General Category >> The Cafe >> Center lane hazards..

Message started by kimchris1 on 03/24/11 at 17:22:10

Title: Center lane hazards..
Post by kimchris1 on 03/24/11 at 17:22:10

Most of you probably have in your state  or else
have seen the shoulder of the roads
where they use gouge the pavement.
This is to help keep  a driver from going
off the road. Wake them perhaps should
they fall asleep.
Well around here their not only doing the
shoulders, yet some places their doing the
center as well. You may  not realize their
is potential danger to us riders.
These grooves collect water, dirt, small grains of
sand. Last night on the way home, I had a couple
cars pass me, when they returned to the lane, the
dust, water and even fine sand, came flying back at me.
Luckly I wear ff helmet and shield prevented my face from
being attacked
Today on my way home, I had a pickup that upon passing and,
as he returned to the lane, hit the grooves and water came spraying
back. He gave plenty of room, just was a high rise pickup and had larger
tires. Now I am aware of these and will slow and give the passing cage more
Just wanted to pass this along as thought it might be useful information.
Takes longer time for the water to dry or evaoprate in these grooves than it does for the lane to dry.. Take care, Happy riding.. :) kim

Title: Re: Center lane hazards..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/24/11 at 18:11:41

You should contact the highway dept & tell them about the dangerous condition they are CREAting,, you should be able to get them to stop doing that.

Title: Re: Center lane hazards..
Post by ALfromN.H. on 03/24/11 at 18:21:57

stop letting so many cars and trucks pass you  ;D


Title: Re: Center lane hazards..
Post by Dj12midnit on 03/24/11 at 21:06:46

Kim I have never noticed this but I am the one doing the passing.

Title: Re: Center lane hazards..
Post by HalfPint on 03/24/11 at 21:08:53

If people are that tired they need a center lane marked up, then maybe those people they're trying to help shouldn't be driving at all. I'd be pretty upset my safely along with everyone else who rides wasn't considered.  

Title: Re: Center lane hazards..
Post by kimchris1 on 03/24/11 at 22:12:37

I wasn't even aware they had started doing
the center lanes until yesterday.
Seems no matter how fast I go, there is
always someone that has to pass. Oh well
again I know now what can happen and will
slow up for sure as they pass and, have middle
finger ready..  ;D ;D  j.k.
I am planning on contacting the Wa. State. D.O.T.
in the a.m.
I will let you all know what I find out. I am also going
to ask around the mc places to see what some of the
other riders think.
I have to wonder now, what would these do to a bike tire
itself? Could it make the mc rider lose control?
Any of the rest of you notice this happening in your areas? kim

Title: Re: Center lane hazards..
Post by weracerc on 03/25/11 at 04:56:52

in NC the road reflectors set on top of the asphalt and the snow plows pop them off every MA i noticed the road reflectors were sunken in to the gouged out channels to make them even with the road and therefore not subject to destrcution by the snow plowing......when I saw it the first time i did not have a cycle - now that you mention it i bet it sucks changing lanes on a MC up there cause these gouges are roughly 3ft long and 3-4 inches deep...get the front or rear wheel hung in one of them during a lane change....outcome cant be good.

Title: Re: Center lane hazards..
Post by kimchris1 on 03/25/11 at 12:30:03

Weracerc, yes I am aware of the type your
your talking of. We have those here
as well.
The politically correct name for the type
I am talking about are called "rumble strips".
They are cut cross ways to the lanes. They
run for miles.
I talked to one person with the D.O.T. this a.m.
That is how I found out the correct name of them.
When I explained from a mc rider experience, she
seemed sympathetic. However I am awaiting a call
back from the actual person that deals with these
and the safety aspects.
I am sending e-mail to his addy as well.
The real danger as far as I can tell is, when
a passing vehicle returns to the lane and, the tires
kick up all the crap inside the strips.
Will keep you all posted.. Hugs. :) kim

Title: Re: Center lane hazards..
Post by runwyrlph on 03/25/11 at 18:54:45

4E434D4D192F0 wrote:
stop letting so many cars and trucks pass you  ;D


;D ;D

Title: Re: Center lane hazards..
Post by Boofer on 03/25/11 at 19:07:38

5C4B555B5B5741380 wrote:
[quote author=4E434D4D192F0 link=1301012530/0#2 date=1301016117]stop letting so many cars and trucks pass you  ;D


;D ;D
I feel it is my duty to defend kimchris from you Neanderthals. Do you not remember she has to go slow so her husband can keep up on his Shadow?  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Center lane hazards..
Post by kimchris1 on 03/26/11 at 10:28:42

Thank you Boofer. Guys let me refresh
your memories. First of all, this was the
first night time ride I have made in over
a year. I was going the speed limit and
trying my best to keep ahead of them.
I am not going to go out of my comfort
zone and place myself in more danger than
I felt I might already have been.

Now to get back to the subject matter. ;)
I recieved a call back from the State Dot.
Their going to forward the info I gave them
to the design engineers.
This person I spoke with did tell me he had
heard complaints from bicyclists yet so far had
not to his knowledge had any from mc.
He sounded concerned and maybe he was
only trying to apease me. As if that is possible. ;)
He also mentioned they could vaccum the strips and
that would relive the dust and grains of sand as well as
small rocks. That would at least be something.
Oh well I just thought I would bring this matter to everyones
attention. I at least know what to expect now.

I don't mind so much that some one passes me, again
it's the debris that flies out of the strips.
OH and to be fair to hubby... His Shadow is very nice
and quite capable of leaving me in the shadows, shadow.. ;) kim

Title: Re: Center lane hazards..
Post by Boofer on 03/26/11 at 10:50:00

I hate to start a war about terrible things govt. workers have done to everyone, but it is possible you got through to the right person on the right day. I complain politely occasionally and also compliment anyone for doing a good job. Both have the desired effect. If he/she gets enough calls it can change things. Don't feel helpless and think you don't count. And KC, give my best to the "Shadow Rider".  :) I saw one the other day that really made me want to try it out. Nice bike. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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