General Category >> The Cafe >> Rattlesnake Steals Bike.

Message started by Wolfman on 05/08/11 at 09:17:21

Title: Rattlesnake Steals Bike.
Post by Wolfman on 05/08/11 at 09:17:21

Possession IS 9/10ths of the

Title: Re: Rattlesnake Steals Bike.
Post by topgunz1 on 05/08/11 at 11:02:05

Never would have believed it without pics, that is crazy!

Title: Re: Rattlesnake Steals Bike.
Post by Serowbot on 05/08/11 at 11:28:40

The scary one is the one you don't see... :-?...

Title: Re: Rattlesnake Steals Bike.
Post by Wolfman on 05/08/11 at 23:55:57

I remember someone commenting about haveing a rattler strike at them as they rode over it and haveing its fangs get hung in their pants or chaps. Cant remember who, may of been over on the kawi board.

Next time you park along the road you might want to check your ride before you crawl back on for uninvited
I also liked the link that showed the snake on the guys helmet. :D

Title: Re: Rattlesnake Steals Bike.
Post by babyhog on 05/10/11 at 12:20:23

Was visiting my mother just last night and came out and found a black snake about 4 foot long in the middle of the parking lot!  Had come from the direction where my bike was parked.  This was in a fairly large apartment complex, a little wooded area behind, but very busy with people and pets.  A lady came out behind me with a dog and I warned her of it.  She said "oh, its just a little black snake".  Snake is a snake to me.  I'm not petrified of them, but don't press my luck with them either.  I'm just glad I didn't come out about 10 minutes earlier and it be under my bike or in the grass beside it, or worse yet, curled up on my bike!

Title: Re: Rattlesnake Steals Bike.
Post by kimchris1 on 05/10/11 at 18:17:31

Piglet, that would have made me cringe.
All I know is, if I ever come out and find
a snake on Genie, well she is going to have
to fend for herself.
Makes you think about one more danger their
could be in owning a bike.. kim

Title: Re: Rattlesnake Steals Bike.
Post by Serowbot on 05/10/11 at 18:21:53

On the bright side,.. they can get in cars, too...  
I knew a guy had one get in his dashboard... that a bright side?...  :-?...

Title: Re: Rattlesnake Steals Bike.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/10/11 at 19:07:47

7C6A7D60786D607B0F0 wrote:
On the bright side,.. they can get in cars, too...  
I knew a guy had one get in his dashboard... that a bright side?...  :-?...

If you happen to have a very strong dislike for the guy,, yea,, thats a bright side..

Title: Re: Rattlesnake Steals Bike.
Post by Wolfman on 05/11/11 at 00:37:24

Piglet, just think of snakes as BIG Worms with teeth.
Supposedly if you whistle to them it calms them. Watch Kungfu Hustle and you'll see what i mean. ;D

I dont mind em, kind of like em except for the ones with slitted eyes. Rattlesnakes, copperheads, cottonmouths ect. Not to crazy about pythons and anacondas

Got two copperheads in the yard last night about 15 inchs long each. Bit one of the dogs 4 times but me n the dog came out on top in the

IF you happen to have a dog get bit by a copperhead benadryl is what you want. Generic Diphenhydranine HCI works just as well. Allergy sinus 1 milligram per pound of weight. Keeps the swelling down so they can breath and they dont get near as sick.
Rattlesnake or cottonmouth call the vet.

Title: Re: Rattlesnake Steals Bike.
Post by drharveys on 05/11/11 at 08:35:57

They like boats, too!  At least the area around the gas tank on mine.  It has a hinged lid, so the danged thing thought it would make a nice den -- or maybe it was trying to mate with the gas line!

Title: Re: Rattlesnake Steals Bike.
Post by Wolfman on 05/11/11 at 12:32:52

I live out in the toolies in the middle of the woods so theres no barefoot in the yard after dark. Boots only.
Me n the doggies get to play with a slithery at least once every week or two. Black snakes n such get a free pass n played with. Them bad tempered other ones usualy get an attitude

Think ill go find me a worm snake and mail it to piglet, they make nice pets. ;D

Title: Re: Rattlesnake Steals Bike.
Post by babyhog on 05/11/11 at 17:24:37

Gee thanks Wolfman!  What a friend!  Lol  I actually had one come through my doggie door not long ago. Thank goodness I paid attention to my dog's reaction because it slithered down the hallway into a closet.  Hubby wasn't home  so I called my neighbor to come get it.  Ended up being about a 5 footer. Ok I admit I may have screamed a little and jumped up on the hearth, but I wasn't really scared... Haha. I know some snakes are beneficial but I didn't want that particular one coming back in the house! So you can keep yours there to play with, thank you.  :)

Title: Re: Rattlesnake Steals Bike.
Post by Wolfman on 05/12/11 at 01:42:10

I had a good one for you today BBH. Was'nt a good one for a pet though. Foul tempered water moccasin(fish snake, not a cotton mouth).

Was putting out some tomatoe plants and onion sets when i heard a baby rabbit squeaking. Turned around and see momma run up by one of the fruit trees in the orchard. Next thing i know i see her jump with a snake attached to her. Knew right away what was up and ran out to check.
About a 4 foot moccasin trying to make lunch out of her brood.
Corraled his arse and hauled him down into the field. He had already ingested at least one, maybe two. Tossed him off to go hunt elsewhere.
Brer rabbit still had 3 or 4 in her nest. Just dont know if a moccasins poison is strong enough to hurt a full grown rabbit. Ill have to watch and see if i see her tomorrow. Babies are to small to bottle feed if she dont come back though.
Funny thing is we were just talking about how to keep the rabbits out of the green bean plants. Could of taken care of a potential future problem by letting the snake eat. I just kinda hate the way snakes eat, especialy babies.

Mom on the other hand was VERY disapointed i didnt chop the snakes head off but hey, snakes got to eat to. They got their place in things. I interfeared as little as possible.
The baby rabbits would be easier to raise then the two baby coons i raised last summer though. Taste real good when they was grown too! ;D

Title: Re: Rattlesnake Steals Bike.
Post by arteacher on 05/12/11 at 04:57:16

In '89 we had an exchange student from Germany stay with us for 3 months. He was a 17 year old boy who had never seen a snake. Apparently there are no snakes in Germany. We went to a friends cottage on Lake Huron, and I caught a 3' fat garter snake and went to show it to him. He freaked, jumped over the deck railing, and ran across the road. Wouldn't have anything to do with it. He was definitely  an urbanized youth. ;D

Title: Re: Rattlesnake Steals Bike.
Post by babyhog on 05/12/11 at 05:18:02

If he got him a little bunny or 2, don't you think he'll come back for more?  

Title: Re: Rattlesnake Steals Bike.
Post by drharveys on 05/12/11 at 08:58:05

If you do have to hand-raise the bunnies, you'll have to get some rabbit poop when it comes time to put them on solid food.  Rabbits (like termites!) have a colony of symbiotic bacteria in their guts that lets them digest their food.  They pick it up from eating momma's pellets.  (Rabbits often eat their own pellets -- still lots of digestible material in there for a second pass.)

If the bunnies don't get the bacteria, they get diarrhea and die.

That's why a lot of websites and other sources say you can't raise orphan rabbits.  You can, but you need poop!

Squirrels, however, are easy!

Title: Re: Rattlesnake Steals Bike.
Post by Wolfman on 05/12/11 at 12:42:23

BBH, after Mr snake got in the nest momma will move em if she's still around. If he did hurt her and she's not well Mr snake may well come back. They got their chance now its up to nature to take its course.

Yeah Doc, baby rabbits aint no fun to raise. We used to raise gobs of the white rabbits when i was a kid. Got to hate the d@mned things. Biteing kicking screaming poop machines. Get to hot or to cold and they just croak left n right. I got the pleasure of haveing to scoop shovel up their leaveings as well as feed and water em and clean out their cages.

High point was playing with the babies. Low point was butchering them.
Rather raise hogs as rabbits and you can have them baby squirrels too! Nothing but teeth n fur. Course them two baby coons last year were nothing but empty stomachs, claws n teeth. But they were so cute n cuddely...untill they hit about 5lbs each and developed their personalities. One was sweet as sugar and the other was just pi$$y. Got the scars to prove » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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