chance to buy 20 acres in Northeast Nevada. If we do this we will be living off the grid as much as we can with the only thing being an internet connection using wind and solar for our power needs.

Still in research and planning stages at the moment though.

This is something the wife and I have wanted to do for quite a long time but never had the opportunity. Now it looks like we just may have that opportunity.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/23/11 at 16:32:31

I just took a short tour of NE Nevada. Google Earth is a handy tool,, Dude,, thats a rough lookin area. You lookin to be that far out in the boonies? Hey, Im not sayin Dont,, Im just sayin Think Hard on it,, Hey,, I wish I was young & healthy enough to take on a big adventure like that.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by ALfromN.H. on 08/23/11 at 17:02:01

I just moved 2-1/2 miles down the road and That was a big deal for me. I couldn't imagine taking on what you're thinking about doing. I've always dreamed of doing something like that in alaska but thats just a dream. Good luck to you if you can work it out.


Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Max_Morley on 08/23/11 at 17:11:27

You want see how folks are doing off the grid, look West North west of Taos, NM. Out toward tres prites (3 rocks). Dad had a lot there he bought during the 1962 worlds fair in Seattle. We drove out to look at it years ago as a retirement possibility. Real winters there from the looks of things. But a whole village off the grid on the road out to 3 rocks from Taos. Max

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by kimchris1 on 08/23/11 at 17:40:19

Yonuh, I lived totally off the grid for about 20 years.
Past life, yet was a journey filled with knowledge and
entertaining as well. We were described by some as,
the Little house on the Prairie..
At first had kerosene lamps and a  generator. That was in
a mobile home while building a log house.
Once in the house, we had solar panels and eventually
put in a water generator on the creek.
It was not easy. Many a hard times as well as some good
Yes this was in Wa. State. We had a huge bank of batteries
that stored the power.
OH yes I have lived and worked off the land. Now I am totally
dependent on the grid.
New hubby, new life.. I am glad to have had that chance and learned
all I did. Would I go back to one like it? Well I learned to, never say never.
Best of luck. Again I would suggest you check the cost and everything
else involved in it before making the leep.. Best of luck.. :) Kim

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 08/23/11 at 18:12:00

I was pretty sparse in my original post about this. The area we may be going to is only about 5 miles south of a little town called Montello. There is power available on grid if we decide to wait on the off grid set up.

We have been discussing the pros and cons of a move like this for years and so far the pros do out weigh the cons (not by much but they do out weigh them).

We are definitely not jumping into this blind and we know it will be a lot of hard work. Luckily there is also no time limit on building on the property so if we wanted we can just purchase the land and wait before we start building.

Either way we will still be trying to go as far off grid as we are comfortable doing.

There is still quite a bit of thinking and planning to go yet before a full decision is made.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by kimchris1 on 08/23/11 at 18:24:38

Yonuh, you could build a place that is both..
Have the off grid for back up or the on grid
for back up..
Just like riding the bike, one makes choices
that make them happy.
I wish you and your family happiness in
whatever you choose.
I would never want to discourage anyone from
fulfilling a dream. All the best.. hugs,, ;) kim

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/23/11 at 19:04:15

Adobe/ compressed earth,, subterranean, semi sub,, Id be lookin that way,,

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by thumperclone on 08/23/11 at 20:00:48

lifes' too short to wish "we should have"

"wish we didnt" just makes you stronger and richer

if you come up I 25 and west on hgy 50 stop on by

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by buttgoat1 on 08/23/11 at 20:10:16

sounds like a good adventure
its not for everybody, but good for you if you can do it.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 08/24/11 at 06:44:26

Yonuh -

I don't know your age, but here's a decision we had to make.

My wife owns a farm in Iowa that has been in her family for generations.  We had thought of moving out there to ease into retirement.  However, the place is about 40 miles from the nearest city of any real size.

Well, after having chest pain and 2 stents put in 7 years ago, my outlook has changed.  Now I first think of how far a place is from a first class medical community where the ravages of ever increasing age can be managed.  Maybe I over concentrate on this concern, but it is a real concern for me - I'd sure hate to have "the big one" and be a couple of hours away from treatment.

Also, while we're not culture snobs, the idea of never going to a movie or a show, a major shopping center or grocery store has its drawbacks too.

While all of this idea may sound romantic and challenging, think of the practical side before you jump into anything.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 08/24/11 at 12:16:29

2F202C262D202B272037222037450 wrote:
Yonuh -

I don't know your age, but here's a decision we had to make.

My wife owns a farm in Iowa that has been in her family for generations.  We had thought of moving out there to ease into retirement.  However, the place is about 40 miles from the nearest city of any real size.

Well, after having chest pain and 2 stents put in 7 years ago, my outlook has changed.  Now I first think of how far a place is from a first class medical community where the ravages of ever increasing age can be managed.  Maybe I over concentrate on this concern, but it is a real concern for me - I'd sure hate to have "the big one" and be a couple of hours away from treatment.

Also, while we're not culture snobs, the idea of never going to a movie or a show, a major shopping center or grocery store has its drawbacks too.

While all of this idea may sound romantic and challenging, think of the practical side before you jump into anything.

Way ahead of ya Jerry, medical treatment was one of the first things we looked into because my wife is on disability and has some serious medical issues. We found the distance to a state of the art medical facility was not too great.

I agree with you about movies and such, after all there are times that you just want to get out for a while. This too is not far enough away to be detrimental.

We have thought long and hard about this, and even if we get the land, it will still be a couple of years or so before we can do the actual move, we just have too much stuff going on that has to be taken care of first. So believe me when I say we are not just jumping into this. I do appreciate all of ya'll's concerns and am honored that ya'll care enough to voice them to make sure that we are not being rash.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Trippah on 08/24/11 at 19:16:02

Yonuh - Jerry has brought up some good points; and though you are not too far from a state of the art medical facility, can you get there in the Winter?  Since you are not in a rush, visit the locale both in the Heat of Summer and worst of Winter to see what you are facing.  
How about work?    I'm sure you can reduce a lot of fixed expenses living off the grid but some are unavoidable.  Does sound like a great adventure. ;)

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Drifter on 08/25/11 at 06:25:11

back when i was younger i built a homestead out of nothing in the ohio woods, no power no water etc. i hauled water for 10 years finally got power .....anyway if your young and strong its a learning experience that few ever have and alot more work than you think!!! Trust me on that one.   ;)

I would not go back to that lifestyle by choice, but i did learn how to survive off the grid and off the land.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by babyhog on 08/25/11 at 09:30:52

Whatever you and your wife decide, I just wanted to say best of luck!  I know you'll do it right...   :)

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by runwyrlph on 08/25/11 at 19:05:58

do it!

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by mpescatori on 08/26/11 at 05:54:06

Yonuh, my own two cents' worth frmo a "Yooo-ropean"  :D with a totally different mind set.

1st, WATER is more important that power. If you can't have clean, dependable running water for personal hygiene and cooking, you can't live there. Gone are the days of hand-cranked water pumps. You want to be able to have a decent showerm, wash you clothes and your food, keep the house clean.

2nd, Communications which means both television/internet and the all-important telephone. TV / Internet you can up/download via satellite, if cable is to expensive to deliver (nobody in his right mind would pay 8-10 miles of cable across the range). Here in Europe there are internet service providers who will provide a satellite link, which is just as good as medium quality DSL (meaning, 256-512Kbs speed) with a dish pointing to the stars.

3rd, power. I put this last because it's the easiest to procure and/or manufacture. The wise choice would be to be to build a house with a siamesed electrical system, start on grid, and create your off-grid generator. Gradually switch your devices from grid to independent as you progress, until you can safely live off-grid. Then do a serious, in-depth risk assessment and determine the odds of an emergency/convenience to be on grid once again, in order to boost power availability or use dedicated devices (even medical appliances) My advice, however, is never to kill off your contract with the local power grid; at bestm, re-negotiate your customer priofile so that, with zero consumption, you pay a simbolic petty fee for the sake of keeping your options open. Better safe than sorry.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by bill67 on 08/26/11 at 06:10:19

You should be able to do it Indians did it for hundreds of years.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 08/26/11 at 15:31:09

We decided to get the land. We have made the deal and the contracts should be here sometime tomorrow or Monday depending on how slow the mail is.

Like I said before, it will still be a couple of years before we make the actual move.


We have researched the water and though we will have to have a well drilled between 100 and 150 feet which is actually pretty deep for a water well good water is still accessible.

For communication we still plan on having our cell phones, apparently there is good cell service out there.

As for power, I have already outlined our power solution, and we probably will be on grid at least until we get the solar and wind generation up and running.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/26/11 at 21:57:35

Can you give us Long & Lat so we can Google Earth it?

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by stinger on 08/26/11 at 23:52:43

Buy 2 or 3 old train boxcars or those shipping containers off a boat. Cost a little more than $1,000 a piece. Connect them together, stack one on end for a loft, frame the inside, wire, panel and you have a nice house for almost nothing.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by verslagen1 on 08/27/11 at 00:28:54

dig a trench and bury the box cars for year around comfort.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by thumperclone on 08/27/11 at 06:59:51

hey yon was it you that built a windmill ? how did that ever come out??

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 08/27/11 at 12:35:27

405C415944514657585B5A51340 wrote:
hey yon was it you that built a windmill ? how did that ever come out??

Haven't quite finished it yet. Been so busy lately that I haven't had time to work on it.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 08/27/11 at 12:36:27

4344595E575542300 wrote:
Buy 2 or 3 old train boxcars or those shipping containers off a boat. Cost a little more than $1,000 a piece. Connect them together, stack one on end for a loft, frame the inside, wire, panel and you have a nice house for almost nothing.

Definitely something to think about and do some research on, thanks for the idea.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 08/27/11 at 12:44:26

594640475A5D6C5C6C54464A01330 wrote:
Can you give us Long & Lat so we can Google Earth it?

Unfortunately I do not have the long & Lat at this time, but once I do I will provide it. I have google earthed the general area and we like what we see as well we have seen pictures of the property.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/27/11 at 13:31:28

Well,, toss me nearest town & general directions, Im anxious to see what youve found,, Im excited for you,,

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 08/27/11 at 17:23:42

57484E4954536252625A48440F3D0 wrote:
Well,, toss me nearest town & general directions, Im anxious to see what youve found,, Im excited for you,,

Nearest town is Montello, the land is about five miles south of it just east of highway 233

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/27/11 at 17:33:25

Ill loook at that later, thanks.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 08/27/11 at 17:47:06

6C7375726F6859695961737F34060 wrote:
Ill loook at that later, thanks.

No problem.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by verslagen1 on 08/27/11 at 18:28:02

In google earth, 5 miles east of montello nv
there's a picture icon
see 41°15'59.92"N 114°06'10.66"W

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/27/11 at 18:28:07

Well, Im sure Glad its no problem,  cuz if it WUZ a "Problem" Id just hafta tell ya to come on & just DO sumthin about it,, yea,, Like that,.,  so theere,, Nyaaa,,,

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by mpescatori on 08/28/11 at 10:38:38

"For communication we still plan on having our cell phones, apparently there is good cell service out there."

From personal experience - and I mean... combat experience in Bosnia...

In your case, the best (=most reliable and dependable) cellphones may well be the old Nokias from the mid-'90s, or the old Motorola 8700-8900, with the pull-out antenna.

Way back then, technology wasn't very sophisticated, so a cellphone would be just that, a wireless telephone, no camera, no fidgety gadgets, no nuthin' but a telephone
they would "get a fix" on a signal from even just one are acell, and allow you to be connected.

These days, modern smartphones are designed for the city, where you will find a broadband cell repeated every block,
they will broadcast with extremely low power to avoid mutual interference.

So the old cellphones such as the ones mentioned above are bullet-proof. With some luck, you can find an old "carphone" with a power amplifier and an external antenna from a car 10-15 years old, it's even better because the oversize antenna (mounted on a gutter just under the roofline) will ensure a radio signal worth your NA$A.

A possible backup is a VHF or UHF radio, or even CB, provided there's a decent ham radio net in the area.
But then, truck drivers are forever logged on CB radio, and there's always plenty of them around.
A "CQ Emergency" call on the truckers' CB channel never goes unnoticed and unanswered.


Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/28/11 at 11:02:11

Otta be a quiet place,,

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 10/01/11 at 19:40:07

Been busy thinning out all the junk we have accumulated over the years in our preparation to move. Never realized how much useless junk we have.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Serowbot on 10/01/11 at 23:12:28

Oh yeah,...  I moved three years ago...  and threw away half of everything I owned...
... another third went after I unpacked...
... and I still have too much crapppp!....
... and god help me,... I'm still buying more... 'cause I need it, I really do....
No, really... I do... :-?

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 03/14/14 at 15:57:55


Awhile back you asked for the long and lat of our Nevada property. It took me forever to do it but here it is. This is almost dead center of the property and you can see our travel trailer sitting there using google earth.

41° 11' 27.09" N

114° 14' 18.83" W

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by old_rider on 03/16/14 at 18:19:16

Wow Yonuh, why there? No trees, flat level plain, wind will be probably constant (between mountain ranges), will be crappy cold in the winter.

Just askin', curious mind you...not prying, if ya don't want to say or just pm will be fine..

Me personally, i'd like to be next to a mountain range in that area... could maybe spend a few years digging in and making my dream "cave home" :D

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 03/16/14 at 18:51:36

6A6961776C616077050 wrote:
Wow Yonuh, why there? No trees, flat level plain, wind will be probably constant (between mountain ranges), will be crappy cold in the winter.

Just askin', curious mind you...not prying, if ya don't want to say or just pm will be fine..

Me personally, i'd like to be next to a mountain range in that area... could maybe spend a few years digging in and making my dream "cave home" :D

Well OR, the constant wind is perfect for the wind turbine and the openness is perfect for a solar power generation system as we can put the solar array just about anywhere and we can build to be sure we don't block it instead of trying to figure out where to put the array where it isn't being blocked by existing structures.

When we were up there this past summer it was extremely peaceful and we are surrounded on all sides by mountains. You should see the spectacular sunsets.

To us, it gave us a sense of being almost alone on this planet.

We will be planting trees, a garden, and basically turning it into a nice little farm. It won't always look so desolate.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by old_rider on 03/16/14 at 22:15:09

Zoomed out on the map from your place and at the end of the mountain range to your north and east there looks to be meteor impacts....
Neat feature in the landscape, not sure if i'm correct but I would like to see it up close... lol...

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by mpescatori on 03/17/14 at 05:14:17

Well, I copy&pasted the coordinates and took a peek,
there's one blue and one large red pickup at 5 o'clock of the house (trailer home?) and one red car at 1 o'clock of the house.

One huge propane tank (looks like propane...) and a number of nondescript "others".

Couldn't locate the impact craters, but...
...where's the Jacuzzi ?


Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 03/17/14 at 10:20:36

2E3326302022372C312A430 wrote:
Well, I copy&pasted the coordinates and took a peek,
there's one blue and one large red pickup at 5 o'clock of the house (trailer home?) and one red car at 1 o'clock of the house.

One huge propane tank (looks like propane...) and a number of nondescript "others".

Couldn't locate the impact craters, but...
...where's the Jacuzzi ?


You're a little off, that is our nearest neighbor's place.

This our place with the coordinates to the corners marked.


Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/17/14 at 11:16:02

I C&P'd those coordinates & wound up in China..

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 03/17/14 at 11:52:39

243B3D3A2720112111293B377C4E0 wrote:
I C&P'd those coordinates & wound up in China..

LOL, I have no idea how that happened but as you can see from the pic those coordinates correspond to my little 24ft travel trailer sitting in the middle of my 20 acres.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by verslagen1 on 03/17/14 at 12:10:37

co-ords seems good to me

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 03/17/14 at 12:54:40

The wife told me that had happened to her the first time she tried it. Don't know why it does it but apparently it can happen. (shrugging)

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/17/14 at 19:39:03

Ima have a SERious talk with that cab driver, I tell ya!

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by old_rider on 03/18/14 at 19:39:00

Here ya go..... took picts of my computer screen....

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by verslagen1 on 03/18/14 at 19:46:38

you know you have a "print screen" key?
then paste into something like paint and save as jpg.

alt print screen saves just the active window.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by old_rider on 03/18/14 at 20:00:47

Yeah...couldn't get it to work with win it used to .... so I said the heck with it and used the cell phone

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by verslagen1 on 03/18/14 at 20:34:31

sorry OR, didn't know you were disabled.

OH! excuse me... that's not pc... how about win8 challenged?   ;D

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by old_rider on 03/18/14 at 20:58:23

I even tried to right click and "save as" , but google wouldn't let me.
But that does look like an impact rather than a volcanic... might have to one day make a vacation detour and go see yonuh

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 03/19/14 at 14:38:38

57545C4A515C5D4A380 wrote:
But that does look like an impact rather than a volcanic... might have to one day make a vacation detour and go see yonuh

If you do, maybe you can show me because I can't find what you're looking at.

By the way, we may be going back later than we thought.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 06/02/14 at 19:42:49

We will be heading back to Nevada in a just a few days. The 5th of June 2014 to be exact.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/03/14 at 06:08:03

I nrever did find it on Google Earth..

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by old_rider on 06/03/14 at 14:35:21

I just used google maps and copied and pasted 41°15'59.92"N 114°06'10.66"W

Put me right there.....

But today i'm not seeing anything but plains..... last time I seen the roads and stuff on the property

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 06/03/14 at 15:05:32

67646C7A616C6D7A080 wrote:
I just used google maps and copied and pasted 41°15'59.92"N 114°06'10.66"W

Put me right there.....

But today i'm not seeing anything but plains..... last time I seen the roads and stuff on the property

Found the problem OR. You used the wrong coordinates.

41° 11' 27.09" N

114° 14' 18.83" W

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by old_rider on 06/03/14 at 17:48:02

Heh.... got it from your previous post...

Trying again.....

Still just plains...

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 06/04/14 at 01:09:05

These are the ones you are saying that you are putting in:



These are the actual coordinates that I copied from my previous post:

41° 11' 27.09" N

114° 14' 18.83" W

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by old_rider on 06/04/14 at 02:56:05

Yeah, I copied the one from verslagens post..... sorry.

Still don't see anything yet... maybe next year when google redoes the map.

How did you come across the property info. for the sale?  Where you specifically looking? or someone mention it?  

I've told the wife I also would like a "vacation" spot to throw a used mobile home out there (was looking at Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico) and try an "off-grid" place... not sure how to lock it down, or if anyone would bother it with no one around.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 06/04/14 at 21:41:09

0E0D051308050413610 wrote:
Yeah, I copied the one from verslagens post..... sorry.

Still don't see anything yet... maybe next year when google redoes the map.

How did you come across the property info. for the sale?  Where you specifically looking? or someone mention it?  

I've told the wife I also would like a "vacation" spot to throw a used mobile home out there (was looking at Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico) and try an "off-grid" place... not sure how to lock it down, or if anyone would bother it with no one around.

I actually found it on ebay. Then contacted the seller personally through e-mail and we did the deal. He has plenty more places in Nevada, if you want I can give you the e-mail address.

Tonight will be the last time I will be online for quite a while. Staying in a motel tonight and first thing in the morning we will be heading out back to Nevada.

Actually, since I will be offline for quite some time I will go ahead and PM you his e-mail.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 06/09/14 at 19:26:56

At a Love's Truck Stop just outside of Provo UT. This trip has been one foul up after another. First I broke down in Bernalillo NM and had to replace the fuel line, then the trailer tire blew and had no spare because some one had stolen it so I had to buy a new tire. Then because of being broke down we had to spend money on an extra motel we didn't have and ran out of gas money in Moab UT and had to set up a camp for the night, we thought it would probably be a few days but we got help from the LDS church that the wife is a member of and they filled both truck tanks and gave an extra fifty so with luck we should make it on in to our place in Nevada. So a BIG SHOUT OUT to Bishop Ray Carling of the Moab LDS Church for helping us out. Thank you so very much.

We're gonna stay the night at this truck stop then head back out in the morning and we should be home in Nevada tomorrow afternoon or evening.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by mpescatori on 06/10/14 at 00:58:49

8-) Godspeed !

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 06/12/14 at 09:54:28

Well, we made it to our place in Nevada on Tuesday. I am at the little general store right now using the're free wifi. I just thought you would all like to know we made it safe and sound.

Have a lot of clean up to do but we are getting it done. We are just taking a break for today.

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/12/14 at 11:29:35

Yep, its always good to let folks know a trip was survived w/o any real drama. Thanks..

Title: Re: Thinking of moving to Nevada
Post by Trippah on 06/12/14 at 20:19:14

Yeah, the C of LDS is a good group of people to have your back, and they historically share your sense of adventure.  Hope you and your wife find yourselves a comfy setup and get it up and running.  If you get to raising rattlesnakes, well then we will have to start to wondering. ::) ::)
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