General Category >> The Cafe >> A fun poll--White-letter tires....yes or no?

Message started by saltwaterjoy on 03/17/11 at 07:06:35

Title: A fun poll--White-letter tires....yes or no?
Post by saltwaterjoy on 03/17/11 at 07:06:35

Hello from east coast of Canada. I'm new to the forum although I've been reading a lot of the posts here for the past week or so. I'm what I call a "double newbee" as I'm also a new rider...(well, got my motorcycle license 2 years ago but no bike as of yet!) I found this forum while following the RYCA updates/posts and I'm amazed at the wealth of knowledge/support this group provides, not to mention the sheer size. (Who knew the humble Savage/S40 was so popular?) Anyway, I am posing this question for fun. I'm a huge fan of cafe racers and have seen several examples with white-letter tires (Karpy's CB750 site, among others) and really like the look of them. As I am hoping to very soon be the proud owner of a Savage and to join your noble ranks, I will most likely opt for a Ryca Kit. I'm just curious as to what everyone's opinion is on the look of white-letter tires in general, (not necessarily on a cafe racer). I realize that all this boils down to personal preference as well as the style of bike but that's why this is all in fun. Your thoughts/comments please.

Title: Re: A fun poll--White-letter tires....yes or no?
Post by randyradio on 03/17/11 at 07:11:19

Wow the east coast of Canada?  That's like Nova Scotia? Right?  Well that would be a perfect venue for a Savage ride sometime a loop of that region is world class in the food, people and hospitality arenas.  And you speak pretty good
English to boot. Ha

Welcome to the list I've only been on a few months and am planning on doing a Ryca build and am currently on the wait list.  I found an 04 with 3800 mi for $1500 so that was ok.  This is a super group and some generous, patient-fun folks abound here.  

Title: Re: A fun poll--White-letter tires....yes or no?
Post by Gyrobob on 03/17/11 at 08:27:29

White letter tires on a bobber might be cool.

Title: Re: A fun poll--White-letter tires....yes or no?
Post by saltwaterjoy on 03/17/11 at 09:35:13

Hey randyradio. You hit the proverbial nail on the head. I'm in Nova Scotia. Good call. I take it by your post that you've been through here before? Did you end up going around the Cabot Trail on Cape Breton Island? Absolutely STELLAR ride through the trail and the Highlands, but tons of twisty's all over the province. Us 'maritimers' are pretty proud of our food and hospitality and yes, we speak english right some friggin' good, wha?   ;D
Sounds like you found a good deal on your bike too. Low miles, fairly recent year and all for $1500! I'm shopping around, there is not much available around here for under $4500 for 06-08...although, I could have just found the ones that don't really want to part with their ride.   But I'm hoping there is one in my not-too-distant future.
Thanks for the post and nice to 'meet' you.

Title: Re: A fun poll--White-letter tires....yes or no?
Post by JohnBoy on 03/17/11 at 10:01:08

A proper Cafe Racer needs RED letter tires.
Now "whitewalls" on a bobber...COOL!

Title: Re: A fun poll--White-letter tires....yes or no?
Post by MotoBuddha on 03/17/11 at 20:08:36

About the only thing I'd use them on would be a '70s muscle car.

Title: Re: A fun poll--White-letter tires....yes or no?
Post by kimchris1 on 03/17/11 at 21:06:46

If you want them, that is good.
Myself I don't want any thing
more to scrub and keep clean
than I already have..:) kim

Title: Re: A fun poll--White-letter tires....yes or no?
Post by Chopped on 03/18/11 at 11:44:40

I find that the white lettering throws off my balance when I ride... not really... its either solid black or white walls!

Title: Re: A fun poll--White-letter tires....yes or no?
Post by mick on 03/18/11 at 18:39:13

I voted yes.
Glad to see another cafe racer lover, I dont ride anymore I have a deformed left hand, but I did sell my Savage before the hand screw up ,and got myself a 250 Kawazaki Ninja, pretty close to a cafe racer right off the showroom floor, they might be easier to come by than a Savage up there in the frozen north,We have another member near you and he just got himself a 250 ninja,still to cold to ride for him.
Also Midnightrider has a ninja. they are inexpensive but great fun to ride.If my hand ever got better I would get one in a heartbeat.

Title: Re: A fun poll--White-letter tires....yes or no?
Post by PerrydaSavage on 03/19/11 at 03:47:46

Welcome aboard saltwaterjoy! With a tag like that, I would have pegged you as a fellow Newfoundlander! ... But you Bluenosers are OK too I guess ;)

BTW, white lettered tires are cool! Good luck with your Ryca build! Post lotsa pics! 8-)

And randyradio ... Newfoundland is even MORE east coast of Kanuckistan than Nova Scotia ... also with great food, hospitality and scenic vistas ... but our English is mostly unitelligable to outsiders ... so ya might not want to come any further east than Nova Scotia ;) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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