General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Fuel

Message started by Max_Morley on 06/30/11 at 18:40:03

Title: Fuel
Post by Max_Morley on 06/30/11 at 18:40:03

Interesting here in Moses Lake, WA Conoco is selling fuel w/o ethanol in it. It is competitively priced and seems to have resolved an intermittent fuel starvation symptom I had on the sidecar rig. Max

Title: Re: Fuel
Post by ksthumper on 06/30/11 at 19:53:55

We only have a few stations left within a 30+ mile radius that still sell 100% gas. My mother rides cross country in a GS1200 BMW hack and can attest to the mileage drop from some of those places that "premix" the gas. Does your sidecar rig have a underside tank or one mounted on the back?

Title: Re: Fuel
Post by Oldfeller on 06/30/11 at 20:30:56

We just got our statewide "public notice" in the paper that E15 gas has been approved for distribution in NC and the full NC distribution plan has been approved as well.

The plan includes warnings on the pump that you can't use the stuff in a two stroke or lawnmower engine.

The plan DOES NOT include requiring that 100% gas be available or that E10 be still available at every station for lawnmowers and two stroke engines.  

(Apparently WalMart will be selling lawnmower gas in throw away containers pretty soon in NC just like they do the Coleman fuel for lanterns and stoves.)

I expect that widespread E15 use will show up even more little problems with the Savage fuel system, including the fact the stock vac petcock won't flow enough liquid fuel to keep you going at full speed without some starvation effects due to the still yet lower energy content of the E15 fuel.  

Plus the newspaper mentioned E15 attacking older forms of rubber seals and hoses .....   great, huh.

Any car that is 2007 or newer is supposed to be able to use the stuff with no issues.

To deal with E15 we may be talking Raptor and a paper filter as a bare minimum, but we may also be talking some rejetting as well as this stuff is gonna burn "leaner" at the same stock flow rates when you run it at full speeds.   Less hydrocarbon molecules per given volume you know.

E15 or E85, which are they gonna call it in your state?

I call it more trouble on the way ....

Title: Re: Fuel
Post by ralfyguy on 06/30/11 at 20:55:13

I HATE this sh.t!

Title: Re: Fuel
Post by Serowbot on 06/30/11 at 22:52:55

Here, they add MTBE's half the year... it was supposed to keep the air clean... turns out,.. it leaches into the water supply...
Oh yeah,... great!...

Smells funny too...:-?...

Title: Re: Fuel
Post by Boofer on 07/01/11 at 04:32:59

Oldfeller, I talked to a lady who has sold gas for around 20 years. She is in Alabama and sells straight gas. She told me that here in Mississippi it is a law that our fuel has to have Ethanol. She also said cars 2004 and up can handle Ethanol. Just repeating what she said. Apparently just approving Ethanol is not the same as making it law.

Title: Re: Fuel
Post by drums1 on 07/01/11 at 05:55:36

Racine, WI here. Being between Milwaukee and Chicago, we have been on a steady diet of ethenol laced gas for the last 10-15 years. It's all my bike has ever seen. Except for when I road trip west, away from the big lake. Some places there still have pure gas, and I, too, have noticed increased mileage when using it. It sucks, but it's never going away, for pollution reasons, being where I am.

Title: Re: Fuel
Post by Oldfeller on 07/01/11 at 06:21:16

In NC we have been using E10 for the past forever -- we don't even have labels on the pumps any more as any "regular" 87 octane gas has 10% alchohol and up to 3.3% of emulsified water legally as part of the anti-knock package.

With E15 the legislature did some research and is requiring E15 pump labels that say "NOT FOR LAWNMOWERS OR TWO STROKE ENGINES" which are comments that pretty much apply to E10 as well.

Within a couple of years, the E15 labels on the pumps will no longer be required as mowers and two strokes are gonna have to learn how to deal with it as it will be our 87 octane "regular" gas just like E10 was previously.

Title: Re: Fuel
Post by Africord on 07/01/11 at 06:55:42

Wow, our E10 is actually 89 octane and improves gas mileage.  I've tested it in both the Savage, and my VFR800.  We also have E85, but not for widespread distribution.  Our 87 and 91 octane gas does not contain ethanol.  This is interesting as we are one of the states with a major commitment to ethanol production.

Title: Re: Fuel
Post by bill67 on 07/01/11 at 06:56:39

The only way I can get 100% gas is premium and have to pay about 50 cents more for it,Last year was the last I could get the %100 in regular.I notice a 3% - 4% decrease in mpg in my car with the %10 stuff.

Title: Re: Fuel
Post by Routy on 07/01/11 at 06:57:33

Been running corn for over 4 yrs in everything, including,.....
car, Toyota truck, 454 Motohhome, 4stroke outboard, Kawi Mule, S-40, a 4 stroke big tiller, a 2 stroke little tiller, and a 4 stroke lawn mower.
Not one problem ever,......except dirt plugging a carb jet,......before me looking into the tank to see grass and leaves floating around !
Ethanol is just something government related for all you whiners to blame any little fuel problem on to, when the blame really lies w/ your poor maintainence, dirty fuel, and lack of fuel filters.

I ran a thread not long ago,....not a one of you whiners out there could come up w/ even one pc of hardcore evidence of any problem cause by Ethanol fuel.

Now, ya all quit you're whine'n, and go find the real cause of you're problems ! :o

Title: Re: Fuel
Post by Bubba on 07/01/11 at 07:44:02

Or get one of these...

Title: Re: Fuel
Post by VAFarmer on 07/01/11 at 11:07:28

Not just something to whine about, I can't say it has or has not made anything run any better or any worse.

But it IS a case of the government APPROVING that the fuel companies can now add 5% more junk/useless material/filler into a gallon of gas, which means they are now "givin' the nod" to big oil to charge you the same amount of money for a gallon of something that in not 100% your 3.50 cents is now paying for 5% less gas.
It is giving big oil the get outta jail free card for selling 85% of the product at 100% of the price.
So the price of gas will "go down" to the clueless, when really-its going up.
Stop using it if you don't like it, you say?   C'mon, ......really?
Government endorsement is the only thing that is keeping this from being criminal  ;).
Remember "It's not wrong if we say it 'aint!!"

I for one like the idea of making all stuff run on ethanol, or seawater.

Just have a hard time swallowing the "fleecing" pill.....

God bless you each one.


Title: Re: Fuel
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/01/11 at 11:07:37

Find ethanol free stations.

Title: Re: Fuel
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/01/11 at 11:08:51

57404760736C6473010 wrote:
Not just something to whine about, I can't say it has or has not made anything run any better or any worse.

But it IS a case of the government APPROVING that the fuel companies can now add 5% more junk/useless material/filler into a gallon of gas, which means they are now "givin' the nod" to big oil to charge you the same amount of money for a gallon of something that in not 100% your 3.50 cents is now paying for 5% less gas.
It is giving big oil the get outta jail free card for selling 85% of the product at 100% of the price.
So the price of gas will "go down" to the clueless, when really-its going up.
Stop using it if you don't like it, you say?   C'mon, ......really?
Government endorsement is the only thing that is keeping this from being criminal  ;).
Remember "It's not wrong if we say it 'aint!!"

I for one like the idea of making all stuff run on ethanol, or seawater.

Just have a hard time swallowing the "fleecing" pill.....

God bless you each one.


& Bless your Pea Pickin HEART!

Title: Re: Fuel
Post by Routy on 07/01/11 at 11:25:59

I never said a word about it not being a rip !
We're being hosed to death by big oil !

5E494E697A656D7A080 wrote:
Not just something to whine about, I can't say it has or has not made anything run any better or any worse.

But it IS a case of the government APPROVING that the fuel companies can now add 5% more junk/useless material/filler into a gallon of gas, which means they are now "givin' the nod" to big oil to charge you the same amount of money for a gallon of something that in not 100% your 3.50 cents is now paying for 5% less gas.
It is giving big oil the get outta jail free card for selling 85% of the product at 100% of the price.
So the price of gas will "go down" to the clueless, when really-its going up.
Stop using it if you don't like it, you say?   C'mon, ......really?
Government endorsement is the only thing that is keeping this from being criminal  ;).
Remember "It's not wrong if we say it 'aint!!"

I for one like the idea of making all stuff run on ethanol, or seawater.

Just have a hard time swallowing the "fleecing" pill.....

God bless you each one.


Title: Re: Fuel
Post by Routy on 07/01/11 at 11:28:06

734453535000010902310 wrote:
Or get one of these...

Now I'm impressed !

Title: Re: Fuel
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/01/11 at 11:49:35

4E415B405C5A494B434D5A280 wrote:
[quote author=734453535000010902310 link=1309484403/0#11 date=1309531442]Or get one of these...

Now I'm impressed !

Now I'm EMPressed !

There,, fixtit4ya..

Title: Re: Fuel
Post by bill67 on 07/01/11 at 12:54:37

Using the corn oil in gas also makes your food cost more at the grocery store.

Title: Re: Fuel
Post by Oldfeller on 07/01/11 at 13:15:05


It's not corn oil that gets mixed into our gasoline.   It is ethanol/alcohol that can (but does not have to) come from grains, cellulose, grass, kelp, algae, or anything organic that can be gotten in sufficient amounts to mess with it.  

Brazil makes theirs from the whole sugar cane plant and yes, you could drink their 100% sugar cane "rum gas" if you didn't care about metal poisoning, etc.

Most of our stuff is cellulose based and would blind and/or kill you if you drank it.


Corn oil makes an excellent diesel fuel, better than the petroleum product as a matter of fact.

However, it won't work directly in a gas engine.

Title: Re: Fuel
Post by ralfyguy on 07/01/11 at 17:23:31

That electric bike is impressive, but what about the sound? And then lets say I go on a Sunday ride, which averages about 200 miles. Can't do it. After 100 miles, you gotta find a motel to stay and wait 10 hours for the recharge.

Title: Re: Fuel
Post by Oldfeller on 07/02/11 at 02:26:35

100% electric vehicles will not work for most of us as a road car or road bike.   They will work as a get around town vehicle until the batteries get weak then they just get expensive to own all over again.  Until there is a breakthrough in batteries this is just the way it is.


Brazil has Ford of Brazil built vehicles that run on 100% alcohol that use a two gallon tank to hold just enough gasoline to get the car started, then it autoswitches to 100% alcohol.  Compression ratio is very high, similar but not quite as high as a diesel as alcohol has excellent anti-knock properties -- the Ford cars make some fair horsepower and get fair but not stellar gas mileage.

100% road alky in Brazil costs around $2 a gallon as they grow a whole lot of sugar cane anyway and they press some of it for sugar and use the rest to make yeast based alky and they burn the pressed mash and stalks to fire the boilers that separate out the alky.  They run a power generating turbine with the fresh steam then cool the remainder in water towers to separate the water and the alky.  

Nice system, an American rum company built the first one then the Brazilian government took it over and built more bigger ones.  They grow all the cane they can and supply either sugar or molasses directly, then they can make Bacardi's or cheap road alky according to where the demand is.

As Brazil grows and industrializes, they will outstrip their home grown alky supply and have to go with oil like the rest of us.

America's future alky model involves growing large amounts of sawgrass and using genetic material from termite gut bacteria to use modified anaerobic bacterial to crack the stuff directly down into something liquid that can be converted into either road alky through cracking or a fairly direct form of organic diesel.  

The Army/Air Force is sponsoring a process to use a modified algae to do the same thing to a watery sludge of sawgrass (or anything else organic) in a big assed closed tank.  

Neither process involves boiling anything in bulk (costs too much energy to boil the amount of stuff we would need to process).

We have a National Defense imperative to develop other home sources of fuel to be used in case of a war (since we aren't allowed do drill any more domestic oil wells).

As dino oil peters out, you will see more alky in everything.

Title: Re: Fuel
Post by ralfyguy on 07/02/11 at 06:20:36

17343C3E3D34343D2A580 wrote:

100% electric vehicles will not work for most of us as a road car or road bike.   They will work as a get around town vehicle until the batteries get weak then they just get expensive to own all over again.  Until there is a breakthrough in batteries this is just the way it is.


Brazil has Ford of Brazil built vehicles that run on 100% alcohol that use a two gallon tank to hold just enough gasoline to get the car started, then it autoswitches to 100% alcohol.  Compression ratio is very high, similar but not quite as high as a diesel as alcohol has excellent anti-knock properties -- the Ford cars make some fair horsepower and get fair but not stellar gas mileage.

100% road alky in Brazil costs around $2 a gallon as they grow a whole lot of sugar cane anyway and they press some of it for sugar and use the rest to make yeast based alky and they burn the pressed mash and stalks to fire the boilers that separate out the alky.  They run a power generating turbine with the fresh steam then cool the remainder in water towers to separate the water and the alky.  

Nice system, an American rum company built the first one then the Brazilian government took it over and built more bigger ones.  They grow all the cane they can and supply either sugar or molasses directly, then they can make Bacardi's or cheap road alky according to where the demand is.

As Brazil grows and industrializes, they will outstrip their home grown alky supply and have to go with oil like the rest of us.

America's future alky model involves growing large amounts of sawgrass and using genetic material from termite gut bacteria to use modified anaerobic bacterial to crack the stuff directly down into something liquid that can be converted into either road alky through cracking or a fairly direct form of organic diesel.  

The Army/Air Force is sponsoring a process to use a modified algae to do the same thing to a watery sludge of sawgrass (or anything else organic) in a big assed closed tank.  

Neither process involves boiling anything in bulk (costs too much energy to boil the amount of stuff we would need to process).

We have a National Defense imperative to develop other home sources of fuel to be used in case of a war (since we aren't allowed do drill any more domestic oil wells).

As dino oil peters out, you will see more alky in everything.

There is nothing wrong with using alcohol as fuel. I am just worried about being forced to use this stuff on equipment that was designed to use just gasoline as fuel. It may work on lots of equipment, but it also may destroy other. The point is to leave a choice. It's a matter of principle. I am thinking of people with older vehicles, that may not be suited to run on gasohol. And these people are not seldom just people with little money that have enough to do with keeping those older vehicles alive as is. They don't necessarily have the budget to get something better. IF this stuff breaks their engines, they have nothing.

Title: Re: Fuel
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/02/11 at 06:46:56

This guy was on George Noory the other nite.. I thinkl hes right on in several areas,, others,, errmm,, not so much,, but info on what plants yield the greatest %age alky makes me wonder WHY are we even growing corn to make it with,, many other plants yield much higher %age alky.
One thing he said regarded sewage treatment,, Using Cat Tails to clean the water , then harvest them for the alky, sure made sense,, He also said an individual can make it for around $1.00/gallon,, & then compost the leftover crap, Rotating crops, too,, he mentioned several crops that could be rotated thru on the farm to keep the soil healthier & the pests at bay.

Title: Re: Fuel
Post by MrBrownTX on 07/03/11 at 16:37:49

I heard that C2C show.  It was pretty interesting.  I had the same opinion of it as you.  I hear a lot of bashing of ethanol in the gas around here in Texas.  Not sure if it's just the influence of Big Oil though, lol.

Title: Re: Fuel
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/03/11 at 16:52:25

Well, Cool, Mr Brown,,Its nice to have someone agree once on a while,,

The bashing looks reasonable to me,, gas doesnt store as well,, seems to deliver less MPG, & some gas tanks on motorcycles & boats get hurt by it.

Title: Re: Fuel
Post by MrBrownTX on 07/03/11 at 18:14:45

Yeah I remember the guest making a big deal out of going to the assembly plant and that the vehicles were no different wether they were for gas or ethanol.  He just seemed to be oblivious to the fact that ethanol/alcohol vehicles might NEED to be different because of the problems they have.  I hear stories on a local car talk radio guy of cars motore being severly hurt by the stuff as well.

It's not a horrible idea in my opinion if they can work it out better, anything to get off of middle eastern oil I say.

Electric cars and solar/wind/hydro power plants would be fantastic.

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