General Category >> The Cafe >> Re: storage suggestions PC split

Message started by TheSnakeLady on 06/29/11 at 16:25:16

Title: Re: storage suggestions PC split
Post by TheSnakeLady on 06/29/11 at 16:25:16

Thank you for everything you do, you're a true hero! :)

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/29/11 at 17:20:05

3B272A3C212E242A232E2B364F0 wrote:
Thank you for everything you do, you're a true hero! :)

Ohh Gag me,,

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by Serowbot on 06/29/11 at 19:03:44

637C7A7D60675666566E7C703B090 wrote:
[quote author=3B272A3C212E242A232E2B364F0 link=1309385538/0#5 date=1309389916]Thank you for everything you do, you're a true hero! :)

Ohh Gag me,, [/quote]

;D ;D ;D...
That phrase,... and,...
"You're a great American",...
...has lost all meaning, thanks to Fox News...

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/29/11 at 20:22:41

4751465B43565B40340 wrote:
[quote author=637C7A7D60675666566E7C703B090 link=1309385538/0#6 date=1309393205][quote author=3B272A3C212E242A232E2B364F0 link=1309385538/0#5 date=1309389916]Thank you for everything you do, you're a true hero! :)

Ohh Gag me,, [/quote]

;D ;D ;D...
That phrase,... and,...
"You're a great American",...
...has lost all meaning, thanks to Fox News...


Fox News didnt do it for me,, I cant think of a single military excursion we are involved in that is reasonable or justified.. I see no threats to our way of life coming from anywhere but Washington DC.
IIRC,, Obama told us we could "Take it to the bank",, he was Bringin the Boys Home,, yea,, riiight..
I support the troops,, I want them HOME & safe, Now.
Stomping thru another country killing people & destroying things isnt heroic if that country is no threat to America,, & they arent.

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by Wolfman on 06/30/11 at 00:17:25

"Oh Gag Me?" Justin??
Thats showing some real support for the troops id say.

No one thought Alkida(sp) or the Taliban was a real threat to the USA.
That is untill they flew a couple of jet airliners into a couple of buildings and killed more people then the attack on pearl harbor.
Oh, lets not forget old Saddam himself. He had and had used chemical and nerve gas weapons on the iranians as well as his OWN People.

Then there was the checks for 27,000 dollars he paid out to each suicide bombers family if they blew up some Infidels.
Oh yeah, what about the bombing of the world trade center several years back. That was our FRIENDS Alkida.
Remember the big bomb blast on the train in spain killed like 250 people a few years back?

Yeah, Saddam, Osama, Alkida and the taliban are no threat to the USA or its people at home or abroad.
You just go tuck your head back under the covers again and believe all will be right in the world if we bring all our troops home and dont castigate those who decide to try and destroy/change our way of life.
You sound just like those who threw dog chit and spit on our troops comeing home from vietnam.
Turn a blind eye to the world and HOPE no one decides they want what you have or just flat dont like you enough to kill you. Or your just follow the wrong religon.
My book your a blind fool, sheep to the slaughter. >:(
Its the likes of Bosn43 and others like him that allows YOU to sleep safe at night.
He didnt start any war but hes doing his duty so at least give him the respect he DESERVES!

Bosn43, wouldnt be Navy would you with a nick like that?
No matter. Thanks for what you do, ignore the nay sayers and watch your arse on deployment. ;)

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/30/11 at 01:17:52

Oh, lets not forget old Saddam himself. He had and had used chemical and nerve gas weapons on the iranians as well as his OWN People

He scared me how? You DO know WE put him in place, right? & I am not a Fox news brain,, I dont buy into this crap one bit.. 9/11 was an inside job. I dont support any wars we are in, its all been lies, you believe what you want . & I DO support the TROOPS, not the missions. Bring them home, safely, now.

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by CalisOsin on 06/30/11 at 10:31:51

This really isn't the place for political debate, take it the Cafe if you want.

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by Wolfman on 06/30/11 at 10:47:46

NOT a political debate CalisOsin, least not for me. Simply stateing an opinon on a subject and supporting the troops.

Justin, all i got to say to those who claim we did it ourselves is i got some prime swmpland in florida ill sell you cheap. Make a good houseing development for you.
Our govt killed over 5000 american people just so they could go to war with some third world country so we could get one guy, blow he!! out of the countryside and then rebuild it all for them afterward??
Yeah Right. ::)

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by Boofer on 06/30/11 at 11:25:49

I'll put a stop to this. ROTELLA T Dino oil in 15w40 is the best oil available, and it pollutes less and a part of the profit goes to helping sick kittens in Alabama, AND the container makes a dandy trot-line marker for those of you who fish.  :) And thanks to all who keep me and my family safer.

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by bosn43 on 06/30/11 at 12:59:44

Wolfman yes Navy for 23 years now Commissioning to CWO2 Surface Bos'n in Feb. so I got some big plans for my s40 aka Savage when I get back.

thanks for all the support!!

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by bill67 on 06/30/11 at 14:52:02

476A6A636077050 wrote:
I'll put a stop to this. ROTELLA T Dino oil in 15w40 is the best oil available, and it pollutes less and a part of the profit goes to helping sick kittens in Alabama, AND the container makes a dandy trot-line marker for those of you who fish.  :) And thanks to all who keep me and my family safer.

Where in the Suzuki Manuel does it say use diesel oil,I must of missed it I thought it said use motorcycle oil.

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by TheSnakeLady on 06/30/11 at 15:34:46

I support our soldiers even though I don't support the war(s). I wasn't trying to start anything, just wanted to thank a man who does what most won't to maintain our safety, security, and way of life :-X.  I whole-heartedly believe that the men and women of the military should be home and DEFENDING us, not making more enemies but... until the powers-that-be wake the heck up and realize it, my thoughts are with our soldiers who are fighting and dying in a worthless, greed-born war. >:(

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by CalisOsin on 06/30/11 at 15:56:35

302C21372A252F212825203D440 wrote:
I support our soldiers even though I don't support the war(s). I wasn't trying to start anything, just wanted to thank a man who does what most won't to maintain our safety, security, and way of life :-X.  I whole-heartedly believe that the men and women of the military should be home and DEFENDING us, not making more enemies but... until the powers-that-be wake the heck up and realize it, my thoughts are with our soldiers who are fighting and dying in a worthless, greed-born war. >:(

Well said.

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by Serowbot on 06/30/11 at 16:34:52

+1... ;)...

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by Boofer on 06/30/11 at 16:50:36

Snake Lady, I apologize.  Well said, I was just starting some bull. But I'm pretty sure the Armed forces use Rotella in everything.  ::)

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by bill67 on 06/30/11 at 18:37:00

IF I had my wishes all of our military men would go AWOL that would be the quickest way to put a end to the wastful fighting.

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by CalisOsin on 07/01/11 at 08:16:11

43484D4D1716210 wrote:
IF I had my wishes all of our military men would go AOL that would be the quickest way to put a end to the wastful fighting.

I'm not sure America Online can help with this, maybe they should just go AWOL instead ;)

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by bill67 on 07/01/11 at 15:34:19


Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by Boule’tard on 07/01/11 at 16:16:50

It'd be awesome if you guys can keep your pro/anti military junk out of RSD. [edit: thank you, Verslagen1, for getting these cats all herded into the cafe] As bikers, we of course all wish bosn43 a safe return so he can get back on his bike, which will be well preserved.  ;)

Adberns offers some excellent advice, and I cannot add much except to say you can't run all the gas out of a stock Savage without disconnecting the petcock vacuum line.  The next best thing would be to leave the carb packed with Sta-bil treated gas.  Also, if possible, raise the bike off the tires so they can dry-rot evenly all around.  :D  J/K, they should be fine.

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by bill67 on 07/01/11 at 16:38:17

5D414C5A4748424C45484D50290 wrote:
I support our soldiers even though I don't support the war(s). I wasn't trying to start anything, just wanted to thank a man who does what most won't to maintain our safety, security, and way of life :-X.  I whole-heartedly believe that the men and women of the military should be home and DEFENDING us, not making more enemies but... until the powers-that-be wake the heck up and realize it, my thoughts are with our soldiers who are fighting and dying in a worthless, greed-born war. >:(

+1 You have that right .

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/02/11 at 06:50:05

7F7471712B2A1D0 wrote:
[quote author=5D414C5A4748424C45484D50290 link=1309385538/15#18 date=1309473286]I support our soldiers even though I don't support the war(s). I wasn't trying to start anything, just wanted to thank a man who does what most won't to maintain our safety, security, and way of life :-X.  I whole-heartedly believe that the men and women of the military should be home and DEFENDING us, not making more enemies but... until the powers-that-be wake the heck up and realize it, my thoughts are with our soldiers who are fighting and dying in a worthless, greed-born war. >:(

+1 You have that right .[/quote]

Amen Sister,, Amen,, & Of Course we all wish Bosn a safe trip,, I wish them ALL a safe trip, Heck,, I hope he has fun while he's gone. Maybe he will be the hottest Ping Pong player on board..

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by Gyrobob on 07/04/11 at 20:39:23

In the past 10 minutes, I have unexpectedly formed a lot of opinions about several of you based on the attitudes shown.  Some are quite disappointing.  Bummer.  I was having a lot of fun here.

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by Routy on 07/05/11 at 06:57:58

526C677A777A77150 wrote:
In the past 10 minutes, I have unexpectedly formed a lot of opinions about several of you based on the attitudes shown.  Some are quite disappointing.  Bummer.  I was having a lot of fun here.

Thats all it took to make you leave ?
Well, it was only a matter of time then,.....only the tough survive here !

But I must add,....
Lets not snibble about 9-11,.....
We knew they were out to get us, so we helped them do it.....
We taught them how to fly our planes to acomplish the deadly missions
Then we loaned them our planes to get it done !
I think we need less wars, and more smarts !

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/05/11 at 07:41:13

I wish Bob had elaborated,, as is, IDK what he was thinking & what wa said to change it,, & what he now thinks,, I enjoyed him,,

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by Gyrobob on 07/05/11 at 07:51:01

2C2339223E382B29212F384A0 wrote:
[quote author=526C677A777A77150 link=1309385538/15#28 date=1309837163]In the past 10 minutes, I have unexpectedly formed a lot of opinions about several of you based on the attitudes shown.  Some are quite disappointing.  Bummer.  I was having a lot of fun here.

Thats all it took to make you leave ?
Well, it was only a matter of time then,.....only the tough survive here ![/quote]

Have you stopped scraping your penguin?

Title: Re: storage suggestions PC split
Post by verslagen1 on 07/05/11 at 08:56:52

Y'all go sit in the corner... yahear?

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by arteacher on 07/05/11 at 14:24:42

4D7378656865680A0 wrote:
In the past 10 minutes, I have unexpectedly formed a lot of opinions about several of you based on the attitudes shown.  Some are quite disappointing.  Bummer.  I was having a lot of fun here.


Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by Gyrobob on 07/06/11 at 04:23:11

424949404C434258592D0 wrote:
[quote author=4D7378656865680A0 link=1309389917/15#21 date=1309837163]

Very true.  And those opinions change when you find out something new about someone.  

For example, I used to go to Jane Fonda movies when I was a kid until I saw her sitting in an enemy AAA emplacement saying she wished she could shoot down some of those F-4s flying overhead.  It's hard to think of her without knowing she wanted to kill me and my kind.  

Another example, Bill Maher saying the terrorists on 911 were the real heroes because they sacrificed themselves for their cause, and that we in the American military were cowards because we sometimes fought with weapons that allowed us to smite from a distance (smart bombs, long range artillery, UAVs, etc.).

I would like to see bill and jane give each other aids, and then die a slow and painful death,... ending up in hell having to clean out muslim bedpans with their tongues.  Those who have sentiments similar to bill and jane deserve the same fate.

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by Gyrobob on 07/06/11 at 04:41:20

43484D4D1716210 wrote:
IF I had my wishes all of our military men would go AwOL that would be the quickest way to put a end to the wastful fighting.

So you would have our military staffed only with women who fought in a cost-effective manner, eh?  Interesting,...

Title: Re: storage suggestions PC split
Post by arteacher on 07/06/11 at 04:49:44

Gyrobob, I was being facetious. To explain as simply as I can the people you criticize so viciously have a right to their opinions as well as you do.
"..lick out Muslim bedpans....", man, IMHO that smacks of paranoia.

Title: Re: storage suggestions
Post by bill67 on 07/06/11 at 05:01:37

6E505B464B464B290 wrote:
[quote author=43484D4D1716210 link=1309389917/15#15 date=1309484220]IF I had my wishes all of our military men would go AwOL that would be the quickest way to put a end to the wastful fighting.

So you would have our military staffed only with women who fought in a cost-effective manner, eh?  Interesting,... [/quote]
+1 you got it gyro

Title: Re: storage suggestions PC split
Post by Gyrobob on 07/06/11 at 06:05:05

7C77777E727D7C6667130 wrote:
Gyrobob, I was being facetious. To explain as simply as I can the people you criticize so viciously have a right to their opinions as well as you do.
"..lick out Muslim bedpans....", man, IMHO that smacks of paranoia.

Boy HOwdy!! you have THAT right!  How paranoid would YOU feel if you were wandering around in hell with bill and jane being forced to clean out muslim bedpans that way? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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