General Category >> The Cafe >> Accessories

Message started by Russ130 on 04/06/11 at 18:35:28

Title: Accessories
Post by Russ130 on 04/06/11 at 18:35:28

The only accessories I'm interested in nat the moment are a cup holder and some way to hold my cell phone so I can see the caller id. Anybody know of anything that will work on the Savage. I want the cup holder for coffee from Dunkin Donuts or similiar soft cups.

Title: Re: Accessories
Post by Paladin. on 04/06/11 at 19:30:34
$45, steel. (

Title: Re: Accessories
Post by Paladin. on 04/06/11 at 20:03:29

Title: Re: Accessories
Post by Southpaw on 04/06/11 at 21:00:50

For a cell phone holder, do you have buckhorns or drag bars? I could see a universal case mounted pretty easily using the left mirror hardware and a makeshift bracket, or in my case, the quick detach mount of my windshield. Both would stand the phone up enough to read without taking your eyes too far off the road. It would have to be an awful important call to interupt a good ride anyway right?  ;)

Title: Re: Accessories
Post by mick on 04/06/11 at 21:45:07

Jeese why not just take the car.
next you will want somewhere to put the TV.

Title: Re: Accessories
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/07/11 at 02:44:46

I remember people NOT being in constant contact. It was rarely fatal. I dont have a cell phone of my own, but I Do sometimes haul one on errand runs, so I can see if anyone needs anything before I go home..but Im not answering & driving..

Title: Re: Accessories
Post by TheFid on 04/07/11 at 02:50:36

If my mobile rings when im riding i ignore it, because it would entail stopping and removing my helmet to answere.

Title: Re: Accessories
Post by kel30734 on 04/07/11 at 05:41:06

My Cell stays on Pleasure mode in my front pocket while riding.

Title: Re: Accessories
Post by bill67 on 04/07/11 at 05:44:33

My stays in my pants pocket and I just let it vibrate. 8-)

Title: Re: Accessories
Post by weracerc on 04/07/11 at 06:06:40

my cell phone (work issued or i wouldnt have one!) rides in the saddle bag - out of site, mind and ear-shot.......have had several people say why dont you ever answer your phone......because i am riding and i cant do both at the same time - i check it when i get where i am going and call back......i hate a cell phone! but would also like to have a cup holder for the mcd $1 value tea.

Title: Re: Accessories
Post by splash07 on 04/07/11 at 07:00:19

I used to try and wear a headset when I ride so I can answer calls and ride without letting my hands off the bars, but I could never really hear anyone all that well and with the short 100 mile range of these bikes I can call people back when I have to stop for gas. Even the cup holder seems like a luxury best left to the cagers

Title: Re: Accessories
Post by EJID on 04/07/11 at 07:41:26

I've got one of these Contigo travel mugs from Costco that I like to fill w/coffee before I head out in the morning. Toss it in the saddlebag and ride for an hour or so, when you stop for a break you pull out the mug and the coffee is still HOT. And they haven't spilled a drop in the bags yet.

Title: Re: Accessories
Post by babyhog on 04/07/11 at 09:12:46

656A6964200 wrote:
I've got one of these Contigo travel mugs from Costco that I like to fill w/coffee before I head out in the morning. Toss it in the saddlebag and ride for an hour or so, when you stop for a break you pull out the mug and the coffee is still HOT. And they haven't spilled a drop in the bags yet.

My son bought my husband one of those mugs for Christmas and he absolutely loves it.  Better than any other mug out there, hands down!  He'll carry a cup of coffee back to bed on a lazy Saturday morning and drop it on the bed, just to scare the crap outta me.  Still gets me almost every time (unless I think ahead)
Thanks for pointing out carrying on the bike.  Might not have thought of that but I have no doubt it will hold.  By the way, he already dropped it and cracked the lid, but they sell replacement lid alone for $7 each.  I ordered 2!

As far as phones on the bike, mine links by bluetooth to my Scala rider headset, so the phone goes in the fanny pack on my sissy bar.  I can't see who's calling, but I can answer if I feel like it.  I don't go anywhere without my phone!  I can hear and they can hear me just fine, no matter how fast I'm riding.

Title: Re: Accessories
Post by Driller on 04/07/11 at 10:40:21

Put that phone on a Garmin mount hanging out towards you ::), wear "booger picker" gloves and you can text, Baby!

Title: Re: Accessories
Post by weracerc on 04/07/11 at 12:15:54

I am not allowed to go anywhere without my phone - but there are few situations that just are not conducive to answering the phone - potty, cycle, horizontal mamba......otherwise i answer unless i dont know who it is.

Title: Re: Accessories
Post by kimchris1 on 04/07/11 at 17:09:00

My helmet supports blue tooth for the cell phone.
I however will not use it. My cell stays either in my
pocket or saddle bags. If someone needs to reach
me, they can leave a voice message.
I like that coffee cup idea though. Would fit nicely
in my saddle bags as well.. :) kim

Title: Re: Accessories
Post by JohnBoy on 04/08/11 at 12:39:35

I keep my cell in my hip pocket. With the noise and vibration of these little thumpers I never know I was called till I stop and turn off the bike.
You don't need a cup holder! You need a hip flask!

Title: Re: Accessories
Post by Russ130 on 04/08/11 at 16:30:46

No actually I need a cup holder so I can buy a coffee on my way to work. Cell phone thingy I can probably do without but going all day without coffee just because I brought the bike to work is uncalled for. lol

Title: Re: Accessories
Post by Russ130 on 04/08/11 at 18:42:08

All set on the cup holder I got a thermos instead.

Title: Re: Accessories
Post by ALfromN.H. on 04/08/11 at 19:11:51

62454343010300300 wrote:
All set on the cup holder I got a thermos instead.

Same here. Thermos in the saddle bag. I strapped it to the backrest before I had bags.


Title: Re: Accessories
Post by Boofer on 04/10/11 at 18:20:13

JC Whitney, Iron Pony, and Dennis Kirk all offer dedicated holders, while K Mart and Wal Mart offer cell holders that can be adapted. As for the phone itself my wife says it's for her convenience; not yours. Leave a message if it's that important.  :)

Title: Re: Accessories
Post by mick on 04/11/11 at 14:24:58

55727474363437070 wrote:
No actually I need a cup holder so I can buy a coffee on my way to work. Cell phone thingy I can probably do without but going all day without coffee just because I brought the bike to work is uncalled for. lol

you cant get coffee at work ?  don't you get a roach coach come by ?
how about a coffee machine.

Title: Re: Accessories
Post by John_D FSO on 04/11/11 at 20:06:19

I don't drink coffee personally, but you can get those little thermos bottles pretty cheap these days.  Heck, I got one free just for signing up for a Costco credit card (didn't get it, just as well ::))  

What I like to do in the summer is freeze a pop bottle full of water ahead of time, then throw a couple pairs of old (clean!!!) socks over it for insulation and to keep it from sweating all over, and throw it in my saddlebag.  Presto, you've got ice cold water all afternoon long! :D

As far as cellphones, I gave in a got a Tracphone years ago for emergencies, probably costs me $10 a month since I never use it.  Hardly ever turn it on even, and it rides in my coat pocket if I remember it.  Finally had to tell my boss to quit calling it if he wants to contact me, I only turn it on once every 3 weeks or so to check for messages. ;D

Title: Re: Accessories
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/11/11 at 20:27:35

Just egg zaklee HOW in the everlovin HE double Hockey Stix do you expect to drink ANYthing while wearing that full coverage helmet youll be wearing??? Huhh??

You Have seen the graph shoing the %age of head injuries & where on the head the strikes occur? The %age are broken down by section of the head. The left & igh side of the chin take  large %age of the impacts.
Ive totaled 3 bikes, the first 2, no helmet, ,crash, helmet wouldve paralyzed or killed me, second, woulna mattered,, I didnt hit my head, at all, 3rd, I slammed face first into the back side of the drivers side cab corner on a mall pikkupp,, full coverage helmet meant I still had a face & only neede 2 stitches in my lip. The helmet strap dug into my throat so hard I had trouble swallowing for almost 3 weeks,,

So,, when it comes to helmets, theres SOME room for debate,, but, having seen it from the events Ive survived, I wont ride without one & its Gonna be chin protecting. IMO, odd are that in a crash, the head is taking a hit, & odds are, Ill be Much Better off wearing a helmet,, so I wear a flip front approximately $150.00 hat..

Like Popeye said

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