General Category >> The Cafe >> Latest news on Skat..

Message started by kimchris1 on 07/21/11 at 03:39:09

Title: Latest news on Skat..
Post by kimchris1 on 07/21/11 at 03:39:09

Preacher Mike and I decided that we should start
a thread just for the latest news on Skat..
Skat and her Mom made the 12 hr trip to Pa
safely. She placed the "Hello Kitty" quilt I made
her on the bed and said it made it feel more
like home.
Skat has appts at the Cancer Center today and
surgery is set for tomorrow.
Skat's Mom will keep in contact with Preacher Mike
and myself. Skat is able to do e-mail yet can  not
access the forum from the hospital.
Thanks everyone for your prayers, well wishes,
as well as wearing Pink and placing the Pink on
your bikes. She really appreciates all the support.
That is all I have for now.. Over and out.. :) kim

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by on 07/21/11 at 04:22:47

Thanks for setting up this update.  There are lots of folks here thinking about Skat, and it it good to know that there is a way to find out how she is doing.  Much appreciated.

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/21/11 at 05:18:12

I havent had much to say here, not because I dont care, but because it wrenches my guts so,, I know whats happening & Ive seen the increases in cancer & the costs & losses & pain makes me angry & sick at my stomach at the same time.. & it REALLY Pisses me off when its someone I LIKE,, & I like this gal,,

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Sunchasers on 07/21/11 at 08:06:50

203F393E23241525152D3F33784A0 wrote:
I havent had much to say here, not because I dont care, but because it wrenches my guts so...

Totally understand JOG!  My sister is going through the same thing right now... it's hard to say much here without tearing up thinking about my sister, but they are both in my thoughts and prayers always.

Please keep the updates coming Kim!

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by youzguyz on 07/21/11 at 13:30:15

697670776A6D5C6C5C64767A31030 wrote:
I havent had much to say here, not because I dont care, but because it wrenches my guts so,, I know whats happening & Ive seen the increases in cancer & the costs & losses & pain makes me angry & sick at my stomach at the same time.. & it REALLY Pisses me off when its someone I LIKE,, & I like this gal,,

+1 .. a lot

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Red_Wine on 07/21/11 at 13:47:05

Thanks Kim.


Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Grand Strand on 07/21/11 at 16:34:58

26302A25382A26255F0 wrote:
[quote author=697670776A6D5C6C5C64767A31030 link=1311244749/0#2 date=1311250692]I havent had much to say here, not because I dont care, but because it wrenches my guts so,, I know whats happening & Ive seen the increases in cancer & the costs & losses & pain makes me angry & sick at my stomach at the same time.. & it REALLY Pisses me off when its someone I LIKE,, & I like this gal,,

+1 .. a lot[/quote]

+1 … Agreed   [smiley=thumbup.gif]

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Skid Mark on 07/21/11 at 17:14:59

Thanks for the update. My thoughts are with Skat. Hoping for a sucessful surgery and a full recovery.

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by kimchris1 on 07/21/11 at 21:56:18

Update as of few mins ago..
Received an E-mail. Her surgery
is expected to take 5 hrs. Her Mom
has my contact info. I will of course
relay info as it comes in.
Skat was having a little snack as it
will be the last thing she gets to eat
till after the surgery..
Depending on the time difference, I
should know something hopefully by
early afternoon my time.  
Hugs everyone.. kim

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Midnightrider on 07/21/11 at 22:31:27

Thanks Kim. Best wishes Skat.

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by TheSnakeLady on 07/22/11 at 02:44:03

My thoughts and prayers are with Skat today!  I'll be sending lots of positive energy her way while I'm at work today, and when I get out I'll immediatly check in for updates!  Thanks for keeping us posted! ;)

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by babyhog on 07/22/11 at 05:57:54

Thanks Kimmy.  You're the best!  

And I so much agree with JOG and those who have trouble with this, so I rarely comment either.  But I've been amazed at the "family" we have here and how caring everyone is.  It honestly brings a tear to my eye.

Will be thinking of Skat all day today....  

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by buttgoat1 on 07/22/11 at 07:21:42

prayers here too.

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Serowbot on 07/22/11 at 08:28:31

I'm "in the pink" today,...  ;)...

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by photojoe on 07/22/11 at 10:20:32

My thoughts are with Skat.

This "C" thing has touched all of our lives in one form or another. One thing I'm certain of is that people who are going through it, definitely benefit from the thoughts and little notes from their friend's and family.

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by prechermike on 07/22/11 at 13:37:33

I spoke with Skat's mom this afternoon, she was in surgery.  she wanted me to let you know about the room number in her addres.  

Room 210
Hope Lodge
110 W. Laurel Ave.
Philadelphia PA 19012


Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by prechermike on 07/22/11 at 14:56:41

Just spoke with Skat's mom.  She is out of surgery and everything went very well.  Should be in her room soon and hopefuly to Hope Lodge in a couple of days.  She is thanful for all our prayers and concerns.

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by TheSnakeLady on 07/22/11 at 16:25:59

Awesome news!  Thanks Mike!!!!! ;)

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Serowbot on 07/22/11 at 16:46:01

;)...  Thanks, Preach...

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by kimchris1 on 07/22/11 at 20:17:49

Thanks Mike, for the update.

Thanks everyone for your prayers,
postitive thoughts and love.
Also huge thanks for the wearing of
the color Pink today..
Hugs and love to all.. :) kim

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by kimchris1 on 07/22/11 at 20:52:21

Fresh flowers are not accepted at Hope Lodge.
They will accept Fruit, Gourmet baskets as well
as Silk flowers.
Cards are accepted with no problems.
Skat will possibly go there on Monday
or Tuesday. If I find out for sure which
day I will post it here.

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by SuperSavage on 07/22/11 at 21:09:40

I wish Skat the best. My sister had gone through  similar circumstances a few years back and is still with us, in good health. A good mindset combined  with healthy lifestyle(plenty of riding ;)) will give her a  good leg up in her battle. Just remember, temporary- post surgery is the toughest time physically and mentally. In a few months you'll be feeling like your old self, God bless and best of Luck.


Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/11 at 21:55:31

They say Laughter is the best medicine,, Attitude is important,, & Ive every reason to believe Skat is just a ball of energy & smiling & cutting up,, she seems like such a vibrant woman, fully engaged in life. Shes not goin away..  

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Serowbot on 07/22/11 at 23:24:00

697670776A6D5C6C5C64767A31030 wrote:
Ive every reason to believe Skat is just a ball of energy & smiling & cutting up,, she seems like such a vibrant woman, fully engaged in life. Shes not goin away..  

++1!...   ;)...

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by prechermike on 07/23/11 at 07:44:14

Spoke to her mom this morning, Skat is eating breakfast and laughing.  Kim, her mom said the nurses are fighting over who gets to take the quilt home. She is hoping to be released from the hospital tomorrow, to go back Hope Lodge.  :) :D ;D 8-) ::) (My daughter told me to put all the faces!)

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by verslagen1 on 07/23/11 at 08:15:19

Kimmy dear , you have to make some pillows for them.

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by kimchris1 on 07/23/11 at 21:49:56

Wow seems I may have to make more
than some pillows for the nurses..

I am sure SKat is keeping it close. :)
I placed a call earlier this afternoon and
no answer. Then we took the bikes out
and got home at 9 p.m.
Too late to call so wil try again tomorrow a.m..

For everyone else that has family battling cancer.
Big Big hugs, prayers, positive thoughts to them.
Thank you for thinking on Skat as well.. :) hugs
and love to all... klm

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by kimchris1 on 07/24/11 at 11:09:50

UPdate of this a.m.. I spoke with Skat's Mom.
Skat is doing so well, their moving her this afternoon
to Hope Lodge.
Skat was able to rest well last night and again her recovery
is going well.
Please keep Skat's Mom and Dad in your prayers, good thoughts
as well.
Skat is a fighter and she is showing us all just how much fight
she has in her.

Hugs and love to all.. :) kim

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by kimchris1 on 07/24/11 at 21:09:51

This just in.. E-mail from SKat..
She wanted me to let you all
know how much she appreciates
all the support, prayers, best wishes
sent to her. She is still unable to access
the forum. She is resting and as far as I
know she is now at Hope Lodge.
Hugs and love to everyone.. Thank you..:) kim

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by TheSnakeLady on 07/25/11 at 09:54:16

Do you guys think she'd be up to a visit later in the week?

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by kimchris1 on 07/25/11 at 13:22:21

I'm not sure. I will check
and let you know..
Very nice for you to ask..
Hugs..:) kim

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by kimchris1 on 07/25/11 at 14:09:49

The Snakelady, yes it is ok to visit.
I just talked with Skat's Mom..
Skat is resting. Someday Skat and
I will get to talk. lol..
Please relay her all of our best
wishes..Hugs..:) kim

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by TheSnakeLady on 07/25/11 at 16:29:01

K, sounds good, my fiance and I are planning on going down Thursday!  Anyone got any ideas as to parking fees and such, I just want to make sure we have enough cash on hand.  Thanks in advance for the info!

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by kimchris1 on 07/25/11 at 22:59:00

Ok SnakeLady.. I just checked the website.
Parking on the Fox Chase lot is free, you can
park in several different open lots, a west side
or east side parking garage.
Also their is Valet parking of which their is a
$5.00 fee..
You can check the website for more info...
Enjoy your visit.. Wish I could be there too..
Hugs to all, :) kim

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by kimchris1 on 07/26/11 at 19:03:28

Skat has a
I actually got to talk to her today..Whooppeeee....
OMG her voice is so pretty. She and I laughed
and shared some great moments on the phone.
She walked around the perimiter of the Hospital on
the outside today. It was her first walk outside since
the surgery. She is doing great..
Temps had  cooled down to about 80, yet she was
tired and sweaty from the walk.
Great job gal.. Each day a new step..

BTW, she is able to view posts here. She just is not
able to login. Place won't allow the login. Yet she
is keeping up on all of our news..

She thanks everyone and misses us all as well.
Skat, we miss you and send you all our best..
Hugs and love, :) kim

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Serowbot on 07/26/11 at 22:03:32

... in that case...
Hugs and love from me, too... (:-*)...

PS...(the parenthesis are hugging arms... even though, it looks more like I have pigtails)... :-?...

Thanks for keeping us updated, KC... :-*...

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by WD on 07/27/11 at 02:39:35

Any idea yet on a go home date?

With her outlook on life, and how everything has gone so far, Skat is going to be "NED" and knocking on our doors before we know it.

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by prechermike on 07/27/11 at 05:54:41

WD, from what she told me, it will probably be a couple of weeks before she gets back home.  She is doing well, just has to deal with the post op stuff and the hospital is a long way from home.  But, as I said, everything is doing well.

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by buttgoat1 on 07/27/11 at 09:21:39

keep the good news flowin!

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by TheSnakeLady on 07/27/11 at 10:48:52

Ok, so the plan is Brooks and I are gonna leave Central New York about 7am, hope to get there about noon (if we don't get lost, I've never been to PA LOL).  Stay a couple hours or so and then head back home.  See you tomarrow Skat, I'll be the one with the pink hair!  ;)

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by kimchris1 on 07/27/11 at 11:56:23

Bot, those pigtails look sexy on you..  :-*
I am sure the hugs made Skat feel very
good as well.

I know hearing her voice sure made the last
two glumy days, brighter..

She has a ways to go yet. Not sure on a discharge
date as some progress still to come before that can
happen. She is doing great and she is one tough woman.

Skat, hugs and thanks for making the clouds disappear..
I will be checking in later... :) kim

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 07/27/11 at 14:03:29

I haven't commented on Skat's situation because like the other's it breaks my heart, but if she is up to it here is a power hug

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by scroop on 07/27/11 at 18:10:16

Hey, Skat.  Glad to hear of all of the great progress!  Thinking about heading out to say "Hello" this Saturday with a friend of mine if that is o.k.  Probably looking at around noonish or so, and I'm not much of a talker so won't stay long.  Let me know if that time frame doesn't suit or if you need me to bring anything out to you.  Keep fighting, sis, and blessings to you.

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by TheSnakeLady on 07/28/11 at 19:25:38

I went to see Skat today!  Cept she wasn't there   :'(  The good news is that after getting VERY lost in the "not so good" part of town, we finally found the place.  Bad news is, she's not able to get on here at all I guess so she had no idea we were coming down and was an hour away visiting a friend.  We were ready to go to said friends house, but totally got lost again.  I don't like PA (no offense to PA natives).  LOL.  We did get to meet Skat's mom tho, and she was very appreciative of us coming down to visit!  Very nice woman!  Btw, the rules at hope lodge are very strickt, no food outside cafe, no visitors under 18, can't visit rooms...

Oh, and Scroop, when I talked to her she mentioned a bbq this sat so I wouldn't plan a trip this weekend.

Skat, I'm soooooo sorry we missed you!!!!  We'll try again sometime!!!!   ;)

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by kimchris1 on 07/29/11 at 00:02:26

Skat is now under strick orders from her Dr's...
She is strickly under hospital arrest. That means
she HAS to rest.. She is running a low grade fever
and has a small infection.
She is actually in quarantine.

SnakeLady, she was so sorry to have missed seeing
you today.

She also wanted everyone to know how much she appreciated
the flowers and cards. She is sorry to not be able to talk to
us all right now.

She made it sound like visitors right now are prohibited. She is
again being told no internet, no nothing but rest.

Scroop, I know you were planning to visit, yet that is prohibited
as of now. No phone calls just plain rest.

She is not going home anytime soon it sounds, so it might be
best to wait till she is feeling better..Just a suggestion.

She had told me she could read our posts as a guest, yet now
sounds like she is unable to do that even.
SnakeLady, sorry the trip did not bring you the chance to meet
Skat in person. I had no idea she was able to go out side of the
hospital grounds. Now she is on restriction and that is not even

Their was an annonyamous donor that sent a beautiful silk flower
arrangement with a lovely card..
NO it was not me. This person wanted it to remain a secret of who
had sent it. That secret is safe with me. I do know the flowers
and card was sent on behalf of all of us here.

I am sorry to have this news to share after sharing great news
before. The news will get better as Skat rests and gets over
this hurdle...


She said, she will let everyone know when she is back in New Bern.
Thank you all for your continued support, love, prayers, and best
wishes to her. Hugs and love to all.. kim

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by prechermike on 07/29/11 at 02:57:23

Sounds like she tried to do too much too soon.  That is a mistake alot of us would have made, though this is a "setback" I still see it as a good sign.  Skat is not sitting around moping and feeling sorry for herself, she is up and trying to get better.  I would like to try being quaranteened and on bed rest, for a couple of hours, after that, not so much. :-/

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by kimchris1 on 07/29/11 at 08:59:48

I agree with Preacher Mike. Skat is tough..
She has already shown us all what a fighter
she is. She is going to continue to fight
and the rest will help her regain her strength.

Oh believe me I realize how many of you feel.
The anger, hurt, saddness. Yes I feel it too..
However, Skat has never once said she felt it..
I find her an amazing woman. She never had to
let us into what was going on in the first place.
Since she did, she again has shown me strength,
bravery, love and a friendship that will go on forever.:)

While I don't expect to have daily news to share for awhile,  :(
I ask that cards, special wishes, prayers, happy, positive
thoughts be sent her way..
She really does appreciate the forum being with her on this
She even said that in her E-mail.
She also wanted to make sure no one was offended by the
no visits or phone calls for now..

Skat, you get well, no offense taken..:)
Hugs and love to all.. kim

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by on 07/29/11 at 15:26:18

I sent Skat a card at both the Fox Chase center, and the Hope Center.  Fox Chase returned it, saying that they had no such patient (SKAT- The Crazy Biker Chick from N/C.)  So, I am posting it below for her.

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Boofer on 07/29/11 at 17:08:55

Just because we don't know how to say it doesn't mean she won't understand our concern. And Skate Girl, some of these big old burley men on here would get woozy and faint if they actually visited a hospital.   ;D Best wishes and kind thoughts and prayer from the state of Mississippi. Barry

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Midnightrider on 07/29/11 at 18:40:51

I use to hang glide, skydive, paddle white water kayaks down dangerous rivers and ride motorcycles really, really fast. I thought I was brave. I wasnt. YOU ARE!!!!!  You are my hero.

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by fascar228 on 07/30/11 at 00:27:45

Dear Skat,

I have been following this thread for sometime. Other threads I usually just read through and enjoy comments from all the members. BUT this thread is special.
You are a brave woman and there now seems to be a FAN club following your well being, I too am one following it. kimchris has done a wonderful job of bringing us up to date reports.

I wish you a quick and complete recovery. I am 11 hours ahead of your time line that's the other side of the world but i when ever I see my S40 which is quite often I think about your health and get concerned.

May you recover soon and be with your loved ones, family and the rider group.

I wish I could bring my bike there and do some riding together with you all....

Skat... keep those spirits high!!! you are a born fighter.... really liked your re-enactment pics....(fancy costumes etc)...


Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by scroop on 07/30/11 at 08:14:12

Skat - Your a fightin' machine!!! Out running around like you are after major surgery visiting and having BBQs!  No self-pity found in you, that's for sure!  Give your body a chance to catch up with your mind and spirit.  Let us know if we can ship anything out to you.  I'll try to get out there on the 7th if things work that way.  Blessings to you, sis.  :)
Very cool card, Jerry!  8-)  

Thanks for all of your efforts and for the updates, Kim.  I put off the trek to Philly for a better time.  :D

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by kimchris1 on 07/30/11 at 09:36:21

Guys, and Gals, thanks so much.. Your such a wonderful
group of people..

Scroop sorry you had to postpone the trip, yet it will be
a better viisit once Skat is rested better.

Jerry, that card is so sweet. She is going to love it..
Sorry it didn't reach her, I am not sure what happened.
At least it was returned to you and you were able to post
where she will still see it

Hugs everone and I will try and call towards the end of next
week for an update, at least from her Mom...
Till then, happy thoughts, love and hugs.. ;) kim

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by prechermike on 08/01/11 at 09:11:14

I got an email from Skat! :D

"Thank you to everyone who has sent cards, flowers and kind thoughts to Philly. Believe it or not, I have indeed gotten cards addressed to SKAT here at Hope Lodge. I think the one card that appears to have gone astray was sent to the hospital after I left there and went to Hope Lodge (different building across the street).  

But I did see that card (cute!) thanks to my mom setting her laptop up on my bed. Of course, since she is my mom and its her laptop, i was on restricted time limit for 'surfing' but i did get my email caught up and checked out the Cafe!

Just to clear a few things up - First off, no guests are allowed in the rooms here at Hope Lodge. Second, I am basically stuck in my room until i get a clear bloodwork count from the doctors. I also have surgical drains in me that should have come out last Friday, but are still not out due to my jumping up and around before i should have.  Tomorrow is my next check with both the surgeon and my oncologist.  They determine when I can go out, and when I can go home to NC. At this point, neither is happening any time soon.

So thank you to those who have come to see me (Snakelady my mom should have taken a photo of you two!) and Scroop who is trying to visit but getting thwarted (not intentionally).  Please bear with me on the delays. We will have chances to get togther - just maybe not as soon as we would like!

Everyone take care, ride safe and thank you for spreading the PINK!


Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Serowbot on 08/01/11 at 11:00:24

Thanks again, Preach... ;)...

Pink thoughts to you, Skater... (:-*)...

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by kimchris1 on 08/01/11 at 11:59:39

Thanks Preacher Mike, makes it a little easier to rest,
knowing she got a few words to you..
Hugs, Kim

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by prechermike on 08/03/11 at 13:35:31

Got word from Skat today about her doctor's check.  She said yesterday, are you ready for this?

"got EXCELLENT news from the doctors today - it worked, I beat the odds!!"

Still has a way to go, but things are looking good!

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Demin on 08/03/11 at 13:39:39

[smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=thumbsup.gif] [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] :exclamation.Oh yeah....woohoo and congratulations.Get well SOON!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by verslagen1 on 08/03/11 at 14:13:53

63626A6E69070 wrote:
[smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=thumbsup.gif] [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] :exclamation.Oh yeah....woohoo and congratulations.Get well SOON!!!!!!!!!!

+1 on that, every last smiley too.

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Serowbot on 08/03/11 at 14:24:51

23222A2E29470 wrote:
[smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=thumbsup.gif] [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] :exclamation.Oh yeah....woohoo and congratulations.Get well SOON!!!!!!!!!!

++1 !!... :-?...

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by kimchris1 on 08/03/11 at 14:41:17

That is the best news I have had in awhile..:)
Skat, seems the rest is paying off..
I am so excited I could do a cart wheel.. Well
ok in my mind I am doing cart wheels.. :)
It has been awhile since I have done one..
Maybe with the great results, your Dr. will
lift some of the restrictions.
Hugs gal and will be in touch... :) kim

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by drharveys on 08/03/11 at 15:15:24

Outstanding news!   :D

Yes, it's a long haul and PT/rehab is no picnic, but it sure beats the alternatives.

Hey -- let's all have a virtual picnic ride with Skat when she's back on her bike.  If you're close enough, ride with her for a picnic, otherwise all of ride the same day and post photos of our picnics!

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Grand Strand on 08/03/11 at 15:15:45

Kant do me no kartwhels but I am right reel proud of you Skat – God Bless! Keep it up.  [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by WD on 08/03/11 at 17:46:15

Figures, I spend a week finding the perfect get well card...  ;D

Great news Skat! Keep it up, you'll be home before you know it. I told you you'd beat this.

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Skid Mark on 08/03/11 at 17:49:00

That's fantastic news.   :D

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Silly Ogre on 08/03/11 at 18:23:22

Awesome Skat glad to hear you are seeing improvement...Hugs Girly..

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by scroop on 08/03/11 at 19:37:04

You've gotten to another mile marker.  Congrats to ya, sis!  Keep fighting!  :D

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by CeliaMarie on 08/04/11 at 05:24:03

Congrats, Scat!

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by weracerc on 08/04/11 at 07:42:43

yeah glad to hear you are making progress!

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by TheSnakeLady on 08/04/11 at 14:24:51

Amazing!!! I can't even think of what to say to express my relief and.... idk, awesome!!!!!  [smiley=beer.gif] Cheers to you!  [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by John_D FSO on 08/04/11 at 22:05:00

Great news to hear! [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
Take it easy, and hope ya start feeling better real soon. :)

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Z on 08/04/11 at 22:08:30

WooHoo!!! Glad to hear the healing is going well!! Keep up the great work!!!

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by kimchris1 on 08/04/11 at 23:03:43

Skat, that is such great news..
Your showing all of us what
a fighter you are.. You keep
OH and hope your spirit is not
too worn out, from our ride
to Mt.St. Helen's today..
Hugs and love, kim

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Serowbot on 08/05/11 at 00:25:05

3D3F3B353E243F2567560 wrote:
... from our ride
to Mt.St. Helen's today..
Hugs and love, kim

Dangit'!... I missed it!...  I would love to see that...
Must be awesome!...
Any pics?..  no pics, and you have to go back... it didn't happen, if you don't have pics, KC...

My best to you, Skater,... "Kissy, huggy face"... in silly pigtails...(:-*)...

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by John_D FSO on 08/05/11 at 00:57:48

5442554850454853270 wrote:
[quote author=3D3F3B353E243F2567560 link=1311244749/60#72 date=1312524223]... from our ride
to Mt.St. Helen's today..
Hugs and love, kim

Dangit'!... I missed it!...  I would love to see that...
Must be awesome!...
Any pics?..  no pics, and you have to go back... it didn't happen, if you don't have pics, KC...

My best to you, Skater,... "Kissy, huggy face"... in silly pigtails...(:-*)...

Check the thread, there be pics. And video (kinda)! :D

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Serowbot on 08/05/11 at 01:08:30

5A4D4C464D4B431F1A19181A280 wrote:
[quote author=5442554850454853270 link=1311244749/60#73 date=1312529105][quote author=3D3F3B353E243F2567560 link=1311244749/60#72 date=1312524223]... from our ride
to Mt.St. Helen's today..
Hugs and love, kim

Dangit'!... I missed it!...  I would love to see that...
Must be awesome!...
Any pics?..  no pics, and you have to go back... it didn't happen, if you don't have pics, KC...

My best to you, Skater,... "Kissy, huggy face"... in silly pigtails...(:-*)...

Check the thread, there be pics. And video (kinda)! :D[/quote]
Do I miss,... everything!?... :-?...

EDIT... apparently...

Thanks,... I'm still jealous...;)...

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by kimchris1 on 08/05/11 at 07:58:32

Serowbot, believe me, it happened..
I rode about 307 miles yesterday..
Al, that seat you sold me worked

None of us were in any kind of a hurry,
so it was a very pleasant ride. Took our
time and really enjoyed the day and scenery.
Our summer has taken forever to get started
and so nice to have spent one of them with
these guys and, the "Suzuki Princess."
The trip down the mountain took less
time as we had all taken all the pics
and did the sight seeing we wanted to

Oh and Skat you would have loved seeing
Dj's daughter,, Her doo rag is "pink skulls"
and she also had on a pink shirt under her

Oh yeah all our bikes sported "pink." Oldfella
we get triple bonus points for that..
These guys were proud to sport the pink.. :) kim

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 08/05/11 at 17:40:10

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by kimchris1 on 08/06/11 at 06:49:13

Great News.. Skat gets out next Saturday...
I just got off the phone with her Mom..
Skat is out for a walk as the weather is
cloudy and the  humidity is down...
So as I wasn't able to talk to Skat, I did
at least get her Mom..:)
Skat's Dr's are very pleased with her recovery
She must be doing good as seems she is no longer
under strick orders to stay in her room.. :)
Now is a great time to start planning a celebration ride..
Let's all plan a ride at a certain time next Sat.. I will keep
in touch to make sure she gets to go home as planned..
OHHH I am so excited for her.  
She really is a fighter and is showing everyone she is not
giving up. She is a brave, courageous woman.

Skat, we love ya, and can't wait to do the celebration ride..
Hugs gal and oh yeah get some rest..:) kim

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/06/11 at 12:29:33

I keep looking at this post, hoping to see Skat as the last one to post,, But,, KIm is next,, so,, I saw, I came, I read,, & Im Happy!

Im glad she is out for a walk,, I envision her walking along, smiling, looking at critters some  flying, others scampering,, just ambling along, happy to be out, looking at the beauty of the world..

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Serowbot on 08/06/11 at 12:53:38

4D5254534E4978487840525E15270 wrote:
Im glad she is out for a walk,, I envision her walking along, smiling, looking at critters some  flying, others scampering,, just ambling along, happy to be out, looking at the beauty of the world..

Was she animated?...  
I think that's a scene from "Snow White"... ;D...

Now I'm seeing the same thing... :-?...


Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by T Mack 1 - FSO on 08/06/11 at 13:49:31

3331353B302A312B69580 wrote:
Great News.. Skat gets out next Saturday...
I just got off the phone with her Mom..
Skat is out for a walk as the weather is
cloudy and the  humidity is down...
So as I wasn't able to talk to Skat, I did
at least get her Mom..:)
Skat's Dr's are very pleased with her recovery
She must be doing good as seems she is no longer
under strick orders to stay in her room.. :)
Now is a great time to start planning a celebration ride..
Let's all plan a ride at a certain time next Sat.. I will keep
in touch to make sure she gets to go home as planned..
OHHH I am so excited for her.  
She really is a fighter and is showing everyone she is not
giving up. She is a brave, courageous woman.

Skat, we love ya, and can't wait to do the celebration ride..
Hugs gal and oh yeah get some rest..:) kim

   I haven't been logging in very often lately.  Hope all is well and hope your enjoying our PA weather.  (FYI everyone else,  we're getting a front moving thru today.  Intermittent rain and humid).    Leaving PA next week.... hmmm  I don't think that's enough time to get a escort of LS650's together to go to the airport.

Jimmer,  Fido the Cat, Photo-Joe and any other PA, NJ and DE rider, what do you think,  is Esort duty still possible to setup?   (KimChirs, we would need times...)

322E233528272D232A27223F460 wrote:
................., but totally got lost again.  I don't like PA (no offense to PA natives).  LOL. ....................

Snake Lady,
     Philly is Philly.  It's sort of like saying all of NY state is like NYC.   I lived in PA most my life (50 miles away) and still don't like Philly, so no offense taken.

Here's a link to our '08 ride.

T Mack

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Sunchasers on 08/06/11 at 22:32:49

Great news!!!  :)   Wishing her all the best!

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by scroop on 08/07/11 at 17:02:24

423B5B77757D27160 wrote:
[quote author=3331353B302A312B69580 link=1311244749/75#78 date=1312638553]
  ...Leaving PA next week.... hmmm  I don't think that's enough time to get a escort of LS650's together to go to the airport.[/color]

Jimmer,  Fido the Cat, Photo-Joe and any other PA, NJ and DE rider, what do you think,  is Esort duty still possible to setup?   (KimChirs, we would need times...)

T Mack

Great idea, T Mack.  An LS650 escort sounds awesome - count me in!  :D

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by AZSGT on 08/07/11 at 19:15:57

Everyone please read Kimchris's post about the ride for Skat. It would be awesome to see everyone participate. A couple hundred get well ride pics would make anyone feel loved. Let's get it done!

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by skatnbnc on 08/09/11 at 23:39:45

I snuck out and hacked in so you all would know that i am still alive, kicking and just as cabin fever crazy as can be. I want to go home!  :'(

I have appointments with the surgeon and other docs this week to determine if/when i can be released.
I've had several post-surgery complications from trying to jump right back into my usual routine, and now have been set back to zero. For someone used to running ALL the time, this has really been difficult.  :P

Because of the cabin fever I do go outside for short walks and in general try not to spend too much time in the room. There are multiple open lounges here with lots of books so i rest in those areas to prevent any further room-mate tension with my mom.  ::)

Serowbot thanks for the Snow White song which i now have in my head...what is UP with those overly-tame forest creatures...kinda creepy if you ask me!  ;D

Thanks to all who sent cards - they are lined up on the desk in my room along with the silk flowers.  :)

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by skatnbnc on 08/10/11 at 00:00:10

One more thing - although i do deeply appreciate ALL the support on the forum, please do no think you need/have to do anything else.

Despite the number of posts I put on the forum, I am really rather a private person, and a lot of the things like the escort to the airport idea kind of make me uncomfortable. The extra attention is a little overwhelming.

No offense to anyone, just asking for a little respect/room for privacy.  :)

Keep riding rubber side down; virtual HUGS and thank you.  8-)

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by mpescatori on 08/10/11 at 03:06:45

It's OK, Skat, we're just exstatic you're getting a string of thumbs up  :D

Now get well  ;)

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Boule’tard on 08/10/11 at 06:51:27

4F575D48525E525F3C0 wrote:
Serowbot thanks for the Snow White song which i now have in my head...what is UP with those overly-tame forest creatures...kinda creepy if you ask me!  ;D

LOL  ;D Those Disney animals are so unrealistic, they're scarier than the real deal.  But thank goodness you got "out of the woods" in terms of risk.  What a relief, and congratulations, you got the 2nd half of your life back!

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by kimchris1 on 08/10/11 at 09:06:16

Skat, rest and we all will keep the thoughts going
that, you are released on Sat..
It is very nice that you were able to sneek out and
get a message to everyone..
Hugs and talk later.. :) kim

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by drharveys on 08/10/11 at 14:34:29

6568726B6273667563070 wrote:
[quote author=4F575D48525E525F3C0 link=1311244749/75#85 date=1312958385]Serowbot thanks for the Snow White song which i now have in my head...what is UP with those overly-tame forest creatures...kinda creepy if you ask me!  ;D

LOL  ;D Those Disney animals are so unrealistic, they're scarier than the real deal.  But thank goodness you got "out of the woods" in terms of risk.  What a relief, and congratulations, you got the 2nd half of your life back! [/quote]

Disney has a unique take on nature.  The visitor's center at Table Rock Lake had a theater that was looping a Disney nature film on beavers.  For those of you outside of North America, I will give a quick description of beavers:

The beaver is an aquatic fresh-water mammal with a large, flat tail.  It is the largest rodent in North America.

This film NEVER mentioned that beavers are rodents!  It mentioned that they have continuously growing incisor teeth, one of the key characteristics of rodents.  It told about how beavers were good neighbors and great little furry engineers who build dams and nests for their families.  It showed lots of footage of beavers being cute and adorable.  But, at the risk of repeating myself, it never used the "R" word to describe them!

And I oughta know, 'cause I saw that film at least three times!  (We were camping, it was really hot, the kids were crabby and the visitors center was air conditioned!)

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by kimchris1 on 08/12/11 at 12:34:43

Skat's going home!!!!
Tomorrow is the day!!!
Whoo hoooo Happy Dance Time..
Everyone Dance Now.. lol...
I talked to her just a few mins ago.
She is packing and getting ready to
hit the trails home tomorrow...:):)
Thank you all for all your support to
her. She still has a ways to go, yet
as her and I talked, one step at a time.. :) kim

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Sunchasers on 08/12/11 at 13:54:35

484A4E404B514A5012230 wrote:
Skat's going home!!!!
Tomorrow is the day!!!
Whoo hoooo Happy Dance Time..
Everyone Dance Now.. lol...
I talked to her just a few mins ago.
She is packing and getting ready to
hit the trails home tomorrow...:):)
Thank you all for all your support to
her. She still has a ways to go, yet
as her and I talked, one step at a time.. :) kim

Awesome News!!!  :D

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Serowbot on 08/12/11 at 15:03:29


Slide!...  :-?...

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Toymaker FSO on 08/13/11 at 02:40:38

That is wonderful news.

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by prechermike on 08/14/11 at 13:19:54

:D :D Skat made it home. :D :D

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by verslagen1 on 08/14/11 at 14:35:34

welcome home skat

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Midnightrider on 08/14/11 at 17:05:27

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by TheSnakeLady on 08/15/11 at 13:20:20

[smiley=beer.gif]Well this calls for a cold one (as if I need a reason) LOL, glad you're doing well Skat!!!!  [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Trippah on 08/15/11 at 15:40:31

Awesome -  :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by scroop on 08/15/11 at 17:30:49

That's a beautiful thing. sis.  But now you're back to cooking your own food.
:) :D :) :D :D :) :D :D :D :) ;D :) :D :D :D :) :D :D :) :D :)

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Starlifter on 08/15/11 at 19:48:29

You go girrrl! :D :D :D

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by Southpaw on 08/16/11 at 17:22:00

Awesome news! Lifting a glass to celebrate! [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by babyhog on 08/17/11 at 09:02:42

Looks like I need a cold one in my hand too.  Best news I've heard in a few days!  Welcome home Skat!  (now don't forget to take it eassssy!)

Title: Re: Latest news on Skat..
Post by drharveys on 08/22/11 at 13:30:44

I've been with my Air Force Reserve buddies, so my computer access was limited.


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