General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Heat wrap

Message started by psychosavage on 03/09/11 at 08:12:41

Title: Heat wrap
Post by psychosavage on 03/09/11 at 08:12:41

I am a new owner of a 1987 savage 652 and was wondering if putting heat wrap on the exhaust would lead to any problems??  Please help

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by Smokestack on 03/09/11 at 09:55:27

Not to my knowledge.  Should be good to go!

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by weracerc on 03/09/11 at 10:13:28

just did my 96 header from the tip to tip with the DEI titanium LR - no seal coat needed - did the wet wrap took all of 15 minutes and makes the pipe look good and also dimenishes some of the popping and crackling in the exhaust.....I love it.

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by verslagen1 on 03/09/11 at 10:44:27

Depending on the wrap, most notable, it will turn the chrome blue.  So going w/o wrap later will require blue job or other measures.

Next on the list, some wrap will collect moisture causing the header to rust.

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by jandaso on 03/09/11 at 11:14:49

If you go ahead and do the wrap remember to wet the wrap first before you start doing your job. this will make the wrap even tighter once it dries. Also start from the end of the header and work your way to the beginning of the header. This will make the overlaps face the opposite direction of the wind so you wont get debris, air pockets etc... in it.  

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by Arnold on 03/09/11 at 12:10:05

I sprayed hi temp paint after wrapping mine, after a while the wrap looks dirty, I just take the pipe off and spray it again.

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by Gyrobob on 03/09/11 at 19:05:18

Why are so many folks doing this exhaust wrap thing?

The only advantages I can see would be that the exhaust gasses would stay a little hotter and therefore be less viscous as they pass through the rest of the system, and that the tinny sound of a thin metal header might be dampened a bit.

It would seem on a header as short as on an LS650 (which is not tuned for max power and exhaust flow), the trapped heat would make very little diff.  On a car, it might keep some heat out of the engine compartment, but that is obviously not applicable here.

The disadvantages seem to be more obvious,... more periodic maintenance to keep the wrap clean and tight,... premature corrosion of the header itself,.... it costs some,.... and it is ugly.

What am I missing here?

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by BurnPgh on 03/10/11 at 03:50:09

ugly is in the eye of the beholder. As far as corrosion...its easy to paint the header with high temp paint before you wrap it.

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by sbaugz on 03/10/11 at 04:30:13

5B6C6B77497E71190 wrote:
ugly is in the eye of the beholder. As far as corrosion...its easy to paint the header with high temp paint before you wrap it.

I agree, what one person thinks is ugly, another may think looks nice. I put wrap around mine a while ago. I used the titanium color and like that way it looks. I do not expect any significant performance gains, so basically I did it for looks only. I am also doing the RYCA kit- and clearly exhaust wrap is a style that fits the cafe bike.

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by Gyrobob on 03/10/11 at 04:57:15

Yes, ugly is in the eye of the beholder.

My initial assessment seems to be correct.   The poser mindset is at work here in that the wrap is done for cosmetics, not for performance.

The wrap, done for these reasons, conflicts with the basic reason for existence of the CS-1.  The Cafe Racer concept is about performance.  The wrap does nothing for performance; it merely changes the appearance with a visual statement: the owner likes to gorp up the bike with things that add weight, cost, corrosion, maintenance, and complication,..... all for the sake of cosmetics.  The poser mindset.  

That said, I have no problem at all what anyone wants to do with their bike.  If someone wants to add foxtails, exhaust wrap, fishtail mufflers, and under-the-frame-purple-fluorescent lights to his "cafe racer," it makes no never mind to me.  It's just hard for me to blend in the gorp with the owner's interpretation of the cafe racer look.

BTW, putting heat resistant paint under the wrap will do nothing to forestall corrosion.  In fact, it might speed it up.

Please,... use all the wrap you want.  The wrapmakers will be happy.  More jobs, more revenue,... help the economy recover.  Make your bike look like,.... well,... a bike with exhaust wrap.

Just don't labor under any misconceptions about how it adds to performance, let alone a performance image true to the cafe racer concept.

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by Demin on 03/10/11 at 05:18:35

On mine,my exhaust already is rusted bad.So bad it was pitted,so why not use it.AND it'll protect legs and ankles from some nice burns.
If you don't like it,don't use it....easy.Btw mine's a bobber so jump on the"rag on bobbers"bandwagon too.
So what is a poser???????Somebody that rides a Harley?Got one.Rides a crotch rocket?Got one of those too.

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by MotoBuddha on 03/10/11 at 05:32:49

2021292D2A440 wrote:
So what is a poser???????

My definition is someone whose main reason for being into something (whatever it is) is so other people will think he's cool.

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by Gyrobob on 03/10/11 at 05:38:23

Ah!! Demin! You bring up a good point for an exhaust wrap advantage,... fewer leg burns.  

I can see how with some types of exhaust mods, or leg/foot placement mods, there might be some leg-flesh perilously close to the pipe.  The wrap might reduce the damage from touching a glowing exhaust pipe.  

If used underneath a heat shield, it would probably lessen the amount of heat transferred to the shield as well.

Also, I have nothing against bobbers or crotch rockets.  That is one of the beautiful things about this hobby.  Like women or music, there are many many different types, and different guys "can be enthused" in any way they want.  If you like chubby girls who drive 8' high pickups and are into George Jones and Dolly Parton,.. that's fine with me.  If you are in love with a Ph.D. who has every Stevie Ray Vaughan CD and spends her spare time restoring a 1928 4cyl Henderson Deluxe, that's fine with me.  

My woman of 43 years has a nice chest, but she likes 1970's top forty, and she loves her Suzuki Grand Vitara.   ::)

Anyway, my opinions are just that,... mine,... and opinions.  I care not one whit about your opinions of my opinions.  Makes for interesting conversation, though, eh?

How about a cafe rocket bobber?   (with a wrapped exhaust of course!)

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by Gyrobob on 03/10/11 at 05:49:48

74564D567B4C5D5D5158390 wrote:
[quote author=2021292D2A440 link=1299687162/0#10 date=1299763115]So what is a poser???????

My definition is someone whose main reason for being into something (whatever it is) is so other people will think he's cool.[/quote]

MotoBuddha, I agree.  I was standing the Buell test ride line at Daytona a few years ago when in the conversation behind me I overheard this statement:  "Posers are people who think everyone will look at them and think they are cool."  He moaned about costumes (required uniforms like denim and studded black leather, etc.), obscenely loud exhaust systems, hundreds of pounds of bling, refusal to wave back to other-than-harley riders, and so on.  His interpretation was that posers are the opposite of real motorcyclists.

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by sbaugz on 03/10/11 at 06:08:20

1729223F323F32500 wrote:
Yes, ugly is in the eye of the beholder.

My initial assessment seems to be correct.   The poser mindset is at work here in that the wrap is done for cosmetics, not for performance.

The wrap, done for these reasons, conflicts with the basic reason for existence of the CS-1.  The Cafe Racer concept is about performance.  The wrap does nothing for performance; it merely changes the appearance with a visual statement: the owner likes to gorp up the bike with things that add weight, cost, corrosion, maintenance, and complication,..... all for the sake of cosmetics.  The poser mindset.  

That said, I have no problem at all what anyone wants to do with their bike.  If someone wants to add foxtails, exhaust wrap, fishtail mufflers, and under-the-frame-purple-fluorescent lights to his "cafe racer," it makes no never mind to me.  It's just hard for me to blend in the gorp with the owner's interpretation of the cafe racer look.

BTW, putting heat resistant paint under the wrap will do nothing to forestall corrosion.  In fact, it might speed it up.

Please,... use all the wrap you want.  The wrapmakers will be happy.  More jobs, more revenue,... help the economy recover.  Make your bike look like,.... well,... a bike with exhaust wrap.

Just don't labor under any misconceptions about how it adds to performance, let alone a performance image true to the cafe racer concept.

call me a poser if you want. Doesn't bother me. Seeing as there will be hundreds of these RYCA kits around, is it wrong to make yours unique. Look at Buddha's post- he is polishing every part of his to make is nice and shiney. I am spending money on mine to make it dull and blacked-out. Its called being an individual and if you think that makes me a poser, then you are mistaken.

By the way, do a search on yahoo images for cafe racer and I guarantee you will see tons and tons of cafe bikes with exhaust wrap on them.

I know that wrap isn't going to increase performance. Frankly, nothing you do to the savage will increase performance to make it even close to a performance beast.

Look at any post on here and you will see looks are very important.

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by babyhog on 03/10/11 at 07:24:40

To me, the fact that we can personalize this bike in our own way is the whole beauty of it.  But a thumper it remains!  Some other bikes get modified so much, you can't tell what it is.  And that's all fine and good.  But the heart of our little beast is still intact.  

I say do what you want with your own bike.  Don't criticize others for whatever they choose to do, unless they ask for your opinion.  (even then, do it with tact)  

Opinions are like a$$holes, everybody's got one!  

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by Gyrobob on 03/10/11 at 07:57:57

sbaugz stated:  call me a poser if you want. Doesn't bother me. Seeing as there will be hundreds of these RYCA kits around, is it wrong to make yours unique. Look at Buddha's post- he is polishing every part of his to make is nice and shiney. I am spending money on mine to make it dull and blacked-out. Its called being an individual and if you think that makes me a poser, then you are mistaken.

My my, we do get our feathers ruffled easily, eh?  Ease up.  This is fun stuff, not an argument.

You make some invalid assumptions.  I never said we should all look the same.  That is something more likely to be spewed from the mouth of a harley poser,... observe how most of them feel they must wear an appropriate costume.

I had considered making mine all blacked out as well.  I think, though, I'll go more for making my CS-1 resemble what I lusted over when I was a kid,... the cafe racers based on BSA Gold Stars and Velocettes.  

My first new bike was a Norton Atlas 750.  It had Avon Speedmaster tires, one of the "true" performance setups in those days.  I think I'll spend the extra coin and get a set of those for mine, just to make it more period correct,.... for me,... not for mythical poser-lookers.

I'm even searching around for a 4-leading shoe front brake!!  I know the lightweight and tidy LS650 brake works better, but when I was 20, we ooood and ahhhhd over 4LS brakes,... so it would please ME to set up my CS-1 that way.

Anyway, don't get your panties in a wad accusing me of things I didn't do.  You said I said you were a poser if you wanted to use the exhaust wrap thingy.  Not true.  You are a poser if you crave having folks look at you because you did something cosmetic that you think will impress them so you can delude yourself into thinking they think you are cool.  That's the opposite of building something cool because you want it that way.

I want my bike to be different.  For me.  I want yours to be different, too.  Just because we want our bikes to not be the same as everyone else's does not make either one of us posers.

Until convinced otherwise, though, I have difficulty warming up to the idea of putting clothing on an exhaust header.

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by PerrydaSavage on 03/10/11 at 08:17:57

I like the looks of wrapped exhaust headers because I like the "Old Skool" look ... whether or not it's "trendy" makes no diff to me ... and neither does the fact that someone else may or may not like it. As with anything that tickles my taste buds, if I like it I like ...

A nice lookin' redheaded or asian gal wearing glasses (gals who wear glasses are SEXY), a motorcycle tee and jeans and Riding a Bobber while blasting Steve Earle tunes tickles my taste buds! LOL!!

Here's a pic of a Cafe Bike with wrapped exhausts ... looks alright by me!

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by psychosavage on 03/10/11 at 09:36:26

So i know that if i add heat wrap to my bike that it WILL NOT make my bike a beast and i don't give a flying flip who if anyone likes the way it will look but I DO! and that's what really matters about customizing your bike is making it look or perform like you want it to. when you get down to it isn't that why people trick out there bikes because that's what they want?! 8-) Thank you all for the kind words and to those who are haters forget you!

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by Gyrobob on 03/10/11 at 09:44:21

76757F656E69756770676163060 wrote:
So i know that if i add heat wrap to my bike that it WILL NOT make my bike a beast and i don't give a flying flip who if anyone likes the way it will look but I DO! and that's what really matters about customizing your bike is making it look or perform like you want it to. when you get down to it isn't that why people trick out there bikes because that's what they want?! 8-) Thank you all for the kind words and to those who are haters forget you!

Very well put!

:):) :) :) :)

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by Rogue_Cheddar on 03/10/11 at 09:53:57

I wrapped mine a long time ago and I'd do it again. I like it and that's what counts. And I'm not worried about the pipe underneath. I'll be long dead before that thing rots out.

Harley Guy: (looking at my Savage) Boy that bike sure is fugly!

Rogue: Yeah, but you're still frickin looking at it, ain't you?!    :D

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by greenmonster on 03/10/11 at 10:39:45

Personally, (and really isn't that all that matters?) I'm thinking about wrapping my header just so that I don't have to look at the blueing.

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by verslagen1 on 03/10/11 at 11:16:33

I was thinking of wrapping so I'd quit burning shoe laces.   ::)

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by Gyrobob on 03/10/11 at 13:26:10

Greenmonster:  Personally, (and really isn't that all that matters?) I'm thinking about wrapping my header just so that I don't have to look at the blueing.

Verslagen1:  I was thinking of wrapping so I'd quit burning shoe laces.

Now HERE are, at last, a couple of functional reasons for a header sweater!! (hedderswedder?)

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by 04 Savage on 03/10/11 at 13:33:55

I burned the back of my ankle last season pretty bad, heat wrap probably would have reduced that burn greatly...yes I had shorts on but that was my 'work clothes' attire.

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by verslagen1 on 03/10/11 at 21:16:18

If insulation could be shoved between the header and outer shell...
would you be interested?

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by BIGDADDYMC on 03/11/11 at 02:23:49

63606A707B7C607265727476130 wrote:
So i know that if i add heat wrap to my bike that it WILL NOT make my bike a beast and i don't give a flying flip who if anyone likes the way it will look but I DO! and that's what really matters about customizing your bike is making it look or perform like you want it to. when you get down to it isn't that why people trick out there bikes because that's what they want?! 8-) Thank you all for the kind words and to those who are haters forget you!

Yes very nicely put
and i too and tired of looking at the blue pipe so i think i will wrap mine also plus maybe i will not burn my boot on the pipe anymore, it leaves a nastly little mark on the pipe and on my boot.

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by weracerc on 03/11/11 at 07:29:22

exactly - i hated looking at the discolored pipe mainly, melting my hi-viz chaps secondly, burning skin potential thirdly and pick up a tad of peformance (less snap crackle and pop from the exhaust) lastly.......i love mine......rust if it does not get wet then it cant hold moisture and cause rust - i only ride on dry weather days so i am not worried about any negative potential long term with the if i had to seal coat it or do other maintenance to it i would probably not be as enthusiastic about it.....being titanium LR it does not require seal coating and it will not discolor - it is the color of dirt already! - i would not be a fan of white (shows dirt) or black (fades).....tan maybe but the titanium LR is just down right cool looking IMO which is the only O that matters, right?

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by Gyrobob on 03/11/11 at 12:48:48

252A6F7D6A7D7B79727F2D1C0 wrote:
....rust if it does not get wet then it cant hold moisture and cause rust - i only ride on dry weather days so i am not worried about any negative potential long term with the wrap..

Getting the hedderswedder wet while riding around would cause very little corrosion because any moisture will steam off and dry out almost immediately.  Any moisture from wet streets probably never even touches the pipe.

The corrosion problem takes place when the motor is NOT running.  (cold)    It is a long term problem caused by the fabric picking up moisture (condensation) from a piece of metal (the header) getting slightly warmer and colder as the ambient temp and humidity changes.  The fabric holds the condensation against the metal for relatively long periods of time causing a tiny bit of corrosion each time.  Lots of tiny bits adds up to a significant amount over time.

To prove this, do a science project.  Go find a plain steel nail,.. not galvanized or otherwise coated.  Wrap one layer of cotton shoelace around maybe half of the nail and tie it off so that half of the nail has cloth on it and half is exposed.  Set it somewhere near where you park your bike, and come back in a few months and check it out.  

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by kimchris1 on 03/11/11 at 13:48:30

So if you live in an area where the temps fluxuate,
will you have to rewrap each year, to keep the
chances of rust developing?
Like here it can be 40 in the day, 20's at night
and then in the 50's the next day.
Or if you keep the bike covered and in an enclosed
area would that help prevent the corrosion from
developing under the wrap?
I like the look myself. :) kim

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by weracerc on 03/11/11 at 13:50:44

my bike is like one of my children or pets - they all live in a climate controlled invironment - because I love them all.

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by jandaso on 03/15/11 at 10:39:23

Just finished doing mine. I like how it looks. My header looked bad so I went and wrap the darn thing till I open the exhaust port and get the Raask.

Like my working area??? Is a parking deck with no lights. The exhaust is not currently on the bike since I'm waiting for a Barnett clutch but it looks nice. Signal lights are going to be taken away. I only ride in the city and no highway so I'm praying that the cops won't give me any trouble until I get the light that are mounted on the grips.

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by groupus on 03/16/11 at 18:43:16

I know that I wrapped the header and put whitewalls on if for performance. I also put a loud exhaust on it for "safety".  ;D

Do what makes you happy.

Ps. jandaso, that looks really nice. you'll appreciate not burning your arms/legs so much and save some money on shoelaces.  ::)

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by BuckHMCC on 04/27/11 at 09:51:18

I disagree that exhaust header wrap serves no purpose other than to 'pose'. I'm doing a Ryca conversion and I'm wrapping my header.

To what purposes?
  • The stock heat shield will be removed. Wrap will protect my leg from getting burned.
  • My 15 year-old header is rusted and scratched. Where the heat shield mounted are deep corrosion patterns. My attempts to clean-up the pipe have not worked.
  • I've read reports of high-temperature paint not staying put. For the same cost as high-temp primer and paint I can buy wrap.
  • There may be some performance gain from having exhaust gas exit at higher temperature.

Even if I had no reasons apart from liking the look, I would do it. Just who wrote the rule book on what a cafe racer (or, for that matter, any other style of bike) should be?

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by spacepirates on 04/27/11 at 11:44:06

1D2A3C3417121C1C5F0 wrote:
Even if I had no reasons apart from liking the look, I would do it. Just who wrote the rule book on what a cafe racer (or, for that matter, any other style of bike) should be?

I hate to be a smartass, but wikipedia wrote the book  ;)

That being said. It is your bike. Do what you want with it. Who am I to say what looks good to you or what you should do with your own property?

It is far more important to have a bike that gets ridden than to have a bike that "looks" a certain way. I'm looking at you, harley riders with 20 year old "pristine" bikes with only a few thousand miles  >:(

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by CalisOsin on 04/27/11 at 14:25:44

6764757771647D6675607167140 wrote:
[quote author=1D2A3C3417121C1C5F0 link=1299687162/30#33 date=1303923078]
I'm looking at you, harley riders with 20 year old "pristine" bikes with only a few thousand miles  >:(

$50,000 and 5,000 miles doesn't make you a biker...

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by topgunz1 on 04/27/11 at 22:12:41

Ryca kit reuses your stock header? Guess I gotta wrap mine too cause it looks ROUGH.

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by BuckHMCC on 04/30/11 at 11:27:23

Yes, the Ryca kit supplies a new muffler (of sorts), a kick-out connector pipe, and a muffler clamp. The header pipe is re-used and a cut off is required to accept the connector.  I believe the muffler is an EMGO reverse cone megaphone. The 'Motorcyclist Magazine' reviewer called it almost obnoxiously loud. I've read that the muffler packing is minimal in this unit, so it may be possible to mellow it out with something like Moose Racing exhaust packing.

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by dekuji63 on 05/01/11 at 13:46:28

I wonder if I can just wrap my legs with this stuff.  That cylinder puts out some heat when it gets to be 80º or so out here!  :D

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by verslagen1 on 05/01/11 at 14:08:18

ride faster, that's what I do.

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by Boofer on 05/01/11 at 17:03:54

I hate when all my friends get testy on here and go on and on, so I will end this discussion with the plain, unvarnished truth: Use Rotella T Dino oil 15w40 and fill it till you can see it in the sightglass with the bike on the stand. The Rotella runs very cool, eleminating heat problems.  Don't bother to thank me. It's just what I do.  ::)

Title: Re: Heat wrap
Post by splash07 on 05/02/11 at 12:47:49

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