General Category >> The Cafe >> Savage Waste!!

Message started by Tincanman on 02/26/11 at 07:13:19

Title: Savage Waste!!
Post by Tincanman on 02/26/11 at 07:13:19

ok folks!! SOON there will pics of my new paint job to post!!! I found the green (industrial waste) I was looking for and OMG is it sweet!! also I bought a sticker set from lethal threat that just came out with bio hazard skulls!!  the paints on and now Im just waitin for the tax man to pay up then I can post some pics!!  [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by verslagen1 on 02/26/11 at 08:54:44


Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by mick on 02/26/11 at 09:37:41

Green is my favorite color,as long as it's the right green.
The color of $ has always been appealing.

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by stinger on 02/26/11 at 23:14:18

ummm! you can't say enough good things about industrial waste!

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by PerrydaSavage on 03/01/11 at 00:40:45

Can't wait to see pics of this build!! 8-)

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/01/11 at 02:30:42


Means such different things to people. Im ready to see it..

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by Tincanman on 03/04/11 at 11:12:19

picking up parts TODAY!!! 3pmish!!

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by Arnold on 03/04/11 at 11:18:46

The Toxic Avenger anyone:

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by Tincanman on 03/04/11 at 14:03:16
[smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by John_D FSO on 03/04/11 at 15:18:01

Ooooo, I like it! :o

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by dv8savagerider on 03/04/11 at 15:35:47

Nice!  Are you gonna add "Biohazard" emblems?  Love the color 8-)

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by Demin on 03/04/11 at 16:44:05

Looks like whoever painted them,did a nice job.

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/04/11 at 17:55:37

Thats a Fine shade of green.. Biohazard, Nucular, sumthin,man, ya gotta put something on it. IDK what the rules are these days, but bak in the 80's, painters told folks Not to wax or put decals on for something like 30 day,, to let all the stuff finish Ooozin out of the paint.

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by babyhog on 03/04/11 at 18:04:36

Yep that's a HOT color!  Can't wait to see it all put together on the bike!

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by Savage_Amusement on 03/04/11 at 20:47:15

It's really weird seeing that tank not all beat. Looks good man, now put it back together so we can ride already!!!

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by PerrydaSavage on 03/05/11 at 02:09:09

That color is freakin' SICK!!! I LOVE it!!! When she's done, please be sure to post up a couple of really good pics (for those of us who scab such pics for our own private Savage collections! ;))

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by Tincanman on 03/05/11 at 07:48:51

thanks all!! Im getting motor work done so it will be about 2 weeks or so! BUT I have to wait at least 30 days as it has been said to put the BIO HAZ on!! dam thing is huge so NOT sure how its goin to fit!!  [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/05/11 at 11:00:34

Cut a piece of paper the same size & see how it works on the various curves. Paper is a littl rough, so be gentle. Or, find somethng about the same "feel" as the decal.. That way you dont risk messing up your nice decal.

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/06/11 at 10:21:50

Look what I found!

Well, kinda..

Installing new graphics dry
Most people like to get new graphics, but hate to put them on. I, on the other hand love putting on graphics. It truly is an artform. There are a couple different ways to put graphics on, and they each work well when done correctly. I am going to show you the way I put them on. Many people will say that the windex or soapy water trick is the best. This works well to put them on, but I have found that the graphics do not stick as well using this method. The thing that screws most people up is that graphics can be stretched and compressed where needed. This is very useful when you use these properties to your advantage.

After a year of use my old graphics were starting to get a little beat looking, so I decided it was time for some new ones.

Click image for larger version Name: 2007_07010004.jpg Views: 906 Size: 107.4 KB ID: 7165

It is best to use new plastic, but sometimes it isn't worth replacing your old plastic. Such was the case for me here. First I remove the old graphics by heating them with a heatgun and pulling them off slowly. This way very little glue residue is left on the plastics.

Click image for larger version Name: 2007_07010006.jpg Views: 585 Size: 96.9 KB ID: 7166

There is still a little glue and dirt left on the plastic after removal of the old graphics. This must all be removed.

Click image for larger version Name: 2007_07010007.jpg Views: 527 Size: 88.3 KB ID: 7167

I like to use contact cleaner to get the glue off. Be warned, contact cleaner tends to take the shine out of plastic so don't use it where graphics will not cover. I then clean the plastic with rubbing alcohol to get it as clean as possible.

Click image for larger version Name: 2007_07010008.jpg Views: 424 Size: 97.5 KB ID: 7168

I then hold up the graphic to the plastic to see how everything is going to line up.

Click image for larger version Name: 2007_07010009.jpg Views: 680 Size: 104.6 KB ID: 7169

I heat up the graphic and the plastic a little with a heat gun before I begin. Keeping the graphic a little warm is the key to working with it. I start from a point that is easy to line everything up, and I keep checking to make sure that the other holes line up. I only peel a little backing at a time and I work with my thumbs primarily from the center out to prevent any bubbles.

Click image for larger version Name: 2007_07010010.jpg Views: 974 Size: 104.7 KB ID: 7170

As I work my way up the shroud, I keep an eye out for bubbles. If one appears, slowly pull the graphic back as soon as you see the bubble and push it out. I only lay down the graphic on the flat parts of the shroud, I will attend to the curves later.

Click image for larger version Name: 2007_07010011.jpg Views: 675 Size: 100.4 KB ID: 7171

As you go along towards a hole you can direct the graphic in the direction you want it to go. This is done by pulling on one side and pushing out any wrinkles on the opposite side. For example if the graphic is starting to go too far towards the top of the shoud, I will try to stretch the top and compress the bottom to steer it back down. This is much easier with a warm graphic.

Once all the flat parts are layed out, heat up the curves and begin to push them down from the center out.

Click image for larger version Name: 2007_07010013.jpg Views: 738 Size: 104.5 KB ID: 7172

Most people end up with wrinkles at the top front corner of the shroud. This is where working and compressing the graphic is key. The only way to perfect it is with practice. Never allow a wrinkle to fold over onto itself so that two sticky sides touch. This is almost impossible to fix once it happens. Always push any creases out flat as they form from the point out towards the edge of the graphic.

When you are done heat the entire graphic while pressing on it. Heat and pressure at the key to getting graphics to stick. As you heat you may notice a couple small bubbles appearing. This is because the air in the bubble expands making it bigger as you heat it. You can poke it with a pin and then push the air out while it is warm. If you can, poke the pin on a border where two colors meet, this makes the mark invisible. If you can't it is no big deal because the mark will be absolutely tiny (much better than having a bubble).

Click image for larger version Name: 2007_07010016.jpg Views: 634 Size: 93.2 KB ID: 7173

It is best if you can hit the graphics with some heat and pressure every couple hours for a day or two before riding. Remember, it takes over 24 hours for graphic glue to bond, and the longer heat and pressure is applied during bonding, the stronger the bond will be.

If you do everything right, it will be wrinkle and bubble free like mine:

Click image for larger version Name: 2007_07010001.jpg Views: 857 Size: 99.3 KB ID: 7174

If you want your old dingy seat cover to be bright again, hit it with some windex and scrub it with a toothbrush, then wipe it off. This always works for me to get back that original brightness without making it slippery.

Click image for larger version Name: 2007_07130009.jpg Views: 1648 Size: 101.3 KB ID: 7175

And now you are all done. Now you can sit back and admire your work for a minute. Good luck, and take your time.

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Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by mick on 03/06/11 at 13:15:23

I like it,almost like a Kawasaki Ninja green,very nice ,what color is the frame ? black would look nice.

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by odmanout on 03/06/11 at 14:21:38

What is the piece between the tank and the rear fender?

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by Savage_Amusement on 03/08/11 at 07:06:10

747F7F767A75746E6F1B0 wrote:
What is the piece between the tank and the rear fender?

That goes under the seat and covers all the stuff under there. He has a different seat.

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by Tincanman on 03/08/11 at 11:08:23

MICK! the frame is still black!!  Im lookin at getting the wheels done too! just not sure what color yet!! may go yellow or green as well!

odmanout! ya what he said! instead of goin with forward controls, I moved the seat back and had that part made!! one of them WTH was I thinking things but it works!

Justin!! Thanks I will read that!!   [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by Savage_Amusement on 03/08/11 at 16:36:29

Its the primered piece under the seat there.

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/08/11 at 18:00:33

Thats gonna look slick.

Is that the scenery from Close Encounters?

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by Arnold on 03/08/11 at 18:05:59

Crap yes it is, Richard Dreyfus where are you?

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by Savage_Amusement on 03/08/11 at 20:28:34

Devil's Tower in Wyoming....... Legend is actually about a bear.

They do have a bunch of stuff there about Aliens and stuff as well.

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by PerrydaSavage on 03/09/11 at 00:55:09

Very Cool pic! Recognized Devil's Tower from CEOTK right away! You're gonna have to repeat that shot with Bio-Haz when she's done! 8-)

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by Tincanman on 03/09/11 at 12:46:53

122730303B2623112334232527420 wrote:
Very Cool pic! Recognized Devil's Tower from CEOTK right away! You're gonna have to repeat that shot with Bio-Haz when she's done! 8-)

ya taking it up there this year!! hope i can find that spot again but im sure you go right by it!!  [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by kimchris1 on 03/09/11 at 20:56:08

Tincanman, I love the color.. It is a great choice.
When you get ready to add the decal, may I
suggest you take your time. Have someone
possibly help you.
I can't wait to see it when you get it finished..
Great job so far.. :) kim

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by Savage_Amusement on 03/10/11 at 06:42:14

Now it's time for a new seat that doesn't SUCK........

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by Tincanman on 03/10/11 at 16:18:49

just cuz YOU dont like the seat dont mean it sucks!! get off my nuts!! [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by MotoBuddha on 03/10/11 at 19:57:17

Kawasaki green.

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by Savage_Amusement on 03/10/11 at 20:37:50

I hope you have something figured out to hold that cow down. Other wise it's gonna rub that paint RIGHT off the rear fender where that pad sits, and that would suck.

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by Savage_Amusement on 03/10/11 at 20:38:41

4C6E756E437465656960010 wrote:
Kawasaki green.

It only wishes it could be this LOUD, lol!

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by Tincanman on 04/02/11 at 15:16:50

ok just called on the time frame of my motor work being DONE! parts are in and need picked up SOOOOOOO will be some time this next week before I get her back!!! TIC TIC TIC !!!  [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: Savage Waste!!
Post by Savage_Amusement on 04/08/11 at 19:39:04

Since he isn't ever going to get around to it, here is Savage Waste put back together. Not done, just like my bike, it will never be "done" lol. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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