General Category >> The Cafe >> For the old folks here

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 06/14/11 at 07:24:43

Title: For the old folks here
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/14/11 at 07:24:43

I keep seeing people talk about their achy stuff, arthritis, etc..
Rheumatoid Arthritis has been looked for by people studying ancient people,, it aint there.. the diets we have are different from what they once were, obvious;y.. we are typically acidic in our PH levels. That leads to cavities & migration of calcium from bone into soft tissues.
Soda, coffee & many her things contribute, but soda, with its phosphoric acid, is very bad about loosening bone up. Fluoride "fits"into the bone matrix & replaces some of the lost calcium. Can you say Busted Hip? How about osteoporosis?

How can I change it, you say..?
Well, odd as it sounds, with lemon juice.. add a tablespoon or 2 to a quart O water, use some stevia, sugar contributes to many problems, stevia doesnt affect blood sugar,.Dont drink cola from the local grocery store, Blue Sky is the least toxic Ive found.. anyway, you can make an almost lemonade drink, for cheap & its GOOD fer yaz! Cancer cant live in a basic environment, disease just cant stay there.. & its actually possible to remineralize a tooth & eliminate a small avity by managing the PH of the body.

Ive said all that to say this,  we arent just Lotto Winners( well,, losers) here, some getting Big Bad Deadly diseases, others, not so bad,, we play some role in it, unintentionally, because we are products of American Culture & what we see as "Normal" behavior is Normal, allrite, its just not healthy.. & America spends so much on disease management, & our people are sicker & w eat & drink toxic crap every day.. Stay OUT of fast food joints, just dont walk in there.. MSG & GMO crap everywhere.. If a product says "Natural Flavors" thats one of many,many ways they can sell you MSG.

Theres plenty more to say,, but who is gonna care?

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by Arnold on 06/14/11 at 08:16:53

Interesting. Sadly I stopped drinking water (as much as I can) since they poisoned it with fluoride. I think all living things have the ability to cure themselves, yet it becomes harder all the time to sustain yourself without the side effects of what they forcefully shove in your mouth.

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/14/11 at 08:21:25

Theyre spraying live viruses on sliced meats. Irradiating as many spices as they can, spices are known to have medicinal properties,, until theyre killed by radiation..

Dont use a Microwave,, we tossed ours years ago,, ya only miss them a couple of months..

Agenda 21 is  good read.

Soft Kill is a term everyone needs to know..

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by Southpaw on 06/14/11 at 08:29:16

Next thing you'll be tellin' me I gotta stop eatin' Craokacola an' moon pies for breakfast!  ;D I get what you're saying, JOG, and there's no doubt our diet has changed a lot in the last forty years, but to be fair ancient societies didn't LIVE to our age for arthritis to manifest itself either! I can still remember old Doc Schmidt telling my grandfather (who farmed, drank well water most of his life, and ate very little that he didn't raise) that arthritis was just inevitable. If you lived long enough you were going to get it. That was very early 1960s and still rings pretty true today! It sure isn't any fun, but most of the folks I know that have it manage it with a few pills and a common sense avoidance of foods that aggrevate it!

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/14/11 at 08:36:05

My Dr told me about societies in "The Backwoods of the World" who hadnt been around the Western Diet. Ive even seen films of some, I saw old people, very strong & agile & having children, as a normal way of life in their society, well up into what we call middle age. Be careful you dont believe all the "America is the best with the long lived people" propaganda. Then, multinational companies found a way to use their natural resources & sent people into those areas & started developing them, carrying with them the "need" for hamburgers, fries, pizza & cokes, etc,,
The lifespan of the locals started dropping in just a few years,, as they became attached to the taste of the crap we call food.
You'd be shocked at how old some people got,, not the ancients, but those form the 17 & 18oos,, & they didnt have RA.. I didnt want to have to type every detail,, but I will..

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by Arnold on 06/14/11 at 09:10:10

It seems to me that the only animals who get cancer are the ones that are fed by and hang around humans. When I retire if I ever get there, I'll grow my own food and eat food I can trust.

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by Southpaw on 06/14/11 at 09:10:51

 Understood, Guy! My point is my grandpa was a farmer and carpenter through the depression. A true "barn raisin' fiddler" who ate home grown vegetables without chemical fertilizers, raised a few cattle and pigs, and drank whole milk from his own stock and well water in a time when polution wasn't a concern, and STILL had it. The family was very self reliant as were all families that made it through the depression with very little store bought staples beyond sugar and such! German heritage, (I think all heritages have their strengths and prones to certain ailments) his work and parts of his diet such as bacon and eggs nearly every day of his life contributed to his susceptability to heart disease and arthritis.
  I agree with you that the fast food culture is very bad for us. I'd agree that there are a lot of additives in a lot of things these days that weren't there before that add to our health problems. I just don't agree that arthritis "cropped up" over our generation based on what I know of my own family history dating back to my great grand-parents and beyond!

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by Serowbot on 06/14/11 at 09:37:28

Not true...
I don't think dinosaurs and cavemen were sodaholics...

While evidence of primary ankle (kaki) osteoarthritis has been discovered in dinosaurs, the first known traces of human arthritis date back as far as 4500 BC. In early reports, arthritis was frequently referred to as the most common ailment of prehistoric peoples.[26] It was noted in skeletal remains of Native Americans found in Tennessee and parts of what is now Olathe, Kansas. Evidence of arthritis has been found throughout history, from Ötzi, a mummy (circa 3000 BC) found along the border of modern Italy and Austria, to the Egyptian mummies circa 2590 BC [27]

In 1715 William Musgrave published the second edition of his most important medical work De arthritide symptomatica which concerned arthritis and its effects

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by Arnold on 06/14/11 at 09:45:16

Oh oh, so who's right? People studying ancient people or William Musgrave?

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by bill67 on 06/14/11 at 10:02:16

So how long do I drink lemon juice for my arthritis to get better.

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by Serowbot on 06/14/11 at 10:15:44

2A2124247E7F480 wrote:
So how long do I drink lemon juice for my arthritis to get better.

'till you die,...  then the pain will subside...  
...if you've been a good boy... :-?...

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by Boofer on 06/14/11 at 12:30:33

This is a word for a new forum, but here it is. STRESS. And BTW I think we are about 70+% water. Figure out a way to keep hydrated, even if you have to filter/distill your own.

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by Paladin. on 06/14/11 at 12:51:08

6A47474E4D5A280 wrote:
This is a word for a new forum, but here it is. STRESS. And BTW I think we are about 70+% water. Figure out a way to keep hydrated, even if you have to filter/distill your own.

My Cardiologist said I have to less than 2 liters of water a day.  To stop Edema.  "Peripheral pitting edema... results from water retention... as a result of heart failure."  Which is why I am also supposed to stay under 2,000 mg sodium a day.  

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by weracerc on 06/14/11 at 12:52:26

JOG2 is correct - being a diabetic i have been through all of this with my fleet of dr' choices now are Green Tea or Black Tea or a mix - and lots of antioxidents in berries, cherries - i figured out a long time ago thaty if i de-fat, de-sugar & de-carb I de-flate.....lost 100or more 3 times in my life by using the De-3 on meds that fight the de-flate but I definitely de-carbonated in order to help the arthritis....the hardest is to de-carb o hydrate them things are so freakin addictive it just aint fair and yes our food today is so modified from that of our grandparents and great grand parents we all being bombared with chemically enhanced crap they pawn off as healthy food....B F S! ....jumping off the soap box, sorry.

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 06/14/11 at 13:00:14


While some of your opinions have merit, I'll add more to it - modern lifestyle.

A few years ago National Geographic ran one of their stories about a group of folks in Sardinia who had extremely long, healthy lifespans.  But when you got beyond the fact that they eat Pecorino Romano cheese, most of them are farmers or livestock raisers.  They live in small villages or on small farms in hilly country.  They walk everywhere, and those in the really rural farms walk up and down hills when in their fields.

Hence - exercise all day, everyday.

But, here I sit on my butt in an office, and I have for 40 years.  I'm about 35 pounds overweight - not obese, but sure am pudgy.  I take medication for high blood pressure.  No kidding - I really don't expect a long life expectancy, but not because of what I eat, more because I've grown sedentary and somewhat physically lazy.  I hate exercise, even though I've got reallly good equipment at home - treadmill, eliptical trainer, etc., I almost never use it.

My bicycle hasn't seen any use in 2 years.  25 years ago, I rode at least 50 miles a week.

How many of us fit my poor excuse of a mold?

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by weracerc on 06/14/11 at 13:06:07

yep garage full of exercise equipment - collecting dust.

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by kimchris1 on 06/14/11 at 13:25:58

I quit soda about the same time I quit smoking.
It is rare that I go to fast food places.
I do have some arthritis in a couple fingers.
My Mother has it in several of hers. It appears
I may have inherited the gene.
The only sodium I get is what is already in food.
I use salt on the Slugs.. Makes em shrivel up fast..
Am I in perfect health? OH hell no.
I need to exercise more and lose some more weight.
I do feel better than I did when I smoked and dranked pop. :) kim

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by bill67 on 06/14/11 at 13:45:38

Since all the bad stuff is in the food today people live 10 years longer today than they did 40 years ago.I don't eat veg fruit I eat meat and bread at least a 1 pound of candy a week donuts every day fast foods lots of coffee with sugar and cream cookies ice cream 2 ounces of water a day.But I did hard work all my life,carpenter, concrete work. 5 ft 6in 155 pounds.3 pack of cigarettes a day.

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 06/14/11 at 13:51:29

Bill -

You're really not old yet.  Your physically active work surely did help you, and perhaps, you're one of the lucky ones with long life genes.

Genetics has a whole lot to do with life-long health and lifespan.

What were the life spans of your parents, grandparents, and aunts and uncles?  That will tell you more than about any other facts about how long you'll be around.  Particularly if any of them had heart disease or cancer.

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by Boofer on 06/14/11 at 15:11:25

Just in case you don't realize, I am not giving medical advice. It seems when you post on here somebody always wants to point out that they are an exception. MOST of the people on here need to drink lots of water. A few have heart or kidney trouble or on dialysis. They may have been told to ease off on the water. My doctor is concerned that my mc may hurt my bad back. I'm not going to get on here and tell anyone they shouldn't ride because I probably shouldn't. It's fine to tell what you do, but crap fire don't put a quote of my post and counter it with what your doctor says. People with health problems always have to modify their lifestyle/meds. Do you just get a kick out of arguing? Have you noticed that the group around the water cooler leaves when you walk up? There are some old heads on here I have been following and really trust their judgment. And I also love a good joke on me. But arguing is not productive.

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by arteacher on 06/14/11 at 16:41:49

The problem with most of us is that we eat more calories than we need- either get more exercise or eat less. My GG grandfather lived to be 104, my g grandfather lived to be 99. His diet was two slices of dry toast and an egg in the morning with a cup of sweet tea, soup and bread for lunch, with more sweet tea, a small amount of meat and mashed peas for supper with a glass of stout. He also had a shot of whiskey and 10 rollies a day. They were both active workers all their lives. My grandfather was a factory worker all his life, but overate for a lot of it and died at 87.  My father was an office type (engineer) ate very healthy, and died at 86.
Studies show that active people who live on the edge of malnourishment have longer life spans than people who are well fed.

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/14/11 at 21:54:49

Heres a little blurb on caloric restriction & extended life span.

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by Paladin. on 06/15/11 at 10:50:05

322D2B2C31360737073F2D216A580 wrote:
Heres a little blurb on caloric restriction & extended life span.

So basically we can increase the world population simply by starving everyone.  Why extended life simply to stay alive?  When I stop enjoying life, I will quit.

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/15/11 at 13:26:03

I understand your thinking, Paladin, & Im pretty much in the same boat Re; FOOD,, Im GONNA eat... I just opsted that as a bit O info,, If someone can stay full & comfortable & restrict calories.. & not be unhappy cuz they dont eat ice cream & bread & things that have a High Caloric content PER Unit Volume, then maybe they can manage another few year of healthy living,, I doubt thats how Ill do it,

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by arteacher on 06/15/11 at 13:46:36

I found the perfect snack- Sugar free Jello cups- only 5 calories per cup. :D

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by photojoe on 06/15/11 at 14:57:43

What have you got for gall bladder problems? Went to Dr. today becuase of pain in the upper right quadrant, and he's sending me for an ultrasound of my gall bladder. I said to him "Isn't that for old people, I'm only 51?" He said "Im 51 also." I asked him how his gall bladder was, he said it was fine. WTF :-?

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 06/15/11 at 16:00:12

Joe -My wife had her gall bladder removed in her mid 50s.  Simple surgery - she went home the next day and never had any complications.

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by KristenAnn on 06/15/11 at 16:06:08

I had my gallblader out in 2004 and it was  only a day stay sugery. Surgery in the AM go home after you can pee and drink. I was pretty sore for a cople days but then i did fine.

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by photojoe on 06/16/11 at 07:35:09

Thanks for the comments Jerry and KristenAnn.

It's only a sack of bile, I should be glad to be rid of it I guess.

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by Serowbot on 06/16/11 at 09:25:00

Spare bits,.... just like on the bike...
Who needs those chrome head covers?.... or that belt guard?.. or helmets locks?...

I say get rid of it... you'll be lighter... your bike will be faster... ;)...

How big is a gall badder?... :-?...

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/16/11 at 17:04:19

777C7C757976776D6C180 wrote:
I found the perfect snack- Sugar free Jello cups- only 5 calories per cup. :D

I doubt seriously thats a safe snack.. if it has aspartame in it,, youre wrecking yourself..

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by rl153 on 06/16/11 at 19:32:31

Lemon juice  is acidic. I wonder what the theory is on  how it helps you stay healthy. I take two teaspoons of olive oil a day.

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by bill67 on 06/16/11 at 20:04:14

I take two table spoons of cherry favor cod liver oil a day,its red.

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/16/11 at 20:20:19

7F76657A7D7622212A2A130 wrote:
Lemon juice  is acidic. I wonder what the theory is on  how it helps you stay healthy. I take two teaspoons of olive oil a day.

yep, it is. Doc & her husband explaied the whole process a few times,, way too complex for me to be able to remember, but, a a chemistry student, t did make sense, its just too long & complicated for me to remember.

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by Sunchasers on 06/16/11 at 21:54:58

2821322D2A2175767D7D440 wrote:
Lemon juice  is acidic. I wonder what the theory is on  how it helps you stay healthy. I take two teaspoons of olive oil a day.

Lemon juice keeps you healthy by adding Vodka!  ;D

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by Serowbot on 06/16/11 at 22:21:41

Seems like, the choices of what you eat,.. are just choices of what kills you...

I eat mostly what I want,... just not too much...
... and I try to include veggies, and avoid animal fat and egg yolks...
That last bit,... goes against my basic premise... but, WTF?...
Nobody expects me to be consistent... do they?... :-?...

Ohhh!,... and take a fish oil capsule and a vitamin, every day...

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/17/11 at 00:37:26

Whats wrong with egg yolks? I like eggs cooked over medium, so when I cut into them, the yolk runs some & stays some,,I cut it all up, then I eat some,,
When Im gettin meat ready to cook, I go thru & cut out the hard fat, but the soft stuff stays & cooks & adds flavor..

Sadly, sometimes I wind up eatin Frambled eggs. Thats what ya get when ya go to fry an egg but the yolk gets busted & ya have to scramble it.

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by MMRanch on 06/17/11 at 21:06:54

Lemon juice desolves kidney stones.    I just had some first hand experience with that.   Sure enough  " It Worked". ;)

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by arteacher on 06/18/11 at 07:05:56

637C7A7D60675666566E7C703B090 wrote:
[quote author=777C7C757976776D6C180 link=1308061483/15#24 date=1308170796]I found the perfect snack- Sugar free Jello cups- only 5 calories per cup. :D

I doubt seriously thats a safe snack.. if it has aspartame in it,, youre wrecking yourself.. [/quote]
I am diabetic, so aspartame and I are good friends. I know it's bad stuff, but I wouldn't have much quality of life without it. :(

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/11 at 07:24:16

yep, ditch that crap ( BTW, it REALLY IS Crap, as in, the bodily discharge of a micro-organism). Stevia is sweet & doesnt bump blood sugar.
Aspartame is not a good thing. FDA wouldnt pass it till Rumsfeld bought into Searle & drove it thru, now hes makin fortunes while people are injured.

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by HalfPint on 06/18/11 at 07:42:30

3E2127203D3A0B3B0B33212D66540 wrote:
Whats wrong with egg yolks? I like eggs cooked over medium, so when I cut into them, the yolk runs some & stays some,,I cut it all up, then I eat some,,
When Im gettin meat ready to cook, I go thru & cut out the hard fat, but the soft stuff stays & cooks & adds flavor..

Sadly, sometimes I wind up eatin Frambled eggs. Thats what ya get when ya go to fry an egg but the yolk gets busted & ya have to scramble it.

For a couple decades the wives tail has been egg yolks are high in LDL [Bad] Cholesterol which is detrimental to your health if you get enough of it, but recently [I don't remember where] I saw some new study trying to counter that yolks are truly that bad. I just don't like the taste though. lol

Also when I'm at work [in a pharmacy] you'd be amazed at how many children/young adults are probably popping more maintenance medications in their mouths daily than a lot of "mildly" health conscious grown adults. If you at least sorta think about what you eat you should be fine.

-This is excluding what genetics already cursed you with, and other special cases.

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/11 at 08:27:24

Depends on where they are buying those "Maintenance Meds"..typical OTC stuff isnt exactly what youd get at the health food store,, IOW, Not all vitamins are the same,

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by HalfPint on 06/18/11 at 21:45:07

627D7B7C61665767576F7D713A080 wrote:
Depends on where they are buying those "Maintenance Meds"..typical OTC stuff isnt exactly what youd get at the health food store,, IOW, Not all vitamins are the same,

I was meaning prescription only medications. Cholesterol/BP/Thyroid/etc.. Stuff that's FDA approved.

Title: Re: For the old folks here
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/11 at 23:03:23

You are aware of the number of drugs that have been FDA pproved that have had to be taken off the market because of terrible side effects, arent yu? When I was a kid, stuff Didnt get ON the market if it wasnt pretty good stuff.. but, over tome, we saw the head of FDA stop being health advocates & we started seein people from the pharmaceutical industry  put in charge,, it went bad from there.

Plaque, that crap in the veins/arteries, isnt made of cholesterol..
Thyroid support is something I cant get by without,, he thyroid is attacked by much of what is going on today. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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