General Category >> The Cafe >> Gotta Love the A-Holes.

Message started by Wolfman on 07/18/11 at 20:55:15

Title: Gotta Love the A-Holes.
Post by Wolfman on 07/18/11 at 20:55:15

They make life interesting.
Got behind a guy in a pickup about 3 miles out of town doing about 40 in a 55. Cell phone glued to his ear the whole time and i never could get around him. He couldnt drive a straight line.
Then the guy sets through the green light at the first stoplight in rush hour traffic.
FINALY get around him and get behind a couple of lil ole ladies in a great big car that drove about 15 mph under the 35 mph speed limit all the way across town. Kept expecting her to turn off but didnt. Otheriwse id of hit a side street.
Then she stops at the last gas station in town and sets in the middle of the road waiting for a car a good 300 feet away to come by before turning. To d@mn hot for that nonsense.

Made an icecream run this evening(excuse to ride after it cooled off).
Met half a dozen cars and dimmed for each. Except one. I dim my lights he blasts me with his brights just before he gets to me. Guess he dont like bikes. Course i blasted him right back with my bright lil headlight. Hope he liked it.
Thats the one thing i didnt miss while being off the bike for 3 weeks. The idiot cagers. Ive come to loathe and Hate cell phones to.

BUT, on the upside i can at least eat vanilla cones and they dont kill me. Im still to scared to try my favorite peanut buster parifet(sp).
Vanilla icecream, peanuts, pecans, loads of chocolate and carmel.
Relearning what you can eat is like walking through a mine field. You just dont know whats going to blow up on you untill you eat it.

Title: Re: Gotta Love the A-Holes.
Post by skatnbnc on 07/18/11 at 21:38:36

Same here on the foods - since chemo I've had some weird food reactions. Cant eat peppers anymore. Ditto hotm spicy salsa.

But now i CAN eat ice cream; before i was lactose intolerant. I think i still am, but the drugs i am not negate the cramping and realted ick that happened before when i ate milk products. CAN have good things come out of the deal!  :)

Title: Re: Gotta Love the A-Holes.
Post by Wolfman on 07/19/11 at 03:00:47

But Chocolate of all things. :'(

As for good things comeing out of it. Well, eat the Wrong thing and Bad things can come out to. ;D :D

Title: Re: Gotta Love the A-Holes.
Post by kimchris1 on 07/19/11 at 09:14:49

Wolfman, your right in that you will have to
experiment with what foods will make you
sick and which ones won't.
I have had to do that as have had problems
with my Colon.
Ended up in the hospital a couple times with it.
It is no fun trying to figure which foods may
trigger an attack and which ones won't.

IMO, for now, I would leave the peanuts alone.
Give your body a chance to recover and settle
down. Ok Mother Hen here again..lolol..
Enjoy the vanilla ice cream and possibly add
some chocolate syrup..
Dang I gotta stop talking about ice cream, I am
starting to want some and is only 9:14 a.m... lol. :) kim

Title: Re: Gotta Love the A-Holes.
Post by Sunchasers on 07/19/11 at 10:25:05

What's wrong with Ice Cream for breakfast???  ;)  It's the "breakfast of champions"!......(Sumo wrestlers maybe)  ;D

Title: Re: Gotta Love the A-Holes.
Post by Wolfman on 07/20/11 at 01:48:17

Hmmm, fruitloop, cherio or better yet oatmeal flavoured icecream.
Think ill

Title: Re: Gotta Love the A-Holes.
Post by papi_ocho on 07/20/11 at 07:01:06

Hmmm peanut buster! DROOL! They have the triple chocolate blizzard promo going here!

passing a caged chater box not holding a straight line that isn't paying attention already should be a NoNo!

He's not paying attention! Chances of him having a change of heart, when you pass him, and get off the phone are slim! Chances of him rear ending something (someone) increase ALOT. I keep those fools right in front of me, right where I can see them.

Title: Re: Gotta Love the A-Holes.
Post by Wolfman on 07/20/11 at 11:14:45

I like to pass em and get the he!! away from those types. Put a couple of soccer moms in SUVs between

Its funny, when its hot during the summer theres a lot of bikes stop for icecream at DQ. Usualy baggers touring down Rte 66 or I44.
RARELY will they even look or acknowlege me if im there or come in while their there. Dont know if its the rough look or just pure snobbery but i just laugh n eat my icecream and go on. ;D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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