General Category >> The Cafe >> Almost met my maker today

Message started by Russ130 on 05/12/11 at 15:44:31

Title: Almost met my maker today
Post by Russ130 on 05/12/11 at 15:44:31

Was driving down the road admiring the scenery then all of a sudden I realize the car in front of me stopped moving but no brake lights. I locked up my brakes and some how ended up going sideways down the road. I held it though and even thought during this that "I got this". lol I remained calm afterwards and enjoyed the rest of my ride to work. I can honestly say the only reason I didn't lose it was because I was very relaxed on the bike and didn't tighten up once traction broke. Don't get me wrong I know I am lucky but now I'm getting some confidence in my ability too.

Title: Re: Almost met my maker today
Post by verslagen1 on 05/12/11 at 15:52:52

Good going russ, letting up on the brakes while going sideways would've surely high sided ya over the top of the car.  But then you could've told him that his brakes lights are out.   ;D

Title: Re: Almost met my maker today
Post by TheSnakeLady on 05/12/11 at 16:12:06

Man, thats some scary nuts!  Glad you're ok! :o

Title: Re: Almost met my maker today
Post by babyhog on 05/12/11 at 16:32:08

Good going Russ.  Use it as a learning experience!   Glad you're ok.

Title: Re: Almost met my maker today
Post by KristenAnn on 05/12/11 at 16:50:42

Glad I didnt have to read about you in the paper with all the accidents going on around here. We will definately have to get out and learn from each other. Too bad this weekend and the befinning of the week are supossed to be rainy.

Title: Re: Almost met my maker today
Post by Serowbot on 05/12/11 at 17:11:27

54737575373536060 wrote:
I held it though and even thought during this that "I got this". lol I remained calm afterwards and enjoyed the rest of my ride to work.

LOL!... ;D ;D ;D...

When you get more experienced,... you'll be able to yell,...
"Yippie-Kya Motherf**ker!", as you slide by waving one hand in the air... ;)..

Title: Re: Almost met my maker today
Post by WD on 05/12/11 at 19:54:34

I wouldn't let my stepson get his bike permit until he could do a 90 degree rear brake slide. Keeping the bike upright. Had him practicing high speed stops on wet grass (soft landing pad, if he ate it he would land in scotch broom).

I remember scaring Lisa 1/2 to death with my bike one afternoon. Guy ahead of me locked it up, I jammed the rear tight, hit the center oil strip and slid on by him. Right through the red light.

It happens. Nice job.

Title: Re: Almost met my maker today
Post by buttgoat1 on 05/12/11 at 20:25:45

glad you made it.
There is something to be said for riding enough and being totally into the bike so it is all second nature.

Title: Re: Almost met my maker today
Post by Trippah on 05/12/11 at 21:09:40

Yet another tool in your collection.  Good going, have a great weekend.

Title: Re: Almost met my maker today
Post by kimchris1 on 05/13/11 at 06:32:14

Wow, glad you and your bike came
out of the situation unharmed.
Gotta watch those cagers.
Think of how you would have felt
had it happened on Friday, the 13th..  ;) kim

Title: Re: Almost met my maker today
Post by scroop on 05/13/11 at 19:42:51

Motorcycling is by nature a dangerous sport (lifestyle).  All of us here understand that.  Good riding skills and glad you're still among the living, bro.

Title: Re: Almost met my maker today
Post by Russ130 on 05/15/11 at 04:46:30

Yes Amen to experience. I fell the first day I got the bike registered and could not figure out why. I was going slow over a paved road witha bit of gravel on it. I put the blame on the gravel but now I have to put it on me. I was way too tight on the bike so when the bike shimmyed a little I went right down. Now I am very loose on the bike and it moves a little but I don't get nervous I just let it wander a bit and keep her upright. I think that was the whole secret to my survival in this instance is I was loose and kept my composure.

Title: Re: Almost met my maker today
Post by Russ130 on 05/15/11 at 04:51:21

4B584F4E515C5A58530C3D0 wrote:
Good going russ, letting up on the brakes while going sideways would've surely high sided ya over the top of the car.  But then you could've told him that his brakes lights are out.   ;D

I probably would've done that added a couple of choice words and a hand gesture before I hit the ground lol I am very up front with my feelings towards inconsiderate idiots out there. My feeling is no one likes to get yelled at so if you let them know about it they may not do it again. Just my little way of saving lives ;D

Title: Re: Almost met my maker today
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/15/11 at 17:57:14

Ive read that people with some dirt bike expeience are better at handling low traction circumstances.. I believe thats true,, but that doesnt mean I havent made mistakes that have taken me down,, but I Have driven thru some pretty spooky moments that I dont think I would have made without the dirtbike riding.. .. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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