General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?

Message started by larrydavidbestdude on 04/13/11 at 02:36:33

Title: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by larrydavidbestdude on 04/13/11 at 02:36:33

I am a noob to motorcycles. I'm taking my msf course within a month and looking to get a bike for daily commuting. Will the s40 really hold up on highway speeds? I live where people cruise at 70.

I'm sure this has been a f.a.q. BUT there's a offer that's hard to refuse at a local shop and the salesman says it's not good for the highway and I just don't wan't to believe him.

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by Jimmer on 04/13/11 at 02:57:35

Best Dude
I ride my bike about 12000 to 15000 a year. I ride to and from work,when the weather permits, every day at 65 t0 70 mph. Just keep the bike tuned up and the oil change regularly and I see no reason why it should not workout for you.  This site has some great upgrades to help you and your bike enjoy each other. Good luck

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by buffyporson on 04/13/11 at 04:57:57

I use my '88 Savage to commute 25 miles to work on I-95 in FL. Cruises at 65-70 mph with no problems. Lousy gas mileage at that speed though - only 40-45 mpg.

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by Tom K on 04/13/11 at 05:18:55

12 mile run down the interstate to work. 65-70 most days, some days 75-80.

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by bill67 on 04/13/11 at 05:27:14

717C6F6F64797C6B74797F786E69796879781D0 wrote:
I am a noob to motorcycles. I'm taking my msf course within a month and looking to get a bike for daily commuting. Will the s40 really hold up on highway speeds? I live where people cruise at 70.

I'm sure this has been a f.a.q. BUT there's a offer that's hard to refuse at a local shop and the salesman says it's not good for the highway and I just don't wan't to believe him.

Because of the low gearing, Light weight its not what I would call a freeway cruiser.

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by Routy on 04/13/11 at 05:55:41

I don't get on a freeway often, but when I do I feel like I'm pushing it a bit hard at 70.  A taller gear would only make it work harder.
More hp and a taller gear would work.
For me, it is perfect at 60-65,.........and where I mostly ride, 50 is even better.
And yes, mine will do 85+ just like all stockers will.

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by bill67 on 04/13/11 at 06:05:33

I had a Suzuki GR 650 geared a 1000 rpm less than stock and had no problems with it for over 28000 miles,S40 has the power to be geared higher.

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by spacepirates on 04/13/11 at 06:11:54

She can reliably do 75 any time you want. I find that above 85 she tends to feel like she is floating off the road a bit.

I'd say that anything under a 30 minute ride on the highway is more than comfortable. anything over an hour will make your rear end hurt; she doesn't have the greatest seat, but she'll get you there just fine.

I never trust salesmen. They always seem to deliberately lie or just don't know what they are talking about. If he tries to get you to buy a bigger more expensive bike, give him the finger and don't listen, the savage/s40 is a perfect commuter bike that'll handle pretty much any (legal) speed with ease.

If you aren't convinced, just take her out for a test drive! you don't need that much road on these bikes to get up to 70.

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by Arnold on 04/13/11 at 07:02:12

I commute to work too and I must admit that although I love my Savage I take the back roads home, I try not to get on highways, I just seem to enjoy twists better. Altough I push mine over 70 from time to time I dont really like it at that speed. I guess me and my Savage are happy cruising at 45-50, it sounds better too.

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by freewind rider on 04/13/11 at 07:10:57

Suzuki Ls 650 feels underpowered for highway speeds. Yes, you can go up to 70 mph easy, but when you whant to go faster, it feels like you are pushing it to its limits. Main reason for this is chopper style riding position. Aerodynamic resistance is too big. From the salesman's point of view there are bikes, that performs better on highway speeds for the price equal of the Savage, and this is true.

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by runwyrlph on 04/13/11 at 07:21:30

i'll add my 2 cents.

I'm sure it's not anybody's first choice for long highway cruising.  Stock gearing is definitely a little low - some have improved final gearing with a chain drive conversion. if you're riding to Yellowstone, get a Goldwing!

that being said - i have spent some time on the interstates at 70 without any problem - usually for 1/2 - 1hour or so at a stretch.

never saw a posted speed i couldn't break

i pass them, they don't pass me!  8-)

i guess i didn't really add anything to what's been said already ... summary- i'm happy with mine- not planning to "upgrade", planning to ride it until it wears out, replace the worn out parts, and keep on going!

(The Goldwing is a definite possibilty when i retire - if gasoline vehicles are still legal in 30 years!)

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by splash07 on 04/13/11 at 07:29:04

if its a good deal, buy the bike!

I think that everyone here will tell you that this is a great bike to own. I have taken mine (only slightly modified from stock) on interstate trips as long as 3-4 hours at 75-80 MPH the whole way. The only times I get nervous or feel that I would like a bigger bike is when I pass a semi truck or get passed by another biker.  ;)

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by Arnold on 04/13/11 at 07:30:49

Not getting rid of mine either, love it but for long trips I use my car. When gas reaches the price of whiskey I stop riding and becoming an alcoholic.

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by houstonbofh on 04/13/11 at 09:00:41

I have a Suzuki Marauder, and I am here for Aida's Savage.  My Marauder is more comfortable at 70+ than her Savage.  But on the back-roads at 65, there is no difference between them.  I have had hers up to 80 without feeling unduly stressed.  But mine is fine to over 90...  How fast do you want to go, and for how long?

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by Arnold on 04/13/11 at 09:03:56

If you have a long commute on highways, I'm afraid you may want to look at Touring bikes.

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by JimRR on 04/13/11 at 09:38:14

Back when I commuted with my Savage I had a 45 mile one way commute.  The machine does just fine at 70, I kept it at 65 just to save a little gas. If your not going to be on the bike for more than an hour then IMHO the Savage is a perfect machine. Because I was traveling 90 miles a day my biggest gripe was that I had to buy gas every day, outside of that I really loved my Savage and sometimes I miss not having it. BTW, my GF just sold her Savage today to her brother and I will sorely miss hers as well. They are the easiest bike to learn how to ride, get 60+ m.p.g., and so simple to own, operate, insure, and maintain. We are now Savageless.  :(   Good luck with your selection. Regards, Jim.

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by Routy on 04/13/11 at 10:40:56

I'm still trying to figure out how you "gearing techs" figure that any bike that goes just as fast in 4th gear as it does in 5th, sometimes even faster, can possibly gain from a taller gear.
As it is now, even 5th gear is worthless on any kind of a grade, or any head wind at all. But I'd guess you know something the factory engineers don't.
A taller gear would be fine w/ a tailwind, or on a down grade.

I know that you're all wanting to get those rpms down, but you'll pay a price somewhere to do it w/ limited horsepower.

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by larrydavidbestdude on 04/13/11 at 12:55:19

Thanks for all the replies it has really helped me in deciding  I WILL be getting a s40. I live in the dfw metroplex so an hour on the highway is the max i would be doing. I have been looking around on this forum for around an hour and it just seems you can do so much with this bike and i can't wait to start thumpin around town!

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by Arnold on 04/13/11 at 12:59:42

Congrats, it's the easiest bike I ever had to work on and mod.

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by Serowbot on 04/13/11 at 13:11:56

6F607A617D7B686A626C7B090 wrote:
I'm still trying to figure out how you "gearing techs" figure that any bike that goes just as fast in 4th gear as it does in 5th, sometimes even faster, can possibly gain from a taller gear.
As it is now, even 5th gear is worthless on any kind of a grade, or any head wind at all. But I'd guess you know something the factory engineers don't.
A taller gear would be fine w/ a tailwind, or on a down grade.

I know that you're all wanting to get those rpms down, but you'll pay a price somewhere to do it w/ limited horsepower.

I doubt it would go faster,... but you could probably run at a lower RPM at 70+mph,...  unless you geared so high that it required a downshift to maintain speed...
I don't like going 70+mph for more than a minute or two anyway...
Feels like I'm sitting in a hurricane... :-?...

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by bill67 on 04/13/11 at 13:32:49

Most bikes are geared to carry 2 people with one person it could easily be geared 500 rpm less,Look at all the cars today they are geared way higher than they were years ago,I'm not talking about a higher top speed just a more nicer rpm to cruise at.

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by Boofer on 04/13/11 at 18:36:49

I rode 75 miles today. 4 lane-75, 2 lane 60, in town, patched up secondary roads, 1 mile of road construction, concrete 4 lane with snake patches. The only thing I don't like about the 650 is riding in crosswinds, which around here, is March. My bike feels comfortable up to 80 and above 80 for short runs. AND someone said mileage is terrible at 40+ mpg. Check the mileage and prices on the big name cruisers or your car. Parking, handling, and riding is easy, and the power to get out of traffic "Wads" is there when you need it. I was easy on mine at first, but I've found it's tough enough to ride as I like. The 100 mph speedo isn't just for looks. Good luck  

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by ralfyguy on 04/13/11 at 18:59:36

775A5A535047350 wrote:
I rode 75 miles today. 4 lane-75, 2 lane 60, in town, patched up secondary roads, 1 mile of road construction, concrete 4 lane with snake patches. The only thing I don't like about the 650 is riding in crosswinds, which around here, is March. My bike feels comfortable up to 80 and above 80 for short runs. AND someone said mileage is terrible at 40+ mpg. Check the mileage and prices on the big name cruisers or your car. Parking, handling, and riding is easy, and the power to get out of traffic "Wads" is there when you need it. I was easy on mine at first, but I've found it's tough enough to ride as I like. The 100 mph speedo isn't just for looks. Good luck  

+1 on this statement. This is kinda how I ride. I'm a little bit of a speed demon. I can't just do 75mph on the superslab. It always itches. I can do it for a while, and then I just get restless. When I ride with my buddy, which is most of the miles I put on the bike, we both get antsy every now and then and we just gotta let it out. There's often WOT bursts and then just going back to 75 for a while. He has a C50 and both bikes pull about the same. Then I do my occasional test runs to try out a different setting on the carb and such. I put a 150 main jet in and tested it yesterday. There is a stretch of highway with little traffic, dead flat and smooth. And almost never cop infested. 17 miles at 90+, and same on the way back. She runs like new with 15,000 miles. What a blast, that little bike  :)

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by Dj12midnit on 04/13/11 at 22:02:27

Throwing in my hand full of change. As I have said in the past I Weigh 300 pounds. I did by the s40 for getting back and fourth to work, but I do a lot of long rides also. Ridding with friends we do a lot of back roads. but I also have done a ride to Portland and back down the I5 which is about 275 miles. The posted is 60 and 70 so not wanting a ticket I kept it to no more then 80.  Me a weeks worth of gear no problem. Well that is untill the ride home when it rained the entire way home.

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by JohnBoy on 04/14/11 at 01:09:05

I ride the freeway every day about 30 minutes each way, usually at about 70mph. On a bike this light the crosswinds are an issue, but you learn to ride it. Hell, the light weight is part of what makes this little bike so much fun.
Bottom line here is that the bike will hold up long after your butt and back have had enough!

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by Routy on 04/14/11 at 06:49:20

2A2124247E7F480 wrote:
Most bikes are geared to carry 2 people with one person it could easily be geared 500 rpm less,Look at all the cars today they are geared way higher than they were years ago,I'm not talking about a higher top speed just a more nicer rpm to cruise at.

Cruising at what speed ?
I will conceed that at 50-55 mph, flat ground, no headwind, I mite would use a slightly  taller gear. But anything much above that, the gear is plenty tall. It just doesn't have enough hp to pull a taller gear at 70 mph ! The factory engineers don't like motors coming back on warranty w/ melted pistons and sucked valves because of riding 95% of full throttle for an hour or 3. Many of us have the feel of when to drop a gear to save a meltdown, but many don't.

Cars have automatic transmissions that will drop a gear long before meltdown,.....therefore higher gears.

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by Fuzzy5150 on 04/14/11 at 07:55:06

I picked up a 2007 S40, with 2,400 miles on it.  My primary goal was to get a good starter bike, as I had not ridden seriously since 1989.

I have a 70 mile round trip commute daily, most on a nice divided road with a 65 mph speed limit.

The bike does very well at 60 - 65 mph, but is close to my comfort level as far as max. rpm.  I have done short bursts of 70 mph, but that is definitely more rpm than what I would want to sustain.

(Edit: BTW, took the white spacer down to 2mm, and put in a 150 main jet, so getting plenty of fuel.)

I am averaging 46 mpg for the 600 miles that I have run so far commuting.  I would like more, but can live with that, as our spring weather has been fairly windy, and have had to buck a lot of wind.  Also, I installed a Plexifairing 3, which catches a bunch of wind.

On May 11th, I'll be riding home to Montana.  I have chosen a route that is mostly secondary roads, which will be 60 - 65 mph limit.  It is 970 miles one way.  I'll sure as hell have a lot more to share when that little adventure is over.

I'll be passing through Sturgis.....hope to see the ghosts of knuckleheads past  ;D

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by bill67 on 04/14/11 at 08:27:54

28273D263A3C2F2D252B3C4E0 wrote:
[quote author=2A2124247E7F480 link=1302687393/15#20 date=1302726769]Most bikes are geared to carry 2 people with one person it could easily be geared 500 rpm less,Look at all the cars today they are geared way higher than they were years ago,I'm not talking about a higher top speed just a more nicer rpm to cruise at.

Cruising at what speed ?
I will conceed that at 50-55 mph, flat ground, no headwind, I mite would use a slightly  taller gear. But anything much above that, the gear is plenty tall. It just doesn't have enough hp to pull a taller gear at 70 mph ! The factory engineers don't like motors coming back on warranty w/ melted pistons and sucked valves because of riding 95% of full throttle for an hour or 3. Many of us have the feel of when to drop a gear to save a meltdown, but many don't.

Cars have automatic transmissions that will drop a gear long before meltdown,.....therefore higher gears.

Routy put in a larger high speed jet you will be surprised how much more power you will have at higher speeds.

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by larrydavidbestdude on 04/14/11 at 15:47:18

i went to a local suzuki shop today and the salesman was trying to upsale me to a m50.

im very ignorant to motorcycles and he was very convincing but then again he is a salesman.

any thoughts?

P.S. yall have pretty much sold me on a s40 but im still trying to have an open mind on other bikes.

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by verslagen1 on 04/14/11 at 16:20:52

What's your intent Larry?
For your 1st bike, you can't get better.
if you intend to ride for less than an hour at any speed then park it, you can't get better.
If you intend to learn how to repair it, you can't get better.
if you're gonna take long ride 1 a week, it's ok but the '50' would be better.
If you're gonna ride double, the '50' would be better.
The best support group is right here, but I may be a little biased.   ::)
The '50' support group is said to be good too.

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by houstonbofh on 04/14/11 at 17:06:37

707D6E6E65787D6A75787E796F68786978791C0 wrote:
i went to a local suzuki shop today and the salesman was trying to upsale me to a m50.

The m50 is a nice bike, but the Marauder (1997 - 2004) is better.  Lighter, and easier to mod.  Also, cheaper.  As to which is better?  I got both...

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by nigel on 04/16/11 at 05:14:39

I don't own one but from all that I have read I think a few simple modifications would make this bike meet any reasonable legal highway requirement
1) Change the rear tire to a 90 aspect ratio of the same size:  This increases the rear wheel diameter and therefore the final drive ratio so that it curuses at a slightly lower RPM
2) supertrap free flow exhaust or equivalent
3) K and N free flow air filter  (These two things together ad a little extra oomph to offset the loss of low end grunt by the higher final drive ratio in all gears with the tire change)
4) wind shield (air pressure on the trunk is a factor on any bike with upright seating)
5) Modified seat or airhawk cushion for longer rides to cut the vibration factor, thogh this will alread be partly soved by (1) rear tire mod  Nigel

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by Fuzzy5150 on 04/16/11 at 05:44:35

53545A5851525A4E4952533D0 wrote:
I don't own one but from all that I have read I think a few simple modifications would make this bike meet any reasonable legal highway requirement
1) Change the rear tire to a 90 aspect ratio of the same size:  This increases the rear wheel diameter and therefore the final drive ratio so that it curuses at a slightly lower RPM
2) supertrap free flow exhaust or equivalent
3) K and N free flow air filter  (These two things together ad a little extra oomph to offset the loss of low end grunt by the higher final drive ratio in all gears with the tire change)
4) wind shield (air pressure on the trunk is a factor on any bike with upright seating)
5) Modified seat or airhawk cushion for longer rides to cut the vibration factor, thogh this will alread be partly soved by (1) rear tire mod  Nigel

I've got a like-new 90 aspect ratio tire that I'll sell you.....well, except for the 2 surgical-like trenches around the shoulder of the tire where the pillion bolts rub when riding 2-up.  I'm installing the factory recommended 80 aspect ratio tire today.  BTW, the 90 aspect ratio tire only gave a 2 mph lift between radar and indicated.

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by Gyrobob on 04/16/11 at 07:21:44

My first ride was a Cushman Highlander (Allstate version).  3hp, centrifugal clutch, no transmission.  Second bike was a Lambretta 150d that had 6hp and a three speed transmission.  I thought I had died and gone to heaven.  To me, THAT was a highway machine.  It really wasn't, top speed was maybe 45 or 50.  My first real motorcycle was a Ducati Monza 250.  That thing would keep up with the traffic, somewhat, on the freeways in CA in the 60's.  

The thought of anything with a 650cc motor would have seemed like a rocketship to me.  In this day and age of 2300cc triples (or my 140hp FJR1300), I guess a 650cc thumper seems kind of lame, but when I think back to the teen years for me, I can still relate to what a wonderful thing it is to have "so much power" in the Savage.

When we get the LS650s converted to RYCA CS-1s, it will be interesting to see what they are like on the highway.

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by ralfyguy on 04/16/11 at 08:11:14

7A49464645090D090C3C0 wrote:
[quote author=53545A5851525A4E4952533D0 link=1302687393/30#31 date=1302956079]I don't own one but from all that I have read I think a few simple modifications would make this bike meet any reasonable legal highway requirement
1) Change the rear tire to a 90 aspect ratio of the same size:  This increases the rear wheel diameter and therefore the final drive ratio so that it curuses at a slightly lower RPM
2) supertrap free flow exhaust or equivalent
3) K and N free flow air filter  (These two things together ad a little extra oomph to offset the loss of low end grunt by the higher final drive ratio in all gears with the tire change)
4) wind shield (air pressure on the trunk is a factor on any bike with upright seating)
5) Modified seat or airhawk cushion for longer rides to cut the vibration factor, thogh this will alread be partly soved by (1) rear tire mod  Nigel

I've got a like-new 90 aspect ratio tire that I'll sell you.....well, except for the 2 surgical-like trenches around the shoulder of the tire where the pillion bolts rub when riding 2-up.  I'm installing the factory recommended 80 aspect ratio tire today.  BTW, the 90 aspect ratio tire only gave a 2 mph lift between radar and indicated.[/quote]
When I first got the bike, it had a worn down OEM IRC rear tire. It was bald down to almost showing the outer ply. It topped out at an indicated 95mph after performance mods and about a mile of full throttle. Then I put on a Dunlop K555 same size, and it hardly makes it to 91-92mph anymore. Funny thing is, that with the K555 the speedo is dead-on according to my GPS. I got an GPS app on my BlackBerry that records all kinds of parameters on a trip. I was surprised that the speedo was that accurate. In my car the speedo shows about 3mph faster than GPS. :)

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by verslagen1 on 04/16/11 at 08:37:52

13000D0718061418610 wrote:
I got an GPS app on my BlackBerry that records all kinds of parameters on a trip. I was surprised that the speedo was that accurate. In my car the speedo shows about 3mph faster than GPS. :)

Which app is it?

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by Routy on 04/16/11 at 09:13:43

If you have ever experminted w/ hp, cu inches, engine mods, gear ratios etc etc, you will know that there is no substitute for cubic inches.
Anything less than a bigger piston,....or a longer stroke, is not going to make any worthwhile difference in the crusing range of the Savage/s40.
Acceleration thru a 1/4 mi,..... yep, any mods to intake exhaust etc etc can all make a little difference.
But you know a 350-500 cc that will out cruise the Savage 2 to 1 ??? Yes, if you can stand the sound of that little motor spinning at 12K rpm !
And a poll showed the mods to intake exhaust didn't do much over a stocker for top speed.

46757A7A7935313530000 wrote:
[quote author=53545A5851525A4E4952533D0 link=1302687393/30#31 date=1302956079]I don't own one but from all that I have read I think a few simple modifications would make this bike meet any reasonable legal highway requirement
1) Change the rear tire to a 90 aspect ratio of the same size:  This increases the rear wheel diameter and therefore the final drive ratio so that it curuses at a slightly lower RPM
2) supertrap free flow exhaust or equivalent
3) K and N free flow air filter  (These two things together ad a little extra oomph to offset the loss of low end grunt by the higher final drive ratio in all gears with the tire change)
4) wind shield (air pressure on the trunk is a factor on any bike with upright seating)
5) Modified seat or airhawk cushion for longer rides to cut the vibration factor, thogh this will alread be partly soved by (1) rear tire mod  Nigel

I've got a like-new 90 aspect ratio tire that I'll sell you.....well, except for the 2 surgical-like trenches around the shoulder of the tire where the pillion bolts rub when riding 2-up.  I'm installing the factory recommended 80 aspect ratio tire today.  BTW, the 90 aspect ratio tire only gave a 2 mph lift between radar and indicated.[/quote]

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by arteacher on 04/16/11 at 09:21:19

I said it once and I'll say it again-a single cylinder is like riding a motorcycle, more cylinders is like driving a car with two wheels. ;D

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by verslagen1 on 04/16/11 at 09:56:39

2D2238233F392A28202E394B0 wrote:
And a poll showed the mods to intake exhaust didn't do much over a stocker for top speed.

IMO the poll was too limited to explore the advantages to mods of intake and exhaust.  I can tell you that if you want 20% more, it's there to be had.  And up to 50% more can be had with other changes.  But it begins to follow the exploits of the worlds fastest Indian.

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by ralfyguy on 04/16/11 at 12:11:03

544750514E4345474C13220 wrote:
[quote author=13000D0718061418610 link=1302687393/30#34 date=1302966674] I got an GPS app on my BlackBerry that records all kinds of parameters on a trip. I was surprised that the speedo was that accurate. In my car the speedo shows about 3mph faster than GPS. :)

Which app is it?[/quote]
GPSLogger, it's free. Just Google it.  :)

Title: Re: Will the s40 hold up on highway speeds?
Post by Jay on 04/17/11 at 01:48:49

If you hav'nt made a decision yet, I'd like throw my 2 cents worth in. I've got an '08 Boulevard (Savage), with just shy of 23,000 miles on it. Like you, I live in DFW; and I commute to work on the freeways here. In the 30 some odd years I've been riding, I can't recall a bike I've enjoyed more, that has also been so easy to maintain. With a Clymers and this forum, there's just about nothing you can't do with this bike. Oh yes, it will also do highway for extended periods just fine as well. I've got a daughter going to Tech, a grandmother living in Temple; and inlaws in Longview. It'll do it all just fine. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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