General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> UPDATE:   Hit a Rock--Big Damage??

Message started by drums1 on 06/24/11 at 16:10:26

Title: UPDATE:   Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by drums1 on 06/24/11 at 16:10:26

Cruising about 45, out from under car ahead of me comes a honeydew melon-sized rock. Could not avoid it totally. BAM !! Almost jerks the handlebars out of my hand. Almost layed it down. I thought it went off to the right. There was even a big scuff and small cut right-of-center on my brand new front tire. Seemed ok. Nothing bent. ( I thought ) I get home and looked underneath to see where leaking oil was coming from. Right side of front downframe dented way in, and apparently hit the lower front of motor too. Looks chipped or cracked. If I drain it and clean it up real good, would JB Weld on the outside maybe seal that leak, or am I gonna need a new engine? And how about the frame?? Is that safe with it dented in where it is?

This really sucks as I just put almost a grand into the bike and was totally anticipating a lot of riding this summer.

>:(      :(      :-[      :-/

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/24/11 at 16:32:51

Step One,, Thank God you didnt get HURT.
Step Two
Did you notice a change in handling or were you too shook up to think clearly enough to notice?( I woulda been in the latter group)

A leaky case could possibly fix with JB weld, mite need a tig welder.
If I was gonna try it with JB, Id cut a small trench in the crack & rough it up for 1/8th on either side, dont go deep,
Before I did that, Id have to let a welder look at it,, Id drop 40 bucks & know its not gonna leak,,

Sorry bout the way that went.. sure says something about adequate following distances, dont it?

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by Boofer on 06/24/11 at 17:22:22

Drums, You were indeed fortunate to not go down during that. I am always afraid of oncoming left hand turners and stuff just showing up from under a car. I lay back because of that, but sometimes it's close. My late cousin could weld two soda cans together with NASA precision, so find a talented, experienced guy and try it. Glad you're ok. Didn't you just get it fixed a couple of weeks ago or was that someone else?

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by Serowbot on 06/24/11 at 18:17:23

That sucks!....  Glad you're okay...

I'd have it welded....  Wouldn't want to trust JBWeld on the road with all the bumping and jarring... I'd never feel comfortable with it...

Welder could check the frame too... maybe do a package deal...

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by kimchris1 on 06/24/11 at 19:19:59

Drums, first of all, Glad you alright.
Man that must have been scarey?
I would let a welder look it over as
well. Hope your frame isn't bent.
Most important is your ok...Hugs, :) kim

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by Ed L. on 06/24/11 at 20:03:12

J B weld will do the job stopping the oil leak. Give it a good cleaning with carb cleaner and the rough it up a little with some 100 grit paper. Get the frame checked and see if the bike is tracking straight. If it is tracking straight then get a plate welded over the dent and get a weld job done on the cracked housing.  Two options for the repair.

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by stinger on 06/25/11 at 02:03:12

Maybe your insurance policy would cover repairs or a new engine.

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by drums1 on 06/25/11 at 05:47:39

Yes Boofer, I did just have the head gasket, carb repair and 2 new tires done, and put on forward controls.
As for welding, is that something that can be done on the bike, with oil in the motor, or am I gonna have to have it disassembled and bring in the motor casing itself?

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by drums1 on 06/25/11 at 06:39:18

Whoa. Now I just went out to take a closer look--it actually punched a hole in the motor casing. Good thing I was fairly close to home when it happened. I wonder how far I rode with little to no oil in there. I stood bike up to check oil level--nothing in window. What little bit was left came running out the hole. SON OF A BIOTCH. Please excuse my French.

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/25/11 at 06:39:31

I think Id let the welder decide abut the oil In or not,, Mite ride it to a welder, dump the oil, weld it up, fill it back up & ride home.

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by arteacher on 06/25/11 at 06:47:13

If the frame is still true and not cracked I would think about filling the dent with filler and painting it. How deep is "way in"?
As far as the case goes I would not trust JP weld as the case is constantly heating and cooling (expanding and contracting). Best to have a welder check them out.

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by arteacher on 06/25/11 at 06:58:36

5A454344595E6F5F6F57454902300 wrote:
I think Id let the welder decide abut the oil In or not,, Mite ride it to a welder, dump the oil, weld it up, fill it back up & ride home.

Definitely oil out. Have you ever tried to solder a pipe joint with water in it? Wont get hot enough, although my wife's uncle, who owned a rad shop, soldered a penny over a pinhole leak in the gas tank of my Land Cruiser with gas in it. :-?

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/25/11 at 07:02:51

I wouldnt have been in the same county with someone holdin a torch on a gas tank.

& re: Oil in or OIl out..
I would think the heat would hurt the oil sitting right there at the wound.

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by Serowbot on 06/25/11 at 07:37:38

Hate to say it, but,... if you went more than a mile or so without oil,... I'd just put the money towards an engine swap...
Two people here have run short distances without oil, and both engines seized within a couple hundred miles...

Sorry,... but best not to waste your money...

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by drums1 on 06/25/11 at 07:48:52

Insurance?? Well, sad to say, but I don't have any. Can't afford it. I know it's stupid not to have it, but when you're unemployed long term, you do what you gotta do. And the lump of money I had a short time ago is all but gone.
Apparently, welders do not work on Saturday, as every one I have called this morning is not answering the dam phone. So, another weekend in the toilet. It figures. After 8 days of gloomy rainy weather, today is 75 and sunny.
I think the Gods are trying to tell me something. Yesterday, while I was out running over boulders, my car got towed away for a gas leak. So now I have to spend my last $100 getting it out of the impound lot, so I can junk IT. No car, no motorcycle. Can it get any better??
Maybe I can sell my 3rd drumset in the last 4 years for 1/2 what I paid for it. Then I'll just curl up in a corner somewhere and contemplate my navel.

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by Oldfeller on 06/25/11 at 08:28:41

Here is my risk splitting 2 cents ....

Pull out any chunks of rock or broken aluminum you can reach.  

Spray it clean with brake parts cleaner, sand it with VERY COARSE wet or dry sandpaper (Lowes sells the stuff as super duper woodworking sandpaper), spray it clean and totally oil free with break parts cleaner, mop it up so it dries totally grease and oil free.

Mix up some fresh JB WELD metal repair paste (the kind that can be ground, machined or tapped) and fill in the hole not pressing too much up inside the cases beyond a little bit you worked in on purpose around the broken lip edge to make sure it has an inside ledge to keep it from being pushed out by piston "huff" and circulating oil forces.  

As soon as this "coat the edges good" gets stiff enough to support another layer stick a piece of screening to it and push the screening in and get it bound firmly  to the coat the edges stuff.  Now quickly mix another layer sorta large and go a goodly distance out around the outside embeddding more screen to provide some mechanical strength which gets greater as the layers of embedded screening get layered on.  

See if you have some aluminum screen that you have laying around (or buy some from Lowes) and add that to your second & third layer to lend the necessary physical strength.   Each new layer of screen should be a little bit bigger than the last one so it bonds to a new fresh clean area of sanded case.  

Build up the screening and JB up until you have something as strong or stronger than the case used to be ....

If that first over the hole JB/mesh layer won't stay still and in place properly, use saran wrap and some duct tape to hold it in place until it sets up, then peel off the saran wrap and roughen the surface a bit with the coarse sandpaper before the next layer goes on.  

Once it sets up for 1 full day after the last layer, then put you some oil in the crankcase and ride that engine until it dies, meanwhile looking for that mythical "good used engine" that everyone else is looking for.

This path is cheap, quick and gives you all the use you would get out of that engine in whatever shape it is in from the oil loss.

Might last for years ..... might die tomorrow --- but it allows you to find out for less than $10 and a day or so spent fiddlin' wid it.


BTW, which case has the hole in it?   I am assuming a crank case half (worst case) instead of a side cover.

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by drums1 on 06/25/11 at 08:42:07

So, we'll be good to go as far as the hot cold hot cold expansion contraction thing?  And there still was about 1 quart of oil left in it so I didn't ride it with NO oil in it--motor still sounded ok and everything--wasn't smoking or nothing like that.

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/25/11 at 08:45:36

Having been thru a few hard times in life, I can say this...
I have never been thru a long, painful trial that I didnt learn something about myself or life in general,, this whole trip is a school & testing ground for souls,, its not always comfortable, Ive never grown while things were all rosy,, only thru trials have I seen personal, spiritual growth. Enjoy the ride.. even when its bumpy.

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by Oldfeller on 06/25/11 at 08:51:50

JB Weld "grindable machinable" was built for block repairs on car engines.  It has decades of use and a very positive rep.  

If you are worried, use aluminum window screen material to match the thermal expansion rate of your aluminum cases.  But be sure to laminate in enough mesh to bring some physical strength to the party if you are bridging an air gap situation .....

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by drums1 on 06/25/11 at 09:02:40

Justin, I agree, it just seems like I been in the basement for a long time. Oh wait--it was rosy for about 2 weeks while I had some $$, but then right back to the basement. Hard to see the light at the end of the 10 mile long tunnel.

Oldfeller--There is different kinds of JB Weld? I have some JB Weld--black and red tubes--is there a specific different kind that is grindable/machinable?

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by Oldfeller on 06/25/11 at 09:15:45

Sounds like the stuff -- does it say machinable on the tube?

Where exactly is your hole?   How big is the hole?

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by drums1 on 06/25/11 at 09:19:22

No it doesn't say machinable on the tube itself....maybe on the package it comes in?
The hole is right on the bottom front--right side. It's about bb sized, but there is some cracking around it too. All told--maybe 2 pea's next to each other.

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by Oldfeller on 06/25/11 at 09:21:54

might not need the screen if it is bb sized

Remember to push a little bit inside to make a head on the inside.

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by WD on 06/25/11 at 09:54:42

If the package doesn't say machinable do NOT use it on an engine. Regular JB Weld works great as body filler. Sticks a whole lot better than Bondo type "muds" do.  It also will "work" to a much smoother initial surface, so less sanding is needed. You can use the same screen trick to build up the dented frame tube.

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by drums1 on 06/25/11 at 10:02:53

Gotcha. I think I'm gonna work on this over the weekend. I will update with results. Thanks for all the input, guys!!

Title: Re: Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by arteacher on 06/25/11 at 10:38:50

46595F5845427343734B59551E2C0 wrote:
I wouldnt have been in the same county with someone holdin a torch on a gas tank.

& re: Oil in or OIl out..
I would think the heat would hurt the oil sitting right there at the wound.

He didn't use a torch... he used a honkin' great big soldering iron (no flame or spark-no boom). Possibly the oil would hurt the heat.

Title: Re: UPDATE Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by drums1 on 07/02/11 at 17:52:15

Well, the jury is least for now. The JB Weld is holding so far. I went for about 50 miles boppin' around town today. No drips. No leaks. No losss of oil. Running good so far. And it was about 84 degrees hot here today. I will run some more tomorrow. And of course, quite a bit on the 4th. It's supposed to be nice here on Monday. I'm a little leary of going anywhere out of town just yet--maybe after a few hundred miles with no problems. We'll see...

Title: Re: UPDATE:   Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/02/11 at 19:54:32

If it was mine, Id have some Devcon 5 minute epoxy on board if I was gonna get too far from home, & some oil,

Title: Re: UPDATE:   Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by MrBrownTX on 07/03/11 at 16:21:17

Glad you are ok and that it seems to be working!

Title: Re: UPDATE:   Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by drums1 on 07/03/11 at 18:58:47

Devcon 5 minute epoxy. Where at you get this stuff?

Title: Re: UPDATE:   Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by verslagen1 on 07/03/11 at 19:05:38

66797F7865625363536B79753E0C0 wrote:
If it was mine, Id have some Devcon 5 minute epoxy on board if I was gonna get too far from home, & some oil,

Devcon won't hold up to the heat period.

Title: Re: UPDATE:   Hit a Rock--Big Damage??
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/03/11 at 19:08:22

Not even long enough to get back to town? Is there a fast cure epoxy that will last an hour or so? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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