General Category >> The Cafe >> BAM

Message started by CalisOsin on 05/27/11 at 10:03:25

Title: BAM
Post by CalisOsin on 05/27/11 at 10:03:25

anybody heard of BAM? I went on a short ride this weekend and ended up at Cooks Corner and there was this booth there handing out cards.

they have what sounds like a really cool service, where people sign up and get put into a database. and if one of the members is on the road and breaks down or gets hurt, they just call in and the operator finds a local member to see if they can come help. I signed up because it sounded pretty cool, but I've never heard of them before...

Title: Re: BAM
Post by houstonbofh on 05/27/11 at 11:22:42

Lots of groups do this.  On the MIG (Marauder Intruder ($ Boulevard) Group) forum, they set up the Mig List.  Big list of folks, numbers, and services. (Help, local knowledge, place to work, place to crash, pickup for broke bike...)  And the Savage is a Boulevard, so you qualify...  :) Details at if you are interested.

Title: Re: BAM
Post by Dj12midnit on 05/27/11 at 20:48:00

We have a list on the suzuki owners club site so you can print it out so you know who is where you are going.

Title: Re: BAM
Post by WD on 05/28/11 at 06:03:25

B.A.M. has been around for at least 30 years. I have some late 1970s and early 1980s Iron Horse magazines, they advertised in them back then. Real Iron Horse, published by Easyriders, not the cheesy sleazy crap from NY or the modern incarnation (GQ with late model bikes).

Everytime I move I got signed back up. I've been called a couple times to pick up "broken" bikes. Usually just add fuel or oil and away they go. I've been rescued by members twice, Lisa's 450 Rebel popped its carb slide rubbers, I had a wheel bearing failure on an old Yamaha.

Thanks for the reminder, need to let them know I'm back in SW TN. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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