General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?

Message started by Routy on 05/15/11 at 21:56:35

Title: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by Routy on 05/15/11 at 21:56:35

I hear stories about Ethanol messing up carbs, but I have never seen actual hard core evidence of this happening, nor have I had even one problem w/ any carbed motor I've ever had.

Does anyone here have any first hand hard core evidence of Ethanol clogging up and/or gelling a carb.
If it wadn't so much trouble, I'd love to remove the carb bowl from my '06 bike and see first hand evidence of any jelling or any other problems from Ethanol.
Can anyone save me the trouble ?  

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by dystormy79a on 05/15/11 at 22:15:45

the only thing i have had trouble with is my 2 stroke motors my weed eater locked up and my x father in law had a weed eater lock up and a chainsaw. my father also had a weed eater lock up. they say it has to do with the oil not mixing with the ethanol. the ethanol settles in the bottom sending it into your motor without oil leading to a locked up motor. but i havent heard of anything so far about 4 strokes but im sure it cant be good for them. thats why they are making flex motors now right?

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by kingxxcole on 05/15/11 at 22:31:55

I work for a large auto parts chain in middle TN and have recently seen a rise in sales due to ethanol. we are selling more fuel additives, o2 sensors, catalytic converters, fuel pumps, if it has to do with fuel it sells. I get several calls a day asking were to  purchase non ethanol fuel. Do I think its the ethanol ? yes but that is my opinion I have no hard facts other then the customers I deal with everyday. I use a product called star tron seems to work well but cant tell a difference either way.

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by Wolfman on 05/16/11 at 01:46:03

Ethanol draws moisture like a female dog. Certain death eventualy on two strokes. Seperates the oil from the gas. The oil floats to the TOP, not the bottom. And if it sets very long you end up with water UNDER the gas. Gels carbs like mad, i hate the stuff, wont use it if i can help it. Thing is stations dont have to list it as ethanol UNLESS it accounts for more then 10-15% of the gas. Most vehicles made before 97 wont last long on even 10% ethanol

Cost me 300 bucks on a log splitter replace the whole moter last fall. Cost me a good chainsaw as well. Local repair shop showed me half a dozen he had to work on because of the stuff. Adding seafoam WILL help. Most additives wont help as their primarily kersene.
I wont run it if theres any other way around it.

Top it all off its one of the reasons your groceries are going up as well. Ethanol is a BAD Joke but noboides laughing except the guys getting rich off the fools idea.

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by bill67 on 05/16/11 at 04:14:00

I can't say for sure I've always use 100% gas til last year,The only way now I can get 100% gas is high grade at 50 cents higher price which I want do,I just noticed some stations regular say up to 10% ethanol where the higher grades say 10%.So it seems to me at times you might get 5% or less ethanol.

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/16/11 at 05:49:07

The accelerator pump diaphragm on the Kawasaki W 650 died sitting in it. Now, when its parked, I drain the bowl on that carb. That thing is about the size of a quarter & costs about 60 dollars..
Ethanol in gas is just a bad idea. the whole program was a bad idea..
May Al Gore burn in hell,

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by bill67 on 05/16/11 at 06:02:19

Hey JOG, its 34 degree here this morning,Al Gore has got the warming under full control.

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by ralfyguy on 05/16/11 at 08:10:57

Maybe that's their way to get you to give up on combustion engine powered vehicles and get you to buy electric powered vehicles. An evil plan to let the combustion engines die out.

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by Routy on 05/16/11 at 09:18:33

But it isn't hurting the engine, its just messing up the fuel,....supposedly. But excluding myself that has never had trouble w/ even my little 10 yr old 2 stroke tiller, why no problems w/ fuel injection,....even vehicles setting for long periods of time,......even my lawn mowers give no problem.

But I am going to take the bowl off my s40, and see just whats in there for myself. Mite as well get rid of trouble before it is ??

I recently had to replace the fuel pump on my '98 454 MH,......but no evidence of a problem w/ Ethanol, just got tired....motor wouldn't run anymore. IMO, there just has to be more answers,......more to this than is being told,.....why some have problems,.....and some/most don't.

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by HJH on 05/16/11 at 12:50:45

You'll have to explain to me what Al Gore has to do with Republican farmers and their state and federal legislators pushing ethanol to get corn prices higher and develop ethanol plants, despite the fact it takes gallons of water, diesel and gasoline to produce and deliver a gallon of subsidized fuel.  Check the states producing ethanol and see how they voted the last few elections.
One problem with old engines is ethanol eats the rubber in gaskets, carbs, fuel pumps, and fuel lines, plus fuel separation when fuel containing ethanol sits.  Yamaha made it plain that my new outboard will not be under warranty if I use fuel with any more than 10% ethanol, and they would prefer none at all.  
In WY, NE, and SD fuel with ethanol is said at various pumps to be "enriched", despite the fuel producing less power and only the producers and distributors getting "enriched".

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by Wolfman on 05/16/11 at 13:08:03

Routy, run 10% or more ethanol in a motor not designed to run on it and you WILL burn up the valves and pistons among other things. Gummed carbs are the least of the issue. Go talk to a small enigine repair shop and/or a couple of mom n pop garages. Have a look at the inside of a motor run on ethanol.
Or just do a search and see what the manufacturers say themselves about it.
UH, lets keep in mind it was a democrat house and senate that passed the d@mn ethanol bill, not rep.
As for the water if i remember correctly it takes on the order of a 1000 gallons of water to make one gallon of ethanol not to mention the energy used. The waters not fit to be reclaimed into the drinking water system afterward either. Had a BIG TO DO around here about a local plant to go in. It didnt because of that.
Only way ill use any amount of ethanol is if theres no other way to get home. Then its getting seafoam dumped in with it.

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by Boule’tard on 05/16/11 at 16:56:12

This dude on thumpertalk thinks ethanol caused his carb to corrode:

Marine grade sta-bil is supposed to prevent this sort of thing when running gasohol..

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by bill67 on 05/16/11 at 17:07:40

The thing with Sea Foam you also have some oil in it.

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by Boofer on 05/16/11 at 17:58:23

Routy, this is not a challenge to a shouting match, but in you I see someone who marches to the beat of a different drummer. I see that, because I do, too. The evidence against Ethanol is overwhelming. Look inside your lawnmower gas tank or any fittings gasohol runs through. We don't need a congressional hearing "complete with 8x10 glossies with circles and arrows on the back explaining each." (Anybody catch that?) Call your local power company boys--not the office--the ones who work on the right-of-way. Call anybody you know who owns a lawn service. Just ask them. You will get an ear full. I can be wrong at any time, but I hate explaining things that I settled years ago by plain old anectdotal evidence. Again, not trying to be mean, but I am giving you my answer. No Ethanol when I can find gas without it.  ;)

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by Routy on 05/17/11 at 05:27:19

Don't worry, no shouting here. I posted for one reason, get first hand....solid hard core evidence, and I still ain't got it !
Over years, I have a lot more first hand...hard....see w/ my own eyes.... evidence that this gasahol stuff is not causing the damage that many are saying it is. I have looked in gas tanks, and look at clear plastic fuel lines, and overhauled carbs that this stuff has been running thru for years, and I don't see any of it.

Today, I am going to get the bowl off my '07 s40 carb 6500 miles, never been off before. I got 2 screws loose last nite, I'll get the other 2 off today, and I'll see for myself whats in it besides gas. There very well may be jell in it. But trust me,....w/o touching it, I will take a close up photo as good as I am capable of, and post it here. If by per chance,........there is no evidence of using gasahol in it, there just may be a shouting match. >:( ;D

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by arteacher on 05/17/11 at 06:19:19

My brother-in-law used to race go-carts (2 stroke) and bikes (4 stroke) on fuel with nitro added. He had to purge the motors with gas after each run. He showed me a carb that he had forgotten to purge and let sit for a couple of weeks and it was badly corroded. Not sure if it was the methanol or the nitro, but the oil was Klotz racing oil that stayed in suspension. When I used to fly model airplanes I used fuel as well and saw the damage non purged motors sustained. Eventually I went to castor oil, from Klotz as the motors did not need purging, just draining.

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by Boule’tard on 05/17/11 at 06:34:41

5F504A514D4B585A525C4B390 wrote:
Don't worry, no shouting here. I posted for one reason, get first hand....solid hard core evidence, and I still ain't got it !

..and you're not going to get solid hardcore evidence outside of a controlled experiment.  For example, someone would have to take two brand new carbs and soak one in gasohol and one in pure gas, side by side.

Otherwise people can just point to other variables as a possible cause of any difference in deterioration... brand of gas, humidity, average sit-time, additives, temperature, etc. and then your discussion is about as valid as an oil war.   ;)  

At least you can be fairly certain of ethanol's short-term effects, like reduced mileage.  A guy tells you he's getting 15 fewer miles out of a tank of gasohol vs. gasoline under very similar conditions.. that's pretty solid.  Unfortunately your question is a lot harder to answer, due to the long timeframe and other variables creeping in.

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by Routy on 05/17/11 at 18:42:33

Here is some first hand, hard core evidence ! I took this off the carb, set it on the floor, and took this photo,.... you can see the gas-ahol is still in it. You can see a little touch of sandy sediment in one spot. What you don't see is any evidence of jelling, or anything else that gasahol is supposed to do to a carb. Even the gasket is in perfect condition. Another pic will follow......if I'm lucky again.

Here I dumped the gas out, wiped it out w/ my hanki, and the hanki is still very white,....only a very slight discoloration. There was absolutely nothing in that bowl that would suggest that gasahol would ever give any kind of a problem whatsoever.
We just saw a carb that has had gasahol running thru it for 4+ yrs, and setting for at least 2 months every winter. What can I say ??

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by Boofer on 05/17/11 at 19:34:07

I see you have the 9-2 experimental carb bowl. Those were made to take the gasohol and still look good.  ;D Seriously, I'm glad you aren't having trouble. I hope mine looks good when I next take it off. It had sticky dark varnish in it, but the previous owner didn't take good care of it according to the mollasses I drained when I changed the oil. I am told there are about 17 different gas mixes or "blends" in the US. Either you're lucky or we may need to figure what gas you use. Again, this has not been the experience of most of this forum.  But I believe you. I always believed you; I just wanted to convince you that it is a widespread problem. I do see a couple of places where corrosion may be starting. They look like pinheads. Can you feel them or is that just casting imperfections? Happy riding. Boofer :)

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by Routy on 05/18/11 at 06:17:05

I didn't notice anything like corrosion, nothing more than a slight discoloration in the casting. But after the photo, and R&Ring the main jet for the sole purpose of seeing that it was a 145, I put the bowl right back on, turned it to prime.....while I got another cup of coffee, then fired it up,......still amazes me how good this bike idles and runs !

Not to be defending gasahol, (sorry it sounds like I am) I'm not ! I'm just having a hard time desperately condemming it when "I" don't see the ill effects from it.
Speaking of MPG,.....
I remember  about 5 yrs ago, gas prices about the same as now, on a trip thru the states, at several stations we had a choice of "regular unleaded" or the 10% corn stuff, which was about .10 cheaper ?? don't quote me on that price. But driving a 454 class A motor 9.5 mpg, and not knowing then that the corn stuff got less mpg, I chose the cheap stuff for at least a couple 50 gallon fillups, and all I can say is that "IF" I got less MPG on the corn oil, it wasn't enough to catch my attention, we averaged 9.6 on the whole 6K mile trip, and it never got less than 9.
What can I say ? ::)

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by Boofer on 05/18/11 at 19:57:00

I hate to do this, but just today WTVA television in Tupelo, Ms had a report on the news show about the use of Ethanol gasoline in tillers, chainsaws, weedeaters and mowers. They interviewed an owner of a small engine shop. He used the words "Phase Seperation" several times and reported that a full 40% of his business is because of ethanol used in small engines. This is a man who sees the problem on a daily basis. He also said that Ethanol gas can go bad in as little as three weeks. I read a couple of articles on Phase Seperation from researchers on the internet. One admitted that high amounts of water induced into 4 stroke engines could cause the engines to quit, but saw no problem with that as it didn't hurt the engine. Anyone who is a researcher and makes a claim like that has lost me. They also said that it would harm 2-stroke engines due to lack of lubrication and recommended additives. Enough Sta-bil to treat 20 gallons will cost at least $6 Here in Ms that's $74 for gas and $6 for additives.  4 tanks of gas with Sta-Bil will cost an extra $24/ month for me, as I use about 20 gallons/wk in my wifes car. All I can tell you is to research Phase Seperation and ask other people. I'm done.   :)

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by Routy on 05/20/11 at 07:09:50

Here again, as I've indicated all along, I believe that every little problem is being blamed on gasahol. But yet I can't find any first hand evidence of anything causing problems from it.
This is logging country here,.....1/2 the chainsaw users are hell bent on using 100%, and paying .50 more for it. The other 1/2, using 10% laugh at them because no one shows any first hand.....clear evidence that any problems are actually cause by the 10%. What can I say ?
Untill I drop the bowl on a later model carb that has been running 10% for several years now, and find abnormal ka ka in the bottom, or anything different than the photos I posted above, it is as it appears,...sorry.
Admitt it or not, the gas.....ahol now days doesn't leave the sludge and varnish that it did years ago. I have cleaned many a carb bowls full of ka ka and varnish,.....long before 10% was even on the books. We never see that anymore, much less anything extra from the 10%.

I am surprised that no one has posted a photo of a carb that has been setting since 1985, just to prove what 10% does, and to prove me wrong ;D

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by Johansson on 05/26/11 at 04:05:28

Article on gasahol in this issue

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by Routy on 05/26/11 at 04:52:22

06000B1600080956630 wrote:
Article on gasahol in this issue

Thanks for that article of a guy like myself,....wanted some first hand.....hardcore evidence/information for himself,....even going to the extreem of completely dismantling an engine.
For those that don't read it, this guy found exactly what I found,.....absolutely no ill effects from gasahol running for years in an old Toyota that still has a caburator.
Interestingly tho,......he speaks of a 3% increase in mpg, (and a 3% rise in octane) on gasahol, even tho, he like myself noticed no difference at all.

I know, I know, all this hear/read say means nothing at all,.......but I find it interesting. ;)

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by arteacher on 05/26/11 at 05:00:24

Was at the parts counter yesterday and a chap was replacing a clear fuel line that had hardened. It was hardened because of alcohol in the gas. I used to use the same stuff on my model aircraft, and it would harden fairly quickly. I switched to silicone fuel lines and they lasted longer, but would turn punky after a while.
I would not be surprised if alcohol were responsible for some of the problems we have been having with our petcocks and gas cap gaskets hardening.

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by Routy on 05/26/11 at 05:24:25

313A3A333F30312B2A5E0 wrote:
Was at the parts counter yesterday and a chap was replacing a clear fuel line that had hardened. It was hardened because of alcohol in the gas. I used to use the same stuff on my model aircraft, and it would harden fairly quickly. I switched to silicone fuel lines and they lasted longer, but would turn punky after a while.
I would not be surprised if alcohol were responsible for some of the problems we have been having with our petcocks and gas cap gaskets hardening.

How can you be so sure that gasahol causes the hardening ?

I can remember many years  ago (long before corn) those clear plastic fuel lines would not only get hard as a rock, but would varnish up in a very short time...??....can't remember how long.
I do know that clear plastic fuel filters do not varnish near as quick as they once used to, infact I have some in use for years, and they are still mostly clear yet. Not to defend gasahol, but either the plastics, or the fuel has changed for the better in the past years.
Keep in mind that mandatory gasahol has been in effect only a couple years. Anything that happened before that is more than likely not been running gasahol.

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by bill67 on 05/26/11 at 06:05:40

I noticed a 3% decease in mpg in my car since I can only get the 10% stuff just this last year.

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by arteacher on 05/26/11 at 06:46:56

2A253F24383E2D2F27293E4C0 wrote:
[quote author=313A3A333F30312B2A5E0 link=1305521796/15#24 date=1306411224]Was at the parts counter yesterday and a chap was replacing a clear fuel line that had hardened. It was hardened because of alcohol in the gas. I used to use the same stuff on my model aircraft, and it would harden fairly quickly. I switched to silicone fuel lines and they lasted longer, but would turn punky after a while.
I would not be surprised if alcohol were responsible for some of the problems we have been having with our petcocks and gas cap gaskets hardening.

How can you be so sure that gasahol causes the hardening ?

I can remember many years  ago (long before corn) those clear plastic fuel lines would not only get hard as a rock, but would varnish up in a very short time...??....can't remember how long.
I do know that clear plastic fuel filters do not varnish near as quick as they once used to, infact I have some in use for years, and they are still mostly clear yet. Not to defend gasahol, but either the plastics, or the fuel has changed for the better in the past years.
Keep in mind that mandatory gasahol has been in effect only a couple years. Anything that happened before that is more than likely not been running gasahol.
My statement is based on the experience I,v had with fuel lines in model aircraft. The simple fuels are alcohol and castor oil. The alcohol leaches polymers from the plastic a lot faster than gasoline. My first plane used an antique motor that ran on gas, and I used rubber and clear plastic fuel lines on it. The plastic lasted twice as long as with the alcohol engines.
I am not saying we should all wring our hands and gnash our teeth in dis-pare- hell, there is nothing we can do about it anyway, all I am saying is that it is not doing us any good and possibly is doing harm.

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by Africord on 05/26/11 at 06:56:40

Okay.  I live in a midwestern state that produces ethanol and was one of the areas that heavily promoted 10% ethanol blends in the early 80s.  I've used these blends my early carb cars, lawnmowers, 2 cycle snowblowers, my old Ninja 250 and have yet to have a problem.  I am diligent in my oil changes and keep up my maintenance.  There may be a carb that can't deal with a 10% ethanol blend, but having sampled Ford, Honda, Pontiac, Triumph (car, not bike), Toro, and Kawasakil, I haven't seen it.  Now its possible that a Mikuni is more sensitive than the Keihlins on my old Ninja, but I will have to see it to believe it.  I know it doesn't destroy aluminum, steel, or brass and there may be a gasket or seal material that can't deal with it, but you would think that it would be resolved by now.  Even allowing for 15 year old bikes, in general, our bikes were manufactured at least 15 years after the introduction of 10% ethanol blends.

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by Routy on 05/26/11 at 08:56:58

1235213A303C2137530 wrote:
Okay.  I live in a midwestern state that produces ethanol and was one of the areas that heavily promoted 10% ethanol blends in the early 80s.  I've used these blends my early carb cars, lawnmowers, 2 cycle snowblowers, my old Ninja 250 and have yet to have a problem.  I am diligent in my oil changes and keep up my maintenance.  There may be a carb that can't deal with a 10% ethanol blend, but having sampled Ford, Honda, Pontiac, Triumph (car, not bike), Toro, and Kawasakil, I haven't seen it.  Now its possible that a Mikuni is more sensitive than the Keihlins on my old Ninja, but I will have to see it to believe it.  I know it doesn't destroy aluminum, steel, or brass and there may be a gasket or seal material that can't deal with it, but you would think that it would be resolved by now.  Even allowing for 15 year old bikes, in general, our bikes were manufactured at least 15 years after the introduction of 10% ethanol blends.

Sounds logical.
Supposedly in the late 70's, all gaskets hoses, o-rings and anything else that had contact w/ fuel, was by law changed to gasahol proof.

Much.....and more likely, all of the stories, (myths) that are related to ethanol, is actually coming from the use of methanol, which really will have all the ill effects of what is falsely related to gasahol.

Now wasn't that a stupid statement,.....because that is only what I'm reading,....and what the hell do "they" know about it ?? :o ;D

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by runwyrlph on 05/27/11 at 10:30:39

Maybe this would be worth suggesting to Mythbusters....

i don't think you can answer your question on this forum since all you can get is anecdotal evidence on both sides of the issue.  Even a clean or dirty carb won't really prove anything since there are so many other possible variables.  

In order to change the subject I'd like to assert - based on scientific evidence - that Klotz oil is ......





...wait for it ......





(And I've been told it smells great)

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by CaptCraic on 05/27/11 at 11:06:07

It's pretty much alcohol. Like the stuff you can add to a tank of gas to "dry up" water. From what I've been told, it will also dry up any rubber seals it has contact with unless they are made from synthetic rubbers. For that reason it supposedly eats up fuel pumps and injector pumps (not a problem on the bike). I'm assuming that it would eventually eat up the rubber in the carbs and the little rubber boot between the carb and the cylinder but who knows how long that would take. It burns hotter and expands faster but wont expand as far as gasoline so you shouldnt get as good of mileage. I dont see why it would gel up considering its similar to the type of stuff you would put in your cars tank to clean that gummy laquer coating from injectors and throttle bodies. My brother ran it for years in a fuel injected non E85 compatible chevy astro. He never had any ill effects. I bet it would burn hotter and make over heating a potential issue in an air cooled as well as needing to rejet or at least adjust and worse performance. I don't see much of a benefit unless you just dont want to support the oil industry. All my info is second hand or my own thoughts so I could be way off.

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by BurnPgh on 05/27/11 at 11:33:13

just got mybiek back from paint and extended my exhaust by about 10-12" (was running a SE muffler straight off teh header, now have teh extension with 10* bend). I had to tinker with my needle setting a bit and noticed some corrosion much like the picture in my carb. Can't say for sure its from the 10% but thats all we have here. However, the "corrosion" seems to begin before the needle jet/jet needle. Seems to me its more likely due to poor air filtration. Looks like a very ineffecient very tiny sandblaster was used on small spots in the carb throat around the general area of needle/jet. Kn filter, properly oiled and very securely attached. Only had this carb for a see any wear liek this after only about 7k mi is...a bit scary.

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by Routy on 05/28/11 at 17:19:54

I've read more than once that Federal law forbids the sale of 100% gasoline anymore. So how are these guys selling 100% to those that really believe their 2 strokes are going to blow up w/ out it ?
We find it at dealers of chainsaw and lawnmower equipment here.
Oh no !! You don't suppose that no one has ever tested this stuff for not being 100% ??
I'll tell ya, it wouldn't surprise me one bit ! If they did get caught, just blame it on the guy that sold it to ya. One thing for almost certain, the customers would know it by it running any different !

Oh wow,....there I go again !  :o ;D

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by OE on 05/28/11 at 19:44:24

For what it's worth.  Here's a link to a web site that shows gas stations that are supposedly selling ethenol free gas nation wide.

Just click on your state.  In my area it shows 5 that are supposed to be 100% pure gas.  Who knows.  

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by Routy on 05/29/11 at 07:39:51

7371555050594E3C0 wrote:
For what it's worth.  Here's a link to a web site that shows gas stations that are supposedly selling ethenol free gas nation wide.

Just click on your state.  In my area it shows 5 that are supposed to be 100% pure gas.  Who knows.  

Interesting. If true, proves my original point,.....don't believe what you read (reed)

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by bill67 on 05/29/11 at 07:46:24

If their really not 100 pure gas,Why don't all the stations put it on their pumps.My 1500 Suzuki shop manual says don't use the 10% stuff unless thats all you can get.

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by verslagen1 on 05/29/11 at 08:35:38

2B243E25393F2C2E26283F4D0 wrote:
Interesting. If true, proves my original point,.....don't believe what you read (reed)

Don't believe what you're reading?
But once you've read it, it's gospel?
Can't believe it.

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by Routy on 05/29/11 at 09:55:48

Right !.....what ?
Oh, ok. :-/ ;D

Title: Re: Evidence of Ethanol Messing up Carbs ?
Post by Routy on 05/29/11 at 10:25:03

7D76737329281F0 wrote:
If their really not 100 pure gas,Why don't all the stations put it on their pumps.My 1500 Suzuki shop manual says don't use the 10% stuff unless thats all you can get.

About 6 months ago I bought a little EU1000 Hon generator, and the dealer tols me they recommended 100%,.....I asked why,.....he said they see problems from corn gas. But he wouldn't say what problems, said the service guys knew.
I looked thru the book, said 10% was fine. I never gave it another thought,......except now w/ near 100 hrs on 10%, it sure runs good.

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