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Message started by Oldfeller on 01/03/11 at 20:02:59

Post by Oldfeller on 01/03/11 at 20:02:59


                     Las Vegas !!

The superbowl of geek gadgets everywhere !!!!

Now we all ride our bikes on this list but we all post here using a computer.

And this year computing is gonna change like it never has before ....

Last year people were showing 800 mhz Android laptops and tablets that could be built  (and were, and were shipped this year)

But this year at CES they will deliver the 1 ghz, 2 ghz and up triple and quad core tablets and e-readers and the little tiny form factor destops (the size of a drill bit set) that can replace and outperform the huge white box sitting by your monitor.

Or a monitor with the stuff built into the case, take your pick.

Or the 13"  laptop that is 3/8" thick at the hinge and weighs about 1.8 pounds.

And their little brains have been buzzing about what else you can do with this level of computing power inside a tiny tiny form factor.

Year before last they delivered a computer that would plug into a wall socket just like a charger module -- it was called the Pogo Plug.   It was pretty durn neat.   That's old tech now-a-days.

This year I'm looking for them to build me a usb hub looking gizmo that acts as a wired and/or wifi hub for ALL my devices including ANY old style of existing printer -- an instant home lan network that you don't even have to plug into, your old laptop jest sees it "in the air" so to speak.

Don't laugh, neat things are gonna come popping out of the woodwork in jest one more day ....

Things like improved flat foil Lithum Hydride batteries (thin and flat and last more than a day in casual use)

Things like these new 128 gigabyte hard drives that are only 2.2mm thick .....

Post by mick on 01/03/11 at 20:27:56

nice for geeks and people who like to mess with people like SSWatchdog ex member,etc.otherwise right up there with watching grass grow.

Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/03/11 at 21:10:24

(thin and flat and last more than a day in casual use)

Been huntin that gal

Post by Oldfeller on 01/06/11 at 09:20:28

Here's your big news for all you windows people .....

Microsoft will support windows on ARM chips with Windows 8

How well this will work out with windows OS itself currently exceeding the available total memory space of the devices we are talking about by a factor of 3-4 times,  I dunno.

So, Windows 8 will have to go on a significant diet, or what they said was prone to mis-interpretation (yours, of course).

My guess is that WinCE gets a sort of Win8 looking interface and nothing else much changes for windows world.

By the time this happens, folks will have years & years of experience on Android and will have a nice long yardstick to compare any future real Windows offering to.


Scary stuff for Microsoft and Intel, 85% of the new innovative products announced at CES did not involve their chips or operating systems.  

Dum Dum de Dum (death march time).

AMD is interesting, all their new stuff is low power faster multi-core very small chips complete with ATI based video right on the small chip die.  All of it will run Windows or ARM or Google OS or Linux or whatever.  AMD is squaring up to take over the notebook and low end laptop space from Intel as Intel isn't offering a good graphics solution for the bottom end yet (requires an INVIDA separate chip to get similar results).  

And INVIDA is competing against AMD in this space with an ARM chip & video combo called TEGRA2.   AMD and TEGRA2 are the only two horses in this low end race right at this minute, with AMD being the only one that even can run Windows at all.  Intel is still working on something, though .....

Intel is gonna have to scramble hard to keep its place as a major player, and Microsoft is going to become totally business base dependent (legacy hardware) supplier if they don't shake their butts and MOVE off their little holy throne some.   They are fast on the way to being the new IBM of the 2010's if they don't MOVE and move fast.

What is scary is all the emerging large players, the Indian, Taiwanese and Chinese chip makers and board makers and laptop makers are not spending any development time on what we know as a full sized laptop or set top box any more.   It is all spent on ARM and AMD devices that are lighter, run longer on a battery charge and cost less to make.  Laptops and tablets and that's it folks .... little thin things that run a long time on a battery charge.

If Windows 8 isn't on the same OS footprint size as XP or Linux and run fast as the dickens on this new light hardware then it is likely all over for Microsoft.  They can't withstand another total OS fumble in this very sweeping large scale changing environment.


Don't throw away any old laptops or hardware from the past 2 generations -- what is old is likely gonna become new again when the new "smaller footprint" operating systems all shake themselves out good.   And an OS change may make your obsolete XP box perfectly functional again ....

Post by Oldfeller on 01/06/11 at 09:37:35

Yup, that's a motorola laptop that you slip your phone into the back of it to make it go.

Actually, the laptop is all hollow inside (except for a huge battery of course), all the operating guts come from the phone you just docked into the back of it.

This is Motorola admitting that the new cell phones have all the horsepower it takes to be a computer and the only things they lack to BE a complete laptop is a big screen and a keyboard.

Expect to see more of this sort of stuff as folks are already carrying the cell phones and the thin and light laptop docking stations don't have to be very heavy at all (except for the extra battery capacity they bring to the party)

Post by Serowbot on 01/06/11 at 09:37:44

I hate change....
I'm just getting used to XP... :-?...

Post by youzguyz on 01/06/11 at 09:52:58

Don't leave home without it!!  ;D

(Yeah, I really use it at work, and I LOVE IT!)

Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/06/11 at 10:57:10

3523342931242932460 wrote:
I hate change....
I'm just getting used to XP... :-?...

I hate change.

Well, the jump from Bush to the Bamster didnt bother you any then. Cuz nothing that matters changed.

Post by mick on 01/06/11 at 17:04:06

76696F6875724373437B69652E1C0 wrote:
[quote author=3523342931242932460 link=1294113780/0#5 date=1294335464]I hate change....
I'm just getting used to XP... :-?...

I hate change.

Well, the jump from Bush to the Bamster didnt bother you any then. Cuz nothing that matters changed.
Wrong again Justin,  Oct 2004 "just in the past few months,I think a light has gone off for people who've spent time up close to bush: that this instinct he's always talking about is this sort of weird ,messianic idea of what he thinks God has told him to do.This is why George W.Bush is so clear-eyed about Al Qaeda and the islamic fundamentalst enemy.....He understands them ,because he's just like them.This is why he dispenses with people who confront him with inconvenient facts,he truly believes he's on a mission from God.Absolute faith like that overwhelms a need for analysis. ... but you can't run the world on faith.

Post by John_D FSO on 01/06/11 at 23:02:25

5741564B53464B50240 wrote:
I hate change....
I'm just getting used to XP... :-?...

I kinda agree, I like my XP.  Of course I thought I liked my previous Windows '98, until I got used to the XP.  Frankly, as long as it lets me check the forums and bike sites, the occasional stupid YouTube video, I really don't need anything too fancy. :P

Post by T Mack 1 - FSO on 01/07/11 at 12:16:40

Those thin hard-drives are actually Solid State Drives, SSD's for short.  The wave of the future sort of..... No moving parts!!!!!!

 Same idea as a thumb drive but tied into the computer mother board instead of the USB port.   The company I was just laid of from (LSI which is formerly part of Bell Labs, the place that invented the transistor)  has a patent on the technology that uses modern hard-drive data compression algorithms  to get more space out of the the memory chips.

   It will be another two or three years until the prices come down to where it will be affordable.  Right now the profit margins on the flash chips are too high, and companies are too greedy to understand that if they cut the profits a bit, they could sell more and make the same yearly income.

Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/07/11 at 21:59:41

T-Mack says

companies are too greedy to understand that if they cut the profits a bit, they could sell more and make the same yearly income.

If I cut the price of my burgers & manage to make the same profit every year, because I sold more, then heeeers what happens.

I buy & process more materials. I use more energy. Every step of the production process is repeated more times, using the equipment.

All that activity, for the same number of dollars in profit isnt generally considered a wise business decision, IMO, based on the prevailing attitudes I see. It would have a few positive side effects, tho. I mite need to run the place 24 hours, increasing my number of employees, adding jobs to the community. Id be buying more raw materials, so, the vendors would make more, maybe someone would even have to hire someone to keep up with the increased sales,, &, If I can manage to wear my production equipment out at the same time it becomes obsolete & the depreciation has eaten the value , I can replace equipment with a more advanced model & run more efficiently & make improvements on my chip.

Might BE a good idea.. I think its worth more study.

Post by mick on 01/07/11 at 22:03:17

I would rather have a fast nickle than a slow dime.

Post by Reelthing on 01/10/11 at 07:33:30

It's generally the cost of r&d plus some that has to be recovered
quickly - otherwise if the bottom falls out of the price, or a better idea
shows up - there won't be a next round of r&d.  

Post by Reelthing on 01/10/11 at 07:34:54

4C5A404F52404C4F350 wrote:

Don't leave home without it!!  ;D

(Yeah, I really use it at work, and I LOVE IT!)

I think I still have a runable copy of NextStep around here if you need it  ::)

Post by Oldfeller on 01/11/11 at 23:52:17

Don't laugh about them old operating systems, they did mojo good work for us back in their time.

Example, I had passed down a vintage Windows DOS 3.1 box to my parents in law so grandma could make graphics and cards on a dot matrix printer.

(my wife and her mother had been doing this with her for years and years and they wanted the old box because of the special seasonal and church stuff they had created and printed out each season was still on the old PrintMaster software on the old box)

I had to do some maintenance on the box last year, it booted right up and I was amazed that the cobbled up batch files menu I had created was still there and working correctly.   The durn thing just worked, amazing ....

Here's the rub, with 54 meg of systems memory and a 40 meg hard drive the old system was FAST running the Microsoft Word of that era, faster than what I have on my desk now to boot and actually get to the program and the file open.

And I open up an old work file from 4 jobs ago for the jollies of it and I realized that I do NOTHING with a word processing software today that I couldn't do back then just dandy on DOS 3.1 ....

 ..... on a Intel 286 system that has 10 times less total systems and hard drive memory than the very smallest thumb drive I carry in my pocket today.

And that we sent people to the moon with computer systems that were a lot smaller than that !!!

Post by mpescatori on 01/12/11 at 02:27:07

25212B233C202D2421252D31480 wrote:
I would rather have a fast nickle than a slow dime.

Nickels are larger than dimes, a little thicker and a little heavier.

Overall, if you roll a nickel and a dime, the nickel will roll longer, farther away and on a slope gather more speed.

That's why nickels win in a nickel & dime race.

It's also been scientifically disputed how pennies and quarters would fare.

It turned out that pennies are too soft, have a tendency to dent and overall prove to be a cheap investment.

Quarters are big, heavy, have a lot of momentum once they pick up speed but in a 12-15 " sprint thay are no match to the nickel.

Now, anybody care to come over for a scientific study of Euro-coin races ?  :D

Post by youzguyz on 01/12/11 at 03:32:09

7047474E564A4B4C45220 wrote:
[quote author=4C5A404F52404C4F350 link=1294113780/0#6 date=1294336378]

Don't leave home without it!!  ;D

(Yeah, I really use it at work, and I LOVE IT!)

I think I still have a runable copy of NextStep around here if you need it  ::)[/quote]

Another blast from the Steve Jobs past.  I think I'll pass on the NextStep.  ::)

Post by Oldfeller on 01/25/11 at 09:01:20

The folks at CompuLab have been putting out ridiculously small desktop computers for a while, including the Intel Atom (and now AMD Fusion) powered line of Fit PC devices. But the company is branching out a bit with its latest. The CompuLab Trim Slice drops the x86 processor altogether for a 1 GHz NVIDIA Tegra 2 dual core ARM Cortex A9 processor.

Yes folks, it is a full bore computer complete with a hard drive

The whole thing uses an average of just 3 watts of power and has a fanless all-metal design. The Trim Slice measures just 5.1[ch8243] x 3.7[ch8243] x 0.6[ch8243]

Bad news for Intel, folks are starting to label their devices "Windows 8 Compatible" now and they got no Intel Inside at all ....    Windows 8 had better not be vaporware or a flub job or its all over for MicroSoft as well.  

The quantum shift has taken place in computerdom, and those who are competitors had best have something tasty on the table to be competing with, or else be ready to go hungry.

Hewlett Packard has just purchased Palm for their fully developed ARM/Linux and 'x86 works the same operating system -- expect to see vendor customized Android like operating systems running on low end tablets and netbooks and on their "not so big box" PCs as the quick starting system -- then Windows 8 boots up at its convenience for those who must have it for business.

HP is gonna write some of the songs for this new dance -- expect their stuff to all be unified and looks the same and works faster than dog snot and LOOKS GREAT no matter what you are running it on.   Expect the same excellent HP user experience no matter what or where or how ....

HP doesn't think you can pull it off, Balmer -- you have shot too much bullshit over the years for them to stake their company on your word alone -- they have purchased their own operating system and will develop and market it along with their various new products.

You got Android setting up the yardstick for small self-contained devices like tablets and phones.   You got Google OS saying you can live in the cloud and run off your hard drive (Google OS and Android work together jest fine, same code runs in both).  You got HP saying "Same great stuff on all your HP devices" based off the Palm OS.  

You got Microsoft and Intel sitting off to the side with their thumbs up their butts asking each other "where did it all go?"

This is the year computing CHANGED big time -- and you were there.

Post by Serowbot on 01/25/11 at 09:48:33

6A4941434049494057250 wrote:
This is the year computing CHANGED big time -- and you were there.

Yup,.. I was there,... and it blew right past me... as usual...

All I'm getting is, things are getting littler ...  the rest is Greek... :-?...

...ahhh but,... I did finally get a cellphone last week...

It's little... :-?...

Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 01/25/11 at 10:44:41

For what I do with a computer, which is mainly writing, I wish I could go back to the old Word Perfect running on a blue DOS screen.  The letters were very sharp, easier to read than the best flat screen monitor running Windows.

Remember the old template that went across the top of the keyboard with the combinations of Alt, Shift and Ctrl plus numerals to give you the various shortcuts?  I may still ahve one around here somewhere.

Post by ALfromN.H. on 01/25/11 at 10:53:46

I still work on an old DOS system at work and print on an old dot matrix printer. The system was purchased in 1987 but still does what it's supposed to do.


Post by Oldfeller on 01/25/11 at 21:56:36

Al brings up a good point -- old hardware.

The stuff you'd have throw away last year (or year before) will run these new operating systems just fine.

These are little quick operating systems, running quick, small, non-bloated software.

Microsoft didn't write this stuff -- it will all run on less than a gig of systems memory.   Most of your old hardware exceeds the required specs.

If you can get used to your new cell phone, you can get used to the same stuff running on your old outdated Wintel hardware.  Linux (the stuff living under the covers of all this new small computer excellence) simply isn't bloated like the Wintel stuff that has come up since your old hardware was new so it will run on your old leftover PC or laptop jest dandy.

And folks are recognizing that they want the same stuff on their phone and on their PC and they want the two to TALK to each other seamlessly and flawlessly and effortlessly.  Both are on the web already and cloud computing and application/data sharing seamlessly between hand held and desktop isn't far away at all ...  HP is making a big effort to sell that thought as a major sales advantage to their PCs, laptops, tablets and supported phones.

This post written on an old xp machine running linux mint -- fast and clean and virus free.  No worms or trojans or adwares or endless Windows security updates or having to defrag my hard drive or do a systems restore every other week any more for me -- I made the switch and it is good .... very good stuff.    Free too, and that's nice also.

If you are a firefox user, you have nothing much to learn -- just go to it.

Post by John_D FSO on 01/25/11 at 23:42:46

7479777723150 wrote:
I still work on an old DOS system at work and print on an old dot matrix printer. The system was purchased in 1987 but still does what it's supposed to do.


We had a similar setup in the test lab I used to work in, mostly because it was too expensive to upgrade to something newer.  Special cards or something like that. :-?  Worked great though, except there was only me and one other guy that new how to look up stored test results.  Wish I'd remembered to take my homemade instruction book when I got laid off! >:(

Title: Microsoft asks Intel for HELP !!!
Post by Oldfeller on 01/28/11 at 08:08:09

After making the public commitment to support ARM chips with Windows 8 Microsoft has turned to their business buddy Intel with an odd request -- read the attached with a "why" eye noticing the need to lower the power consumption of a fat as a pig operating system in an energy competitive market.

First, Microsoft is asking the wrong people for a low power consumption solution.   Intel can do it (has done it) but it sucks juice and blows waste heat like nobody's business.  

And the cost, whoooo boy did it cost ....

Life don't sound so good for the Bobbsey Twins, does it?


Microsoft wants Intel to develop 16-core Atom chips
Friday, January 28th, 2011, 10:00 am by Brad Linder | Tags: chips, intel, intel atom, microsoft, servers

There’s a common mis-perception that multi-core chips are always more powerful than single-core computer chips. But the truth of the matter is that while multi-core chips can be faster than their old school brethren, especially when used with software optimized for multithreading, there’s another reason to develop chips with multiple cores: They can use less power.

Without getting too deep into the math, basically a quad-core chip running at 200 MHz can offer similar performance to a single core chip running at 1 GHz under some circumstances — but it can achieve that while running at a lower voltage. And that means it uses less energy, saving money and prolonging battery life.

So a recent report from PC World that Microsoft is asking Intel to bring a 16-core Atom chip to market doesn’t mean that Microsoft thinks Intel should make its low power Atom chips insanely powerful. Rather, the idea is that Intel’s Atom platform could be even more energy efficient with 8 times more cores than are currently available. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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