General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Raptor Petcock. Correct part #?

Message started by Boofer on 06/18/11 at 21:02:14

Title: Raptor Petcock. Correct part #?
Post by Boofer on 06/18/11 at 21:02:14

As Popeye says, "This is all me can stands and me can't stands no more." I have a part number. Is this correct? 2003 Yamaha Raptor 660 YFM 660R. #5LP-24500-01-00. I will be ordering Tuesday. Both my guys are closed Mondays. Thanks :)

Title: Re: Raptor Petcock. Correct part #?
Post by Serowbot on 06/18/11 at 21:09:30

Yasser,.. correctomundo,... dat's da' one,...1-4-U,... cats pajama's,... bees knees,... Shirley....

Yes... :-?...

Title: Re: Raptor Petcock. Correct part #?
Post by Oldfeller on 06/19/11 at 01:21:29

Popeye Boofer, tell us the tale of how you keelhauled that gas hording power stealin' bike stopping vac rascal after you took him off in chains !!!  

Did you flog him & draw and quarter him first before you stuffed him down the mouth of the cannon, or did you you jest lock him up tight jest in case you should ever find a way to completely rehabilitate him?  

I hears tales of them hardened vac rascals whut gets back out have a problem with recidivism back to their old bad habits after they are out of the rehab fer a few years ....  they go right back to stealin' yer gas and a hording it away from ye.


            ..... now ol' Mrs Lorena B. over on Fleet Street,  she has a way of dealing with them hardened old bastards whut makes sure they never go back to their old ways once they get let out.  

Jest don't be a eatn' her K&P (kidney & pecker) pies ....


Arrgh there, Captn' Verslaggy !!    Ahoy there matey !!

We sees that yet another of your loyal vac lov'n crew has done deserted yer company over there on the his Imperial Sucklessness's SMF Gasp and Stall ....

How long will it be before ye canna raise yer sails nor set yer anchor fer simple lack of willing hands on yer poop deck?  

One by one they be a jumping ship and a swimmin' over to the HMS Raptor fer some good service.  And nary a one has decided to come back to ye, neither -- spells the end of ye methinks.

Har !!      At least ya still got ol' Bill as a loyal member of yer crew    ;)

We'll be givin' Boofer a right nice welcome party over here on the clean simple decks of Her Majesty's HMS Raptor once we fishes him up outta the water ....

Title: Re: Raptor Petcock. Correct part #?
Post by Oldfeller on 06/19/11 at 08:50:04


It be bad turrible luck fer ye ta be running the seven seas wid a vac petcork, the evil basturd'll steal your gas and horde it all away from ye when you most needs it .....

Don't take no passage on that there Imperial Sucklessness's SMF Gasp and Stall as it  is manned 100% wid vac petcocks from the Capt'n all the way down to Mr. Bill the mess cook.  Them is Routy boys, they is ... unreliable.

;D   ;D   ;D

Join us over here on the HMS Raptor, we be having clean simple decks and clear sailing fer wherever we goes.

Title: Re: Raptor Petcock. Correct part #?
Post by Serowbot on 06/19/11 at 09:05:53

Aye,.. like Cap'n Oldfeller always says...
"A petcork shouldn't never suck"...
"An' if ye' be finding yur'self stranded by a limp, lifeless petcork,.. expect no solace nor comfort from the Raptor... We be takin' yer' gold and rum rations, and leave ye' adrift"...
... and then he says something like "Arrrrrrgghh!"... :-?...
;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: Raptor Petcock. Correct part #?
Post by Oldfeller on 06/19/11 at 09:37:05

Nay, it be Hurleys whut that I leave helpless on their sides, not my feller Savagers.  Them's the ones we must help as best we can.

Mebbe we should all carry a spare Raptor in our parts kit along with a pair of spare footpegs and a set of clutch/brake levers, so's we can rescue the helpless.

Warn them we will, evil will eventually come to them what dribbles their gas through a suck monster !!!

Title: Re: Raptor Petcock. Correct part #?
Post by Serowbot on 06/19/11 at 09:45:48

"Aye Capn',... We be leavin' the Savages their booty, and helpin' them along, then"...
"I'll add some spare Raptors' n' pedals'n'leavers to the stores"...

"No plank walkin' today then, aye?"...


Title: Re: Raptor Petcock. Correct part #?
Post by Boofer on 06/19/11 at 09:57:38

What's pirate speak for "Thank you"?

Title: Re: Raptor Petcock. Correct part #?
Post by Oldfeller on 06/19/11 at 10:46:16

First ye got to tell us the story ....

Title: Re: Raptor Petcock. Correct part #?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/19/11 at 11:37:30

6D4040494A5D2F0 wrote:
What's pirate speak for "Thank you"?

"'Ere,, 'ave a shot O me grog, Matey"

Its not a literal translation, but Pirates werent known for their "Yes, please" & "Thank YOu, sir"  

Picture a pirate "asking" someone for their wine skin,,, you spose its gonna be, "Ahoy, mate, Im a bit dry here, might I have a swig of your fine wine?"
Or is it gonna be a cutlass across the throat & a Gimme that wine or Ill cut your throat,,

Title: Re: Raptor Petcock. Correct part #?
Post by papi_ocho on 06/19/11 at 17:35:55

best price i found PLUS $7 shipping USPS

now lets see how long it takes to get here!

Title: Re: Raptor Petcock. Correct part #?
Post by Boofer on 06/19/11 at 18:22:09

Papi Ocho, Thanks, but I have a couple of "guys" I go to for special orders. T&R Sports Suzuki Dlr and Main Street Cycle Shop. Both 20 miles away in opposite directions. All it takes is a call. I pay when I pick it up...usually 3 days. Since pirates are not overtly thankful I will just promise to tie a rope around your neck when you walk the plank,  so the sharks won't get your scurvy carcass.  :) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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