General Category >> The Cafe >> I Quit!

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 04/22/11 at 07:07:09

Title: I Quit!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/22/11 at 07:07:09

Had enough, finally,, & about a month ago, I ran out of tobacco & didn't go get any more. I was afraid it was gonna be hard, but really, it was no big deal.. yea, I scrounged butts for a few days, then they got old & stale & nasty as heck,, so, I stopped that. REason? Wanna know Why I gave t all up?

My daughter has asthma, & even tho I only smoke outside, it bugs her to be around me, she can smell it.. & that wasnt even enough to make me quit,,

What pushed me over the edge was seeing that  my 16 month old grandson was showing WAY too much interest in what I was doing.. & I sure dont want to be teaching him that doing that is okay,,

I kinda miss it, at certain times, but then again,, I really cant say I ever actually liked the way it made me feel,, its hard to explain why I ever  smoked in th first place,, impossible;e, in fact,to make a real argument For Smoking, but, I also cant say I will Never Do that again,,  but I sure hope I dont.
FWIW, I didnt smoke REady Made cigarettes. Ive been rolling my own for years, buying imported tobacco, since only in America do they spray Thimerosol on the tobacco,, ( Mercury based, toxic as He!!) & theres so much crap in a regular ciggy I call them Chemistry Sets. As much "better" as a roll yer own is, theyre stil not worth it.. for many reasons, so, Ive stopped doing that. I hope I never do it again.

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by splash07 on 04/22/11 at 07:21:06

Congrats, and stay strong. Sounds like the hardest part is over and done with but that is not to say there wont be moments of weakness, after all you are only human. You have the best reasons in the world to quit.

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by Silly Ogre on 04/22/11 at 07:27:16

Good luck and stay strong...

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by EJID on 04/22/11 at 07:51:40

EXCELLENT reasons for quiting! Always good to hear of people who can step away from such an addiction with minor setbacks. Here's to your continued ability to stay strong.  :)  :)  :)

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by thumperclone on 04/22/11 at 08:01:19

good luck!!
i quit the first of this year after over 30 years..
6 weeks ago was diagnosed with copd.. the va is still dialing in the treatments..
O2 levels are good during the day last nite was 1st with Ox machine.

was really poed at myself but am gettn better at accepting my chosen one forced me to smoke and quittin was easy enuf..

for those who still smoke try this
clamp your nostrils shut and breath thru a cocktail straw while runnin up the stairs
repeat till you have to bend over and grab your knees to catch your breath

copd is worse and itll never go away...

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by mick on 04/22/11 at 08:59:28

Well done Justin,I'm proud of you,one and a half years for me.
Every one in your family will thank you.

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 04/22/11 at 09:41:29

Today will be a week without a cigarette for me, I myself am having a hard time but I have managed so far not to give in. I tried quitting last year and failed, but hopefully this time will work.

I pretty much have the same reasons as you Justin for quitting, my wife is borderline COPD and even though I smoked only outside, it still clung to me and bothered her and a couple of weeks ago my 4 year old granddaughter informed me that she wanted to smoke just like me. I don't think so.

Already I am having an easier time of catching my breath but I still have some huge cravings. I'm fighting it though so far.

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by EJID on 04/22/11 at 09:49:25

7E4849524F66434E544E270 wrote:
Today will be a week without a cigarette for me, I myself am having a hard time but I have managed so far not to give in. I tried quitting last year and failed, but hopefully this time will work.

I pretty much have the same reasons as you Justin for quitting, my wife is borderline COPD and even though I smoked only outside, it still clung to me and bothered her and a couple of weeks ago my 4 year old granddaughter informed me that she wanted to smoke just like me. I don't think so.

Already I am having an easier time of catching my breath but I still have some huge cravings. I'm fighting it though so far.

Be strong with the force it will help you...  :) Keep it up

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by thumperclone on 04/22/11 at 09:57:29

1721203B260F2A273D274E0 wrote:
Today will be a week without a cigarette for me, I myself am having a hard time but I have managed so far not to give in. I tried quitting last year and failed, but hopefully this time will work.

Already I am having an easier time of catching my breath but I still have some huge cravings. I'm fighting it though so far.

i substited tootise roll pops and dumm dumms for the oral fixation cravings lessen day by day think 3 for me
plenty of fluids i did green tea to help flush
youll make it this time!!! ;)

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by kimchris1 on 04/22/11 at 11:01:15

June 7, will be 3 years ago that I quit.
For myself it has been easy this time.
My Asthma makes it impossible to even
be around it.
Also I vision myself having to drag one
of them portable oxygen tanks around,
due to my smoking.
That is what keeps me to this day smoke
I will admit that still every now and then I
get a hankering for one.
Then again I think of the oxygen tank as
well as how costly they are now.
You can do it. Think of the money your
saving each time you don't have to buy
tobacco.. Best of luck.. Hugs and oh yeah
:-* :-* :-*  for a good job.. kim

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by Starlifter on 04/22/11 at 11:03:10

Good work JOG, now I really believe you have gone chemical and drug free.

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by piglt on 04/22/11 at 11:03:20

Good for you and good luck!!!!! I've quit 100s of time but never could stay that way. I have a new quit date pick, just waiting for the day to get here. This time my reason is kind of a "selfish in you face reason" but it might just be what I need to really quit this time. Good luck again!!!!!!!!!!!!

My ex hated the fact that I smoke, more problems we had the more I smoked, we split I smoked more. New quit day is the day my divorce if final!

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by ALfromN.H. on 04/22/11 at 11:11:16

On fathers day this year will make 10 years for me. I used the patch for a week and then gave the rest of the patches away. I know that I'll never smoke another ciggarette. I hate them now. Can't stand the smell. I give my daughter hell every time i see her. I hope it'll sink in. Good luck Justin. It gets easier as you go. And good luck to  Yonuh Adisi and kimchris1 and Mick as well as anyone thats trying to quit. I think Mick and Kim have it beat.
And to anyone else out there that still smokes, now would be a great time to quit. Good Luck.


Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by mick on 04/22/11 at 12:56:53

Any one still having a hard time quitting should move to Australia for a while,My niece just got back from a vacation there, $20 per pack.
And guess what ? she rarely ran into a non smoker.
And never ever ran into a non beer drinker.

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by ALfromN.H. on 04/22/11 at 12:58:30

I did find that every time I had a beer, I wanted a smoke. So I stayed away from beer for a while after quitting

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 04/22/11 at 14:19:56

I don't have the alcohol automatically means cigarette problem because I don't drink alcohol. However I do have the wanting a smoke after a good meal problem.

I may have a little less stress shortly though, it appears I may have a job at Walmart. It ain't much of a job but its better than what I got now which is nothing. Had the interviews today and I go back on Monday for a couple of other things. Now if I only had a running vehicle. (was stupid and forgot to keep a close eye on the oil pressure in the van and spun a couple of bearings, luckily I can rebuild the engine for less than 200 bucks)

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by prechermike on 04/22/11 at 15:29:21

Cool Justin.  I am proud of you,

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by BuckHMCC on 04/22/11 at 16:28:59

I am proud of you. Please stick with it. My old man died an early death because of his smoking habit. He acquired it in the US Navy during WWII. Big Tobacco was passing out free cigarettes to the troops. How patriotic! He became a three-pack-a-day addict and died an early and bad death. My siblings and I have suffered from all sorts of asthma and lung and bronchial and sinus related problems - second-hand smoke, coincidental?

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by Ed L. on 04/22/11 at 16:55:26

Way to go JOG, been smoke free for 30 years after a 2 pack a day habit. After the first week you have it beat except for the mental addiction of wanting something to do with your hands every few minutes. The hardest part for me was about six weeks after quiting, man did I want a butt. Take it one day at a time.

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by MMRanch on 04/22/11 at 21:26:04


The craving does't go away but dealing with it gets eassier !  


Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 04/23/11 at 02:52:27

Congrats!!   8-)

1 Year and 1/2 here too, just like mick, I quit cold turkey
and worked fine for me, no biggie, big lifestyle change...

health-wise the noticeable changes come after the first 90
days and then after about a year, if you learn to breathe
right you will NEVER get tired anymore on hikes, manual
labor or while doing sports, it's amazing!


Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 04/23/11 at 02:59:49

Oh, there is a cheat in case you are really really serious about
never ever smoking again, it goes like this:

some ppl keep a little gerber jar with ash and a couple of used
cigarette butts in it and whenever they feel like smoking
(or in the morning) they open it up and smell it, that's it.

Trust me it works, I did that like only twice and made me
nauseous and killed my desire for a zig instantly, pretty gross.

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/23/11 at 03:42:25

So far, Im not seeing any increase in stamina, but, in my case, I understand that. I am able to smell things a bit better.
FWIW, I wasnt ever a heavy smoker, even back in the Marlboro days I dont think I ever had more than 30 a day, but in the last few ears Iv been rolling my own & I wasn smoking more than 12 or 15 on a Big Day, & those Id wind up only smoking about 1/2 of, cuz they get wet & Id bite them off.

dysphoric  , thats what cigs are.

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by Boofer on 04/23/11 at 18:37:23

Good for you. Boofer

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by Skid Mark on 04/23/11 at 19:28:03

Way to go guys. I quit almost 20 years ago. It wasn't easy. I found after 3 months it got way easier. Hang in there. It's worth it!!!!!

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/23/11 at 20:32:10

I quit the Chemistry Sets some years back. Went back to them, but I did stop for 2 years. During that 2 years, no matter where  I went, I wanted a smoke. When I saw someone light one, no matter how far away they were, Id Breathe it In for them,, this time is nothing like that..

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by mick on 04/23/11 at 20:43:21

697670776A6D5C6C5C64767A31030 wrote:
I quit the Chemistry Sets some years back. Went back to them, but I did stop for 2 years. During that 2 years, no matter where  I went, I wanted a smoke. When I saw someone light one, no matter how far away they were, Id Breathe it In for them,, this time is nothing like that..

Justin what ever you do,do not go out for drinks with freinds.That could ruin your whole day.

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by thumperclone on 04/23/11 at 21:06:10

5E5A5058475B565F5A5E564A330 wrote:
[quote author=697670776A6D5C6C5C64767A31030 link=1303481229/15#25 date=1303615930]I quit the Chemistry Sets some years back. Went back to them, but I did stop for 2 years. During that 2 years, no matter where  I went, I wanted a smoke. When I saw someone light one, no matter how far away they were, Id Breathe it In for them,, this time is nothing like that..

Justin what ever you do,do not go out for drinks with freinds.That could ruin your whole day.[/quote]
all our bars are smoke free now...

J    try breathin thru a cocktail straw

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/24/11 at 01:27:50

Ive stood right by guys smoking their cigs & it just isnt bothering me much at all.. Im not finding myself obsessing over wanting one. I was buying about 4 ounces of tobacco & that was lasting me about  10 days/2 weeks, so I wasnt just running thru the stuff. I really think Im gonna make it this time!
That whole drinking/smoking thing was what got me last time, Its been the undoing of many a "quitter".

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by Trippah on 04/24/11 at 20:26:41

It is a hard battle but sooo worth it; besides, having your daughter and grandchild around is a lot more fun.

You will be able to smell and taste food so much better.  I found I get more colds since quitting; not sure if tobacco and the heat kill off a lot of the cold germs or my immune system is getting weaker with age.  Still, the tradeoff is great.   Stick with it JOG.

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by clueless-FSO on 04/25/11 at 13:25:40

In my second month. Quit for 2 years, then started back. Hated myself for starting back.  I feel so much better now and the extra $$$ go on the bike.
I feel like I have it beat as now watching someone smoke does not make me want one! And I found out you dont have to smoke to drink :)

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 04/26/11 at 11:37:12

Good news and bad news.

Bad news is I didn't make it. But I am forcing myself to have only three a day, one in the morning, one mid day, and one at night. When that becomes routine I will cut down to two a day, then one, and then hopefully none.

Good news is I go for orientation at Walmart on Thursday so I am now back in the ranks of the employed thank whatever deity you hold sacred or not depending on your spiritual inclinations.

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/26/11 at 11:39:31

How much those things cost now? You sure you culdnt find a better way to spend that $$? I know, I know, thats Logic & the problem youre ( well, WE) trying to overcome goes WAY past logic..

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 04/26/11 at 11:49:23

Oh believe me, I ain't happy that my will power wasn't strong enough to quit cold turkey, but I ain't give up on quitting yet, I just have to wean myself off of them instead. It will take a bit longer but I swear on my Cherokee blood that I will be quit smoking by the end of THIS year.

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/26/11 at 12:02:10

Keep swinging,, cant win if ya give up,,

Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 04/26/11 at 12:37:50

524D4B4C51566757675F4D410A380 wrote:
Keep swinging,, cant win if ya give up,,


Title: Re: I Quit!
Post by thumperclone on 04/27/11 at 10:30:32

1721203B260F2A273D274E0 wrote:
Oh believe me, I ain't happy that my will power wasn't strong enough to quit cold turkey, but I ain't give up on quitting yet, I just have to wean myself off of them instead. It will take a bit longer but I swear on my Cherokee blood that I will be quit smoking by the end of THIS year.

hopefully they wont let you smoke at work... » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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