General Category >> The Cafe >> another first for me - what am i getting in to?

Message started by weracerc on 04/27/11 at 14:09:08

Title: another first for me - what am i getting in to?
Post by weracerc on 04/27/11 at 14:09:08

Ok all i am riding in my first group ride this weekend - not sure where we are going or how long the ride will be - It starts @ 11AM @ HD of GSO and is benefiting Carolina Patriot Rovers - group that rescues dogs and trains them to be service dogs for returning military personnel who need a service dog......anyway those of you who done this type of deal what should i do to prepare and what should I expect?

Title: Re: another first for me - what am i getting in to
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/27/11 at 14:30:08

There should b a meeting IMO, everybody should understand who is leading & what signals will be used & how people are to position themselves in relation to one another. Otherwise, I would stay well back..

Title: Re: another first for me - what am i getting in to
Post by thumperclone on 04/27/11 at 14:34:29

assume everybody else ridin with you has never rode in a big group either....and 1/2 of those are idiots & 1/3 are show offs
if youre lucky the rest are okay....
take the side youre most comfortable with and NO side by side ridin while your movin, keep your stagger and an escape route at all times..
if the group ahead gets away let em go youll catch up (know the route!)
large groups tend to expand and contract like an accoridan...
saw a 10 bike chain reaction wreck on a toy run couple years ago..

Title: Re: another first for me - what am i getting in to
Post by 12Bravo on 04/27/11 at 18:08:23

Here is a 10 minute video from the Motorcycle Safety Foundation on group riding. I am the road captain for my BACA chapter and I make everyone watch that video once a year. Its a good start.

Title: Re: another first for me - what am i getting in to
Post by weracerc on 04/27/11 at 19:29:41

thank you for the video link - very helpful - i'd hate to have gone in to this with no idea how it is supposed to work. If I get there and it is too big of a group i may just donate to the cause and wait for another opportunity with a small group.

Title: Re: another first for me - what am i getting in to
Post by kimchris1 on 04/27/11 at 20:04:05

Ok well here is my personal experience, riding in
a huge group ride.
If you have never done so, get some experience
at least with a few smaller group riders first.
Make sure you know the route, have signals and
keep a safe distance between riders. Myself I don't like
riding 2 by 2. I prefer single file.
Let the leader know your not as experienced riding
with a large group. You may decide to ride towards
the back of the pack.
Don't ride out of your comfort zone.
Remember some or most may have many years riding
experience than you do.
Other than the toy runs, I have elected to ride in small
Take it easy, smile and let us hear about your experience.. Hugs, kim

Title: Re: another first for me - what am i getting in to
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/28/11 at 02:13:01

If I really wanted to make the ride, Id make it, but if I was not comfortable in a group, & Im not, Id be a straggler,,

Title: Re: another first for me - what am i getting in to
Post by weracerc on 04/28/11 at 07:28:43

i got the route from the event promoter looks like about 40 miles round trip some 2 lane and some 4 lane hwy. I know the area so if i get separated i can find my way home no problem. I also asked if this is an annual event and what kind of rider turn out is expected (have not heard yet).....If it is a large group (50 or more) i might hold off if it is not so big around the +/- 20 riders i will probably do it. I would prefer that the group ride were next week and the MSF course this week but i cant change that part...cart a little ahead of the horse so to speak. If i dont feel comfortable with the idea of the group ride i will pass......I am a safety guy by profession so I dont take un-nessecary wet riding no night riding no risky riding..... ;)

Title: Re: another first for me - what am i getting in to
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/28/11 at 14:05:59

Surely you have he ability to follow, at a distance, ny number of riders.. You could ride along & watch & IF & When you felt safe o join them, you could ease up from behind & slip into formation..

Title: Re: another first for me - what am i getting in to
Post by mornhm - FSO on 04/28/11 at 15:05:31

I've ridden in some big groups before, not my cup of tea, but the causes were good. Main thing is that the group leader checked to make sure that I knew what I was doing with each group when I showed up, and the first time I rode with a group (I told them), the leader put experienced riders around me. Made me feel more comfortable. Make sure you know and are comfortable with the speed they are going to be traveling and how close together they plan to be riding. Find out if they have the intersections covered etc. (escorts) and what their expectations of keeping the group together through these.

Title: Re: another first for me - what am i getting in to
Post by weracerc on 04/28/11 at 17:06:02

there is a police escort.

Title: Re: another first for me - what am i getting in to
Post by mornhm - FSO on 04/28/11 at 19:42:26

With escort, the biggest issue with group rides (intersections) and the second biggest (group pace) are solved. I'd say introduce yourself to the leader, follow their directions, make sure your tank is full - 80 miles is plenty on a Savage tank and don't let yourself get out of your comfort zone. If the group ride becomes not fun make your own way.

Title: Re: another first for me - what am i getting in to
Post by weracerc on 04/30/11 at 14:15:01

well - I made it! - over 100 bikes! - I was in the middle - rode staggered the whole time - never got over 60 mph - the escorts made it it easy and fun - I would do this again gladly! I did something I have always wanted to do and for a good cause - I was the only single cylinder bike in the group - a few trikes a lot of customs and lots of 2 up on big bikes - a Harley - to my left in front and a Valkyrie in front 2 up with the rider waving like she was in a parade - when we got back the two on the Valkyrie introduced themselves - and go figure he and I have the same first name - got a big laugh out of that. - The big bikes behind me never pushed me - and I maintained eye contact in the mirror with the rider in front of me like the ride leader said to do.

It was a lot of fun and I am proud of myself for doing it after only 10 months on a bike and never having ridden in a group before.

I was surprised that the local TV media covered the event too - I might even be on the news as the group took off they filmed it. I will attach some photos once the local Harley Dealers posts them on their website.

Thanks to all of you who encouraged me to do it and those who gave me good advice and helped me prepare for this.

Title: Re: another first for me - what am i getting in to
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/30/11 at 17:39:32

Attaboooy Luther

Title: Re: another first for me - what am i getting in to
Post by kimchris1 on 05/01/11 at 06:18:31

Great to hear it went well for ya.
Sounds like you had a nice time.
You showed those twins what being
single is all about.. :) kim

Title: Re: another first for me - what am i getting in to
Post by weracerc on 05/01/11 at 13:06:38

yes i did the Big Single kept right up with the Harleys on the highway on ramps - the only place the pace picked up at all......ok shoot me if you will - but - I got to say that riding in a group of Harleys when they take off is quite an audio-sensery-over-load, of the best kind! - God it sounded AWESOME when all those bikes accelerate at once! - There were even bystnders in some of the places waiting for us to pass - waving flags holding signs etc.......forgive my emotion but i got to say i got a tear in my eye when i saw this and thought how I was participating in something so very worthwhile...even as I write this and reflect on the day i get a little weepy.

link to the local news story:

Title: Re: another first for me - what am i getting in to
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/01/11 at 17:32:09

yea, dude, that program makes more sense than any of the wars we are in.

Title: Re: another first for me - what am i getting in to
Post by BC-Savage on 05/02/11 at 19:23:18

Group Riding - Stolen from another site I frequent. Written by our local instructor. Treat this as a guidline.
Group riding can be a fun way to share the sport of riding with other riders.  I've been on many group events, and hope to ride many more.  I do have one strong proviso, though.  Mostly I only ride with other riders that I know and trust the skill level of.  If I get convinced to ride with an unfamiliar group, I usually ride at the back.  Here's some of the pifalls of group riding, in random order, as they occur to me;

The "Slinky effect": - Described in TOTW #07

The "I.Q. Buster" effect:  I don't know what it is about riding in groups, but it often seems to reduce the I.Q. of the riders significantly!  They do things on group rides they would never do when riding alone!  Like ride too fast mostly.  Also known as the "Yee-Haw!" effect!  Don't let the group take dumb chances in the name of fun.

The "Close Companion" effect:  Group rides often ride MUCH too close together, either all of the bikes are clumped together, 1/2 second apart, or, even when the group thinks it's spacing is far apart, the rider "pairs" are too close to each other.  So you get 1-2 (gap) 3-4 (gap) 5-6 (gap) etc.  where pairs like 1 & 2 are nearly riding side by side, then a big gap to the next pair.

The "Lemming" effect:  The trailing riders doing things just because the lead rider does, without making their own judgement call and decision.  Like for example when the lead rider pulls out for a pass, and ALL of the trailing bikes attempt to follow the lead bike through the pass, without considering if there is room enough for them!  Thunk your own thoughts!  Decide your own decisions.

The "Keep up with the Joneses" effect:  As stated elsewhere before, group rides are often the place where less skilled riders get pushed beyond their comfort level, or even well beyond their safe skill level.  And this is important, this happens even when the group thinks they have slowed it down for them!  it would be OK if the riders could easily say to everyone "This is too fast for me!" - but they can't, or feel they can't, and rather than letting themselves fall back, they usually try to keep up, sometimes with dramatic consequences.

The "Iron Butt" effect:  Groups often try to cover too darn many kilometers in one day, or too many riding hours.  (solo riders do, too.)  Fatigue makes riders less engaged in the riding process, and slows their reaction time.  Exaggerates the "Slinky Effect" and causes crashes within the group. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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