General Category >> The Cafe >> Snow in the North

Message started by photojoe on 12/27/10 at 04:54:36

Title: Snow in the North
Post by photojoe on 12/27/10 at 04:54:36

This is the worst I've seen during my time here. All cars are buried and my bike? Well, I can see the top of the cover but that's it. Snow is 1/2 way up everyone's front doors. Looks at least waist high. I'm going to give it a couple of hours and try to make my way across the street to dig out the old Guy's front steps and see if he needs anything. I know his dog needs to go out. I'll make up a bag of food and cook up some pancakes to bring him also. There's no way he's getting out of there without help. Not that there's anywhere to go......but still.

Title: Re: Snow in the North
Post by babyhog on 12/27/10 at 07:16:07

Sorry to hear of your troubles joe.  We haven't gotten huge dumpings at once, its been more gradual inch or two, every other day or so.  I'm already ready for spring.
Here's my poor little lonesome cabin in the woods, yesterday...

and hubby trying not to fall down the hill...

Title: Re: Snow in the North
Post by Serowbot on 12/27/10 at 08:52:59

A+ Joe,... wish I could lend a hand... ;)...

Stay warm...

Title: Re: Snow in the North
Post by babyhog on 12/27/10 at 09:02:19

Just heard from my sister in NYC.  She said Central Park got about 20", she's in Queens, said it looked to be about that much.  That's alot of snow, and fast!  

Title: Re: Snow in the North
Post by photojoe on 12/27/10 at 10:20:26

The bike is under here somewhere:

I was hoping this guy across the street would find it:

Title: Re: Snow in the North
Post by photojoe on 12/27/10 at 10:22:24

This guy:

Title: Re: Snow in the North
Post by verslagen1 on 12/27/10 at 10:40:04

I don't think he's happy about the snow.

Title: Re: Snow in the North
Post by babyhog on 12/27/10 at 10:43:33

How can anyone be "happy" about that much snow??   ;)

You couldn't even let toddlers out to play in it, they'd get lost!

Title: Re: Snow in the North
Post by photojoe on 12/27/10 at 10:52:08

Your snow looks pretty BH, and your Hubby looks happy. That's the kind of snow I like.

It is what it is. At least we have food and a roof over our heads. I was up to my waist when I went to the old guy's house to help him get out of there. His dog was quite relieved, literally :)

Title: Re: Snow in the North
Post by babyhog on 12/27/10 at 12:35:15

Very good of you to help out your old neighbor, and his doggie.  We should all remember those who have trouble with weather like this.

I have lots of yellow snow on my porch... dang pooches don't want to get in the deep stuff, so they just hike on the flower pot on the porch.  LOL

Hubby had just taken my pic, so I snapped one of him too.  He was kinda laughing at me because I was down-hill of him and about busted my behind!

Title: Re: Snow in the North
Post by photojoe on 12/29/10 at 09:38:02

Blizzard day 4, and not a plow in sight. The owner of the house on the left of the photo ( victorian) pays $18,000.00 per year in property taxes. He can't get to work.

Title: Re: Snow in the North
Post by mick on 12/29/10 at 13:00:23

2B282924263C450 wrote:
How can anyone be "happy" about that much snow??   ;)

You couldn't even let toddlers out to play in it, they'd get lost!

that is exactly the RIGHT  time to let kids out to play. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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