General Category >> The Cafe >> You don't want a Raptor if...

Message started by Serowbot on 08/05/11 at 12:04:16

Title: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by Serowbot on 08/05/11 at 12:04:16

... your car is an automatic...
... you like frozen waffles...
... you pay the neighbor kid to mow your lawn...
... your shoes close with velcro...
... the bagboy carries your groceries to your car...
... you use liquid soap in the shower...
... you have a tennis ball hanging in your garage...
... you go to the dealer to have your oil checked...
... you buy salad, in a bag...
... your keys hang from a stretchy chain on your belt...
... you drink latte's instead of coffee...
... your vitamins are alphabetized...
... you left the warning sticker on your gas tank...

Hmmm?... any more?... ;D...

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by CBH on 08/05/11 at 13:03:16

I am 4 out of the 13 you listed!  ;D

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by MotoBuddha on 08/05/11 at 13:05:14

You walk into another room then can't remember why.

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by 2whlthrpy on 08/05/11 at 13:49:29

You repeatedly run out of gas.

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by Edgar on 08/05/11 at 13:57:24

You can't remove your seat without help

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by Gyrobob on 08/05/11 at 14:00:00

786E79647C69647F0B0 wrote:
... your car is an automatic...
... you like frozen waffles...
... you pay the neighbor kid to mow your lawn...
... your shoes close with velcro...
... the bagboy carries your groceries to your car...
... you use liquid soap in the shower...
... you have a tennis ball hanging in your garage...
... you go to the dealer to have your oil checked...
... you buy salad, in a bag...
... your keys hang from a stretchy chain on your belt...
... you drink latte's instead of coffee...
... your vitamins are alphabetized...
... you left the warning sticker on your gas tank...

Hmmm?... any more?... ;D...

... you astroturf your yard
... you ride an FJR-1300AE
... you do not disable the electrical decompression system on your CS-1
... you use a drive-thru carwash
... you don't vote
... you prefer a Model 29 to a Blackhawk

this is fun,...

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by Edgar on 08/05/11 at 14:29:16

You give up on watching tv if you can't find the remote

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by arteacher on 08/05/11 at 15:31:29

You drink beer right from a (shudder) can!

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by 2whlthrpy on 08/05/11 at 15:53:42

You drink wine coolers  (inlcudes hard lemonde)

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by T2 on 08/05/11 at 16:29:07

The only "fireplace" in your home is a video.

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by arteacher on 08/05/11 at 16:50:14

3C2D3A3A317A7D79480 wrote:
The only "fireplace" in your home is a video.

Not fair- I live in a condo and can't have a fireplace or a wood stove. :'(

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by Boule’tard on 08/05/11 at 16:56:14

..if you use an escalator to get to the gym:

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by Serowbot on 08/05/11 at 17:06:42

0809034B0 wrote:
I am 4 out of the 13 you listed!  ;D

I won't ask which ones... ;D...

78756F767F6E7B687E1A0 wrote:
..if you use an escalator to get to the gym:

Best yet!... ;D ;D ;D...

... a couple more...

... you trim the crusts off your sandwich's...
... your name is on your underwear...
... you read Playboy for the articles,... (still)...
... you carry a clean white hanky in your pocket, at all times...
... you walk your cat...
... you play guitar, but you can't tune it...
... you drive a yellow mini-van...
... you take a toothbrush to Mc Donalds...
... your cowboy hat has a chin strap...
... you have an umbrella in your saddlebag...


Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by bill67 on 08/05/11 at 17:09:24

One of my daughter's boy friends  was really in to weight lifting,He had a strict routine,worked out 8 days a week and off on.One day I ask her if he could help me move a couch he couldn't do that,that would interfere with his strict lifting routine.

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by sbaugz on 08/05/11 at 17:31:18

what's a raptor? Never heard of that before. JK

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by 2whlthrpy on 08/05/11 at 18:02:40

You wear socks with your sandals.

You Still get a newspaper and wear socks with your sandals to retrieve it.

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by dv8savagerider on 08/05/11 at 19:10:58

One of my daughter's boy friends  was really in to weight lifting,He had a strict routine,worked out 8 days a week and off on.One day I ask her if he could help me move a couch he couldn't do that,that would interfere with his strict lifting routine.

- if you have 8 or more days in a week  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

sorry, had to pick on this one  ;)

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by mmosel on 08/05/11 at 20:06:44 don't like single malt scotch. get cocktails with umbrellas in them.'re a virgin don't own a pair of vice grips think duct tape is duck tape

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by runwyrlph on 08/06/11 at 06:20:56

.... you paid extra for your motorcycle because the previous owner just installed a new "power band"

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by Gyrobob on 08/06/11 at 06:55:06

... you use Dyna beads or PJ1 Balance plus instead of balancing your wheels with lead   (ooops)
... you get a degree from the National Western University of Applied Diplomas in the mail
... you pull out your Droid or Iphone to calculate a 10% tip
... you use a riding mower for a 50' by 50' yard
... you use a compound bow instead of a longbow  (ooops)
... you pay someone to sharpen your mower blade

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by Oldfeller on 08/06/11 at 10:38:08

If you are a closet masochist who LIKES for their bike to just friggin die periodically for no reason and leave their ass stranded in traffic.

Fix it and 4 months later a brand new vac petcock failure mode crops up to make both you and good 'ol Bill Murray shout fer joy yet again ....



Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by T2 on 08/06/11 at 12:00:23

2922222B2728293332460 wrote:
[quote author=3C2D3A3A317A7D79480 link=1312571057/0#9 date=1312586947]The only "fireplace" in your home is a video.

Not fair- I live in a condo and can't have a fireplace or a wood stove. :'([/quote]

There are always exceptions; yours is hereby granted  :)

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by Gyrobob on 08/06/11 at 14:45:14

... you use a golf cart when playing golf
... you look at the answers in the back of the book when you do crossword puzzles
... you tow your bike to Daytona Bike Week

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by 2whlthrpy on 08/06/11 at 20:49:50

you cant remember to turn your garage lights off. (ok I have done this).  8-)

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by mmosel on 08/07/11 at 02:27:01 already have a raptor. think the US economy is recovering ;) don't think Steven Wright is funny. don't have a motorcycle.

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by Routy on 08/07/11 at 07:33:52

68797A6E7C611B0 wrote:
what's a raptor? Never heard of that before. JK

I didn't see where anyone bothered to answer you, I can try.
A Raptor is a yammie replacement petcock for the Savage,....used by "woosies",... who blame every little problem that ever comes up, on to the OEM vacuum operated petcock, that lets fuel flow only when the engine is producing vacuum. (a very good convenience and saftey factor IMO)
I'm not really sure of the point of this thread, except OP mite be insinuating that the raptor (on/off/res) must not be used by anyone that is lazy, or has a not so good memory,.....because they mite forget to turn it off after each ride, if their all riding around w/ their carbs floats 1/2 full of gas, or they are not capable of fixing a simple leaking float valve,...or....who really knows ?? ::) :)

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by Serowbot on 08/07/11 at 09:14:06

Just for fun,.. Routy...

...but consider this... Would you trust the main water or gas shut-off in your house,... to vacuum operation?...
Many appliances have an automated shut-off,... but the main is always manual... it's the fail-safe... for when the others fail...

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by CBH on 08/07/11 at 10:41:53

1-  A Bird of prey
2-  A Dinosaur
3-  A name used for certain models of vehicles, airplanes, and sports teams

I swapped out my old Savages petcock valve for a Yamaha Raptors petcock have many others on this site.
It's the right thing to do!  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by runwyrlph on 08/07/11 at 11:05:36

58574D564A4C5F5D555B4C3E0 wrote:
[quote author=68797A6E7C611B0 link=1312571057/0#14 date=1312590678]what's a raptor? Never heard of that before. JK

I'm not really sure of the point of this thread, except OP mite be insinuating that the raptor (on/off/res) must not be used by anyone that is lazy, or has a not so good memory,.....because they mite forget to turn it off after each ride, if their all riding around w/ their carbs floats 1/2 full of gas, or they are not capable of fixing a simple leaking float valve,...or....who really knows ?? ::) :)

It's a joke kind of like "You might be a redneck if..."

I still have the stock petthingy so I'm guilty even tho I contributed to this thread!

Just kidding around, not serious like the oil wars!

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by Boule’tard on 08/07/11 at 14:36:16

646B716A76706361696770020 wrote:
[quote author=68797A6E7C611B0 link=1312571057/0#14 date=1312590678]what's a raptor? Never heard of that before. JK

I didn't see where anyone bothered to answer you, I can try.[/quote]
You do realize,'JK' means Just Kidding... which is why nobody stopped to explain...

A Raptor is a yammie replacement petcock for the Savage,....used by "woosies",... who blame every little problem that ever comes up, on to the OEM vacuum operated petcock...

Woosies?? ;D  Every little problem?   ;D  A pretty ballsy statement don't you think, seeing how you just tried to steer someone from replacing the vacuum petcock, when it was in fact the problem.

I just don't get it !!

In her very first post, she said that switching to prime DID NOT fix the problem.
To me that leaves the fact that the problem is some where other than the vacuum operated petcock, or the vacuum line going to it.

If the fuel filter is staying full when it dies, the problem is downstream from there,....pointing straight at a "problem in the carburator"

Now you guys talked her into a Raptor, and the hastle of installing it, only to have it still do the same thing,.....I am already feeling for the prolonged frustration she will be having :'(

But then,.....maybe its me that is loosing it  ::)

Only to be found dead wrong:

Just wanted to update and say that I haven't had an issue at all since installing the Raptor! :) I forget to turn it off almost everyday at work (I have remembered the past couple of days though) and she still starts and runs perfectly. In fact, my husband wants to get and install one on his bike now. :)

Kinda blows a hole in your "intermittent blockage by floating piece of debris" theory, huh?  Which is not to say that's impossible, just that it's not nearly as common as PETCOCK FAILURE,

... in yo face!  :D

...JK... ;D

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by Serowbot on 08/07/11 at 17:12:25

I didn't know "JK" meant , just kidding...

I thought it sbaugz's real initials... ;D...


Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/08/11 at 05:13:17

Does anyone take JK Rowling seriously?

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by Oldfeller on 08/08/11 at 05:45:55

JK Rowling is one of my favorite Brits -- she went from welfare/starving to a frikin' billionaire based off her creativity, smarts & hard work.  

And she did it in England no less, against socialist taxes and headwinds all the way .....  of course she's a bit bent on all associated political topics as she was raised in that environment, but her solicitors finally got her straightened out on the important stuff about her money.

The first Harry Potter movie was the best one, by far.  


Hermione turned out right pretty, didn't she?  

Title: Re: You don't want a Raptor if...
Post by Oldfeller on 08/08/11 at 06:05:52

And don't you go a' picking on Routy or Veslagen, they can replace their vac hoses every year and rebuild their diaphragms periodically until the cows come home -- it's their bike after all.

And to Verslagen's point it is cheap and easy for us to say "I told you so" on an easy win scenario like a vac petcock failure.   The odds are strongly in our favor after all .....

We need Routy to keep on hanging in there for the vac petcock, the fun stops when he gives up and quits on us !!!


Now, if we were gonna put together a "List of Things That Tell You It's Mebbe Raptor Time" what would that list look like?

(copy the list over and add your item at the bottom of the list)

1)  Your bike acts like it is running out of gas when you are going over 55 mph and then when you get to the pump you can't put in 2 full gallons of gasoline.

2)  When you get a reserve situation and roll the vac petcock toggle to Reserve, the bike continues to stumble for nearly a minute before slowly picking up some power and speed as you struggle to get to a gas station.

3)  You get all sorts of abrupt indications your carburetor is dirty or your jetting suddenly went off (and you haven't changed your exhaust system or air filter system).   Especially applies if SeaFoam, etc has NO EFFECT on your "carburetor issues" whatsoever when you try it.

4)  You smell gasoline either coming from your airbox or from your oil fill port when you unscrew it because you suspect you have one of the above going on and "it may be Raptor time". » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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