General Category >> The Cafe >> an invitation.

Message started by sluggo on 12/20/10 at 19:13:08

Title: an invitation.
Post by sluggo on 12/20/10 at 19:13:08

i invite you to join me at sluggo's table for LIGHT hearted fun, some ribbing, and a place where you can visit the dumpster any time you want.
alice is a great waitress, and she just won't gertie go, (it's the brownies), but she does make her wash her hands regularly now.

newbies buy the first round, but since i've been away so long  i'll spring for the first one.

hot dr peppers on me.

Title: Re: an invitation.
Post by stinger on 12/21/10 at 00:12:53

I love dumpsters!

Title: Re: an invitation.
Post by PerrydaSavage on 12/21/10 at 06:20:02

Yeah, I'm a big fan of dumpsters too! ... and of course Sluggo's company! 8-)

Title: Re: an invitation.
Post by sluggo on 12/21/10 at 12:47:25

774255555E4346744651464042270 wrote:
Yeah, I'm a big fan of dumpsters too! ... and of course Sluggo's company! 8-)

dumpsters are the smokers version of the "brown bag"

i worked in the L.A  music scene and frequently frequated the dumpster, one night i go out on break and caught a couple involved in coitus, i let them be and went and found a different dumpster :o well after i watched for a few minutes, they didn't even notice me.  8-)

Title: Re: an invitation.
Post by kimchris1 on 12/21/10 at 20:29:49

sluggo, are you offering Flaming Dr. Peppers? My sis loves to drink those yet is getting hard to find places where she lives that will make them. Bar tenders say it is a liability issue. Myself I have never tried one so may just have to come up and try one being your buying... :) kim

Title: Re: an invitation.
Post by sluggo on 12/21/10 at 20:50:48

never tried the flaming thing, i do love to drink it hot in winter.

while i do enjoy trips to the dumpster, I have never been drunk, which is really odd as i worked in the LA bar scene for so many years. i did lose friends to drunk drivers. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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