General Category >> The Cafe >> Triumph Rocket hearse

Message started by buttgoat1 on 05/12/11 at 09:52:48

Title: Triumph Rocket hearse
Post by buttgoat1 on 05/12/11 at 09:52:48

My daddy alway said "I never saw a motorcycle hearse so I won't ride a motorcycle".

guess he wouldn't have a reason not to then.

Title: Re: Triumph Rocket hearse
Post by Serowbot on 05/12/11 at 10:21:23

I don't understand that logic... :-/...

If it's not good enough for dead people, it's not good enough for me?... :-?...

Title: Re: Triumph Rocket hearse
Post by Savage_Amusement on 05/12/11 at 10:48:44

I've never seen an Airplane hearse either so.......

That was kind of cool though. I'd much rather go out in that than a cage.

Title: Re: Triumph Rocket hearse
Post by buttgoat1 on 05/12/11 at 11:32:49

Didnt say it made sense, just one of his sayings.  Guess he just didn't think much of motorcycles and figured it was too dangerous.
Just goes to show you, people are funny.

I was prepared to haul him to the cemetary in the back of his favorite truck, but couldn't get buy in from the rest of the family.
He would loved it.

Title: Re: Triumph Rocket hearse
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/12/11 at 12:11:21

Hey, Buttgoat,, yore Daddy ever fly?

Title: Re: Triumph Rocket hearse
Post by EJID on 05/12/11 at 12:13:35

3D2A392C2A2D2A39264B0 wrote:
Didnt say it made sense, just one of his sayings.  Guess he just didn't think much of motorcycles and figured it was too dangerous.
Just goes to show you, people are funny.

I was prepared to haul him to the cemetary in the back of his favorite truck, but couldn't get buy in from the rest of the family.
He would loved it.

Had a good family friend pass away a few years back and the family insisted on using his pickup to transport from the church to the cemetary. Was quite a sight and exactly the type of thing you would've expected from him. (He was a big guy who had a tricked out Ford 3/4 ton with at least a 6-8" lift. Interesting watching the palm bearers heave him up into the back of the truck and then climb in for the ride out there.)

Title: Re: Triumph Rocket hearse
Post by buttgoat1 on 05/12/11 at 18:10:47

yep JOG, he did fly a few times.  not frequently though.

Title: Re: Triumph Rocket hearse
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/12/11 at 18:19:42

Ive never seen an airplane hearse,, you?

Awww, its been to long,, aint funny any more,, dangitt..

Title: Re: Triumph Rocket hearse
Post by WD on 05/12/11 at 19:49:57

Neat bike. Lisa knows that if something happens to me I'm to be cremated, inserted into the frame backbone of one of my bikes, and her son or niece are then to ride the bike everywhere.

If not, I already have a spot in the family plot. Her family has been burying people in that same cemetery since about 1803... Old plantation cemetery, really neat stones.

Title: Re: Triumph Rocket hearse
Post by buttgoat1 on 05/12/11 at 20:22:21

I saw that on American Pickers too.  
They were visiting a guy with bikes.  He had an old Harley with a man's ashes in a canister on the handlebars.  This man was to get it running when the dead man's grandson was old enough so he could ride with his grandson.

Title: Re: Triumph Rocket hearse
Post by WD on 05/13/11 at 05:43:33

Been my standing policy as long as I've ben riding. First wife thought it was a horrible idea, second wife was cool with it. Lisa is wife #3, has been alright with it since day one.

She also knows to do the same thing if i die on a bike as i has the club do when my second wife died. Drain the oil, fire it off, full throttle until the engine pops. Then a 1/4 stick of dynamite on the transmission. Death bikes should be destryoed, never parted out.

American Pickers huh? I saw that episode. Quit watching it not long after, those two thieves ought to be taken out and shot one of these days. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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