General Category >> The Cafe >> Hmm decisions...

Message started by KristenAnn on 05/08/11 at 04:42:01

Title: Hmm decisions...
Post by KristenAnn on 05/08/11 at 04:42:01

It is going to be a gorgeous day to go out for a ride but i need to go fill out a job application. Do i make my first impression by rolling up on the bike with helemt head or do i go by car?

Title: Re: Hmm decisions...
Post by TheSnakeLady on 05/08/11 at 04:50:06

Take the bike, you are who you are, if they don't like that then they can sit on it. ;)

Title: Re: Hmm decisions...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/08/11 at 04:51:58

Thats a tuff one..

Title: Re: Hmm decisions...
Post by KristenAnn on 05/08/11 at 04:55:14

Its a cashier position in a small deli in a small community and the perfect job for me being disabled. I know i shoudl take the car but it is sucha nice day and a beautiful ride there.

Title: Re: Hmm decisions...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/08/11 at 04:59:06

Well, maybe theyll be smart about it & hire ya, cuz everyone knows guys hang out where gals who ride are..

Title: Re: Hmm decisions...
Post by bill67 on 05/08/11 at 05:07:29

485751564B4C7D4D7D45575B10220 wrote:
Well, maybe theyll be smart about it & hire ya, cuz everyone knows guys hang out where gals who ride are..

+ ;D

Title: Re: Hmm decisions...
Post by joscswny on 05/08/11 at 05:19:10

Take the bike and wear

French Braid: 'cause you ride a thunmper.

Twin Braids: 'cause you are good with people and there's room for two.

Tight pony tail: again 'cause you ride a thumper.

No helmet head.  You look great and you get the job.

Title: Re: Hmm decisions...
Post by KristenAnn on 05/08/11 at 05:26:30

I will definately braid the long hair. I live in a state that requires helmets so helmet hair will definately be in my future.

Title: Re: Hmm decisions...
Post by arteacher on 05/08/11 at 05:35:45

Years ago my wife's hair was in twin braids and was pulled over because the cop thought it was her helmet straps undone. ;D

Title: Re: Hmm decisions...
Post by verslagen1 on 05/08/11 at 07:28:36

you are disabled and you ride a m/c... says something about you right there.  If not disabled by m/c, then it says you may be physically limited, but it's not a crutch it's a mountain to overcome.

you go girl   [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Title: Re: Hmm decisions...
Post by KristenAnn on 05/08/11 at 07:55:56

I have Multiple Sclerosis and i have learned to not let it dictate my life. I know what i can and cant do and dont overdue anything. I love my bike and the fresh air it is very freeing for my soul and lets me forgget for a awhile that i have medical issues. :D
Thankyou for the kind words Ver.
The decision has been made it is going to be helmet head. I need the fresh air.

Title: Re: Hmm decisions...
Post by houstonbofh on 05/08/11 at 09:42:21

A "Me too" on verslagen1's post.  I have known many people with some limitations.  Only some of them were "handicapped."  It is a state of mind, and very powerful.

Short story about Don.  He is a mid thigh amputee.  He does not have handicapped plates on his truck.  If you ask him why, he will look at you like you are insane, and say "Because I am not handicapped."  He is a hell of a guy.

In short, ride the bike, and ware a head sock.  :)

Title: Re: Hmm decisions...
Post by arteacher on 05/08/11 at 10:01:46

My wife has MS too. She does what she can and doesn't p*ss and moan about her life, as you don't.
A case in point: when she was first diagnosed they suggested we go to a support  group where MS victims could talk about their problems and support each other. All they talked about is how life was a pregnant dog and their husbands had left them etc. My wife said she would never go back because they were so negative. She used to do art, and became discouraged when she lost fine motor control of her hands, then she did art anyway, and learned to use the shakiness to effect.
We have been living with it for 29 years, and she still does not complain overly much at all.

Title: Re: Hmm decisions...
Post by KristenAnn on 05/08/11 at 10:38:45

Went and filled out the application on the bike. Found out my ribs are still very sore from going down a month ago, was supposed to go out with a forum member but didnt want to push myself too far.. Art I am glad that your wife is using the MS as a positive and not a negitive. I also found out that the support groups were for the weary ones that liked to complain. I think the negitivity and seeing the extent of the disabilty of others have scared me away. I am considered federally disabled but have had jobs albeit for the most of the past 13 yrs since i have been diagnosed. Thankyou for sharing your and your wifes experience with me. Kristen  :D

Title: Re: Hmm decisions...
Post by WD on 05/08/11 at 13:11:40

Good for you KristenAnn. Anyplace that won't hire someone who rides isn't someplace you'd want to work anyway. Get your riding out in the open from the word go, saves headaches later. Or heartaches if you like the job and they let you go for having a motorcycle.

My wife has been on federal diasability for years but still works as much as she can when she can. She still rides too.

I've got an 85% rating, still have a CDL and until 2 months ago was in a Peterbilt 5 days a week. Kept my cane between the seats. I'm qualified for disabled plates but don't have them, if I'm having a low mobility or "wobbly" day I take my cane. If I fall down, so be it, I can get back up eventually. Parking closer wouldn't help that and I'm otherwise healthy. I'll get them when I feel an actual need for them, besides, Lisa drives most of the time when we go somewhere. Her subaru tends to shut my feet and/or legs off.

One of my favorite fellow counselors at Boy Scout summer camp had MD. Other than walking funny he did everything we did with a few (very few) exceptions. He was even on one of the wildland fire supression teams. Another good friend had MS but was at every district level training activity,every camporee, every camp facility work party.

We've had leg amputees and guys with leg braces as forum members here. Only slowed them down a little bit.

Title: Re: Hmm decisions...
Post by Boofer on 05/08/11 at 20:01:03

Kristen Ann, I am disabled, 58 yrs old and I ride.I am also conservative and don't have a thing to prove. Having been called into the boss's office and asked to look over an application and the applicant sitting ouside waiting, I'll say this. Look like you are a person they would want to serve their customers. Look like someone who can get along with their workers. Then do your best to do what you said you would by your looks and what you said. That is honest. They probably don't care that you ride. But this tell 'em where to stick it advice is not going to get you a check to buy groceries, gas, clothes, and those ever present medical bills. Hang in there. My best employees when I was in middle management were the ones we gave a chance, even with prison records. I hope you do well and get that perfect job. It sounds like it would be good for you, and a lot of folks need good part-timers with the vacation season cranking up. Be so good they keep you in the Fall. Good luck.  

Title: Re: Hmm decisions...
Post by kimchris1 on 05/08/11 at 21:23:08

Kristen, kudos to you gal... Now do as I do,
place a comb, brush and some mousse in
your purse or saddle bags.
Arrive early enough to get your gear off and
use the restroom to restore your helmet hair.
I have ridden to job sites in full gear and had
guys and even gals give me thumbs up for
doing so.
Recently as in couple weeks ago, I had all or
most of my hair cut off. Makes it very easy
to restore after the helmet comes off now.
Best of luck with the job searching. :) kim

Title: Re: Hmm decisions...
Post by WD on 05/08/11 at 21:51:09

What did you do Kim, follow my lead? Got mine cut in late December or early January for Locks of Love (again). Now none of my current lids fit.

Title: Re: Hmm decisions...
Post by kimchris1 on 05/08/11 at 22:15:21

Jeff, I finally decided I had it with
pony tails, scrunchies, and had
it cut few months ago to below
my ears. Now it is above the ears.
Soo short I look like a guy.. Well
almost.. ;)
Figured it might make the weather
turn nice. And it worked, well for a
couple days that is..
And yes the helmet fits a little looser
now. Makes getting the glasses on easier
without all that hair. :) kim

Title: Re: Hmm decisions...
Post by FlybysBlvd on 05/09/11 at 07:21:24

Kim & KristenAnn, I know what you mean, when I started riding my hair was shoulder length, each year it got shorter and shorter!  I also wear one of those Sliks (?) under the helmet and it helps tremendously.
Back to the thread.  
Glad to see you rode it and helmet hair is sexy IMHO. Also hoping you will get the job!

Title: Re: Hmm decisions...
Post by babyhog on 05/09/11 at 08:08:02

More best of luck wishes on getting that job!  And bless your heart on continuing to ride and keeping a great attitude!  You sound like one awesome woman.  

I have a sticker on my helmet that says "Hairdo by Helmet" (also under my avatar <<<--- over there)  But that doesn't really explain much when its on the bike and I'm inside somewhere, huh?  LOL   I have long, stringy, straight, thin hair.  Helmet doesn't really bother it that much, except for the tangles!  I wear a do-rag sometimes, but I think its worse on it than the helmet, so I don't bother, unless its an all day ride.

Hang in there kiddo, and let us know what comes of the job! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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