General Category >> The Cafe >> Dumped my bike for the first time today

Message started by Russ130 on 03/25/11 at 20:00:24

Title: Dumped my bike for the first time today
Post by Russ130 on 03/25/11 at 20:00:24

Yep went down to the insurance company today then to the registry then back to the shop with a nice brand new shiny plate. I throw that baby on the bike then shoot down to the local car wash to get all the crud off the bike from sitting around and what not from the PO. On my way back to the shop I catch myself smiling for no reason  :). I get to within 100 feet of the shop and bam I'm on the ground and I broke my mirror off the bike. I look around and see nothing I was going straight and the road where I fell is in good shape and clean. So I'm like WTF. So I get the bike back up and fire her back up finish riding to the shop. The rest of the day I'm trying to figure out what happened. So as near as I can figure out there was a small pot hole with loose gravel that I went through right before this happened. I've been being very conscious about using the front brake because everything I have been reading says to cuz its like 80% of the total braking. Best I can figure is don't use it when your front tire is going through loose gravel. I was only going like 5 - 10mph thank god. Well anyhow I decided to go to the hospital to make sure nothing is broken or dislocated cuz my shoulder never hurt so much in my life. Anyhow I'm sitting there in a neck brace and a sling thinking this is just wonderful. What a first day riding lol. No worries though because even after the accident I still went for a little ride on my way home. Not because I am a tough guy but because not going for that ride I had my heart set on would've hurt more than any pain I was already feeling. So today I learned at least one very valuable lesson maybe 2. I learned to keep a vigilant eye on the condition of the road ahead. Maybe the braking thing I hope someone here with more experienced can confirm that one for me. So now I am going to be on the lookout for that piece that mounts to the master cylinder that the mirror mounts to. All in all still a great day.

Title: Re: Dumped my bike for the first time today
Post by mick on 03/25/11 at 21:29:54

How long have you been riding /falling ?
How old are you ?
Was this your first bike ?
I don't know for sure but I think the problem was,you were only doing 5 MPH 15 or 20 you would not have felt a thing,you just gotta have a bit of speed to keep bikes sunny side up.

Title: Re: Dumped my bike for the first time today
Post by verslagen1 on 03/25/11 at 22:25:05

Go find yourself a parking lot, you need to wear off some of that newbie shine.  That kind of shine is slippery.

You said you got a permit, so no MSF class?  When you go for your license, there's a little obstacle course they'll make you run.  find out what it is and set up some cones and practice.  That figure 8 turn will get you other wise.  And practice braking, panic and regular, in a turn and straight.  will save your life it will.

Now, yes front brake will do 80% of the braking in a panic stop.  But that doesn't mean it's the best one to use in every occasion.  In most situations, apply the rear 1st and add the front for more.  In dirt, don't use the front, that's the quick way down.

The back tends to lock up, if it does and you go sideways, don't let loose of it or you'll high side.  better to go down side ways then to get launched.

Live and learn my friend.

Title: Re: Dumped my bike for the first time today
Post by JohnBoy on 03/26/11 at 04:45:58

that's what you get for washing the crud off of it!
Glad you were not hurt

Title: Re: Dumped my bike for the first time today
Post by mornhm - FSO on 03/26/11 at 06:51:02

glad you are OK and your MC seems not too much worse for the wear.

I would take two lessons from this.
1. It is necessary to learn how to ride over small obstructions (in the MSF class they use 2x4s.
2.  Keep focused on what you are supposed to be doing.

You can also take away a truism. "In the ongoing battle of asphalt vs. flesh and bone, asphalt is undefeated."  :o

Title: Re: Dumped my bike for the first time today
Post by Russ130 on 03/26/11 at 07:41:30

In answer to Mick, this is my first street bike however I do have plenty of dirt bike experience. I am 46 but feel 80 this morning lol. I originally bought this bike as a learning bike with plans to move on to a HD next year. I'm not so sure about the HD at this point anymore lol. I like the way this bike feels and looks. I like the fact that it has character unlike other Jap bikes. I like the fact that this forum is here and there are so many people passoinate about this bike. I will be keeping this bike basically stock with only driveability and dependabilty upgrades or fixes being done to it.

Title: Re: Dumped my bike for the first time today
Post by runwyrlph on 03/26/11 at 09:15:33

i had the exact same experience in my first year of riding - slow speed on gravel - i think i braked the front wheel while the back kept pushing - was on the ground before i knew it.  

i also reccomend the msf course (take the advanced rider version if you have dirtbike experience) it definitely helped with slow speed skills

i think you want to get in the habit of use both brakes every time. rear first, then add front

woops vers. already said that!

Title: Re: Dumped my bike for the first time today
Post by kimchris1 on 03/26/11 at 10:40:26

First of all, welcome aboard..
Glad you found us as well
as your bike.
Practice, practice until you feel
you could do it all with your eyes
closed...Don't attempt that please..
Glad to hear no severe injuries.
Yes asphalt bites, leaves it marks..
Again glad to hear you and the bike
will be ok.. Take care, hugs..  :)  kim

Title: Re: Dumped my bike for the first time today
Post by Boofer on 03/26/11 at 11:29:51

Russ, Glad to hear you're kinda ok. The worst part of my ride is the 50 feet from the bike shed to my drive and back after riding. Grass that gets soft after a rain+slick always. Slight uphill, so needs a little gas, but also slight angle. Rear end always wants to show off. I'm telling you this, because dirt bike experience is a great help with street bikes. But street bikes have about half the traction on grass knobbies have. Agreed?  

Title: Re: Dumped my bike for the first time today
Post by Ed L. on 03/26/11 at 13:21:57

Been there and done that on gravel at a stop sign. Went down fast, it doesn't take much to drop a bike when you lock up you front brake on gravel.  Don't feel bad about it, just watch out.

Title: Re: Dumped my bike for the first time today
Post by Boule’tard on 03/26/11 at 14:17:01

5C7B7D7D3F3D3E0E0 wrote:
...I get to within 100 feet of the shop and bam I'm on the ground and I broke my mirror off the bike. ... All in all still a great day.

What a great attitude.  [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Title: Re: Dumped my bike for the first time today
Post by photojoe on 03/26/11 at 17:00:35

Ahh yes, gravel; a beautiful day in the summer of '81. Still remember cruising up to that stop sign a little too fast, hitting the brakes in gravel. I also remember lying on that hot asphalt scraped and bloodied.
Crazy kids eh ;)

It's better recovering from a little ego deflation, than recovering from broken bones......or worse.

Welcome, and glad to hear you got right back on the horse.

Title: Re: Dumped my bike for the first time today
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/27/11 at 05:22:55

On my son in laws maiden voyage, everything went well, right up til he was gonna stop on the still damp slope in front of the shop. He touched the front brake & was down immediately. Light damage to the bike, some bruising on him, Shin hit a peg,, but, a powerful lesson.
I dumped one in Arkansas, one finger, just ONE finger, barely touched the front brake as I was setting up for a U turn. Hit the ground so fast my feet were stil on the pegs when it stopped sliding.

Title: Re: Dumped my bike for the first time today
Post by arteacher on 03/27/11 at 14:44:48

When I was young and foolish (now I'm just foolish) I thought that it might be possible to maintain control of a bike with the front wheel locked up. So I tried it. It was a small bike and I was on wet grass and got going about20 mph and locked up the front wheel. I skidded about 50' before I fell off. So I thought to myself "all you need is more speed to bleed off and you might be able to do this." So intelligent me got going about 30 mph and tried again. Got some major bruises and the grass stains never came out of my jeans. ;D

Title: Re: Dumped my bike for the first time today
Post by Boofer on 03/27/11 at 17:59:28

Read in the paper last week about a guy who turned into his own drive and slipped on gravel. No apparent injuries except the usual leg injury. He was talking to the EMTs and conscious on the way to the hospital. Three hours later he died. Never got more details. Family man in his 50s just made a slip. My guess is blood clot in leg caused pulmonary embolism, but don't know. We have a great time and don't want to be a bummer, but when somebody like Lancer goes down it makes you think. Ride safe, friends.  

Title: Re: Dumped my bike for the first time today
Post by Russ130 on 03/27/11 at 18:03:39

Yes lesson learned thankfully the cheap way too. Well I got a call from the doc after they went over my x-rays and they said my shoulder is seperated somewhere in there, I couldn't understand the latin. Funny the only time my shoulder doesn't bother me is when I'm riding.

Title: Re: Dumped my bike for the first time today
Post by verslagen1 on 03/27/11 at 18:10:48

Ah, 2 wheel therapy, apply liberally.   8-)

Title: Re: Dumped my bike for the first time today
Post by Angie on 03/29/11 at 12:00:14

I havent ever dumped my bike, but I've dumped hubby's Sportster twice.   :-X   Both times was becuse I killed the bike and wasn't strong enough to catch it when it started to tip.  It happens, just try to learn from your mistakes.

I broke a finger last weekend playing football with my son.  Hope it's healed up by the time I get my bike outta the shop.... » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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