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Message started by Wolfman on 05/06/11 at 20:27:24

Title: No Class.
Post by Wolfman on 05/06/11 at 20:27:24

Man i expect rude and unsafe behaviour from cages but another Bike???

Going into town, at the worst spot at that(overpass with 5 different lights) i see a bagger comeing up on my rear like he's trying to catch me.
I get to the light and leave my usual safety zone of more then a bike length but less than a car for an escape route.
Im in the middle of the lane with the bike angled slightly to give it more of an eye catching profile as usual.
Bagger rolls up beside me to my left, pauses for a second, looks at the bike then looks at me and says "HI".
Barely enough room between me and the center line for him to get through. Then rolls on up ahead 'in front of me' right behind the car almost wheel to bumper.
This pretty much cuts off any of my foreward escape routes and im thinking "What the he!!?"
He's now angled across the lane, front wheel to car bumper with his right rear bag a foot in front of mine. Really irked me and made me want to knock the idjit off his bike. Invaded MY lane space and cut off my escape routes. And NO i did'nt make any movement to let him think he could come foreward let alone pass me and cut in front of me while stopped at a red light.

Needless to say when the light switched and i had room i moved to another lane and got away from this nimrod. Just kept thinking what was THAT dude thinking.
Bad enough the cages try to kill you at least once when crossing the overpass, now other bikers are trying to get you killed.

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by WD on 05/06/11 at 22:26:53

Bikers are a rare breed, Harley riders are a dime a dozen... Sorry, couldn't resist.

Over 90% of the guys on late model baggers (regardless of brand) have absolutely no clue what they are doing. Middle age crisis, bikes are cheaper than sports cars, they read Easyriders and think they will get young strippers with bolt-ons to match the bike's bolt-ons.

Just give them a wide berth and wave as you ride by. Maybe holler "Turn the gas on dummy". Or "Twenty grand and twenty minutes doesn't make you a biker". I like posers, good entertainment... ;D

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by houstonbofh on 05/07/11 at 06:05:48

Stupid people are not limited to 4 wheels.  But chances are he will not be riding long.  One way or another...

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 05/07/11 at 06:17:07

...haven't you figured life and ppl out yet??!

this short video might explain it all:


Title: Re: No Class.
Post by Wolfman on 05/07/11 at 12:59:32

Yeah, "Expect the unexpected".
Just really irked me as i expected the guy to have some manners and common sense.

I was 'rideing light' myself, just a denim jacket, gloves and a helmet. Light as i get, it was nice n toasty. He had a 3/4 helmet and that was it. No gloves, no jacket, just a t-shirt.
Course i seen about half a dozen baggers(harleys) and everyone of them had that stupid Naiz novelty helmet and a t-shirt, usualy with the sleeves cut off rideing yesterday. Nose in the air and no
This guy was was on a kawi... i think. I didnt pay much attention to the bike. When im on the overpass around those lights my eyeballs are all over the mirrors and everything around me. I have a bullseye on my back everytime i cross that overpass it seems

I kinda figured he was either new or a harley purist. Seemed real eager to catch up to me and get a look at the bike. (Had a Harley guy walk halfway across the wal-mart parking lot turn around and walk back to check out the bike and ask questions the day

It was good in the end anyway. He got hung up behind the cages at the next light and i just rolled on the throttle and made her burble as i passed him in the next

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by houstonbofh on 05/07/11 at 18:09:50

Never know what another guy sees as enough protection.  I use a full face helmet, or none.  Open face is the worst of both worlds to me.  I do not use a jacket in summer, and rarely ware gloves.  Always jeans and boots over the ankle.

This is experience from two head on collisions.  Open face helmets do not protect your face, which is slamming into the pavement. (Had an open face for one...)  Ankles rub through fast.  At least the boots did, not the ankle!  The lower half of my body had a LOT more abrasion than the upper half.  Jackets in Houston in August cause heat stroke.

If we all wanted to be safe, we would drive SUVs.  But we are all going to die;  A rare few of us will truly live.

But I do take all reasonable precautions.  We can discuss "reasonable" later.  ;D

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by Boofer on 05/07/11 at 18:20:08

Wolfman, he did say "Hi". :D

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by Wolfman on 05/07/11 at 21:35:48

Yep. Rolled up beside me,stopped for a second, looked down at the bike, looked at me and said "HI." Then rolled on by me and cut me off.
I sat there and thought what the he!! is this guys problem?
He rolled on the throtle to catch up to me at that. Was a ways behind me.
Could of easily slipped over and passed in the right lane but had to crowd me and cut me off.
In retrospect it makes me wish id reached out and kicked him as he crowded by

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 05/08/11 at 09:20:23

61595A505B5758360 wrote:
Yep. Rolled up beside me,stopped for a second, looked down at the bike, looked at me and said "HI." Then rolled on by me and cut me off.
I sat there and thought what the he!! is this guys problem?
He rolled on the throtle to catch up to me at that. Was a ways behind me.
Could of easily slipped over and passed in the right lane but had to crowd me and cut me off.
In retrospect it makes me wish id reached out and kicked him as he crowded by

Then you would have been lowering yourself to his level.

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by Wolfman on 05/08/11 at 10:22:33

Endanger my life and im quite capable of crawling in the gutter to get at
Id known what the nimrod had planned id of turned across the lane completely blocking the bonehead. As it is i always angle the bike a little at a stop to give it more of an eye catching profile.
Karmas good though. I switched lanes and got through the next light leaveing him behind the car he was so eager to get behind. It was waiting for a left and he got stuck at the light. ;D

Had a 3/4 ton king cab angle its fender in front of me awhile back cutting me off almost rubbing the dirt off my front wheel. Woman wouldnt even look out the passenger window at me. I had a bird locked n loaded and ready to fly

Later that same day the ole lady seen where a white pickup had come off the highway onto the overpass and T-Bone another vehicle at the same light. Not sure which one ran the red to cause it. 3 or 4 people laid out on stretchers when she came by. Truck was kind of embedded in the other vehicle. Town needs another overpass. Rush hour is a gamble i usualy try to avoid if i can on this one.

Oh yeah. Was stopped on the end looking to cross the other day. Had a BIKE cut it so close he like to of literaly clipped my left front bumper(truck) with his helmet and left handlebar as he turned then swung waayyy wide on his turn. Was rideing the yellow line...literaly. Another noob with to much bike i figured. Thought sure he was going to eat gaurdrail.

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by WD on 05/08/11 at 13:15:13

Motorcycling IS a very Darwinian pastime...

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by Wolfman on 05/08/11 at 23:46:32

And good God Mothers Day brought em out in
Heard em on the highway all day long. Two trips to town and i never seen one bike on the highway. Bet i seen a 100 of the garage ornaments in town though and not one single Even got a couple of dirty looks for waveing at a couple of harleys. Got even funnier looks from the cages with a small charcoal grill tied down across the back of the bike to. ;D

Most were in groups of 4-6 bikes with about half rideing double. Guess there were a lot of moms left home. Vast majority were harleys.
Me? I got to make two 5 mile trips to town and that was it. Make up for it tomorrow i guess, put some miles down.
At least i didnt catch any news of any accidents on the news. Figured there would be a couple with that many bikes out.

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by Southpaw on 05/09/11 at 22:42:38

Was the guy local or "tourist"? Seems like a lot of folks down there forget to pack their common sense when they pack their bags. btw, don't you have a big rally coming up in Springfield real soon? How does that work out???

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by KristenAnn on 05/10/11 at 11:30:49

NO Class is right. I was stopped at alight waiting to make a left turn. Light turned green. Off i went. Well a jerk on a full dresser harley decided that i was going to slow for him i guess and he passed me on the left while i was making the turn, nearly taking me out and a casr in the oppisite direction. Then he went down the road about 500 ft and had to stop suddenly so he couldmake another left turn so he could go hang out with his buddies at the coffee shop. I am glad that I am a safe rider and have common sense.

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by Wolfman on 05/10/11 at 11:40:05

Theres a Big classic car show this weekend in eldorado springs. Their adding bikes this year so THAT should be interesting.
Not sure what else is comeing up here soon in springfield. The goldwingers had planned on moveing their annual meet to springfield and did for a couple of years. But the MO roads kind of put em off and i 'THINK' they moved it somewhere else last year.

Be a bunch of small rallies like the toys for tots(winter) and such. I dont keep up on them to much. Kinda remember something about a big bike show at the springfield fair grounds but dont remember when.

I cant tell the tourists from the local garage ornaments usualy around here. I see a couple of regs bopping around then on nice weekends the places gets loaded. I44 through the edge of town and old route 66 goes through the middle of town(marshfield) so nice weekends see a LOT of bikes here.
ME i just ride all the time and wave, get dirty looks and looks like im crazy(winter time rideing and carrying a grill on the
Im the only thumper ive seen down here, 99% are kawi or harley baggers. Most in their Nazi(harleys) or half helmets(harleys and kawis) and t-shirts.
They ever hit the pavement at 70 mph they will learn to wear more. Road Rash SUCKS!

Ride like you expect them to do the unexpected Kristenann because sure as god made lil green apples they will do something Stupid.
I try to control my area at lights. Angle a bit at stops for a bigger profile from the rear and kinda block the lane by staying close to the middle. Just enough room in front for an escape route but not enough for some nimrod(USUALY in a cage) to not try and pull over in front of me. They still try. Head on a swivel watching the sideroads and driveways. Ones i hate the most are the ones that give no signal and cut across 3 lanes of traffic right in front of you. I dont lay back either. I roll on the throttle and get right up beside any cages im next to right beside the window. Some still dont see you or ignore you all together. Especialy mini vans!

Some doofuss ran a light in springfield yesterday and led the law dogs on a two county chase at a 140 mph before he ate turf. To bad, looked like a nice bike. Squid lived with minor injuries so darwinism didnt work that time.

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by WD on 05/10/11 at 16:10:19

I resemble that helmet remark... >:( Absolutely despise the things. Have a police spec USA made cork lined Buco 1/2 shell from the late 60s (believe it or not, Snell certified). Have a police spec USA made "modern " half helmet (1997 vintage) bought from Gulf Coast HD Biloxi MS. Have a couple other half shells here, left 2 at the old place when we moved.

Cold weather you say? Snell 1981 spec Arai 3/4 shell, dark green and black with gold pinstipes, matches my 63 Honda. Both useless at the moment... ;D Or I have a Snell 2005 can't remember for sure but think HJC 3/4 shell that looks retro. Red pearl, sometimes has the face shield on, sometimes has it off. Depends on weather and mood.

When I lived on the Idaho border I'd stop, remove my helmet and throw it across the road into the Washington bound ditch. Would stop and put it back on re-entering Washington.

Wouldn't wear a full face if I was paid to unless I was at the racetrack and sanctioned class rules required it. Which it doesn't for the displacement/age of my track bike.

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by Wolfman on 05/11/11 at 00:46:44

Got a half helmet i carry sometimes for a rider as a spare. Wear a 3/4 myself but going to find me a nice modular to replace it. Broken arm, leg i can deal with(and have) but broken Jaw would really mess up my day and want to keep my teeth. Not to crazy about driveing my jawbone up into my brain either. Fracktured skulls, concussions, internal bleeding of the sinuses and eyes is'nt much fun either. Ive had massive truama to the head and it aint no fun. Effects and pain last for years.  I like the wind in my hair but i like liveing better. 8-)

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by Southpaw on 05/11/11 at 09:33:13

I bet Springfield hums every weekend from the tourists! I live around Washington now, just across the river from the wineries. The locals, for the most part, drive with sense, but on weekends I leave that stretch of road alone. Too many "hotdogs", both 2 wheel and cage, getting buzzed up and looking for attention...which the local police force is more than happy to provide. Sadly, Darwin candidates often take other people with them when they go!  :P

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by Wolfman on 05/11/11 at 12:27:29

Springfield and branson both are big tourist towns. Bad thing is i think springfield is either the second or third worst for idjit cagers in MO. ST louie and KC MIGHT be worse...tossup.
Bass Pro's main store is a BIG BIG draw in springfield among other things. Branson Landing and Silver Dollar City are BIG draws in Branson. Traffic pretty well sucks down there as well.

AVOID, i say AVOID springfield at rush hour of a morning or evening, most especialy on a friday evening if at all possible. This is in a cage. Take your own chances on a bike. Ill sit in a parking lot somewhere for an hour before ill navigate traffic in the evening rush hour on a bike.
Crazy, sadistic, agressive, suicidal and just flat rude and mean is what they are. :D

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by WD on 05/11/11 at 19:20:19

Are you sure you don't live in Memphis or Seattle? Both those cities need to disappear from the face of the earth. Not like they'd be missed...

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by Wolfman on 05/12/11 at 01:26:04

Nashville is another city id like to avoid if possible. Been through there twice and that was two times to many. I LOVE the way some of the on ramps come out from behind blind walls. Chugging along and next thing you know you got a car right next to you trying to get onto the freeway.

There are some nice roads between St Louis and Owensburough KY id like to ride sometime.
Some good ones down in SE MO as well with a LOT of places to see like lil round springs, big round springs, blue springs, Johnson shutins, elephant rocks ect. Thinking of makeing a run down that way later in the summer.

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 05/12/11 at 10:42:03

Not trying to hijack the thread to some other subject, but let me comment on helmets.

Everything is a compromise.  I wear a 3/4 open face, with full face shield, for what I think is a very good reason - peripheral vision.  A full face does, no doubt, offer more protect to the face, jaws, teeth, etc. if you have an accident.

But I find that I see lots more with my 3/4 - deer at the side of the road, cars coming into an intersection a lot sooner, etc.

As a former fighter pilot, there is a good reason we all wear 3/4 helemts in that world - to see better all of the way around us.

In the car racing world, where all are going the same direction, full face is mandatory, as the risks aren't great of not seeing something dangerous peripherally - the risk is there, just not too great.

But on the road on a motorcyle, I balance the two risks, and they come up in favor of better peripheral vision.

Just one old guy's opinion.

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/12/11 at 12:24:38

I agree w/ Jerry on the vision. I wonder if there isnt  way to design a full coverage helmet with  bigger "window" & still have a structure that would protect the jaw..

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by Wolfman on 05/12/11 at 12:31:27

Ive always kind of wondered why they didnt make a helmet like a 3/4 with just a chin bar. Not close up the opening more like most full face seem to do.
Yeah i know it wouldnt be as strong structuraly as a full face but it would still be Better then just a plain 3/4.
One reason i like the 3/4 is vision and air flow. That is untill one of them armoured beetles decides to take aim at my
Had one leave a small welt at the base of the neck monday. >:(
Then decided to crawl into the neck of my shirt. :D

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by WD on 05/12/11 at 13:29:41

You can't find snap-on chinbars in your area? Oh, wait, they stopped making them in the 70s. They fit 5 snap 3/4 shell street helmets. I know 2 shops in Washington where you can still get them, but I wouldn't trust them...

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by Serowbot on 05/12/11 at 15:15:25

... the thing with a snap-on chinbar is,... they snap-off... :-?...

Title: Re: No Class.
Post by Wolfman on 05/13/11 at 00:41:29

To bad they dont make a lower face guard like on football helmets for bikes.
3/4 helmet with a face guard the visor snaps down over. Kinda like some riot helmets ive seen. Still get the visibility and wind in your face but with a bit more protection then a normal 3/4 to keep your face out of the asphalt. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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