General Category >> The Cafe >> Hospitals $uck!

Message started by Wolfman on 07/03/11 at 20:47:52

Title: Hospitals $uck!
Post by Wolfman on 07/03/11 at 20:47:52

Spent the weekend in the hospital with one emergency surgery and was supposed to have another today. Except all 3 docs were gone to the lake and i didnt find at out untill 9 when i was supposed to be going into surgery again.
Started out as one of the spells iver had off and on for the last 4-5 years. Got so bad thought i was haveing a major heart attack. On a scale of 1-10 my pain lever was an 11 i told them. Couldnt hardly walk and was about ready to pass out by the time we got to the ER.

In at 5 and finaly got some pain meds at around 3 am. Emergency surgery to remove the gall bladder about 9 am. Was on the wrong side for the pain but supposedly was full of stones and sand, was bad.
But hopefully it was whats been causeing all the pain and spells for the last few years.

Kicker is i was supposed to have another at 9 this morning. All prepped, nothing but fluids till midnight then nothing till the surgery at 9. At 9 i get told im on hold till at least tues as all 3 docs are off on vacation. How can they not know and schedule a surgery when all 3 of the doctors are at the lake??
I told em like he!! im staying there till tues or wed, im going home and you can call me back in!
I feel like they were trying to pad the bill.

Second surgery is to remove a stone stuck in a liver duct with a laprascope...if they can get it out. If not they get to open me up like a d@mn fish.
Dont know how we're going to pay for it all as clares insurance isnt the best. First one was supposed to run 10-12,000
Then got the morphine, pump, room ect to pay for plus the second surgery and room, pump ect ect. And possibly a third surgery.
Whole d@mn weekend was fubar.

Home with 4 holes in my gut, no gall bladder, stone still stuck in my liver(at least one) sore as he!! and first solid food since thur.
What lil LIQUID(their wording) food(grits, coffee, vanilla pudding and foul apple juice) they had on the first tray at 2 was foul. Couldnt eat it.
Another tray of the same d@mned thing at 5 was just as bad. Except they swapped the grits for their version of potatoe soup(looked and tasted like half mashed potatoes and half gravy). Couldnt eat that either. Finaly got a burger and malt on the way home.
Going from 2 1/2 packs a day to zero in 2 seconds for 3 days wasnt fun either. Ive smoked about half a pack with my patch still on since

Now i get to wait till i get a call tues morning to tell me when to come back in for the second surgery and to see if ill need the third(hope not).
And figure out how to pay for it all without selling everything.
Even if the insurance(not the best) pays for the bulk of it its going to be a BIG chunk to take care of.
Not much left after takeing care of dad for 10 years of home care and now mom. And now MYSELF.

Got to take my pain meds and antibiotics till i get back in and hope i dont get an infection or open up these holes in my belly. Sometime between tues and fri ill supposedly go back in for the second one. ::)
Sore as he!!(HURT), no motorcycle for at least a week to 10 days...or longer. Then no lifting of anything over about 20lbs for AT LEAST 3-4 weeks after. Thats not counting a third surgery if i have it.

Could of died from this cr@p fri it turns out, was pretty serious.
Feel like the hopital was jacking me around and trying to pad the bill with extra room days and tests. How do they NOT know all three docs are gone and go ahead and schedule a surgery????
My surgeon had about THE WORST bedside manners of any doctor ive ever seen.  Acted like i wasnt there, wouldnt look me in the eyes, would only half answer the questions and even ignored a couple of questions and just walked off. I wasnt impressed.
Nurses didnt seem to think much of him either.
Nurses and nurses aids were pretty good except for one night nurse. Kinda reminded me of the surgeon.
Been some kind of weekend and it aint over yet. :(

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by Serowbot on 07/03/11 at 22:24:06

Sorry to hear of all this medical nightmare,
... but not surprised...

Don't rush to pay,.. get well... then, negotiate...

My buddy talked his brothers broken leg down from 27k to 5k... with no insurance...

This system is F'd up!...

My best to you my friend... ;)...

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/03/11 at 22:35:36

I asked for an itemized list of everything done for one of my wifes hospital trips, They had her down for all kinds of little things that she never got, padded it all up,, so much fraud, man,, I was ticked.. So, I told them they had made a bunch of mistakes, but I didnt tell them what mistakes theyd made,, & demanded they give me another one,, the second one was correct,, amazingly, THEY knew which items thed billed for that werent actually done,,, so, I called them & explained to them that now I had in my hand evidence of fraud & they could shove the whol;e bill or Id talk to the insurance company,, I dropped a pretty good sized bill right in the toilet,, never heard from them again, I cant remember how much $$$ it was,  but we Had Blue Cross, I wasnt payin all of it,, but when I got doneI payed None of it,..

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by Serowbot on 07/03/11 at 22:56:00

When my dad had a heart attack in 1982...  they charged $9.00 per armpit, for a puff of baby powder... and $19.95 for two Tylenol's...
What would they charge today?......

Is there something wrong with this picture?...

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by Wolfman on 07/04/11 at 00:35:04

ALWAYS get an itimised bill from a hospital!!!
Im going to talk to the hospital about their screw up and how its affected me, see if i can get the bill down some. May even talk to a lawyer friend of mine about it. Its messed up.
I cant believe they tell me for two days ill have a surgery at a certain time then at the last SECOND they figure out the only three docs to do the surgery are all at the lake at the same time and didnt know it.

Not looking foreward to the second surgery but d@mn sure dont want the third. Second one ill be awake for. Tube down the throat, through the stomach, down the samll intestine then into the liver. Got to be awake in case i need to move around so they can get the proper placement of the scope and do the job. Sounds like fun. Numbing sprasy for the thropat and iodine dye so they can see what their doing. That dye aint no fun, makes you hot! Better then being gutted though.

Got a dose of meds to help with the pain and to coat my esophagus(sp) that was some foul tasteing cr@p. Nasueaous to begn with then had to swallow that stuff. Looked like a cup of snot n spit and tasted worse! Pain part didnt help worth a hoot either.
Just HOPE the gall bladder was the whole problem. Be nice to get rid of the spells and acid reflux. But D@MN, the cost.

Not to mention the air and gas you get inside you when they go to pokeing holes in you. Said my body will be sore as he!! for a week or more and ill be farting and belching up the air/gas for a week.
Kinda rough being cut off from all food, all drink and cigs all at once for  a couple of
Didnt have the morphine pump up high enough to get rid of the pain, just kinda mask it. And thats only if your not moveing, coughing or like awhile ago...d@mned hiccups!

Not rideing for a week or more will be rough. But not lifting anything over 20lbs for over a month and liveing on a farm is really going to try my patiance.
Right now im just trying not to tear these hole open. They just glue em together and slap a bandaid over em now days. SOORRREEE!!!

Oh yeah. You cant hardly swallow for a couple of days after you get that tube down your throat to breathe during surgery. I cant swallow except on the right side unless im drinking something.
Had a couple of cute nurses id usualy of been flirting with hot n heavy except i hurt so bad. So i just flirted a lil. Usualy when they were standing there watching me pee into a jug so they could measure output of

Bot, you dont want to know what they charge for a single asprin or a bandaid. You could buy a whole bottle of asprin for what they charge you for one in the hospital. Im not sure what the ER bill itself will be. Rooms run on average about 600 a day. Then the x-rays, blood tests, ultrasound and the plethora of other things they manage to cram into your stay with them.
What they charge for the so called food is really criminal. And the cooks should be shot on sight!

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by stinger on 07/04/11 at 02:36:14

2 years ago we put my mom in a full care facility here in Portland because she had severe dementia and was becoming dangerous to herself at home. We were told the bill could never go higher than her retirement pay she received each month. It could go as high as $3,200. Her room was $2,000 a month and the rest for the care. She was there 3 weeks and they dropped her on the floor twice. The second one there was supposed to be a fall mat on the floor so she could not fall and hurt herself again. They forgot to put it down on the second night and they found her on the floor the next morning with a broken shoulder, hip and leg. They removed her immediately to a hospital where they said there was nothing they could do becaue of her age and severity of the breaks. they took her off her medicine and she died the next day. The home billed us for $11,700. She was in there for just 3 weeks!

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by photojoe on 07/04/11 at 08:00:57

I feel for you Wolf. Hospital estimates are a lot worse than auto repair estimates. Initial estimate for my shoulder surgery was around $8500.00. Final bill was $23,000. That was for a 45 minute surgery with no overnight stay.

I have an appointment on Thursday with a surgeon who is going to remove my gallbladder. I'm not looking forward to any of it.

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/04/11 at 08:33:38

WAIT!! Do a Gall Bladder FLUSH first,, dont hack it out,,

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by photojoe on 07/04/11 at 09:05:38

3B242225383F0E3E0E36242863510 wrote:
WAIT!! Do a Gall Bladder FLUSH first,, dont hack it out,,

Ultrasound results were that it's full of stones. Hurts like hell also. Be rid of it I say!

Wishing you a speedy recovery Wolf!

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/04/11 at 09:25:55

A flush (well,, p[robably take 2 or 3  to really get it cleaned up ) will send those stones out,, & then you can stop eatin those greasy fried foods,, that goobered it all up. You can avoid a surgery & keep your stuff you were born with,, its not hard, its not fun, but its a lot better than getting cut open,, Takes a day,, ingest certain things, use a heating pad, take an enema,, & watch the green pellets come a flyin out,, balled up l+umps of bile,, If you try it once & get relief from some pain,, then you can bet you can get it cleared up.. & save thousands & keep your digestive tract intact.

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by Wolfman on 07/04/11 at 10:14:35

Flush dont work if the stones are too big.

Yeah PJ it aint no fun!!! No eatting, no drinking, wake up feeling like you been kicked in the guts by a clydesdale several times. Hiccups will kill Sneezeing and coughing is worse. If you smoke start the patch NOW!
Not looking forewrad to the next one but i hope it works. No telling how long this one stone has been stuck in my liver. I know ive had some bad spells over the last 5 years. Said mine was full of stones and sand???
Getting cut open is even worse.

Get to fart n belch a lot to! All the air you get shoved in you while their working on you your body absorbs and then you got to get rid of it.
Find a nice BIG SOFT pillow to sleep with when you come home to. You'll want it when you go to sleep.
Going to be hard to rely on everyone else for a month or more as im usualy the one takeing care of everyone else. To much to do and not enough time as it is and now this crud. But maybe ill feel a lil better.

I was hurting so bad i turned down a sponge bath by a cute lil 28 year old nurse. Now that just aint right!! :D

Dont care for nurseing home stinger. Let mom put dad in one for about 3 weeks. Broken arm, broken wrist, concussion and letting him lay in the floor for over n hour after a fall pretty much ruined me on them. And this was in one of the GOOD ones!

Stinking hospitals stick you for everything they can. Then the docs get you as well. Our hospital/doctor systems is a bad joke.
$10 for an asprin or bandaid. Dont even want to know what that morphine pump is going to cost.
And you dont eat the food you still get charged for it.
Why oh why cant they cook something edible???
And their idea of a liquid diet leaves much to be desired. Grits n vanilla pudding?? 6 packs of sugar a pack of salt and some milk couldnt even make them edible. The pudding tasted more like cake frosting.
Tell em you cant eat strawberry and they keep sending you strawberry jello and strawberry icecream.
Think ill sneak me a couple of whoppers or arbys sandwichs in next

Maybe ill get offered another sponge bath.  ;D

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by Boofer on 07/04/11 at 18:35:11

Wolf, Hope you get straightened out. I was in the hospital about ten years ago. I kept telling my wife I liked the food, and I really did. I think that worried her more than my ailment.  ;D Does it hurt to laugh? Motorcycle mechanic asked the doctor how he made $300,000 working on hearts when he didn't make near that working on engines. "After all the engine is the heart of a motorcycle." The doctor replied, " Yes, but can you fix it with th engine running?" Old joke alert!
Hang in there and concentrate on getting home and well--and riding. Best wishes.  :)

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by Wolfman on 07/04/11 at 23:43:10

I am home. They screwed up their scheduleing on my second surgery and i was'nt sitting in the hospital for two days waiting for the docs to get back from vacation.
If i got some real food it wouldnt be to bad. But the cr@p they tried to get me to eat was BAD even for a hospital.

Their supposed to call in the morning and let me know when to come in to get ready for the second surgery.
And YES it hurts! Just sitting hurts let alone moveing any part of my body. Part of it is the air/gas gets shoved into your body during the surgery to remove the gall bladder. Your body absorbs it then expells it. In other words you painfully bloat then fart and/or belch.
The incisions hurt the worst most of the time.

Just took my pain meds so im going to bed soon to wait for them to call in the morning. No telling how long ill be in this time. Probably a couple days if things go right this time. Complications like they cant get the stone out of my liver with the laprascope and all bets are off. Would mean a third surgery and probably at least a week in the hospital.
Been a real nice 4th

Hunk of bread is probably the last solid food ill have for a couple days, thats rough. Im about sick of water. But thats better then the 12 hours or so you cant even have that before surgery.
I had a laptop id take it with me as they have wifi but i dont and oldest girl wont loan me hers.

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/05/11 at 06:55:50

I wonder how much theyll bill you for your time there when your dr wasnt even in town ..Id tell them to shove it & offer to send Them a bill for wasting my time & subjecting me to all that discomfort for nothing.. 20 bucks an hour is my going rate in a dispute with a company,, & Ive won several times,, they go away,

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by Wolfman on 07/05/11 at 12:25:49

Gets better.
Supposed to get a call this morning early to tell me when to come in. They finaly call at 2 after i called them at 12.
Still no docs available. Ill have my surgery SOMETIME this week im told.
First docs available thur.
Supposed to call me back tomorrow(wed) to tell me when???
So thur or fri at the earliest it seems.
Id of let em keep me id be laying there for at least 4 days rather then 2 waiting on the surgery.
Left hand dont know what the right hand is doing at the hospital.
Think ill definitely be talking to a legal friend of mine.
Bunch of BS!

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/05/11 at 16:22:31

Looks to me like youre getting the opportunity to TRY to save the gall bladder,,

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by Wolfman on 07/06/11 at 01:06:07

Gall bladders already gone along with its varied attachments inside.
4 holes in my gut and waiting to get to swallow a couple of tubes and their varied risks as well as the risk of infection from the surgeries and the stone in my liver.
Hopefully the laproscopy will get the stone because getting opened up raises the risks and opens up a whole different ball of wax for risks and recovery. Leaves a nice big ugly scar as well.

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by kimchris1 on 07/06/11 at 07:18:52

Woflman, hugs and hopes for a fast and complete recovery.
Any surgery has it's risks. Sounds like you must have been
going thru some severe pain for some time. Again hopes that
your recovery will be swiift and your back to your regular routine
soon.  :-* kim

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by Southpaw on 07/06/11 at 08:13:11

Wow, Wolfman, you've had a rough week! Here's hoping the doctors snap to it and you get better fast! Then I hope your lawyer tears them a new one!!!

(I gotta get the net on my phone, I miss too much on my long work weeks!)

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by drharveys on 07/06/11 at 14:26:10

Heal up quickly!

Heck, you have to be healed to do battle with the hospital billing folks!

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by Wolfman on 07/06/11 at 16:08:10

Doc, i can be mean at the best of times. When im in pain, all bets are What ive been through is a bunch of Bull.

Right now, unless something changes again, im supposed to go in fri at 1:30
If everything goes well i should be home by 6 or 7.
Possibility of another ERCP in a couple of weeks if they cant get the stone out. If not then, then id have to get cut open.
Ill be happy to Unbloat, feel like eatting something, not feel slightly sick 24 hours a day and get enough strength back to walk a bit and not spend 18 hours a day in the bed on pain meds.

Kim, its been a long ordeal. Started about 6 years or so ago. Its always been diagnosed as MASSIVE muscle spasams and/or an esophogeal ulcer. BAD acid reflux and you never knew when or what would set off a spell.
Mild ones ran about a 5 or 6 on a scale of 1-10. Rough ones ran around a 8-9 or so with a 10 being go to the hospital. And ive usualy been down the next two to three days recovering.
Well last fri would be described as a 10.5, hence the hospital run.
So yeah ive been dealing with a LOT of pain for some time now.
Haveing a messed up back in pain all the time then this causeing even more back pain has made it rough at times.
Keep in mind im an old farm boy used to sewing myself up, setting my own broken fingers ect. HIGH pain threshold. Id hate to think what it might of been like otherwise. He!! id rather of been shot again.
Hopefully this will alleviate all if not most of it.

Of course i got recovery to go through and then figureing out what i can and cant eat anymore. Most of my favorite foods like fried, bar-b-qed, icecream ect are what most have to avoid.
Greasy, spicey and fatty foods are the killers.
60% of folks never have a problem.
40% have increased acid reflux, nausea(sp), continued pain(some real some phantom) certain foods they cant eat, bad alcohol reactions, explosive diareah among other assorted problems.
Im hopeing for the 60%, ive done my hard time with this cr@p.

Be nice to feel like doing things again and not haveing to worry about evening spells after eatting. Especialy as my favorite foods are usualy what brings em on.

Id only known one or two people who had had their gall bladder out, includeing dad.
Seems like just about every nurse in that hospital and the nurses in the doctors offices have had one.
Most of them had went through nothing like ive been through pain wise ect. So i guess mine was pretty bad.
Dont know what condition the gall bladder was in itself or how many stones or how much sand was in it. Maybe find out friday.
And hopeing fri will be the last i have to deal with this besides the billing.

I want to get BACK ON THE BIKE!!!!

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by photojoe on 07/06/11 at 16:52:07

Holy sheep$hit Wolf! I have an appointment with the surgeon at 9:15 AM la maņana to talk about removing my gallbladder, and I'm thinking about printing out your posts. And they made it sound so easy. They didn't mention filling my stomach with air. It's the peak of riding season here in NJ. I can deal with the farting, it'll make the bike go faster, especially if they ignite. Just call me flamethrower Joe,  But I don't know if I'm ready to give up riding for a month. I'll be forced to pass massive amounts of gas in the house. I'd rather do it where I want in my own time. Better ask Shar to spend some time with her parents.

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by Susan on 07/06/11 at 17:15:41

Sorry to hear about the hospital/surgery scheduling fiasco. Sounds like a royal PITA.

Hang in there! Hope it gets straightened out soon and that your recovery is quick.

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/06/11 at 18:48:38

Surgeons are makin fortunes  when the people need to be takin better care of themselves,, gall bladder flushes are NO FUN,, totally disgusting, in fact,, but since Ive done 3 of them,, I havent had any pain in that area/, I think If I had to drink that olive oil/lemon juice cocktail again Id PUKE.. but it sure beat gettin cut open..

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by Wolfman on 07/07/11 at 01:59:08

Joe, basicly its like this.
You check in, they do x-rays and unltrasounds on you. Ask about any meds your takeing, pain level, symptoms,major surguries youve had, metal in your body ect.
Then the day before you get to go on a clear liquid diet, water. You get a nice IV in your arm as well. Make sure they have the one they want to leave it in or they will move it arm to arm like they did on me.
No smokeing at all, and nothing after midnight. Ask for an ice cup and sponges to suck on to keep your mouth moist.

They wheel you out the next day(mine was about 10 am so i went dry for 10 hours). Get you in the prep room then surgey and gas you to sleep(be glad).
They make four incisions. One for each hand of the doc, one for a light and one for tools. Their small, maybe an inch long for the laproscope and tools. They inject air inside you to swell your stomach to make it easier for the doc to see and work. They pull the gall bladder out of one of the incisions to excise it. Belly button, two below the ribs on the right side and one in the center right under your sternum.
The one under your sternum and top one under your ribs seems to be the sorest on me.

You wake up feeling all bloated and sore, dont move if you dont have to! Ask for a pillow in case you need to cough, a small fairly hard foam one and hug that sucker. It helps.
Ask for a morphine pump if the pains real bad, most dont hurt near as bad as i did.
Dont expect to feel like eatting for several days and then youll just nibble. Feel slightly sick all the time, hurts to breathe let alone move in the bed. Keep the bed at about a 45 degree angle even when sleeping, it helps. Makes it easier to get up to pee and you WILL get up to pee a lot. Waters about all you can handle and they will have a saline IV in your arm as well as be pumping in antibiotics. First day or so all youll do is dribble an ounce or two every couple of hours. Feels good when you finaly get hydrated enough to half fill the jug.
Yes you got to go in a jug, they measure your output.
Dont wory about #2, i still havent went and its been 6 days. If you do though they want to see
Walking is good but you WONT feel like walking. All you want to do is sleep, your flat exhuasted.
Dont expect a good meal when they DO give you some food. Their idea of a liquid food diet shouldnt even be called food!
Sweet tea and Jello seems to set well and help your stomach when you can get them.
You WILL fart a lot. Its your body getting rid of all the gas blown into you. It dont smell, its just air.
Expect to feel a lil sick all the time as well. Lay as still as possible when you can, movement HURTS.
And all the tubes ect make sleeping/moveing in bed like sleeping in a snake pit.
Expect a stay of around 2-3 days with no problems.

I was still so out of it i turned down a sponge bath by a real cute lil 28 year old brunette nurse who seemed eager to give me
Be REAL nice to the PCAs(nurse assitants) and they will try to do about anything for you. I got a get well card from two of them today...rofl

They will tell you NO BIKE for at least a week to 10 days.(you WONT feel like rideing either.) Nothing lifted over 20lbs for 3-4 weeks. Believe me you wont want to lift 20 pounds. DONT STRETCH, DONT COUGH, DONT SNEEZE, DONT LAUGH, dont move if you dont have to!
Get some GOOD meds for when you go home, youll want them. Youll want a pile of pillows on the bed so you can sleep sitting up as well.

60% supposedly have few if any problems, 40% have an assorted list of problems. Even haveing gall bladder attacks after their gall bladder is out.
I had a 5 on the scale of 10 tonight, mostly gas though i think(hope). But it still hurt and im about half sick now to as well as worn out.
Could be the stone moveing in my liver to i guess.

Ask lots of questions cause they wont volunteer anything. The docs arent as bad as neurosurgeons but their not as friendly as your family doctor

Justion, from what research ive done gall bladder flushes(when they work) just prolong the enevitable. They can even cause problems of their own down the road. The gall bladder can become infected and actualy start to rot inside you. Infection is one of the BIG worries with the gall bladder it seems.

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/07/11 at 03:56:41

Justion, from what research ive done gall bladder flushes(when they work) just prolong the enevitable. They can even cause problems of their own down the road. The gall bladder can become infected and actualy start to rot inside you. Infection is one of the BIG worries with the gall bladder it seems.
Back to top      

Never seen anytthing that would make me think that,, taking an enzyme & drinking olive oil & lemon juice & taking an enema doesnt sound like it would cause a problem,, My Dr didnt offer any warmings & shes instructed counless patients on how to do it, none suffered from it. How many people suffer infection (MRSA & Staph) from being in a hospital? Id do about anything to avoid surgery, but,, you guys go get em,, Im wishing the best for you folks, I KNow what pain up in that area is like,, like stabbed with an ice pick,, its harsh,.,

& Ive been okay now for for 8 or 9 years, but I rarely eat fried stuff now, If I had to,, I could manage another flush,, but I sure dont ever want to drink that olive oil & lemon juice again,,, GAKKK!

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 07/07/11 at 08:16:03

Wolf -

Sorry to hear of your protracted recovery.  My wife's experience was quite different.

Shehad the laproscope surgery, as you described, on a Friday night.  The let her out of the hospital the next moring, after breakfast.

When I got there to pick her up, she was fully dressed, yapping with a friend of ours who is a urologist who himslef had his GB out years ago, and who had his own surgical garb on, ready to go to an OR to operate on a patient.

I took her home, she was a little groggy ( it takes about a week to fully get the anesthetic out of your system - that's why you are tired ).

Within 4 or 5 days, she was totally back to normal - working in her office, doing chores around our place, even on the tractor mowing a field.

She has had zero after effects in the past 5 or so years since the surgery.

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by photojoe on 07/07/11 at 08:35:28

Back from the surgeon visit about 1/2 hour ago. He wants to do more tests (nuclear/blood) but his initial opinion so far is that surgery is unnecessary at this point. I'm glad as the shoulder surgery early last year knocked the heck out of me. Looks like I've dodged the knife, for the time being anyway.

Still wishing you a speedy recovery Wolf.

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by Wolfman on 07/07/11 at 12:29:32

Justin, where the problem lies with flushes is some of those stones can be as big as a chicken egg!
Flushing will get rid of the sand and smaller stones but wont do squat for the ones to big to travel down a duct. Eventualy you get so many bigger ones or one gets stuck in a duct and then you got problems.
My pain was more akin to a ball of red hot 4 point barbed wire the size of a softball being twisted around in my guts tearing everything up.
I WISH it had just felt like an

Yeah Jerry a lot of folks go back to work within a week. Then theres the ones who had real problems(more stones, larger stones ect) that it takes a lil longer to recover.
The anestheisa stays in you a few days, makes you groggy, sick n tired.
So i guess ill get to go through another week of this sick tired groggy crud after friday. They usualy just make you groggy so they can talk to you and get you to move a bit if needed. For some reason their going to put me completely out again. Oh Joy!
Course i wasnt looking foreward to being awake with them shoveing tubes down my throat through my stomach and into my small intestine then my liver.

Joe, i wish id done this years ago. Maybe i wouldnt of had so much pain and problems. Been in and out like Jerrys wife and so many others.
I just want it over with and to get back to feeling like doing something. Its all really wearing on me.

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by skatnbnc on 07/07/11 at 20:28:57

Wolfman - i do hope you recover quickly and with LESS PAIN very soon.

One thing i noticed, and this is what i've been seeing in my own medical situation too, is that as a patient, one who is seriously ill and in pain, how we are FORCED to deal with major medical facility issues just to get decent care.

It is incredible how much we have to go through IN ADDITION to being ill - and there is no real reason for it. Most of the things we deal with in hospital problems are avoidable with better management or could be eliminated completely.

Instead, the patient gets the added stress of incompetence.  >:(

Sad state of affairs, and clearly across the board since we are all chiming in from all over the place.  :P

PS - last time i was in for a procedure the food was actually pretty good...and I was too sick to eat any of it!  My mom enjoyed it!

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by Wolfman on 07/07/11 at 23:52:18

Skat, id of felt bad feednig what they gave me to my dogs. The grits might of been ok at the best of times but their version of potatoe soup was plain gabage.
And how many times do you have to tell em you dont eat strawberry flavoured stuff before they listen? They just keep bringing it to you.

Tonights the first time in a week ive actualy felt like and was able to eat a lil bit of real food.
Now im back on a clear liquid diet only for surgery again in the morning.
I REALLY hope this works as it could prevent two more surgeries.
I get to start the sick, groggy, no hunger, tired as he!! for a week all over again to. Joy joy!

Yeah its a crock the hoops you have to jump through to get taken care of then the ones you got to jump through to try and pay for all this stuff.
Not looking foreward to tomorrow. :(

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by Wolfman on 07/08/11 at 19:27:33

Well things ran about as they have been.
Bright side is supposedly they got all the stones from the bile duct. Down side is it had rubbed and irritated the bile duct in a spot. More pain.
Woke up with about an 8 on the pain scale, shouldnt of been any really with an ERCP.
Played he!! getting any kind of pain meds. My recovery nurse left a lot to be desired, wouldnt even look for a doc.
My surgeon failed to leave me a prescription for pain, she wouldnt call him.
My previous surgeon was gone but finaly got his answering service to call an on call doc.
Called it in to wal-mart as they 'should' be open by the time we get home.
They locked up and walked out 5 minutes before we got there. Couldnt get the prescription or get it transfered to another pharmacy.
So im stuck with double dose of ibuprofen untill tomorrow.

Doc didnt come back and talk to me after i woke up like he promised he would. Gal takeing my blood pressure/vitals should of retired 10 years ago. Had to take my blood pressure 5 times.
Got used as a practice patiant for installing IVs. Wasnt happy about that.

If i NEVER have to go back into cox hospital it will be too soon. Left hand dont know what the left hand is doing let alone the right.
Now lets see how long recovery is and what else may pop up from this.
Im going to bed!!

Title: Re: Hospitals $uck!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/08/11 at 20:36:19

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