General Category >> The Cafe >> Special request for Skatnbnc....

Message started by kimchris1 on 04/16/11 at 08:04:02

Title: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 04/16/11 at 08:04:02

As most of us know,
Skat has been stricken
with a form of aggressive
breast cancer. She has not
been here for a few weeks.
I have tried yet haven't been
able to get in contact with her.
So therefore all riders, I am asking
you to place a pink ribbon, piece of pink
yarn, pink anything on your bikes. This will
be so that Skat is with us when we ride as
well as spirit.
Also if you can, take pics and post here so she
can see when she connects. She has said in
the past that sometimes she is not up to
typing yet reads our comments.
Skat, if your reading this, know your being
sent prayers and best wishes to get thru
this difficult time in your life. Hope to see
you or hear from you soon.. Hugs gal,, :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by piglt on 04/16/11 at 08:08:05

Consider it done. Two good friends of mine are dealing with them same thing. Only wish there was more I could do for them :'(

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Fish on 04/16/11 at 08:25:34

Sorry to hear that. I'm so new that I don't know anybody yet, but I hope the best for her.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/16/11 at 08:34:23

Getting the PH UP, away from acidic, into a basic level, will make an inhospitable place for the cancer. Eating Apricot Pits( At 150 pounds, my Dr told me to not eat more than 17/day) will increase th B17 levels, REmember Laetrile?

Theres a product called Lime Water, available thru Daily Manufactuiring,

If Im getting sick, I jack my Ph up with that & generally I can kick flu or some such crap..

Deodorants contain toxic crap, spread under the arms, bad plan

Margarine? Dont eat that crap..

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by LANCER on 04/16/11 at 10:14:46

sorry to hear about this; been there with other cancers twice;
praying for you

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Serowbot on 04/16/11 at 11:27:36

Gonna' be ridin' with Serowbot for a while,... so hitch up yer' drawers n' hang on to yer' bonnet,  Sweetheart...   ;)...
All my best to you... :-*...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by verslagen1 on 04/16/11 at 11:32:02

Just as soon as I can find something pink that I haven't burned yet.   8-)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Boofer on 04/16/11 at 17:24:13

Been riding with little pink beaded, metal ribbon since last year to honor all those going through this. Boofer

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Smokestack on 04/17/11 at 16:05:17

I'm kinda new too, but I've lost family to the disease, so I'm pullin' for ya!   :)

I'm still workin' on my little project, but when it's up and runnin' I'll definitely roll some pink.  Stay strong.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Paladin. on 04/17/11 at 17:21:03

October 2004
October 2005
October 2006
October 2007
October 2008
Her blog has been neglected in '09 - '10 since of other, more pressing, things.

I'll add a pink ribbon tomorrow.....

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by TheSnakeLady on 04/22/11 at 10:15:17

Check out what I found!

I'll be ordering one for myself, but does anyone know her addy so I or we could send one to her?

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 04/22/11 at 11:12:24

I wish I did have her addy or phone #.
I am very concerned and keep hoping
she will contact me. I have left messages
for her on here.
That cover is soo cute.. It is very nice of
you to offer one for her. I am sure she
would love it.
I hope to hear from her someday soon.

Later on today I will be attaching a lil
Pink Bunny to Genie. This will stay on
Genie in honor of Skat.. I will post pic
later today..
Thank you Snake Lady.. Hugs to you.. :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by TheSnakeLady on 04/22/11 at 11:55:01

Well for now this will have to do:

I've had several friends walk this path before, it's really very heartbreaking.  And though it is a tedious path with many pitfalls, the sick have only to look to their side to see friends, family and strangers alike who support them by walking that path with them.  We all do what we can.  My thoughts are with her as well as everyone else walking that path. ;)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 04/27/11 at 20:37:40

Ok Skat, this bunny rides with me now.
This bunny will go everywhere Genie and
I go. It is my way of having you along.
I will get a better pic. It was raining yet
the windshield kept you dry..
Hugs, gal..  :-* kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Serowbot on 04/27/11 at 23:04:52

Dat's one cute bunny,... KC !...

Skat if you're viewing,... I'm posting a virtual ride for you...
I got my pink ribbon on, and wanted you to see it on the road...
Will post under,...."Virtual Ride for Skatergirl (Video)"... as soon as it loads...

Here's the link... :-*...
""Virtual Ride for Skatergirl (Video)" (

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Serowbot on 04/30/11 at 07:54:03

Just giving Skatergirl a bump...

'Cause,... Well,...I've always wanted too... :-?...

Here's a pic of our girl,... showing how it's done...
:-* :-* :-*...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 04/30/11 at 08:34:15

Thanks Serowbot, I am sure Skatergirl
enjoys your bumps.. ;)

Anyone else have pics of the pink on
their bikes for her?
Thanks to all that have added it so far.
Skat, were going riding tomorrow.. So
get some rest, your gonna need it.. Hugs.. :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by on 04/30/11 at 19:59:35


Just one more person who is pulling for you.  All the best.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 05/02/11 at 07:36:20

Yesterday it was beautiful. Bright sun
70 degrees. Took Skat on a 170 mile
ride. We had a blast. Next time will have
hubby take the video camera. I think just
about everyone that had a bike and the day
off, was out on the roads..
Great to see them all. :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 05/04/11 at 07:17:50

Bump time...

Heading outside for some yard work..
Riding later..Skater get ready gal..
Us gals are gonna have some

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by babyhog on 05/05/11 at 09:29:32

Sunny day, for a change, here in WV.  But was only 34° this morning, so I opted for the heater in the Jeep instead of riding.  

But in anticipation, I finally added some Pink.  Still pulling for ya Skat!

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 05/10/11 at 08:29:33

Thanks piglet for adding
the pink for Skat..
Keep her in your thoughts
guys and gals, she is going
thru some tough times. She needs
all our good thoughts we can send..
Thanks for all your support with
this request..  :-* :-*  kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 05/10/11 at 15:33:32

My bikes aren't running so no virtual rides. There is a pinkish necked lizard living under it. When I find my "raidoactive Pepto" striping paint I'll add a ribbon to the bike. Nothing else pink around here.

Thoughts and prayers from Lisa and I, fellow historic re-enactors and riders.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 05/10/11 at 18:40:07

Today Skat and I found some other bikers
out enjoying the day.. They wanted to
say hi to everyone...Sorry the pics are small..:)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 05/10/11 at 18:53:15

One more of the group..Nice bunch and are from
the area. Hope to meet up with them sometime soon.
They told me that I take too good care of Genie, to them
she was too clean.. haha..
They send best wishes to you Skat..Loved the bunny also..:) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Southpaw on 05/11/11 at 09:47:59

I finally got my tins back in Saturday night, so I'll be up and running soon. I'm putting a tank bib on my bike with a couple of cancer ribbon patches attached for my brother and Skatnbnc. I ordered this yesterday...

with the name "Skat" in the middle to keep her in mind and to tell all these cancers to scat and be gone for good!!! Hang in there Skatnbnc! We're ALL pulling for you kid!

P.S.   If anyone else is interested in these, the seller has more available and donates 20% to the American breast Cancer Foundation.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 05/11/11 at 13:15:23

Southpaw,,  :-* :-* for this link.
All the best to your brother as well.
I have ordered one of these and as
well, it will have Skat's name on it.
I will post pics as soon as it arrives
and is attached to my Pink leather
jacket.. Hugs, :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Sunchasers on 05/11/11 at 15:11:52


This is a great idea!  I am sorry that I have never met or had the opportunity to know Skategirl on the forum, but my thoughts and prayers are with her during this trying time.

This hits home for me, as my younger sister was just recently diagnosed with Stage 3A breast cancer and is currently going through Chemo-therapy.  As soon as I get home, there will be two pink ribbons on my bike in their honor!

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 05/11/11 at 16:43:47

Sunchasers,  :-* :-* to you and your sister.
Please give her a hug and let her know she is
being sent prayers and well wishes..
I can not take credit for this idea. Southpaw was
the one that found the seller on E-bay and passed
along the info. If not for him, I would not have known
about the site or ribbon..
So he gets another kiss for that.. :-*
You get a couple for taking the time to add Skat's name on a
ribbon along with your sisters name.  :-* :-*
I pray your sister will not have too rough of a time as
she goes thru chemo. Again thank you for thinking of
Skat along with your Sis.. Hugs. :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Southpaw on 05/12/11 at 11:54:32

Added a little color for the shakedown cruise! Pink and grey for a great cause! C'mon Skatnbnc, lets go ridin'!

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by weracerc on 05/16/11 at 16:40:57

Here is my Skat-Pink

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by babyhog on 05/16/11 at 18:34:10

Getting more worried about Skat.  If anybody has any personal information for her, it sure would be nice to have an update!

Still praying for her....

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 05/17/11 at 09:47:48
Ribbon arrived yesterday.. I attached it to my jacket this
a.m. along with a pink ribbon Pin. I bought this pin several
years ago.
Skat, get ready for helmet hair. Were going out and about
today, tomorrow and Friday for sure.. :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 05/17/11 at 09:58:41

Another view of my jacket. The pink in the ribbon doesn't show up
too well. Their is also a gold rose in the middle of the ribbon pin.
Pink Power..wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Southpaw on 05/17/11 at 17:59:57

Very nice Kim!

My two cents....I'll be sporting mine on the tank bib along with my brother's leukemia patch when it comes in.
We took a ride down the river roads today while the scenery is still nice. old man river needs to play nice and stay in his banks this year!!!

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by FlybysBlvd on 05/19/11 at 09:15:53

Those is just AWESOME -  I am still looking for some pink, being a red head I never was into pink.  ;D
I hope we hear something soon...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by webhead on 05/19/11 at 10:06:37

Scat. I feel for you. My wife had aggressive cancer. Keep on fighting. People care.  At the end of the day, hope is the only thing they can't take from you.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Southpaw on 05/19/11 at 11:34:09

Well said webhead! I'll raise a glass to hope!

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by webhead on 05/19/11 at 17:43:35

South paw, how are you going to get it stuck to the bib?

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 05/19/11 at 20:41:31

I'd recommend stitching it on. Thin leather, sews easily by hand. Any fabric store should have "outdoor" spec thread in a couple dozen colors.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Southpaw on 05/19/11 at 21:55:44

webhead, it's already attatched with velcro strips on double sided tape. I will eventually have a second vertical strip so I can interchange Skats pink ribbon, My brother's orange for leukemia and a MIA/POW patch according to the rides and if I need to get called for Patriot Guard duty. With everything off, it will look like a black seam down the center of the  leather bib. Most of the time it will have two patches on it! If I ever need to take it off permanently, the double side tape can come off leather easy enough if I take my time with it!

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by webhead on 05/19/11 at 22:01:46

Cool idea! I like it. Got to get a bib now.


Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skrapiron -FSO on 05/20/11 at 19:18:37

Oh god... I'm so sorry to hear the news....  Skat! All the best karma to you!  

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Serowbot on 05/20/11 at 20:05:21

I just found Skater's Bikepics page...
Her real first name is Katherine,  from New Bern NC, and here's another pic ...
Be well, Katherine... ;)...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 05/20/11 at 20:12:27
New additions of Pink to Genie..
Her name, bunny on tank, I took
a marker and placed "Skats" name
on the bunny. Each saddle bag
now sports a pink bow as well..
Oh and I just noticed you can
see my Pink boots I wear.. lol

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 05/20/11 at 20:55:10
This is "skat" bunny..She adorns my
handlebars. She sets nessled between
the windshield bars.
Skat rides with me everywhere I go.
She stays on the bike and gets some
very nice comments and smiles..
Go Skat go...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by webhead on 05/20/11 at 22:19:44

Nice addition of the ribbons Kim. As soon as I get a bib for my bike I'm going to put scat on it along with my friend Maryann who is battling and my wife Paula.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 05/22/11 at 18:52:47

You all have brought tears to my eyes with your kindness, emails, thoughtfulness and everything!  :-*

Yes, I am still here and RIDING when I can!  Each Friday I have chemotherapy, and then spend several days sleeping trying to regain my energy enough to go to work (have to keep the job to keep the insurance).  

I am in the middle of 24 chemo sessions, then I get evaluated for surgery, then radiation, then more chemo. Its a long haul (docs are telling me 18 mos - 2 yrs of treatments, then the 5 yr wait for any relapse).

Usually I can ride to work Weds and/or Thurs, then its more chemo and back to bed.  :(

Some experiences so far of chemo and biking...
> I've lost all my hair so my helmets are now too big ...and i wear X-Small size!  I use bandanas to keep the helmet in place now.
> My sunglasses sit funny because i have no hair and they dont fit right or stay in place now...urgh. More bandana fixing.
> Thanks to chemo, I am 18 years early into menopause and have hot flashes whist i am truly a HOT biker babe!  ;D
> Riding while undergoing treatment has been helping to keep me SANE!!  8-)

I really love the patches and pink on the bikes - I told Kim we have a cool kick-cancer posse now! WHOOT!
Love and big hugs to all of you!

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Silly Ogre on 05/22/11 at 19:01:28

Glad to see you back....

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by verslagen1 on 05/22/11 at 19:08:40

6C654948484354260 wrote:
Glad to see you back....

I'd rather talk to the front   ;D

thoughts and prayers of you skat.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 05/22/11 at 19:43:48

Hey Skat, what a very pleasant surprise..
So nice you were able to get on here and
say hi to everyone.
Will be talking to you later on..Get some rest
and ride the hell out of that bike when you can..
Hugs and all the best,, Kim and Genie.. :)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 05/22/11 at 20:45:10

Great to hear from you Skat! Lisa says she is pulling for you. I am too.

We're on the far west end of TN but if you need ANYTHING let us know. Can be all the way to the east end of NC within 8 or 9 hours.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Serowbot on 05/22/11 at 22:47:07

You made my day, Skatergirl... :-*...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by weracerc on 05/23/11 at 05:45:23

Hi Skat - glad to hear you are able to ride some. Hope you are able to keep that as a regular part of your routine throughout the treatments.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by babyhog on 05/23/11 at 05:52:02

Thanks for checking in girl!  Its great to hear that you're trying to kick this things ass!!  I know its gonna work!  
You've got some devoted friends here pulling for you.  (maybe even a stalker or two! LOL)   ;)

Best wishes!

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by drharveys on 05/23/11 at 11:10:55

Good to hear from you -- be strong (even when you don't feel like it)!

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by TheSnakeLady on 05/23/11 at 12:43:27

Awww, Skat, I'm so glad to see that you "stopped in"!  Kinda made my day!!!  Take care and just remember we're thinking of you! ;)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Boofer on 05/23/11 at 17:25:32

Skate girl! I spent $14,000 with a CSI unit trying to decipher a license plate on the white Volvo station wagon in the background of one of your photos. Glad to hear from you. I did look up your city and man, ya'll have a lot of "dress up" games. I saw someone who looked like you in the 7th regiment reenactors. Great to hear you're back on line. And no. I am not a stalker. I just like chasing clues on the net. Problem is I can't post 'em once I find them. As you can see, you got lots of folks pulling for you. Hope you are blessed with sunshine and air conditioning as needed.  :)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 05/23/11 at 17:44:47

Were a group that have come together,  as
one of our own is in a battle.
Together were going to give hope, encouragement,
love and offer as much support as we can.
Stalkers? Nahh were just the best darned group
of riders caring about one of our own..
Hang in there Skat. Hugs, kim:)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by OE on 05/23/11 at 18:09:16

My thoughts are with you and may you have a speedy recovery.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skrapiron -FSO on 05/23/11 at 18:14:55

It is great to hear from you....  All the best to you.  Strength, courage and perseverance!!!  We're all pulling for you, Skat!

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by prechermike on 05/24/11 at 03:42:13

Really glad to hear from you Skat.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by buttgoat1 on 05/24/11 at 09:05:17

glad you checked back in.
Stay strong.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Starlifter on 05/24/11 at 17:26:29

You can beat thing girl. With your will and determation, and the effects of all the latest treatment technology that mdicine can provide, plus your young age, you CAN beat this thing. My heart goes out to you.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Southpaw on 05/24/11 at 19:00:51

Great to hear from you Skat! Its wonderful that you are still riding, I can't imagine any better therapy!!!  Stay strong and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by John_D FSO on 05/24/11 at 20:47:33

524A40554F434F42210 wrote:
> Thanks to chemo, I am 18 years early into menopause and have hot flashes whist i am truly a HOT biker babe!  ;D

Hmmm... you're a lady, and you ride a bike.  I always thought that made ya a Hot Biker Babe by default! ;D ;)

Hang in there, we're all rootin' for ya! [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Skid Mark on 05/24/11 at 23:00:28

Good to hear you are hanging in there and still smiling. Be strong. You will win this fight. The fact that you are still riding while going thru this ordeal is very encouraging.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 05/27/11 at 10:52:52

Skat, wanted to tell you I was
thinking of you. Knowing that
today is your Chemo day.
Hugs gal, all the best.
One of the Pink Posse Riders. :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 05/27/11 at 23:13:48

Friday I did ride to my office for a half day of work before chemo.  :)

Bummer work day tho = Got written up for a trumped up charge, and then was told all previous written arrangments for me to have flex time to go to the doctor appointments and missing work when the chemo side effects kick in are null and void immediatley and that my hours must be back to 8AM - 5PM Mon - Friday, no more working after hours or weekends to make up my time lost from chemo.

This loss of flex time means I will no longer be able to earn my 40 hrs per week and will now be getting MUCH smaller paychecks as well as getting behind in my work and making me look incompetent.
If I quit, I lose my very good BCBS insurance.

Its obvious to me that they are harrassing me to try and get me to quit and are building a case to fire me if I dont quit.  >:(

I'm looking into NC laws abut this and may have to hire an attorney...with no funds because my med bills are so high.  :P

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Serowbot on 05/27/11 at 23:35:33

F'in bastards!...  

You're in the system, Sweety,.... to neglect your care at this point, would open them to a huge lawsuit.
Get the care you need,... rest, get strong, and let the chips fall where they may.   None of this is your fault.

I want a National Health Care for all people, so bad...
...but, that's beside the point.

You,... ...worry about nothing but getting better,.. and that's it....  
I don't think they can stop your treatment at this point.  
This may be a good thing...  Just let go of the worry about money, and heal...

I'm so sorry about this,.. but I saw it coming, it's what they do...

PS,... Know this,
I have your ribbon on my bars, Skater... and every time I get on my bike,... I touch it, and send you wellness and love.  As do many others here.

Please,... try to worry about nothing but your own health.

Serow    :-*...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by verslagen1 on 05/27/11 at 23:44:49

Sorry to hear it skat...
I think it's recommended when these issues arise to start a diary and log every thing.
And they made an agreement with you due to your illness.  To void it out now is to renege on a contract.  Check with the local cancer support group, they may offer services.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by TheSnakeLady on 05/28/11 at 04:54:37

Thats f'in bull-doodie!  GRRRR, it makes me so mad that these places do this to their once valued employees >:(.  Mabey you could contact your local news station and they could do a report on the situation.  At the very least you'd get the support of the community and the mo-fos you work for would look like poo!  Just know that we're all sending you love and hope for a speedy recovery! :-*

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 05/28/11 at 05:40:40

The veterinary practice did the same thing to my brother in law when he needed a hip replacement.

Last trucking company I worked for was notorious for getting rid of injured/sick employees.

Get hold of your local dept of health and human services (or whatever it is called there). Explain what is going on. If you are given a halfway human case worker you will get medical assistance. Try Social Security. Lisa managed to get her brother enrolled when his health deteriorated.

It is unfortunately the new American way.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 05/28/11 at 08:22:51

Skat, take the advice some here have already given you.
Their should be resources for you and use them.

With everything else that your dealing with, to have
your work place treat you like this is imo the worse
thing they could do, short of firing you.

It also shows the rest of the people that you work
with, what will happen should they ever contact
a similar or like medical problem.

How can they look themselves in the mirror?
I am so upset that they are treating you like this.

Check into legal help and their may even be someone
willing to take it on pro bono..

Just like Serowbot mentioned, he touches his pink
ribbon and sends you love and well wishes.
I as well do and keep you in my thoughts and
prayers  continously.
Please keep the positiveness you have shown. Try and
not let these greedy pricks get the best of you.
Your going to beat this. Your strong and,
you have many
here that love ya and will be with you all the way
as you go thru this battle.
Remember your not alone.
The Pink Posse rides with you..  :-* kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Trippah on 05/28/11 at 21:46:44

On your next energized day, before starting your chemo, stop by the hospital social services dept and find out about medicaid sign up requirements and unemployment/disability etc.  The snakes in your human resources department will be helping you out - right out the door!  best get prepared cause I suspect you are right...they are greeedy (pick a swear)> Keep up the good fight.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Skid Mark on 05/28/11 at 22:26:24

It is so sad that companies pull this kind of crap. I think you should find some good help with support groups at your clinic. I bet you aren't the only one who has had to deal with this kind of BS. I wish you the best of luck and a complete recovery.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 05/29/11 at 19:11:47

Thanks everyone - at work I can TOTALLY see what is coming - they have been on my case since I told them in January that I had cancer.  Thankfully I keep VERY good records, I am the HR person at work(so i know how all that works too), and I can prove they are doing all this harrassment.

It doesnt change the fact that I may soon be out of my job and insurance, but I will at least be letting them know they are going to be sorry they did this.

Currently working on getting an attorney. Already tried SS disability - got denied because I make too much $ at this job, plus and I quote, "you are too educated" with my college degree i supposedly should be able to get a job anywhere thus not need diasbilty pmts...uhhh ...right, job hunting in between my chemo and surgery? :-?

Doing major CYA at the office to prevent issues, but frankly, as my dad pointed out today, they are just waiting for me to drop a paperclip to be able to fire me.

I'll keep y'all posted. This week promises to be interesting...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 05/29/11 at 22:05:45

Skat, try and keep your chin up.
It is sad that companies now a days
have no compassion.

Keep your records and use whatever
resources you have to use.
If one door closes, another will open.
It just may be a much better door as well. :) kim

Oh by the way, we took you on a 200 mile ride today.. :)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 05/30/11 at 18:29:10

6E6C68666D776C7634050 wrote:
Skat, try and keep your chin up.
Oh by the way, we took you on a 200 mile ride today.. :)

That explains why my arse hurts today!  ;D

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Silly Ogre on 05/30/11 at 19:36:48

Skat, Good luck...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Starlifter on 05/30/11 at 19:41:27

This is just awful. Keep your chin up girl, we are ALL pulling for you. Your  friends and family are closing tightly around you in a circle of love and hope.


Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Serowbot on 05/30/11 at 22:49:47

3B23293C262A262B480 wrote:
[quote author=6E6C68666D776C7634050 link=1302966242/75#77 date=1306731945]Skat, try and keep your chin up.
Oh by the way, we took you on a 200 mile ride today.. :)

That explains why my arse hurts today!  ;D
You ran another 60 miles with me today, too...  for a French Vanilla Mocha,...
...and I have a solo seat...

No wonder yer' arse hurts... :-?...

... in my thoughts every ride...
Stay strong,

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 05/31/11 at 10:33:42

Seems Skat was busy in Wa
and Az this weekend.
Have a good week gal, get some
rest as, were going out and about
next weekend as well.. :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by weracerc on 05/31/11 at 13:27:25

yep she was there when I found the glass bricks for the scavenger hunt - she has co-piloted the last few winning hunt finds.......I am sure there is a lawyer out there ready to take your case - discrimination, harrassment - who do they think are dealing with here they should know better than screw around with the HR person like that.....someday you might just own that place!

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by drharveys on 05/31/11 at 20:45:48

I took ya to Chicago and back for the holiday weekend -- sorry, it had to be in the cage.  But at least it's a Mini-Cooper!

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 05/31/11 at 21:08:17

Skat, as you can see, were here
for you.
Your boss may not realize how
special you are, yet we do.
Hugs for a better week.. :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by arteacher on 06/01/11 at 03:53:48

When are employers going to recognize that a happy employee is a more productive one? No wonder the Japanese and Korean companies are so much more productive than ours.
My son is going through the same sort of thing where he works. He is bipolar. When they found out about his condition they started putting so much pressure on him it triggered episodes, and now he's on disability and they're trying to screw with that  >:(

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 06/01/11 at 18:17:18

Wow - mini-cooper AND MC rides everywhere ~ you guys are giving me a reputation for getting around!  ;D

Re: work = Yeah, I had a flawless work record, excellent reviews, 5 years of no problems....until I told them I have cancer. Within 3 months I've been written up twice, threatened with termination and harrassed almost daily with ridiculous issues.  They want me to quit, but no dice since I need the insurance.

Arteacher - hang in there and maybe get your son an attorney too. There are state and federal laws about illness discrimination and harrassment.

Thanks for the support & rides this week!  8-)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 06/02/11 at 17:12:21

If your arms are extremely sore tomorrow that's because you helped me rebuild my van engine and get it installed. We worked on it from 7:30 this morning till 6:00 this evening when we began running out of light.

I never knew you knew so much about a Chevy 305.  :o

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Serowbot on 06/02/11 at 18:22:46

:-? :-? :-?...

You'll be happy to know, Skater...  
I didn't bring you along to clean my BBQ grill... :-?...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by verslagen1 on 06/02/11 at 20:07:03

Here's a slogan I can get behind... err.. go along with!

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Southpaw on 06/02/11 at 21:58:16

Versi, there's a great support group of survivors in Hermann, Mo. that sponsor a ride through the fall colors in the small german town. They all ride in convertibles and call themselves, and their ride "girls with their tops down". They even have their own facebook page! Their corresponding motorcycle poker run has been dubbed "bikers for boobies" and apparently draws pretty well in the area. I've been invited to participate this year but don't have the date yet! My wife says I'm only going for the shirt.  :) Truth is, I know about a half dozen of these ladies and think the world of their courage and their optimism! Anything to get the word out and raise money to put this disease in the past is time well spent....along with girls with their tops down!  8-)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Serowbot on 06/02/11 at 22:42:50

Boobs are fine,...
...big or small, or none at all...
... as long as they're held up by a nice pair of legs...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 06/03/11 at 03:14:48

Amen Sero... Some of the nicest ladies at the clothing optional beach we used to go to had double mastectomies. Wore their scars with a great deal of pride. One of them was a whopping 26 years old, had her two little kids with her. Anyone that asked got quite a life lesson from them.

Hey Skat, wanna come respray one of my cars this summer? I've got an old custom Super Beetle we can two tone out pink and white...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 06/03/11 at 17:14:51

WD that is a great invitation to Skat..
She could then be called, "super skat."

Hey gal, wishing you a great weekend and
hope you enjoyed our little ride today.
Were going to be enjoying the sun and
ride time this weekend. So rest this
evening and be ready for me about
8 a.m. tomorrow ..Hugs, :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Silly Ogre on 06/03/11 at 19:42:21

1003470 wrote:
Amen Sero... Some of the nicest ladies at the clothing optional beach we used to go to had double mastectomies. Wore their scars with a great deal of pride. One of them was a whopping 26 years old, had her two little kids with her. Anyone that asked got quite a life lesson from them.

Hey Skat, wanna come respray one of my cars this summer? I've got an old custom Super Beetle we can two tone out pink and white...

Awesome WD...
Any woman who has had to fight this fight should hold their head very high and be proud...The beauty of a female is not about the curves...It is about the personality and confidence they have...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 06/03/11 at 22:09:51

3625610 wrote:
Amen Sero... Some of the nicest ladies at the clothing optional beach we used to go to had double mastectomies. Wore their scars with a great deal of pride. One of them was a whopping 26 years old, had her two little kids with her. Anyone that asked got quite a life lesson from them.

Hey Skat, wanna come respray one of my cars this summer? I've got an old custom Super Beetle we can two tone out pink and white...

I'm still dealing with the bald issue after having almost waist long red hair. The double masectomy is also scaring me. But knowing so many other people have managed helps.

I think Beetles are cute - and PINK and BLACK are the Suzuki kicking cancer posse colours.  Oh, and we need Hello Kitty from my bike on there too...  :D

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 06/03/11 at 22:12:36

1305120F17020F14600 wrote:
:-? :-? :-?...

You'll be happy to know, Skater...  
I didn't bring you along to clean my BBQ grill... :-?...

I dont know why not - I know more about working on THAT than the Chevy!  :D  I have tools and wire scrub brush!

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Serowbot on 06/03/11 at 23:03:07

Naa,.. it was pretty yukky...  I'll handle that one myself...

... and Skater,... your hair was just the frame,...  
I've seen your smile...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 06/04/11 at 03:48:07

Skat, your hair will come back. I would rather have
you here and no hair, then hair and no Skat..
My Grandma lost her battle with Ovarian Cancer
about 17 years ago. She gave it the best fight anyone
could have. Where Dr's gave her 3 months to live, she
went and lived almost 3 years longer.
She went thru Chemo and lost her hair twice. It grew back
and was different then before. Like babies hair almost.
Yet it came back..
She was 78 when she was diagnosed.
Yes it must take some getting used to, seeing
yourself bald however,
Serow is right, your smile, your determination your strength
to go thru what you have so far is what people see as well.
The baldness to me represents a fighter. Your a strong woman
and you will beat this. I know it in my heart.
So when you look at yourself, see a strong, determined, fighter.
Hair, heck I will tell you what I told my
Grandmother, look at all the money your saving on shampoo and
conditioner.  :) The Pink Posse rides with you as well as for you.. :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 06/04/11 at 04:33:22

Pink and black? So black seats with pink piping, black carpet with pink edging would work... Running boards are stock black...

I'll start looking, pink arctic/marine grade vinyl is hard to find.

Car is a faded out orange right now. It does already have a nice set of black spoked alloy wheels, and a SoCal style chrome delete (chrome replaced with gloss black)...

Incentive to drag it out of the barn and clean it up! It does run, just needs a battery put back in it.

Don't let a double mastectomy scare you. We're still going to harass/hit on you.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Starlifter on 06/04/11 at 17:54:19

How about "Riders for Racks"? :D

Ya know, I l LOVE the color pink...but I'm a guy...some people take that the wrong way. :-?

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 06/04/11 at 18:01:19

Today Skat and I went on a short ride.
10 miles total.
We went to the races..VARROOMMMMMM
2 of my brother n laws and family brought
their race car and motorhome over.
We had a blast at the track. Genie got alot of
admirers as well as Skat...
Pics will be coming later. Lots of different cars,
trucks and some dragsters even. Beautiful sunny
weather, in fact got a great start on my farmer's tan..:):)
Their was a 1983, 1100 Suzuki ,  that raced
He did 150 mph in matter of few seconds..

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 06/04/11 at 20:55:18

He's lucky nobody showed up with KZ1000-1200 fuelies, he'd have looked like he was going backwards. Aircooled GS is a good power platform when you can keep the carbs synched. KZ fuelies were electromechanical fuel injection...

Only supposed to hit 99F here tomorrow... Skat, I hope you aren't allergic to bees, I'm going to try and fire off the Bug in the morning...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 06/05/11 at 23:46:37

180B4F0 wrote:
Pink and black? So black seats with pink piping, black carpet with pink edging would work... Running boards are stock black...

I'll start looking, pink arctic/marine grade vinyl is hard to find.

Car is a faded out orange right now. It does already have a nice set of black spoked alloy wheels, and a SoCal style chrome delete (chrome replaced with gloss black)...

Incentive to drag it out of the barn and clean it up! It does run, just needs a battery put back in it.

Don't let a double mastectomy scare you. We're still going to harass/hit on you.

How about PINK seats with black trim? And a Hello Kitty hanging from the rearview mirror. And paint the boot PINK inside with a red fuzzy rug on the boot floor so when you open it the Bug looks like it has an open mouth with tongue sticking out... ;)
You know I wouldn't be a woman if I didnt have plenty of 'suggestions' while you are doing a project!  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 06/05/11 at 23:52:53

Kimchris got me thinking - I have indeed saved $$ on shampoo, conditioner, razors (no more shaving!), and female paper products (chemo induced early menopause) so I guess there are a "few" things to smile about... :)

As for the almost hourly hot flashes... ay yi yi - THAT i can do without in the summer!

It's fine - hair loss and related side effects means the chemo is WORKING which is the really important thing!  8-)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by prechermike on 06/06/11 at 02:25:20

716963766C606C61020 wrote:
Kimchris got me thinking - I have indeed saved $$ on shampoo, conditioner, razors (no more shaving!), and female paper products (chemo induced early menopause) so I guess there are a "few" things to smile about... :)

As for the almost hourly hot flashes... ay yi yi - THAT i can do without in the summer!

It's fine - hair loss and related side effects means the chemo is WORKING which is the really important thing!  8-)

That's tha attitude!

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Driller on 06/06/11 at 05:09:06

Dear Lady,
A few glasses of Port and tankards of ale were raised in your honor at a recent event. Thoughts of health and well being come to you from your "History" friends as well.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 06/07/11 at 02:59:16

Whatever blows your skirt up Skat... ;)

Can do whatever to that car and nobody will mind, it is a backup to a backup's backup.  ;D

Still haven't found a local source of good heavyweight interior materials. Most of the pinks are too light, color AND fabric weight.

CAN get muscle car era Panther Pink (radioactive hot pink) car paint pretty easily. Look the color up online and see what you think...

Corn is tassling out nicely, there are still eating size crappie in the pond... Shall we set a place for you at the table?

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 06/07/11 at 09:09:21

Had some friends years ago that did a small
truck for their daugher. Black with Pink pin stripe
and other type of detailing all in pink.
It looked so hot and wish I had pics to show.

I am picturing this bug all customized in the
way you and Skat are designing it..
I like the way it is going..
Great minds are working well on this.

Skat hope you can make it to sit at the
table with WD and Lisa.. Their nice folks
and besides you need to see this bug in
person.. :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Silly Ogre on 06/07/11 at 11:13:51

Ok laying down the gauntlet...I will shave my head to join Skate with the hair loss...Who else is with me?...I will post the pic also after completed...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Serowbot on 06/07/11 at 11:23:41

Yeah!...   Hoo-ah!...
You go first.............  :-?...

You're already bald,.. right?.... ;D...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Silly Ogre on 06/07/11 at 11:28:58 As a bonus I included a pic of one of my twins on their first bike...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Serowbot on 06/07/11 at 11:38:50

I knew it...
Silly Ogre,... tricks are for kids... ;D ;D ;D...

PS... get that handsome little feller some boots!... ;)...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Sunchasers on 06/07/11 at 11:56:10

Are those kiddie Crocs?  ;D   Very Cute pic BTW!

Hey Skat... another bright side is you can change your hair color and style daily if you choose!.....and no more helmet hair!  :)  My sister is halfway thru her chemo treatments now and says she can feel her hair growing back??  Didn't think that would happen so soon.

All of us siblings have been discussing "shaving" our heads in her honor.  Especially since her son's wedding is June 18th and we don't want her to be self-conscious about loosing her hair.   Could be a VERY interesting family photo opportunity!   ;D

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Silly Ogre on 06/07/11 at 12:06:24

Serow that handsome little fellow is a girl...LOL I have twin girls who just turned 4 this past weekend...I am working on the boot issue...It was partially a trick...I do keep my head shaved most of the time...But I think it would be a great show of support to have a few of us post bald pics in honor of Skate being hair free...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Serowbot on 06/07/11 at 12:12:49

Duh!... (headslap!)...
That explains the pink shoes...
I'm such a dope...  :-?...

Sorry sweetheart... it's that cool riding gear that fooled me... ;)...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by TheSnakeLady on 06/07/11 at 13:39:57

Idk about shaving my head but how's this?

Oh and yes, that IS a ghostbusters shirt I'm wearing!  Yes I know I rock! ;)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 06/07/11 at 14:54:57

Silly Ogre and The Snake Lady, great ideas..
I acutaly have given this some thought myself.
Afterall it will grow back.. Still thinking about it..

About 8 years ago one of the guys I used to
work with, his Grandson contacted Leukemia.
Lost his hair, so the Grandpa went and had his'
hair shaved off as showing support for the Grandson.

Yes I noticed the Pink Crocks and thought soo cute.
Figured she was a girl. Great pics by the way..
Wow twin girls, can't wait for the posts in about 8
more years... ;D ;D ;D kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Silly Ogre on 06/07/11 at 16:05:11

Snakelady Awesome and yes you do rock....

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by John_D FSO on 06/07/11 at 16:57:39

09002C2D2D2631430 wrote:
Ok laying down the gauntlet...I will shave my head to join Skate with the hair loss...Who else is with me?...I will post the pic also after completed...

Well, I didn't shave my head, but last week I took about 13" off to donate, which would be enough to leave some people bald. ;D  Used to be down to my beer gut (although I don't drink :-/), now just down to my shoulders.  MUCH less hassle when I go riding. :D

Before and after pics:

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 06/07/11 at 17:08:44

Had mine cut already and started growing it out for another donate cycle. But, if Skat would like black/brown/grey/silver, I can grow it back and cut it for her... Suppose I can ditch the SS officer's cut and get a buzz cut, but none of my helmets will fit.

Well crap, I can't find the photo now. There is an old thread that has before and after from when I had it cut in 07. Serious metal head hair.

Lisa made her Dad take the Bug battery out of the Kubota today. And they started tilling for fall squash/pumpkins, a 4th variety of sweet corn (burgundy kernels) and fall salad stuff (greens, lettuce, cabbage, etc). We have somewhere in the vicinity of 100 heirloom tomatoes, they are very good for chemo patients... A/C at the guest facilities confirmed working...

I'll start stockpiling Bug customizing supplies when I get a couple checks under my belt. Have some back bills to kill off.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 06/07/11 at 18:32:56

70465D58585146340 wrote:
Dear Lady,
A few glasses of Port and tankards of ale were raised in your honor at a recent event. Thoughts of health and well being come to you from your "History" friends as well.

AWESOME - thanks!  :)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 06/07/11 at 18:37:51

545D7170707B6C1E0 wrote:
As a bonus I included a pic of one of my twins on their first bike...

Whats totally COOL is that you can see she is SMILING even with all that helmet going on!  :)

And I want to put pink in my hair when it comes back like Snakelady - whoot!  8-)

And WD - sounds like a great meal in the making  :)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Starlifter on 06/07/11 at 19:50:27

Hey, why not post in pink for Skat on this thread. :D

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Serowbot on 06/07/11 at 21:44:33


;D ;D ;D...

Keep fighting, Skatergirl... :-*...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by drharveys on 06/08/11 at 13:12:25

OK, now that smiles have been mentioned, a moment of seriousness.

Mouth care for chemo (and several other drug regimes):

You're going to have some really dry mouth -- that can lead to major dental problems in a hurry.  So keep up the oral hygiene!  You may need to shift products -- a lot of the mint flavors and "tartar control" ingredients can be irritating and painful to dry, fragile tissue.  Also, use saliva substitutes.  It's not just the liquid part that's lost, it's also the "snotty" part that's suppressed by the chemo.  And see if you can get a scrip for some high fluoride toothpaste.  

OK, professional rant is over -- let's ride!

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Serowbot on 06/08/11 at 13:15:42

Snotty part?...  
Thanks Doc,...  :P...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by babyhog on 06/08/11 at 13:16:55

5A4C565F4C485B474D3E0 wrote:
OK, now that smiles have been mentioned, a moment of seriousness.

Mouth care for chemo (and several other drug regimes):

You're going to have some really dry mouth -- that can lead to major dental problems in a hurry.  So keep up the oral hygiene!  You may need to shift products -- a lot of the mint flavors and "tartar control" ingredients can be irritating and painful to dry, fragile tissue.  Also, use saliva substitutes.  It's not just the liquid part that's lost, it's also the "snotty" part that's suppressed by the chemo.  And see if you can get a scrip for some high fluoride toothpaste.  

OK, professional rant is over -- let's ride!

Interesting info, doc.  I surely never thought about it before.  

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Southpaw on 06/08/11 at 15:05:32

Skat, your patch took a 100 mile ride with me through the Missouri River bottom lands today. Always gets a few looks and a chance to remind folks its time to beat this thing! Mighty pretty country, but the river's getting a little too close to the edge of its banks. That little bike still SINGS at 65mpg!  ;)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 06/09/11 at 19:00:08

485E444D5E5A49555F2C0 wrote:
OK, now that smiles have been mentioned, a moment of seriousness.

Mouth care for chemo (and several other drug regimes)...
OK, professional rant is over -- let's ride!

Thank you for caring enough to post this because I do know people who were never told and had dental issues LONG after the cancer was kicked.

In my case I have an AWESOME dentist whom I went and saw right before my chemo started for a full review, cleaning and a presciption for that special toothpaste. He also gave me a special toothbrush with super super soft side bristles that do not irritate the gums.

As a result of using those items and drinking LOTS of water, even by my bed at night, things have been very good with my mouth and teeth.

I have my 6 month appointment in August, and they said if I need to come in earlier with any problems, to just walk in. They also said they can make flouride trays if things get bad (which they have not thankfully!).
I am grateful that I have a dentist like you who thinks of these things BEFORE they get to be an issue.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 06/09/11 at 19:02:57

7B475D5C4058495F280 wrote:
Skat, your patch took a 100 mile ride with me through the Missouri River bottom lands today. Always gets a few looks and a chance to remind folks its time to beat this thing! Mighty pretty country, but the river's getting a little too close to the edge of its banks. That little bike still SINGS at 65mpg!  ;)

WHOOT - awesome!  8-)
I actually RODE today! This is the first time this week - I've been having trouble with anemia and fatigue; not a good combo for riding.
It felt great to be out and I hope you all had some fun too. I dont know about y'all but it was 100 degrees humid here today....I kept moving just to stay cool!

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 06/09/11 at 19:05:01

7773717F2C282A1A0 wrote:
God bless you Skat, you certainly do have a battle on your hands.  I don't know what else to do but offer encouraging words, prayer, and tote the pink.    

If anyone is interested in wearing a pink silicone wristband debossed with "Skat" let me know.  I can get them to you for $2 each if I order ten.   ( )
Also, 2"X4" pink ribbon magnets for the scooter with "Skat" printed on them for $5 if I order ten.  ( )
Those were the best prices that I could find on personalized items and wanted to ask all of you before ordering my own.  ---Scroop        

I want a wristband - is it too weird for me to wear one too? I just love the idea, it promotes awareness and of course...its PINK!  :D

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by webhead on 06/09/11 at 19:15:54

No it's not Skat. I wear one with my wife's name on it.  There is nothing wrong with it.

And yes it promotes awareness.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 06/09/11 at 19:22:55

Okay, high five to ya then.

As for you Mr burned leg; if you can, get the Tefla pads (non-stick) to use so that your pants do not rub on the burn and irriate it.
You can coat the burn with aloe, then tape the Tefla pad in place and it should stay all day.
Careful in the shower - dont run hot water over the burn.
Shave your leg around the burn so the tape doesnt rip it out when you change bandages.
I'm probably sounding like a mom now...sorry!  ;)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by webhead on 06/09/11 at 19:27:10

No, just someone who cares. I have the tefla pads and have been using them. The aloe too but the neosprin works better and vitamin E.

How do you know I have hair? I just did some serious manscaping. hhahahah!  ;D

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by drharveys on 06/10/11 at 09:16:54

...and don't forget the Viagra at bedtime.  Keeps the sheets off of the burned area.   ;D

(Sorry, couldn't resist...)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by webhead on 06/10/11 at 14:48:02

47514B425155465A50230 wrote:
...and don't forget the Viagra at bedtime.  Keeps the sheets off of the burned area.   ;D

(Sorry, couldn't resist...)

Hahah. Don't need those Harvey but thanks.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by verslagen1 on 06/11/11 at 07:20:33

I hope you don't mind, I split off the bracelet replies into a separate thread.


Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 06/11/11 at 07:38:10

Great Idea Verslagen1. Thank you.. :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 06/11/11 at 08:21:38

Skat, great to hear you got a ride in.In that heat. 100 that is just plain HOT.. :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 06/11/11 at 14:50:22

100 degrees outside is 10 degrees hotter than is safe to repaint the Savage OR the Beetle... >:(

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 06/11/11 at 19:22:54

yeah, you know its going to be a hot day when its 85 at 6 AM.  However, its cooled down - today was only 90 - !

We are needing rain badly, and yet my friends in PA and up that way are flooded.

The dust and smoke from nearby forest fires here is bad - I have to wipe the bike down just like spring with the pollen.  :P

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 06/11/11 at 20:01:38

Rained here tonight, heat wave broke yesterday. I guess Dixieland had a fever.

At least it washed the bike and the pickup for me. Thought I had a tan Ranger, it is actually metallic burgundy.  ;D

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by scroop on 06/12/11 at 06:06:14

6D7E6968777A7C7E752A1B0 wrote:
I hope you don't mind, I split off the bracelet replies into a separate thread.


Thanks Verslagen1 :)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by scroop on 06/12/11 at 06:07:41

77617B726165766A60130 wrote:
...and don't forget the Viagra at bedtime.  Keeps the sheets off of the burned area.   ;D

(Sorry, couldn't resist...)

You're nuts ... I mean crazy!

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 06/13/11 at 00:38:23

I want to thank all of you that have posted in
this thread.
Thank you for adding Pink to your bikes and
taking the time to take and share photos.
Serowbot, special thanks for that great video
you did for Skat, Skatergirl.  :-*
Scroop, special thanks to you as well for sharing
the opportunity for us to have the ribbons and
bracelets with Skats's name on them.  :-*
Thier will definetly be a donation going to the clinic.

Skat, rest and hopefully the jerks at work realize just
what your going thru and back off..
Don't overdo yourself and keep posting as much as
your energy level permits.  Sorry to sound like a Mom
here, yet want to make sure you don't over tire yourself. :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 06/13/11 at 16:19:05

thanks Kim, and to ALL of you - it makes a difference to know there are people who care.

On a side note - my dad and I met with an employment law specialist attorney to deal with the harrassment at my office.  The atty thinks I need to get a severance package and just get the heck out of there because the stress level is too high and they keep telling me I need to focus on getting well.

Its been difficult to focus on 'me' and taking it easier (not running ALL the time like i am used to) I'm not used to slowing down or slacking on taking care of business for anything, and I know many of you are the same way based on how you talk about taking care of your families and stuff.

Who knew cancer was going to be such a pain in the arse because you have to go SLOWER!? :P

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 06/13/11 at 16:54:48

If they nut up and offer you a severance, take it.

Say the word and I'll get some hot pink linens for the guest quarters. Once you are in remission I'm sure you'll want to make up some lost miles. Heck, I'll even repaint one of the comfortable chairs for you.  ;)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 06/13/11 at 17:59:55

Hey Skat, WD had a great idea...
My home is open to you to visit
anytime. Us gals will have one hell
of a good time..
I would be honored to have you
visit as well as be able to give you
"Skat Bunny" in person, to take
back home with you..
You tell those jerks at work what they
can do with themselves. Your health is
more important. Your going to get thru
this and were going to be with you every
step of the way. Remember your a strong,
determined woman. Oh and being a Red head
just makes you even more determined.. ;) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by r4fun on 06/13/11 at 19:23:12

Chin up fight with the F... cancer!

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 06/14/11 at 03:24:34

Lisa said to tell you to get your chest tattooed post-op. Skip reconstruction, grow your hair back out and fly your scars proudly. Topless, gets people thinking.

She also said to pass on how proud she is of you.

She's had several skin cancers removed, had an IBC scare about 5 years ago (turned out to be an infection, but the docs were freaking out until the biopsy results came back).

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 06/14/11 at 19:40:18

Looks like my first tattoos are going to be radiation markers. Bummer; thosoe radiology guys have NO imagination, its just single dots...boooring.  ::)

As for topless; yeah, I thought about that - Guys go out topless, so the boobs must be the issue.  Therefore if i dont have boobs then theoretically i should be able to go out in public without a shirt on right?  :o

And Kim, you know that redheads know the fastest way to a mans heart? is thru his ribcage....old one but still funny! ;D

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 06/14/11 at 22:20:08

Skat, funny and yet I have to admit to never hearing it..
Thanks for sharing though..

I have seen pics of the dots from the radiation. Little black
polka dots is what they remind me of.

You have many friends here that are going to continue
to be with you each and every step as you go thru this.
Hugs to you gal.  Get some rest.. :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Sunchasers on 06/14/11 at 22:28:47

4E565C49535F535E3D0 wrote:
As for topless; yeah, I thought about that - Guys go out topless, so the boobs must be the issue.

I dunno Skat.... some guys have rather abundant "man-boobs" that should not be seen.  :o    ;)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by John_D FSO on 06/14/11 at 23:20:42

7E6873797F1A0 wrote:
[quote author=4E565C49535F535E3D0 link=1302966242/150#152 date=1308105618]As for topless; yeah, I thought about that - Guys go out topless, so the boobs must be the issue.

I dunno Skat.... some guys have rather abundant "man-boobs" that should not be seen.  :o    ;)[/quote]
Hey, have you been peeking? :-?

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Sunchasers on 06/15/11 at 07:25:16

4057565C5751590500030200320 wrote:
[quote author=7E6873797F1A0 link=1302966242/150#154 date=1308115727][quote author=4E565C49535F535E3D0 link=1302966242/150#152 date=1308105618]As for topless; yeah, I thought about that - Guys go out topless, so the boobs must be the issue.

I dunno Skat.... some guys have rather abundant "man-boobs" that should not be seen.  :o    ;)[/quote]
Hey, have you been peeking? :-?[/quote]

Nope... all I gotta do is look in the mirror in the morning!  :-/

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 06/16/11 at 03:28:25

I resemble that remark... :-[

I've never understood the American prude level. You don't really find that in civilized countries (Nordic, Celtic, Germanic heritage). Heck, in The People's Republic of Oregon, the game/fish dept and the state parks dept run nude friendly parks/beaches... Seattle has several common knowledge naturist/nudist friendly public beaches, they aren't officially recognized but they exist.

Here in the Bible Belt I've seen cops try to ride lewd conduct or public indecency tickets to breastfeeding mothers.

Doesn't make sense, social/home nudity isn't a sexual turn on for most
of the populace. Everyone has nipples (with a few exceptions), what is the big deal?

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by babyhog on 06/16/11 at 10:51:35

"Thru his ribcage"   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   I'm lovin' that one.

And WD, I know what you're saying... but really... its just better to keep the vast majority of bodies covered up, ain't it?!  

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Serowbot on 06/16/11 at 11:21:42

Is it a tad nipply in here,... or is it just me?.... :-?...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 06/16/11 at 12:32:04

National Topless Day for Skat...
I'm for it...:) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 06/16/11 at 16:31:40

National Nude Day is generally July 14th if I recall correctly...

Pond has cleared up, so, I guess I'll host.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 06/16/11 at 16:56:05

Yeppers, July 14, Seems I won't be packing much.. ;)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 06/16/11 at 17:16:19

If you all want to see WHY most people should NOT be going topless or any other 'less' then check out the "People of Walmart" website...

i have zero issues with nudity since i was raised on the Continent and didnt come back stateside until i was 16.  But i also dont think i need to be subjected to gross indecency. If you got it, flaunt it - if not, be respectful of others eyeballs!  :D

as for moi - well, its hot enough here now to go topless, so i am. Inside MY house. Might upgrade that to more after the bilateral...we shall see.  ;)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 06/17/11 at 15:15:02

Haven't been back to a civilized country for awhile hey Skat? Even in Europe now the trend is for regular everyday people to partake of the beaches (and in Germany the public parks).

Ditto the beach we liked in Portland Oregon, just regular folks, most of them your standard out of shape Americans. A few families, a few gay (either sex) couples, lots of singles (both sexes). Public indecency has a few different meanings, but at THAT beach fooling around would get you in a LOT of trouble. Unlike the state park beach east of town, open air swinger's market... in a swampy garbage strewn patch of sandbar. Bleeaaahhhhh... :-X

Oh, and at either beach if you were caught being an "Uncle Chester" (pedophilic tendencies) you would be killed (as it should be).

First batch of sweet corn is almost ready to pick (some is already). It is 100 degrees again... No more water moccasins...  No more snapping turtles...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 06/18/11 at 01:43:07

Right now I am on multiple chemo related meds that prohibit my being out in the sun at all for some time.  So I've missed a good deal of chances to lay out in my private backyard, a temporary set back to be sure.  8-)

We've had a drought here - not enough rain to get the sweet corn going unless you irrigate, and not enough rain to do that well. My basil is going well, but thats about it...pesto it is then!

Only rode ONCE this week due to chemo issues...urgh! (i usually commute to work on the MC< but lately Dad has been driving me  :()

However, got on a new med today that seems to be helping a LOT, so tomorrow i may be out on Suzi just for FUN for the first time in a loooong time!  8-)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 06/18/11 at 15:35:24

Driving is bad for your stress level. So let your dad tote you around.

You can have some of our rain, I got the riding mower and cart stuck last night toting aged manure to the late corn patch. Rained like mad this afternoon too, Max is in the barn and isn't happy about it. He won't stand under his tree in a downpour (smart considering the lightning). And the rain has been really cold with a lot of high winds. We are still under severe thunderstorm warnings until at least 5 pm today.

Tomatos and bell peppers are setting fruit/coloring up. Muscadines are swelling up. Come over next month and we'll get a few gallons of wine started (I don't drink the stuff, more for you and Lisa I guess). Local peaches come in mid-July, early melons should be coming in too.

Early corn needs to hurry up so I can pull the stalks and put in fall crops. Various salad/cooking greens, carrots, etc.

Oh, we have places here that never see direct sunlight, so, nice try... ;)

And I haven't ridden in going on a year.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 06/19/11 at 08:11:40

Hey Skat, how's the new med working? Did it allow you to get out
on Suzi?
I wanted to thank you for the Link of knowledge, the IBC link that is.
I have been reading all about IBC.
This will help many of us to know what to look for not only for ourselves, yet for our loved ones.
Without this information, I would still be in the dark about this.
Your making a difference, perhaps not even realizing you are.
Hugs for a better day than yesterday.. :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 06/21/11 at 00:02:01

New meds working on the hand and feet pain so I have been able to do more - flip side is my sleep schedule is totally wonked!

Very glad to hear that IBC is a learning expereince - its rare, but if it is caught early, it is treatable.

Looking forward to seeing the Skat pink items soon - thank you all!

Ride safe.  :)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 06/21/11 at 18:09:11

Today I took you on a beautiful ride. We rode some twisties
and even opened Genie up...VARROOMMMMM...
Skat was having a blast.. We waved to several other riders
along the way..
Managed to find ourselves over by Hubby's work place. Waited
about 15 mins and then were able to ride home together..

I think the sun shone brighter and the temps were warmer just
because Skat Bunny was out.. :) kim

I can't wait to add the Pink that is coming in the mail..:) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 06/21/11 at 18:16:20

Thanks for the ride Kim - looks like it may be the only one I get for awhile! Have to go back to my 'virtual ride' and do mountain twisties to cool off!

Work has been NUTS and I have yet to ride this week - temps over 100 BEFORE the heat index is calculated.  Constant movement is the only way to survive on the MC, and my commute is too many traffic lites and stops on steaming black asphalt...ugh!  :P

This weekend I go to Philly (on the train!) for final testing before surgery is scheduled. May not be able to check in to the forum until late next week when I get back, so dont worry if you dont hear from me....just giving a heads-up since last time I was off for a bit and all sorts of things got started!  :D

Thank you to those who have donated to Fox Chase Cancer Center - they did notify me that they are receiving donations and they are grateful too!  :)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 06/21/11 at 18:27:51

Thanks for the heads up gal. You know we send you
with our prayers and love.
I will ride as often as I can for you as many others will
as well. Your getting so many rides in, your arse should
have calluses.. lol..
Donating money for such a worthy cause, is money well
spent. Let's all hope there is a cure found soon.
Many hugs gal, :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 06/22/11 at 03:24:55

Skat, you do what you need to do and we'll be here when you are able to get back on the forum.

Let us know if you need anything, and I do mean anything.  

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Skid Mark on 06/22/11 at 17:26:46

Have a good trip. It is good to see you are keeping a positive state of mind. I wish you all the best for your treatments and surgery.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 06/26/11 at 08:01:09

Will be adding more pink to Genie soon..
Skat post when your back and feeling well.
Hugs and you know we care about you. :) hugs, kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 06/30/11 at 13:30:09

Let's all light  fireworks on the 4th for Skat as well
as anyone else that is fighting cancer.
Hugs Skat, :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Southpaw on 06/30/11 at 19:05:47

Skat's patch was front and center with me at the local CMA bike show this weekend. No trophy, but lots of good comments and a few "D@mn, I can't believe that's a Savage" head shakes. The CMA folk were very supportive of the meaning behind the patch so I'm sure your message got out and probably a few extra prayers sent your way! Took the long way home to end a beautiful Sunday afternoon here in river country!  8-)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 07/01/11 at 20:28:10

We need a "LIKE" button on the forum - there are so many times when i read a post and just want to say  "cool - thanks and i like it!"

And Happy American War of Independence Day to those who celebrate it...silly ex-Colonists use any excuse for a PARTY!  ;)  ;D

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by joscswny on 07/02/11 at 03:57:08

My ancestors and cousins have been fighting for Independence for over 800 years.  Someday they may get it right and there will be a free and united Ireland.  I know they will get the Celebration right because they have been practicing with us Yanks for over 200 years.  

Happy Birthday, USA.

Writing in pink so I’m not hi-jacking?  ;)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 07/02/11 at 05:16:25

You don't celebrate it either hey Skat? Lisa's family includes 2 signers of the declaration, mine includes Hessian mercenaries... ;D

Fireworks are illegal here... so I dug out some 20+ year old shot shells.  ;)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 07/02/11 at 21:57:01

Re: Celebrating the Colonies Independence:

Well its complicated...
My mom is a professional geneologist so I get lots of stories and graveyard visits. She tells me my family came over from Ireland (joscswny - yes I know RIGHT!?) around 1690 and more in 1710.

It seems a goodly number of my ancestors fought for the rebel side during the American Revolution.  How much of that was actually patriotic, and how much was self preservation is up for debate.

They settled along the new frontier line - which happend to be where the British engaged the natives (Indians) to harrass the settlers there.  Near where my family settled in PA is a place called Burnt Cabins...a little reminder of things past but not forgotten.

Leap forward 300 years and you get moi, who always interested in lesser known parts of history, decided to take the path less traveled and joined a BRITISH unit of reenactors to portray how the other side worked, lived, felt and struggled during the revolution.

My mother at first said my ancestors were probably rolling over in their graves....until further research showed at least two instances of my family members who decided the rebels were crazy to oppose the Crown and assisted the redcoats instead.

Soooo....while I give a nod to the Colonists for their coup, i certainly don't totally agree with how things worked out in the long run, and believe that if Britian had not been so tied up and spread out fighting with Spain, France and other issues, Americans might still be celebrating the Queens Birthday with more enthusiasum than July 4th.

Just my humble opinion.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 07/02/11 at 22:01:28

By the way....that also does not mean I don't fraternize with the rebels... ;)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Serowbot on 07/02/11 at 22:26:22

... are those authentic Nazi colonial helmets?...

Very rare...

Happy 4th, Skater...;)...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 07/03/11 at 03:59:45

Nice Drifter.

I look at the 4th the same way I do other major holidays. Overpriced and without much of it's original meaning left.

Best thing about the 4th for me? Kick off day for International Nude Recreation Week.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 07/03/11 at 19:43:07

7B6D7A677F6A677C080 wrote:
... are those authentic Nazi colonial helmets?...

Very rare...

Happy 4th, Skater...;)...

Actually the one Matt is wearing IS an original. Mine was his spare which is just a copy. We were at a reenacment at Montpelier VA.
He's also wearing the Continental Army uniform whilst I am in my riding habit skirt and wearing the British 64th of Foot regimental coat.

We had a fun trip into town to pick up the beer!!  :D

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 07/12/11 at 20:13:09

Hey Skat, as your surgery gets a little closer, I wanted
to tell you a little story of survival.
Today I met 2 women who are BC survivors.
Both women are happy and lead very active
lives. One is even a new Mom.. Her baby is
about 7 months old. She is a young gal as
was 20 when she was diagnosed. She had
Triple Negative, BC. She said that is the 2nd most
aggressive fom of BC.
She told me of how her daughter who is 5
helped her shave her hair off when it started
falling out. Her hair has now grown back and is
so beautiful.
Her baby is so cute and she calls him her miracle
baby as wasn't sure she would be able to have
another baby with having the Chemo and all.
I told them your story and they wish you well.
Later I will tell you how I happened to come into
contact with them.
Both women lost their breasts to the cancer yet
have new girls and are very happy to be alive and
love sharing the fact that their survivors.
The younger gal is even training for the Susan G. Koman
3 day, 60 mile walk that will be held in Seattle in September.

Get thru the surgery and recovery. Your going to make it and
be able to share your survival story as well.
It won't be long and your hair will be back as beautiful if not
more beautiful than before.
Hugs and prayers to you. :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 07/13/11 at 18:08:52

Thank you Kim!

I am scared about surgery, mostly because I've never HAD surgery before.  :P

Thank you for the life-affirming story. Will keep it in mind in the coming weeks.  :)

Everyone ride safe!

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by drharveys on 07/13/11 at 19:55:06

0C1F5B0 wrote:
Fireworks are illegal here... so I dug out some 20+ year old shot shells.  ;)

Alton IL usually does their fireworks on the Mississippi River on July 3.  There's a bunch of recreational boaters anchored on the Missouri side.  Being able to get that close to the professional pyrotechnics pretty much takes away any urge to set off the little ones.

Of course, all of my outdated boat flares seem to be gone by the 4th.  ;D

Unfortunately, last year and this year we've had flooding on the 3rd and can't get to the marina...   :'(

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 07/14/11 at 00:53:48

@ DrHarveys - there is something fundamentally wrong when you cant get to your boat because of .....deep WATER.   ;D  ;D

That being said, I once waded thru knee deep water IN THE DARK to get to a friends boat - and I was still dressed up from work!  

Drove almost to the marina and found the high water. Parked the car and took my shoes and panyhose off, tucked things into my purse and strode in, scared of snakes and what i could not see. The marina lights were far off down the road and around a bend!

I got there, and we had a nice dinner by candle light on the sailboat, but I remember the wading more than the dinner!  :D

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 07/15/11 at 02:45:05

Don't have to worry about flooding with our sail boat... wasps, hornets, copperheads and rose bush thorns... Not sure how long it has been parked in the implement yard.  ;D It's full of water, hatch cover leaks. I should drain it, put it in the pond, and sink it as a reef...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 07/15/11 at 05:28:07

Skat your one brave woman. I HATE snakes and the
thought of wading thru water and knowing they were
there, might be a deterent for me. Yet then again sounds
like you had a great reason to wade thru the water.
Did you have to wade back, or was your friend able to
take the boat closer to shore for your departure?
Yep your a brave gal.. hugs, :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Red_Wine on 07/15/11 at 13:09:51

7F676D78626E626F0C0 wrote:
@ DrHarveys - there is something fundamentally wrong when you cant get to your boat because of .....deep WATER.   ;D  ;D

That being said, I once waded thru knee deep water IN THE DARK to get to a friends boat - and I was still dressed up from work!  

Drove almost to the marina and found the high water. Parked the car and took my shoes and panyhose off, tucked things into my purse and strode in, scared of snakes and what i could not see. The marina lights were far off down the road and around a bend!

I got there, and we had a nice dinner by candle light on the sailboat, but I remember the wading more than the dinner!  :D

Did you end up marrying the guy?? Wading waters with snakes and only God knows what else... the prize must have been worth it... ;)  ;D


Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 07/15/11 at 20:00:09

No I did not marry him - but we remain very good friends to this day.

Other stuff per request ~
I will be at:
Fox Chase Cancer Center
333 Cottman Ave.
Philadelphia PA 19111

Checking in July 22 for surgery that day
possible check out Monday July 25
going straight into American Cancer Society free lodging for patients:
Hope Lodge
110 W. Laurel Ave.
Philadelphia PA 19012

THANK YOU for all the support.  :)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Sunchasers on 07/15/11 at 22:17:43

Wishing you all the best during your surgery and God's speed in recovery!   :)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Serowbot on 07/15/11 at 22:56:04

Marked my calender,..  I will be focused on you that day,...
Pink ribbon in hand...
Be calm,... be confident...

So many caring people here will be sending their thoughts...

I'm beyond sad,.. I'm totally pissed that this is happening to you...
Life's not fair,..
You be calm, and peaceful... be thinking good thoughts...
I'll be angry enough for both of us... I promise...
I will anger it away for you,... so you can focus on healing....

Serow... ;)...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by on 07/16/11 at 03:27:02


Like Serowbot, I have marked my calendar.  I have been through three open heart surgeries, and know how much anxiety you can feel before.  But I also know that you get through, and then the work begins. No advice, just good wishes, and love.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 07/16/11 at 21:23:03

Skat, You know from our
talks, that I am here. Your
going to get thru this and
again recover 100%. Their
will be "NED" for you soon.
I will be wearing all Pink for
sure on the 22nd.
If weather permits I will even
do a ride with "Skat Bunny."
Hugs gal and try and rest
before the surgery..
All my best to you.. :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 07/17/11 at 11:59:34

Putting the addresses up was a good thing, but how can we send you cards if you didn't put YOUR name in the post?

I don't think "Attn: Crazy Biker Chick from North Carolina" will cut it in the address... ;D

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Serowbot on 07/17/11 at 12:28:56

Not sure that would be safe for a young woman on the internet... :-?...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by on 07/17/11 at 12:34:18

I kind of like the "Crazy Biker Chick from North Carolina".  I bet the folks at Hope Lodge will be able to figure it out and get the cards to her.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 07/17/11 at 14:16:34

Crazy Biker Chick from North Carolina    :D

Actually I quite LIKE that...! Oh well, probably not the BEST way to get things delivered.  If you think the USPS is bad, try the hospital mail system.... ::)

Due to privacy issues I have not posted my real name on the forum. However, if you are so inclined as to send something, it can be directed to SKAT at the previously mentioned addresses.
I will alert the front desk about the name.

We shall see how that works....alternately I could go by "Mrs. Flintstone" or some other moniker to elude stalkers and hackers... 8-)
(I always thought Wilma was too cool for Fred...)  ;D

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 07/17/11 at 14:20:36

565443505D551F594456595442310 wrote:

Like Serowbot, I have marked my calendar.  I have been through three open heart surgeries, and know how much anxiety you can feel before.  But I also know that you get through, and then the work begins. No advice, just good wishes, and love.

Geez - my surgery seems tame by comparison! Thanks for the kind wishes Gerald....will try and keep calm, carry on, etc.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Serowbot on 07/17/11 at 15:46:45

342C263329252924470 wrote:
[quote author=565443505D551F594456595442310 link=1302966242/195#195 date=1310812022]Skat,

Like Serowbot, I have marked my calendar.  I have been through three open heart surgeries, and know how much anxiety you can feel before.  But I also know that you get through, and then the work begins. No advice, just good wishes, and love.

Geez - my surgery seems tame by comparison! Thanks for the kind wishes Gerald....will try and keep calm, carry on, etc.
Jerry now has a zipper installed to make things easier... ;D...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by drharveys on 07/17/11 at 20:53:46

Hopefully this nasty heat wave will be over by the time you're healed up and riding again!

All the best -- successful surgery, a speedy recovery and NO MORE CANCER!

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 07/18/11 at 02:24:31

I knew you'd make some kind of alternate arrangements with the front desk.

Try not to let the surgery freak you out too bad. After my back surgeries (2003 and 2004)  I was told I'd never ride a motorcycle or drive a semi again. I've been back in the saddle off and on since late 2004, back in a big rig off and on since 2007. I ignore the 35# permanent weight restriction as well, unless it suits me at the time to follow it.  ;) Kept me from having to take some jobs I really didn't want once we got back down here.

If you don't feel like typing for awhile post-op, give me a shout, be glad to post updates for you.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Southpaw on 07/18/11 at 10:30:28

Skat, your story and courage are heartening to those of us with family fighting cancer. You've got a great attitude and I thank you for sharing. You and my brother are in my family's prayers daily!  Wishing you the very best. Successful surgery and full recovery. NO MORE CANCER!!! Godspeed!

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Serowbot on 07/18/11 at 12:14:42

2B33392C363A363B580 wrote:
(I always thought Wilma was too cool for Fred...)  ;D

Strange,.... I always thought Wilma was too hot for Fred....
.... and Betty?,... fuggetaboudit...
Pebbles and BamBam seem like the most stable matched couple...  

I may have over-thought this....   ... or maybe I should write a paper?...
The Interrelational Dynamics and Their Representative Physiological Animations in Stoneage Cartoon Bedrock...

TIDATRPAISCB,.. for short...  :-/...

Better yet,... I'll title it....  Wilma and Betty: Hot or Not?...  :-?...  

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 07/18/11 at 21:29:20

Okay - KimChris an PrecherMike should be able to post updates whilst i am 'vacationing' in the land of the Liberty Bell.

Wilma rocks, but I get the feeling Betty was smarter...after all, she chose the more intelligent guy!  :D

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by joscswny on 07/19/11 at 04:33:34


I’ve had two shoulder operations in the past 3 years.  Doc told me I would never raise my arms as high as my shoulders and now I am taking PBR’s off the top shelf of the fridge.

The doctor’s pep talk will scare the bejeezus out of you.  The operation will scare the bejeezus out of you.  Everything and everyone around you will scare the bejeezus out of you.  Then you wake up and think there was a truck using you for speed bump testing and you are really pissed nobody warned you about that part.  Inconsiderate of them but its enough incentive to get you well enough to stand up and poke ‘em in the eye.  After that I expect you will be dreaming of moto runs in the crisp and colorful autumn air.

Everyone here is giving you all the power and energy they can generate.  Take it to ‘em, SKAT, and when you need reinforcement we are here, call us.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Arnold on 07/19/11 at 07:34:00

PBR is Pabst Blue Ribbon?

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by joscswny on 07/19/11 at 10:41:57

PBR oh yuh Pabst Blue Ribbon

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Sunchasers on 07/19/11 at 11:36:20

Pabst was the beer of choice in my family when I was a kid, I was weened on it, but doesn't it also stand for Professional Bull Riding?? :)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Arnold on 07/19/11 at 11:48:45

Exactly, that's what google came back with, but who keeps a bull rider in their fridge?

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 07/19/11 at 14:53:07

The quack shack will make the operation sound awful. It won't be.

They won't won't won't even so much as hint about post-op... If you aren't allergic to morphine ( I am, made 2 back surgeries and shoulder rebuilding a real treat) accept the morphine drip. If you don't need it, great.

Better yet, ask them for liquid Demerol or Dilaudid. You'll still be a bit sore, but you won't care. And they are nowhere near as addictive.

And don't let them use so called Steri-strips on you. My first back surgery got infected because of those things. Make them use staples or stitches and REGULAR medical tape (it breathes) and gauze.

A proper southern supper is on us when you are able to get out and about and ready to make up some lost riding time.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by skatnbnc on 07/19/11 at 19:50:32

Ohhh yeah - I am ALL about the post-op drugs. Thankfully I have no issues with addictions, and in fact have weaned myself off the oxycontin multiple times with no issues.

KimChris YOU ROCK!  I love love love the blankie and I have already packed it to go with to PA tomorrow!  I had a hard time keeping Toby off it long enough to snap the photo!  Please tell little "L" thank you for th bear - I love that too and it is packed as well into the pink pillowcase. Hugs!

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by verslagen1 on 07/19/11 at 21:35:16

with that care package, you ought to be the envy of the hospital.
just proves... the gals on this forum are above and beyond.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 07/19/11 at 21:42:55

Skat, I am so pleased to hear that
the quilt is already bringing you comfort.
I won't tell you how many hrs it took me
yet every hr was worth it. :)
I will relay your message to "L" and she
will be happy to know "Pink Bear" is
making you feel good as well. :)
Tell Toby that you will share with him and
Princess when you return home..
Get some rest for your trip tomorrow.
Hugs to you and will be in touch.. :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Serowbot on 07/19/11 at 21:46:42

7B687F7E616C6A68633C0D0 wrote:
...just proves... the gals on this forum are above and beyond.

WOW!   they most certainly are... ;)...

My best wishes for you Skater...  :-*...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 07/19/11 at 21:50:16

Thanks for the compliments guys.
I have to admit, I am a little choked
up at the moment. For the first
time in a long time, I am speechless..
Some might call that a blessing.. :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by photojoe on 07/20/11 at 07:23:03

That was so thoughtful of you KC. A true act of kindness. It made my morning.

You seem in great spirits Skat. The other photographer at my job has been out for the last couple of months because of breast cancer that spread. She's doing the chemo/radiation thing and I ride over to her house once in awhile to see her. With all she's going through, she's maintaining a positive outlook as well.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 07/20/11 at 19:36:22

One of my coworkers showed up today on his girlfriend's Mary Kay PINK (metallic no less) Hayabusa. She's dealing with the same thing, had him ride her bike to keep the battery up and the gas fresh.

Called two friends on the west coast who've had double mastectomies (one voluntarily, FtM transgender). Both say it isn't pleasant, but definitely not the worst thing you could have happen. They both say to move very carefully, stitches are in fairly thin skin and the tugging gets annoying.

Let us know if you need us to send you anything.

I'll put one of the ribbons in our Rowan oak for you in the morning.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by prechermike on 07/21/11 at 02:24:11

Skat is in Philly and has her new quilt on the bed.  Surgery is tomorrow. :-/

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Z on 07/21/11 at 03:31:04

Sending out Best Thoughts for a successful & complication-free surgery and a quick & pain-free recovery!!!!!! ((HUGS))

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 07/21/11 at 11:00:29

I would like to request tomorrow be
Pink Friday..
Wear your "Skat" bracelets, pink
ribbons, shirts.. underwear..:)
Positive energy will flow to her
and give her strength to get
thru this difficult time in her life.
Thank you all for your love and
the support you have shown her.
She is a very dear friend and she
will be back soon.. Hugs and love
to all, :) kim

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Demin on 07/21/11 at 15:47:45

Just read this.Pretty ironic.I just did this bike for a good friend of mine that has gone through it with family and friends.Hope these help.Picture a guy 6'2" about 200lbs riding a chopper with this on it.Kinda sends a message.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Demin on 07/21/11 at 15:53:19

I have a VERY good friend going through chemo now that's starting to lose his hair(they said he wouldn't).A bunch of us are all going to shave our heads so he's not alone.darn,just got a decent ponytail going again.Hey....locks of love..again.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Z on 07/21/11 at 18:57:13

5D5F5B555E445F4507360 wrote:
I would like to request tomorrow be
Pink Friday..
Wear your "Skat" bracelets, pink
ribbons, shirts.. underwear..:)
Positive energy will flow to her
and give her strength to get
thru this difficult time in her life.
Thank you all for your love and
the support you have shown her.
She is a very dear friend and she
will be back soon.. Hugs and love
to all, :) kim

Due to work requirements I can't wear pink on the outside  >:( but I will be glad to wear a pink tank top, bra and unders tomorrow in support.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Serowbot on 07/21/11 at 19:05:21

79230 wrote:
... but I will be glad to wear a pink tank top, bra and unders tomorrow in support.

Buh huh huuu huhhh.....   :-*...

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by photojoe on 07/22/11 at 10:16:47

3F3E3632355B0 wrote:
I have a VERY good friend going through chemo now that's starting to lose his hair(they said he wouldn't).A bunch of us are all going to shave our heads so he's not alone.darn,just got a decent ponytail going again.Hey....locks of love..again.

Yes, yes a hair donation. Very good idea indeed. I did it three times so far, and saw some of the results when I met a couple of women at a Pink Ribbon event. Both with beautiful wigs. Yes, yes do it. There are numerous organizations to donate hair to, choose wisely.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Demin on 07/22/11 at 12:56:24

Mine usually goes to locks of love.It's all about the kids.It's all bad,but kids especially.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by photojoe on 07/23/11 at 05:52:33

24252D292E400 wrote:
Mine usually goes to locks of love.It's all about the kids.It's all bad,but kids especially.

I chose Locks of Love also. I did my first when my Dad was going through Chemo. Losing his mane didn't bother him, but he said that seeing the children/women at his Chemo place bothered him a lot. Yeah, the kids especially. The wigs change their lives. They just want to be kids ya know, and the hair donations help them with that.

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by WD on 07/24/11 at 08:07:58

I've sent my ponytail to Locks of Love twice now. Got it cut in 2006, got it cut in 2010. First time for a job, second time when my brother in law was dying from a hyper-aggressive small cell lung cancer (metastasized to everywhere, head ct looked like his melon was full of buckshot). Has only grown about 4 inches since getting cut in late December.

Lisa's mother died of inoperable brain cancer. I'll have to see if there are still any of her wigs around here, should haul them down to St Jude's in town, about 30 minutes away. I'm sure some patient could use them.

My cousin Annie had her hair cut for the first time in her life while her father was fighting lung cancer. She was in high school (I think), donated over 30 inches of hair.  Her plan is/was to grow it out and cut it/send it as often as she could for as long as the program will take it.

Hair grows back. If someone else needs it, why not participate?

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Red_Wine on 07/25/11 at 16:13:12

5F050 wrote:
Due to work requirements I can't wear pink on the outside  >:( but I will be glad to wear a pink tank top, bra and unders tomorrow in support.

As we say here, without pics, it did not happen... ;)


Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by Z on 07/25/11 at 16:41:52

5166675C546A6D66030 wrote:
[quote author=5F050 link=1302966242/225#226 date=1311299833]
Due to work requirements I can't wear pink on the outside  >:( but I will be glad to wear a pink tank top, bra and unders tomorrow in support.

As we say here, without pics, it did not happen... ;)

RW[/quote] ;D ;D ;D
THAT would be an inappropriate post! ;)

Title: Re: Special request for Skatnbnc....
Post by kimchris1 on 07/25/11 at 22:45:30

Thanks to all you Men for
donating your hair..
Your an awesome group..:)

Z.... thanks for wearing the pink
You rock as well.. :) kim » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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