General Category >> The Cafe >> Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Win!!

Message started by Stimpy - FSO on 07/13/11 at 05:51:40

Title: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Win!!
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 07/13/11 at 05:51:40

I used to think experience was that thing you get once you don't need it.

Well, it seems that all these years I have been looking in the
wrong direction with this experience thing regarding space-time.

All those thousands and thousands of miles and hundreds of
close calls over the last 25 years (along with my measly $400
worth of protective gear) made me literally walk away from this


...riding my daily 10 miles back from work at midnight
2 weeks ago, going uphill on some bendies through a
forest patch at about 40mph (65km/h) a 30kg deer
(a juvenile around 70Lbs, dunno) decides to leap across
the street, 2 feet in the air, in front of me. Smack.

I had literally 0 seconds reaction time, the thing simply
wasn't there and then there it was, on my front wheel.

The deer
flew left, maybe 40ft total, across the road, hit
its head against the pavement, bounced over the guardrail
and landed in the forest in a nice patch of soft grass under
a tree that it was never to stand from again. I believe,
thankfully it died instantly from both a broken neck and
the blow to the head.

The bike flew right and fell on its right side and scraped the
road before coming to a stop a good 70ft later.

Me, not sure, everything was over 5 seconds later and
with so much adrenalin pumping in my system i'm still
not sure what exactly happened.

It seems that I flew over the bars straight and landed
kinda like superman on my left side and then rolled
2 or 3 times finally curling in to fetal position because I
thought the bike was still behind me, it wasn't.

Seconds later I stood up instinctively to get out of the road
cause of fear of traffic, and realized I just crashed, that i hit
an animal and that i was, fine.

I ran to the bike, turned off the headlamp and auxiliary
floodlamp (bike has only electric start, that's why) and
turned on the hazard blinkers.

I got my backpack off and pulled out my trusty high-end
LED torch (kinda like a D-cell maglite but with a 1 mile range)
and switch it on to assess the area.

Flash!  ...the nightroad turns to daylight (700 lumens, hehe)
$hit, whats that?  ...oh, my magnetic tank bag, $hit, what's
that? oh, the mirror, blinker, acerbis and other bits of motorcycle,
$hit, whatsdad? darn, thats gasoline leaking from your vents
dumbdumb, pick up ur bike NOW.  $hit, my left hand is funny,
has blood, no strength, not good ...pick up ur bike with right
hand and left elbow, ahhh, pain in left arm and most everywhere
else, good, bike is upright, now don't drop it and roll it to road's
shoulder, done.

Go pick up your bag and bike bits, ouch, butt hurts.
....ummm, where's the deer?

Deer! deery?  nuts cannot find it, it might have gone into the
forest hurt, crap, it will suffer all night before dying, crap.

Finally, after 2 disoriented minutes I found the deer on
the side of the road, quite far from the point of impact.
Oh, honey, $hit, are you ok? leaned down to touch it's
neck, still warm, lungs not moving, eyes open, bloody
head ...good, you're dead, it's all over.  

Then suddenly an instant of panic filled me while I thought:
"nuts, am I dead too?"

So I started to look for my own body with the flashlight.
Nothing, no body anywhere, and someone has moved
the bike, you are not dead.

Ouch, warm pain and adrenaline everywhere.
Let's inspect my body, helm off.  Just scraped a bit, no blow,
no blood, neck ok, good. darn left arm feels funny and warm,
no big deal, fingers are responding perfectly, elbow and shoulder
ok. Legs (I look down)  $hit, where are the rest of ur jeans? lol
Ankles fine, knees fine, butt hurts, $hit, blood, naah, it's ok,
it's just a scratch. Abs ok, chest ok, no wait, it hurts to breathe,
lets test if ur lungs have collapsed, 1,2 .... deeep breath, hold
it in, out sloooowly, again,  no, both are fine, ribcage hurts tho'
open your jacket, feel the ribs, ok, all there, nothing pointy or
sticking out, good, ur fine.

Bike, what about the bike, what should I do?  call cops, call
ambulance, call wifey?  $hit, you have no german bike license
yet dumba$$  no cops, ur fine, no ambulance either, could
I maaaaybe ride this crap home maybe???  ...mmmm

1st of all, try to start it. Vrooom!  purring like a kitten, god
I love japanese bikes.  ok, clutch ok?  yup.  brakes? $hit,
right lever is bent and done for, buuut wait did not break,
wow, it works.  Gas ok?  stuck?  ...vroom vroom, nope, a 10th
of it is gone but it works fine, wow.  gears?  all is well, bike is
only damaged on right side.  front tyre????   $hit, there is
green deer poop everywhere and it"s bent BAD, not good.

Does it roll?   (put bike on sidestand, lifted front end and try
to roll it with boot)  nope, rim is not bent but wheel does not
roll well, why?  ...fender is rubbing with tire, crap. Kick, kick,
kick, kick again with all ur strength (steelcap boots).  
Try to roll it again, wow, it's free!  ...sorda, good enough.
Handlebars ok?  ...they seem fine.  Forks?   Nope, forks are
done for but wait, they are functional, sorta.

ok, get ur gear, helm and let's go home.

OOOOOOOUCH, cannot pull clutch, it huuurts.  
shut up and stop whining and pull that clutch,
1, 2, ouuuch,  1st gear. OMG it's rolling!
1, 2, OUUUUCH, 2nd gear... im going straight
but handlebars are bent about 30 degrees to
the right, oh well, whatever.

1, 2, Ouuuuch, 3rd gear ...mmmm front wheel is
wobbly, don't go faster that this.

so this way I rode 9 painful miles home going 20mph
hoping all the way I wouldn't come across a copcar or
simply drop dead on the way.  

Damage (BODY):

- lunate die punch fracture on left radius (not too bad)
- bruised rib cage
- 2 very very slightly cracked ribs (pain almost gone in 14days)
- general pain/bruises from head to toes
- bruised/scraped left butt
- 1 microsurgery to fill punched-in area of radius head with
fake bone-sponge and remove splinters
- 3 wires holding all tendons and ligaments in place
- 3 screws holding bones in place (not pictured)
- and that's it  (lucky lucky bastard)

Silver lining:
Hospital stay was swell and surgery went well, my socialized
"MerkelCare" medical insurance took care of everything.
Also it's great to be young and healthy as see/feel how your
body bounces back and starts to regenerates at a cellular level
in about a week, amazing.

Damage (BIKE):

- Fork
- triple tree
- mirror
- brake lever
- gas grip
- acerbis branch-guard
- blinker
- dent in gas tank
- headlamp ring
- scrapes in muffler and foot pegs
- front fender

Silver lining:
For starters it's a $500 bike and it's gonna cost me just $200
worth of parts to get it in running order again: the scrapes and
dents I'll let them be.

ATGATT (gear)

- S5 boots (see pic)
- O neal "pumpgun" knee protectors (worn under pants) LOVE these!!!  Saved my knee, period.
- Closed helm
- alpinestars mesh jacket with elbow, back and shoulder kevlar hardpads (saved my shoulder and elbow)
- bike gloves
- Nitro padded snowboarding backpack (helped A LOT, xtra padding for spine)
- kidney guard/belt (helped A LOTTTT!!!!)

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 07/13/11 at 05:57:35 be continued

I have to go now to the hospital for a check-up.

I still NEED to tell you all about the most interesting
part of all this mess, the paranormal/intuitive
aspect of all these happenings. I'm speechless,
you won't believe it, I swear, crazy. Later.


Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/13/11 at 06:51:35

You did good,, now,, you need to learn how to shift w/o the clutch once its rollin.. glad it wasnt a 400 pounder..

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by Arnold on 07/13/11 at 07:19:34

Holy crap, very detailed story, was a nice read. Glad you're ok. I'm always afraid to ride at night in NY because of deer.

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by Boule’tard on 07/13/11 at 07:31:58

Man, you've been having all kinds of great luck lately!  Your wife wrecks the car, a deer wrecks the bike.. all that remains is for a bird to come along and wreck your scooter.

Good job on not getting injured too much!

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by Arnold on 07/13/11 at 07:43:05

Sounds like a country song.

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by CalisOsin on 07/13/11 at 08:07:26

Glad to hear you're ok! It's a good thing you  were geared up, but I hope you realize now that you need to get a license. Who really wants to worry about whether or not they can call 911 after an accident?

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by PerrydaSavage on 07/13/11 at 08:10:01

Wicked!! You are a lucky man to have not been hurt worse than you were! Hope you heal fully, completely and quickly!

Around here we don't have deer to watch out for, but rather moose ... literally hundreds of moose/vehicle collisions on our roadways each year ...

Ride Safe my friend.

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by Arnold on 07/13/11 at 08:32:45

Isnt hitting a moose pretty much the end of the vehicle?

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by babyhog on 07/13/11 at 08:33:45

Wow man, so glad you are still with us!!  Thanks for the vivid reminder of how fast these things can happen.

Awaiting the continuation of the story....

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by buttgoat1 on 07/13/11 at 09:15:04

glad you came through with (relatively) little injury.

At least the deer was a little one, how did it cook up?
(believer in poetic justice, and a redneck to boot)

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by LostArtist on 07/13/11 at 10:30:14

hell of a tale man! glad you made it through okay.  knee pads under the jeans huh?  that sounds like a great idea!   need to get me some of them.

hope things get better for you all around, best wishes

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 07/13/11 at 12:27:33

I'm back, doctor says all is well and should go again
in 1 week for a CT scan and to trade the cast for a smaller
one so I can slowly start mobility therapy (playing around
with grapes and such he said smiling) because after 2
weeks my whole arm looks like a chicken bone, darn,
ALL the muscle mass is gone; I'm still excused from work
another 14 days so that should be enough time for all the
pain to go away and get back on my feet and of course to
fix the bike AND car.


Thanks all for your nice words, yes, I was incredibly lucky.

- Wow, moose vs car, I heard they start kicking once they come
inside the cabin through windshield, jeez  but moose vs bike,

- yeah, i have a valid license, legaly certified and translated
from back home in SoCal but since I now live here officially  
more than 6 months a year I'm sorda required to get a german
one by now, it's just a lot of paperwork, money (maybe $500)
and tests, but I'll get to it this year, promised.

- "Man, you've been having all kinds of great luck lately! "
yup, still all is as it should be my friend; everything happens for
a reason, the trick is to pay attention, learn and go forward.


Where was I?

Yup, a bunch of weird different things happened these last
3 weeks.

- first, I NEEDED vacation from work SO bad before I went nuts
(4 star hotel kitchen, maybe 70hrs/6x a week in high tourist
season) but it was impossible to ask for even a few days off
right now, so as always: be careful whet you wish for because
you'll get it but there's always a catch.

I used to joke around in the kitchen with the guys and ask
"I wonder which one of us will end up dead first or in the
hospital soon because this cannot go as is much longer"
without a "life-crash" of some sort, I mean, personal or
at work because  of the long hours, lack of sleep and all
that stress that makes you kinda stupid (like hungover)
after long shifts, and in fact, all day, most every day.

We even use to "race" with our razor sharp knives cutting
vegetables as fast as humanly possible hoping one of us
would lose a fingertip in the process and go home for a week
or so, but no blood was ever shed, so we just laughed instead.

This industry makes you go nucking futs after a while,
seriously,  have you ever met a sane chef?     ...though not.  

Second, I got a warning about the crash about 20 good seconds
before it happened, but I didn't understand it at the time.

What happened is that while starting to ride up that hill
one of the several voices in my head told me that it would
be a SPLENDID IDEA if I would start wearing my inliner-skates
wrist guards under my gloves in the case of a fall, I agreed,
and even went in my head through the utility room in my
house and saw exactly where they were stored next to my
skates and kneepads and decided that I would go and get
them 1st thing in the morning for the next day's ride.

Next thing I know ...smack, deer, fly, tumble, roll, scrape, silence.

Now we know that all this mental process was a warning
for the immediate present and not for the next day.

This meant: "you are about to have an accident and
you'll hurt your wrist stupid"  but i didn't understand.

...also, 2 days prior I was testing my 700 lumen led lamp
on the handlebars to see how it would light up the road,
it was beautiful, it was glorious illegal daylight in front or me,
but at the time i had just secured it with zipties and needed
to think of a better method and some sort of switching system
so i took it back off, big mistake, then and there something told
me "you'll regret this", oh well, too late.

here is the lamp:

mine is actually bigger than any of these (except the x21),
mine is called  "litexpress workx 504"

Third, when I found the deer and touched it on its neck,
it told me it was scared and in pain. It was already dead
by then but still somehow asked me to explain what had
happened, i did, it understood and forgave me.

...yesterday on my way to work to drop off the hospitals'
paperwork for the sickleave, I stopped at the accident scene
walked around a bit and took some pics, to my surprise the
deer was still there, under a different tree cause someone had
moved it about 5 feet in order to cut the overgrow next to the
road but it was still there, half of it at least.

The other half was gone, eaten away by bugs and animals
and something told me: "look, I'm a bunch of cool different
animals now, not just a deer"   I took a pic and walked away.

Lastly, the operation was done under complete anesthesia in case
they would need to punch out some bone marrow from my hip
in order to fill the hole in my radius but this was not the case
because it was not so bad and just used the artificial stuff that
will dissolve and turn to real bone within a month.

The thing is that during the surgery I went somewhere, I don't
remember $hit but I did feel the time gap between getting
gassed and waking up in the corridor.

I went home, to San Diego, to tell my mom something it seems,
at the time of the operation it must have been 4 or 5am in
the west coast so she was asleep so it seems we talked or

An hour after waking up from the OP I was in my room
puking my guts out because of having eaten a kiwi
because I hadn't eaten anything since the night before
on doctors orders, but my body could not handle any food
yet because of the left over anesthesia in my system, so
I went to the bathroom to clean up, and out of the blue
the phone rings. was my mom.

I talk with my parents maybe once a month over a skype
type thing usually on sundays for a couple of hours,
but this time my mom tells me that she for some reason
HAD to talk that day to both me and my brother (who is far far
away as well) just too see if everything was fine, fcuked up!

All drugged up I told her all was well and that I would get
back to her in a couple of days on my day off so we could
talk longer, my brother, she said, was fine too.

2 days later, back home after 2 nights at the hospital,
I called her/them back and told her about the accident and
everything and my plans for this summer and so on.
She laughed and told me she KNEW something was
fishy even though we both said everything was fine
after that 1st call, and was glad nothing serious happened
to me, crazy.

Well guys, take care and I'll get back to you all soon
with more updates and pics from the progress of the
bike's repair. L8r

Oil spot (gasoline) in pic (middle/left)  
is where the bike came to rest,
impact point was somewhere where the curve
ends, afer the shadows.

Here is a better view of road, the deer fence on the left
is where the deer jumped from back to the forest,
now i know it was eating flowers there.
Under the big tree on the right is where its body
came to rest, it somehow flew over the guardrail.

Here is the patient.

Its coming along well but it's really darn hard with only
one good arm, so creativity to the rescue!

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by SuperSavage on 07/13/11 at 13:00:40

ATTABOY! ATGATT is the only way to ride. Glad your body is healing up, it seems your mind and spirit are way ahead of the curve. Good luck on the repairs and happy riding when all is ready. BTW, I have a ton of injuries, and they take time to mend, so don't rush it. You will be whole once more to enjoy the country roads. ;)

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by kimchris1 on 07/13/11 at 17:23:46

Stimpy, so glad to hear your going to be ok.
Hubby almost had a deer in his lap a few
months ago. We were riding in the dark, he
was ahead of me. I thought OMG. and he was
able to avoid it.
Hope your recovery time is fast and your back
in the saddle soon.
Take care and again glad that this was not as
bad as it could have been. hugs, :) kim

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by Trippah on 07/13/11 at 17:49:45

Stimpy -So glad to hear you are healing quickley....but Bambi is active during the day...had one hit the car in front of me Tuesaday am @ 9:30.
Gotta keep an eye out all the time, and have a lotta luck.
Too many deer here in central lMass..they are running out of non human room.

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by Boule’tard on 07/13/11 at 18:21:21

Stimpy, you are awesome.  Most of us would be crying in our beers over that kind of ordeal, and here you've wrung an almost poetic beauty out of it, and relayed it to us with a totally positive attitude.  I am also impressed at how you got the bike half fixed already with only one arm.

Stimpy rocks.

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by skatnbnc on 07/13/11 at 18:29:26

Glad to hear you are okay and in recovery AND still working on the bike!

It's amazing how things happen that fall into place later - I often wish my intuition worked sooner and my premonitions were better!

I dont ride much at nite - too scared of hitting deer. I see them all the time, year-round, 4-9 at a time grazing by the road and in the center median.

Did you all realise that the same DOT safety measure of mowing the medians and sides of a road are EXACTLY what make it attractive to deer (and mooses) ?
Its because the mowing stimulates new growth of tender shoots of grass = deer LOVE this and come running. Or jumping as the case may be.

So by keeping the medians mowed, the DOT is actually INCREASING the odds that someone is going to hit a deer. Nice to know they are looking out for safety!  ::)

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by MrBrownTX on 07/13/11 at 18:43:14

Wow man, crazy story, thanks for sharing.  I am glad you are ok and recovering well.

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by drharveys on 07/13/11 at 19:47:08

So glad you're doing better than the deer!

Isn't it amazing how well the adrenalin kicks in 30 seconds after you need it?

BTW, after I came to following my (far less serious) aerial dismount, I did a quick "wiggle fingers - OK, wiggle toes - OK, wiggle butt and jiggle back - OK" routine which went well till I lifted my arm and the shoulder hurt a whole lot.  I didn't want to move until I was pretty sure there was no back or neck injury.  Still, in the dark, maybe jumping up immediately was the less risky choice...

Heal well, my man!

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by Red_Wine on 07/14/11 at 08:30:15


Great that you are healing well... you ended up having the vacations you needed anyway, just in a different manner  ;)

I was wondering if there's a way we can get one of those LED flashlights you have over there. I checked their website, and there are no distributors in Latin America. Any thoughts?

Thanks and take care!!


Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by photojoe on 07/14/11 at 08:39:25

Wishing you a quick recovery and hoping you're back in the saddle soon 8-)

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 07/14/11 at 13:31:42

...again, thank you all for all your nice "get well cards"

"Most of us would be crying in our beers over that kind of ordeal,
and here you've wrung an almost poetic beauty out of it,
and relayed it to us with a totally positive attitude.  

I am also impressed at how you got the bike half fixed already
with only one arm."

...the secret to life is not, as charlie brown once said:
"replacing one worry with another".

Only 2 things are our true mission on this planet,
service and creation, and with this post im doing both.

I'm creating (typing up) something that was not there
yesterday that can be maybe useful to others (an awareness
story plus reminding ppl to take it easy and buy/wear their gear) .

Pretty simple and effective huh?    

About the one arm, yeah, im helping myself with my inner-elbow
and knees, sux and hurts but staying in bed all day will only
weaken me more, besides I've seen ppl do incredible things
without any arms nor legs so I have no excuse really.

just google a guy called Nick Vujicic and you'll see what i mean  ;)  


No, these type of products are kind of new in the world market
and at the moment available only in asia, europe and some
speciality (hunting/camping) stores in the U.S.

However, here in germany there is, ironically, more supply than
demand right now you can get most models at 50% discount!

...if you want one, I can buy it and send it to you via DHL,
you can pay me through paypal, done; just let me know.

Look here:
(on sale now at 50-60% discount!)

Litexpress 501 - € 35  ($50usd / $23,000 pesos chilenos/mas envio)
(this model uses 3x "D" batteries)

Litexpress 502 - €23,90 ($34usd / $16,000 pesos chilenos)
(This model uses 4x "C" batteries)

Litexpress 503 - €59,99 ($80usd / $40,000 pesos chilenos)
(6x "D" batteries)

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by Red_Wine on 07/14/11 at 13:53:18


I will send you a pm with the model I like, and the address for shipping. I'll be in Pennsylvania in mid-September, so let me check my itinerary, and will wire the money to you.



Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by CalisOsin on 07/14/11 at 13:53:41

I just have to satisfy a curiosity... Are you able to use your other hand at all right now? What I really want to know is... are you typing all this with one hand? That to me speaks of volumes of patience!

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 07/14/11 at 15:21:04

Red Wine:

if you'll visit the states soon just wait and buy your lamp
there yourself in any sports store, it's just easier that way
I think.


Yeah, my fingers are all fine but i cannot, for example,
pic up a coffee cup or anything like that yet (screws inside
hurt  plus i have no strength anyway).

I'm typing with my right hand and index and middle fingers
from the left one (see piano picture), the problem however
is moving around that heavy cast, makes movements too clumsy.


Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by mscepu101 on 07/14/11 at 18:19:40

I live in upstate NY and had a deer cross in front of me at 0615 this morning.   The animal movement has increased over the past few weeks and it makes me very nervous.

I hit a raccoon last November and flew over the handlebars.  I still have some pains in my knee that was not protected.

I now where knee guards under my leather pants and feel that if I dump the bike again my knees are protected.

I am a runner and love to run as much as I enjoy riding.

I always wear my FF, earplugs, hivis vest, armoured jacket, leather pants, knee guards,  steel toe boots, gloves and earplugs and enjoy the ride!

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/14/11 at 20:00:28

Coupla years ago, runnin down a road thats in the city limits, a deer decided to cross the road. I was able to grab the brakes, but I was still close enough to hear those little hooves slapping & sliding on the asphalt,, It wasnt a big one, but Im sure hitting it would have been a bad experience,, for both of us,, thankfully, I didnt hurt the poor STEWPID thing!

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 07/15/11 at 01:43:30

yup, all animals are running out of space while detroit,
orleans, california and most suburbs nationwide lye empty
and in ruins, sux    

...fracking (Hydraulic fracturing) will also be/is a HUGE issue worldwide
for decades to come; so DON'T lease out your property rights!'ll be sorry

earplugs this a good idea?   :D

cause on a bike one needs to be as aware as possible
of ones surrounding environment, you know,
screeching brakes, an 18wheeler honking behind you, etc

just sayn'

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/11 at 05:38:43

Ive seen footage of people lighting the faucet in their house,, what the oil companies are doing needs STOPPED,

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 07/15/11 at 06:36:14


Someone wrote me a PM this week and said the following:

"Third, when I found the deer and touched it on its neck,
it told me it was scared and in pain. It was already dead
by then but still somehow asked me to explain what had
happened, i did, it understood and forgave me."

Can I just tell you that when I read your post
(particularly the part above) I cried.  No seriously,
I'm pagan and I believe that everything is holy and
equal in value of life so to hear how compassionate
you were to the deer, I just lost it.  
I'm SO glad that you're ok, and thank you so much
for the enlightening story.  So many people think
that animals don't deserve life...  it sickens me!

Thanks again, and I pray for your quick and full recovery!

I would now like to share with all what I
answered back to see if anyone else relates.

hey there               ,  glad you got in touch.

Yeah, there is so much to be said, and wished for, about the kind of world
we live in nowadays, we have surely lost our way regarding the way we
treat life in general on earth, including, of course, humans; the difference
is that humans have a voice and can rise up and defend themselves if
cornered, animals can't.  

Leo Tolstoy once said:
"As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields"

The real problem however is that all animal exploitation goes waaaay
beyond cattle and such, basically finding itself into every single industry
known to man in ways not even imaginable to the common person.  

The film "earthlings" (joaquin phoenix), for example, encompasses a
good portion of the hidden story of modern animal exploitation, you
can watch it free online on google videos or youtube if you wish, and
if you can stomach it, cause it's very hard to watch.  


...and this willful ignorance is exactly the cancer that will finally finish us
as a species by sucking away every last drop of humanity we have left,
if not by completely destroying us cause of unsustainability.  

The other side of the story is of course energy, and
i don't mean oil nor atomic, i mean electromagnetism
and life energy (consciousness) which are the building
blocks of the universe and reality (and yes: weak, strong,
vacuum and gravity as well).

It is said (by leaks and insiders) that the total sum of human knowledge available
today to common people amounts only to about 4% of the REAL total sum of knowledge
known to man that is purposefully hidden from us by the world governments, corporations,
the higher ups, the vatican and so on in order basically to control us.

Regular farmers have fields and cattle, smart farmers however have human crops and
play real-life worldwide monopoly; THIS is our reality, just open your eyes and really
look around, and you'll see it for yourself.  

History as it has been thought to us is ALL lies, every single event of every single
motherfunking day of the last 10,000 years, and beyond, has been manipulated
in one way or another by the interests behind the courtain and the memory hole.

Everything from the burning of alexandria to witch persecution to the conquest and
the inquisition, to burrying pyramids and building churches on top of them,
to blowing up priceless statues and temples has all been done with this very
purpose, to hide the truth.

The truth of higher knowledge, advanced technologies and the
understanding/manipulation of reality as such, all left behind
to us by the last, past great civilizations of earth (and possibly

The second one realizes that it is ALL LIES and that everything from the great pyramids,
which were not built by the egyptians, but only found and "refurbished" by them
(a lot of this real history is found in the sumerian tablets and dead sea scrolls),
to the fact the real titanic never even sunk (the one that sunk was called the "olympic"
and it was all an insurance scam gone terribly wrong) and that basically
all of history are fairytales and that most legends and fairytales are REAL changes everything,  
e_v_e_r_y_t_h_i_n_g changes even who you think you are.  

All big name archeologists, scientists and historians work/are funded by special interests
so all the real findings will always be hidden and/or manipulated at will.

For example, just understanding the fact that the shuttle space vehicles and missions
were based on german technology from the 1930's makes you really understand that,
for example, this was not part of a coverup of some sort, but lets you clearly see the
fact that nasa itself (ALL OF IT!) IS the coverup.  

As is my understanding, all current known technology is at least 40 years behind of
what is really out there working "behind the scenes", and when you take into account
"Moore's Law" paired together with the theory of quantum computing,
this translates to technology virtually centuries ahead of the things we use as
"our toys",  this is bad bad news for all of us.  

Think about the following:
the rocket engine was first developed in the 13th century by the chinese and arabs,
the first comercial internal combustion engines (slowly developed since in the 17th century)
were up and running in the 1850's and the special theory of relativity was published in 1905
(and lets not even begin to talk about nikola tesla or of all the secret archeological findings
and "out of place artifacts" found worldwide).

Do you see now?!

NOTHING has really happened/changed in the last 100 years (yeah yeah, computers,
science, medicine, quantum theory and so on), don't you feel there is something
missing here?  something important that someone is hidding from us?  
something maybe, HUGE!?  ya'betcha.

So this is exactly why people awake to the truth, like us, are so important
right now, and we have the DUTY to "wake" other people up and seed strong
community values everywhere we go.

Our tools are philosophy, knowledge and information, the upbringing of our
children with absolut non-violence, strong values and emotional inteligence,
common sense and logical/analitical thinking along with skepticism, peaceful
(or not paceful) non-complience and the channeling of information, energy
and vibrations because our basic human rights (natural law, as opposed to
positive law which is man made) are being trampled on like never before
at the birth of a modern dark ages.    

The future is literaly in our hands and it all starts and ends with how we treat,
respect and understand all lifeforms on earth, including, of course, each other.

Take care and feel free to write anytime.


Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by Midnightrider on 07/15/11 at 14:14:07

Best wishes and a speedy recovery for you and your bike. Sorry about the deer.

Title: Re: Accident - Deer - I'm fine (sorda) - ATGATT Wi
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 07/22/11 at 04:09:21


Hi all,

I'm doing much better and the bike too.

Bike has new forks, mirrors, blinkers and leavers
and is now perfectly rideable; the screws (from
my wrist) come out in august  and maybe I can
ride again in september (cause of the clutch,
it's just too hard too pull), but my scooter I
can maybe ride to work sooner, yay.

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