General Category >> The Cafe >> Cops beating young kid

Message started by bill67 on 02/04/11 at 11:16:43

Title: Cops beating young kid
Post by bill67 on 02/04/11 at 11:16:43

 Did anyone see the video of the cops in Houston Texas beating up a kid and kicking him when he was down,I think all the cops that did that should spend the rest of their life in prison for attempted murder.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/04/11 at 11:42:30

Yes, saw it, I agree on prison time, maybe not life, but 20 years or so.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by babyhog on 02/04/11 at 13:13:44

Yep, that looked like a pretty bad one.  I'm sure it happens more than we would care to think.  Kid put his hands on his head (I feel sure they instructed him to do so) and then they still stomped the crap out of him.  Blatant.  Shameful.  

Granted, they had been chasing him for a while, and we can't hear what was being said at the time, but it appeared that he was surrendering.  But as they say, there are 2 sides to every story.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by thumperclone on 02/04/11 at 22:07:51

at least the didnt shoot and kill him like happened here

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by Wolfman on 02/05/11 at 03:29:12

Things like that are happening way to often anymore.
HeII they ran him down in the car first before they beat the cr@p out of him.
I can't even wach that stupid show COPS because of the cr@p they do show. Ticks me off. Makes you wonder with what they do show, what do they NOT show.

Last year we had a kid fell jumped off an overpass here. Cops tazerd him 9 different times saying he was trying to get up and move into traffic and wouldnt follow their commands.
Kid had broke his neck and back when he fell and couldnt get up.
So much for 'moveing into traffic', eh?
Got to the point the ONLY cops i even half way trust is the state bulls. Got NO USE for our local sherriffs department or the city police.

Funny how people youve known for years put on a badge and suddenly their better then everyone else, almost 'god like'.... in their own minds anyway. ::)

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by odmanout on 02/05/11 at 04:09:09

I have had the police point a gun at me twice in my life. Pretty scary! Both times they thought I was a robber that they hadn't caught. I must look like a criminal type ;D

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by bill67 on 02/05/11 at 04:20:27

727979707C737268691D0 wrote:
I have had the police point a gun at me twice in my life. Pretty scary! Both times they thought I was a robber that they hadn't caught. I must look like a criminal type ;D

And if they shot and killed you,You would have been that robber cased would have been closed and they did a good job and got their man.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/05/11 at 05:42:35

bill nails it again

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by photojoe on 02/05/11 at 08:54:06

I guess I'm lucky that I lived in an LEO family during the Police Glory Days. I agree that some Police are way out of hand with their attitude toward the public. We should never be afraid of those sworn to serve and protect us. We now have Cops on patrol in upper income suburbia wearing tactical SWAT style gear. Just watch the show COPS. Their use of force for minor non-violent offenses is blatant.

My memories when my Dad was a Cop in NYC around the 70's early 80's are pretty clear. Cops were really just guys from the neighborhood. Many a day and night a Patrol Car would stop in front of our home, 2 Cops running up to our door, and kind of smirk as Mom got them a couple of beers from the fridge. They'd look at us kids and say "Shhhhh" with a smile as the drank a quick one before heading back out.

Driving while drunk? Ok, it is bad, but Cops back then may drive you home, or call someone to come get you instead of throwing you to the ground and putting a knee behind your head. Get nailed with a little weed? Cops would dump it out in front of you

Times have changed. The justice system is one of the biggest cash cows for an state or local municipality.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by Wolfman on 02/05/11 at 13:33:47

Katrina/New Orleans really brought to light some of the current problems we have now days. The overbearing heavy handedness of many LEOs.
The NRA STILL has a major lawsuit going for the thousands of firearms illegaly confiscated from private citizens in new orleans.
They were running around in full tactical gear with full auto in groups. Anyone who tried to carry who went in to help with rescue by bringing their own boats got THEIR firearms confiscated. Then were expected to do the rescues unescorted. Make sense??

The last 15 years or so our local sherriffs department has just went downhill drasticly. Cant get em to come out on a call. If you do get em out its an hour or more after you need em. And you cant trust em.
City cops are just as bad. Springfield isnt much better.
The MO State patrol on the other hand is pretty decent, you can trust them.

This summer i got a visit from our local sherriffs department. Accused of being a peeping tom for an 80+ year old half nuts neighbor with alzheimers(sp). No evidance other then her word. They told the ole lady id be arressted if it happened again even though i had three family members vouch i was nowhere around when it 'supposedly' happened.
They went to my mothers house, not mine.
Two trips to the sherriffs office and i 'think' i finaly got em squared away. Threats of a lawsuit for harassment and false arresst may of helped.
Bad part is her boy and his wife live next door to her across the street from mom and knew her problems. Lied to me about it, even made one of the calls for her. Knew d@mn well it was bogus.
So now good relations and years of helping each other have went out the window, i wont have anything to do with them.
Top it all off she had a spotlight mounted that shines across the road on my MOTHERS fromt gate every night. I HATE that d@mn thing.
'I' Live over on the backside of the farm, nowhere near them. Go figure.

Used to the cops would give a kid a break on a beer or two, lil weed ect. Not anymore. Seems like they go out of their way to bust a young kids chops and mess up their life, give em a record. Or shoot them.
They started raiding river parties under the last sherriff years ago when he first got elected. One night a deputy stepped out in front of a car trynig to leave, pulled his gun and shot a kid in the head claiming he was 'trying to run him down'. It was bogus(many witnesses) and the only thing that ever happened was the deputy was quietly fired a couple of weeks later.

NO, LEOs are'nt what they used to be. Half my family has been law enforcement. Many of them have moved on due to being pressured to write more tickets or other unsavory actions they have been prompted to commit.
The days of sensible law enforcement are long gone. Its all about power and money now, not justice and common sense.
'To Protect and Serve' my arse!

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by odmanout on 02/06/11 at 06:04:28

In 1956, when I was 6 years old, I got in an argument with my best friend and threw a small rock at him. It hit him in the forehead and he dabbed the blood with his brand new sued Davey Crockett jacket. This made him mad and he picked up a stick so big he could hardly carry it , and chased me around the block. Two rookie cops stopped us and told us they would "throw you both in jail for the rest of your lives if you don't stop!" It scarred the pee out of both of us (literally)! After that every time I saw a cop I would run home and hide under the bed. When it got to the point that I refused to go to school because there was a cop crossing guard, my parents raised a stink. A Sargent came to the house to talk to me and my parents but as soon as I saw the car I zipped under the bed and refused to come out. The Sargent  came back the next day (under the bed I went) and spent an hour talking to me sitting on the floor of my room. He finally coaxed me out by removing the bullets from his gun and offering to let me play with it for a few minutes. The next day he gave me a ride to school in his squad car, even letting me run the siren. Way cool! He told my parent that police had enough trouble with kids without creating distrust. He disciplined the rookies, who came with him to apologize. He went on to become the best police chief this city ever had. His name was Fred Bruce.
That wouldn't happen these days.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/06/11 at 08:54:34

Sorry they scared you so bad. Thats quite a tale. & No,, Im not seeing that happen today. Theyd taze a kid & drag him from under the bed.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by drharveys on 02/06/11 at 20:44:52

Isn't it amazing how highly trained police officers can forget their training at the first sign of stress?

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by Wolfman on 02/07/11 at 02:09:10

It just goes to show you the old saying still holds true.
Power Corrupts.
Ive seen some of the nicest most easy going people turn into power mad fools when they stuck a badge on their chest.
People id known for years and dealt with that ill have nothing to do with anymore.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by Arnold on 02/07/11 at 08:51:16

Hopefully the day will come for the oppressors in uniform. Until then, it's us and them out there.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/07/11 at 09:29:14

While theres no accountability, or so very little anyway, theyll continue to run toward oppression & abusive treatment. Once ( IF) the upper echelon starts making them pay for their misdeeds, then itll drop dramatically. But thats not gonna happen/

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by bill67 on 02/07/11 at 09:32:08

Looks like their main training is to kick someone in the nuts and head once they have them down,Thats if the cops out number the guy by at least five. That what you call chicken sh!t cops.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by Midnightrider on 02/07/11 at 17:01:37

You guys need to be telling this to all the families of the chicken sh!t NY City Police officers who died on 9-11 trying to rescue people from that fiery collapsing hell.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/07/11 at 17:39:53

So, what are ya sayin, MiddyNite? That these cops didnt kick hell outta that kid? You should look up

Straw Man Argument

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by Midnightrider on 02/07/11 at 17:51:44

213E383F22251424142C3E32794B0 wrote:
While theres no accountability, or so very little anyway, theyll continue to run toward oppression & abusive treatment. Once ( IF) the upper echelon starts making them pay for their misdeeds, then itll drop dramatically. But thats not gonna happen/

I take it your statement here Justiney means all cops including the ones that put their lives on the line for us every day.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by bill67 on 02/07/11 at 18:24:39

The dumb a$$ cops who do these high speed chases put a lot of peoples life's in danger,When theres a helicopter flying above,If they just follow the car til it runs out of gas they would have the crooks,But that would be no fun.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by Midnightrider on 02/07/11 at 18:29:35

And the dumba$$ doing 120mph to start with is putting no ones life in danger  ::)

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by bill67 on 02/07/11 at 18:38:45

He wouldn't be doing 120 mph if there weren't 6 cop cars chasing him,because he blew a stop light.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by Arnold on 02/07/11 at 18:40:21

I dont think he meant all cops, just the majority :)

"Almost" all in the same basket, but I guess that's what happens when your job makes you wear a uniform.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by bill67 on 02/07/11 at 18:42:01

2633282B2B22332235470 wrote:
I dont think he meant all cops, just the majority :)

"Almost" all in the same basket, but I guess that's what happens when your job makes you wear a uniform.

+1 not all cops just 99% of them.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by bill67 on 02/07/11 at 18:47:58

Cops uniform better known as a monkey suit.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by Midnightrider on 02/07/11 at 19:15:35

000B0E0E5455620 wrote:
He wouldn't be doing 120 mph if there weren't 6 cop cars chasing him,because he blew a stop light.

Bill I hope youre not on your motorcycle going through that intersection on green next time he decides to blow a stop light.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by kimchris1 on 02/07/11 at 20:14:23

Not all cops are bad cops. Nor are they all good. This is true in all respects.
And like other things, it seems the bad is what we hear first.
Do I condone what happened to this kid? O heck no.
Yes cops have to put up with alot of crap from different people, yet this is part of the job. If a cop can't control his or hers temper, they need to be in a different occupation.
Their has been instances all over liike the one mentioned.
Their has also been instances of where cops were killed, simply for wearing that uniform.
One does not equal justice for the other. Wrong is wrong.
Myself I have no desire to be a police officer. Your in a catch 22 situation. darned if you do, darned if you don't.
I appreciate the officers we have and I may not agree with them all the time, yet I am glad to have them around.. :) kim

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/07/11 at 20:47:01

14303D37303E312D2B303D3C2B590 wrote:
[quote author=213E383F22251424142C3E32794B0 link=1296847003/15#15 date=1297099754]While theres no accountability, or so very little anyway, theyll continue to run toward oppression & abusive treatment. Once ( IF) the upper echelon starts making them pay for their misdeeds, then itll drop dramatically. But thats not gonna happen/

I take it your statement here Justiney means all cops including the ones that put their lives on the line for us every day.[/quote]

Youll take whatever I say whatever way you have to take it in order to avoid admitting the truth to yourself.  
If youll show me these "good cops", Ill believe they exist. The way I see it, the "Good Cops" know who the "Bad Cops" are & are not working to see them removed from the job.. But, There IS a fair enough reason for that. The "good Cops" are now in the minority & dare not even attempt to see a Bad Cop get fired, or wind up with the Serpico treatment. WEre screwed.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by JohnBoy on 02/07/11 at 20:59:11

I believe you get what you pay for...if you are lucky.
I wouldn't be a cop for the money they get. So, I can see why you might get a few bad apples. My limited personal experience has been that the vast majority of cops that I have met are all very good guys.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by Midnightrider on 02/07/11 at 21:09:59

Justin why are we screwed? Four of those cops were fired on the spot, three others face criminal charges. The kid got roughed up real bad but justice has been served. The public no longer has to worry about these officers, whether you believe it or not cops are held accountable for their actions. You've been watching way to many cop shows on TV. The kid got caught red handed trying to burglarise someones home, Justin if it would have been your house you would have pulled out your pistol and probably shot him dead. Then you would be a hero LOL. Cops do have a right to be scared of modern day youth. Almost 50% of all violent crimes are committed by persons under the age of 25.  In 2006, those committing homicide, 1,111 were offenders under the age of 18. 15% of all arrests in 2006 were done to individuals under the age of 18. Right now a teenage gang member is one of the most dangerous situations a city cop has to deal with, cant legally use force on him if he is still a minor but yet him and his buddies are armed and ready to take you out of this world in a heartbeat.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by mick on 02/07/11 at 22:03:51

5742595A5A53425344360 wrote:
I dont think he meant all cops, just the majority :)

"Almost" all in the same basket, but I guess that's what happens when your job makes you wear a uniform.

So I guess a plain clothes detectives are all decent guys ?

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by odmanout on 02/08/11 at 03:55:42

I thought long and hard before chiming in here. I am a law abiding citizen. Yet I have had police hold a gun on me twice, and detain me twice, all because of mistaken identity, and scare the pee out of me when I was 6. I get a little nervous when I am around them. That being said, in my capacity as a director of the condo corp I live in and as a teacher of youths who have usually run afoul of the law I deal with the police quite a bit. Here in Canada I have only met one police officer who I felt should be kicked off the force. All the rest were polite (even the ones who hassled me) and business like. They are not paid very well for what they do and they are over worked because there is not enough of them to do the job they are mandated to do.
My point is ; here in Canada, if they stop someone chances are the person they stop will not have a gun. In the U.S. chances are much higher the person stopped will have a gun. This is undoubtedly very stressful to them. They are people just like you and me and we ask them to do a very difficult job that requires reserves of personal control that very few of us have. Studies have shown that regular every day people can cause pain to helpless people if they believe they are doing the right thing and are sanctioned to do it.
I do not in any way condone what those cops did. But I also refuse to paint all police with the same brush. There are bad apples in every bushel and they are dealt with.
Just my 2 cents.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/08/11 at 04:22:02

496D606A6D636C70766D606176040 wrote:
Justin why are we screwed? Four of those cops were fired on the spot, three others face criminal charges. The kid got roughed up real bad but justice has been served. The public no longer has to worry about these officers, whether you believe it or not cops are held accountable for their actions. You've been watching way to many cop shows on TV. The kid got caught red handed trying to burglarise someones home, Justin if it would have been your house you would have pulled out your pistol and probably shot him dead. Then you would be a hero LOL. Cops do have a right to be scared of modern day youth. Almost 50% of all violent crimes are committed by persons under the age of 25.  In 2006, those committing homicide, 1,111 were offenders under the age of 18. 15% of all arrests in 2006 were done to individuals under the age of 18. Right now a teenage gang member is one of the most dangerous situations a city cop has to deal with, cant legally use force on him if he is still a minor but yet him and his buddies are armed and ready to take you out of this world in a heartbeat.

Im used to cops getting away with this kind of crap. Didnt know they were fired/arrested & such. Fired is a good start. Jail tiome is what they need now.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by Midnightrider on 02/08/11 at 07:40:56

Cops get away with that crap on TV, not in real life. You think with all the lawyers in the world you can beat an unarmed suspect half to death and get away with it? Sure there are a few bad cops out there and every now and then a good cop can make a mistake. There are a few bad bikers out there but that doesnt mean everyone on this forum deals illegal drugs and guns like the Hell's Angels. If a crack cocaine dealer selling drugs to kids at your childs school gets arrested does it make the news? Ya ever seen the bloody underwear of a little 10 year old girl who has been repeatably raped? My wife has and she put the low life SOB away for a long long time who did it. She's been pinned down by gun fire, had her throat slashed by crack cocaine dealers and had her face busted up to many times to count. And really for what, so John Doe general public who watches way to much TV can talk sh!t about her. Anyone on this forum wanna get shot at or cut for $14 an hour. She doesnt really make that, several nights a week she comes home and is on the phone for hours working a case and not getting paid. Three law enforcement officers have been gunned down in the county I live in in the last 10 years. No criminals in this county have been shot and killed in that 10 years. Next week she'll have 20 years service. Why she stuck it out that long, I'll never know. Pay and working conditions suck and then there's John Q Publics attitude of her like I see on this forum. She took an oath to sacrifice her life if necessary to protect the public that seems to for the most part hate her, just like those 73 NY City Cops who died as a result of 9-11. Most Law Enforcement Agency's have job openings, even in this economy. There's a reason for that. I'm sorry if you dont like the sherriff of the county you live in but he can be voted out next election. Next time you stop at a convience store and you dont get robbed or you drive through a green light at an intersection and you dont get run over its because she and thousands more like her are out there. She took an oath to sacrifice her life for you if necessary, would you do the same for her?

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by bill67 on 02/08/11 at 09:25:19

Every time I walk out the door and don't get shot or robbed I praise the cops.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by Arnold on 02/08/11 at 12:49:50

Rough neighborhood. :)

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/08/11 at 17:42:39

I genuflect twice upon arriving home safely, thanking first, Saint Smith & then Saint Wesson.

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by tcreeley on 02/15/11 at 17:32:22

Lynn, Mass  Cops gave you a break if they caught you partying - they didn't arrest you - they beat you in the park - then told you to cut it out. That's neighborhood cops for you - good Irish folk.


Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by tcreeley on 02/15/11 at 17:34:02

Lynn, Mass  Cops gave you a break if they caught you partying - they didn't arrest you - they beat you in the park - then told you to cut it out. That's neighborhood cops for you - good Irish folk.



Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by Starlifter on 02/15/11 at 17:55:15

"whether you believe it or not cops are held accountable for their actions."

"Cops get away with that crap on TV, not in real life."

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Cops beating young kid
Post by bill67 on 02/16/11 at 03:46:46

3 off duty cops all mid 30 years old,In in a argument with a 21 year old in a bar at 1 o'clock in the morning,When the kid left they followed him outside handcuffed him and beat and kicked him,broke his eye socket,The lead one got 5 years in jail. Why does it take 3 cops  to beat some one, Once he is handcuffed, Chicken Sh!t cops.I my self couldn't hit someone much less hit him in the head. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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