General Category >> The Cafe >> Ok Oldfellow , how many poker-chip was that ?

Message started by MMRanch on 12/15/10 at 01:17:51

Title: Ok Oldfellow , how many poker-chip was that ?
Post by MMRanch on 12/15/10 at 01:17:51

I was just watching the NEWS this Wensday morning and  this guy wearing a motorcycle helmet takes over a million dollars worth of "poker chips" and runs out of a LasVegas joint.   Well,  while the guy is running I think "Hay, I know that guy", The way he runs I've seen that before ?? !!.   The guy is built just like ?????  OLD FELLOW !!!!!!.   Then the anouncer says " Then gets away on his Motor Bike ".
Anybody who has seen OldFellow ride knows "There ain't a car on the planet that can keep up the combo of  "That short heavy-set fellow on that GrandMaw's bike " "!  or  The way the Harley bunch call him "That fantom on the scooter".
So Old Fellow ,the Question is : Now that money is no object ,  What kind of upgrades are you doing this wenter ?



Title: Re: Ok Oldfellow , how many poker-chip was that ?
Post by Oldfeller on 12/15/10 at 01:27:53

T'warn't me, mebbe it was my second cousin on the Knevil side, cousin Evil that is .....  they say we look a lot a like.   He runs sorta funny too, got all busted up he did.

I, unfortunately is still jest as poor as church mice.

Anyhow, its about Christmas Time so when do we start talking about the next summer's trip up them little black squiggly lines?

We is a missing Toymaker, he'd a been talking about it for weeks already.

Title: Re: Ok Oldfellow , how many poker-chip was that ?
Post by MMRanch on 12/15/10 at 01:36:41

GOODMORNING  I got up to fill the wood stove whats your excuse ?

Then there was the news clip of your cousin !

Oh  how I miss those little squilley lines !

I've done a few rides with the local CMA this fall.   Most ride V-twin heavy bikes , but they slow down for curves and behine vechiles doing less that the speed limit  ....even on 4 lane hwys .... Rule is doin't pass the "Road Captain".   Typical Harley bunch.    Its something to do   but  nothing like the Savage Ride  !                

ToyMaker , you riding your Savage this year ?  

We'll be glad to see ya regardless of what your riding.


Title: Re: Ok Oldfellow , how many poker-chip was that ?
Post by Toymaker on 12/15/10 at 02:26:12

Toymaker checking in...

Nope, ridin; the put me in the rear....but I do believe you might be surprises a bit...I won't be "pokin' this year.

Title: Re: Ok Oldfellow , how many poker-chip was that ?
Post by Oldfeller on 12/15/10 at 02:41:42

So where are we going to stay this year?    Same place as always or are we gonna change it up some?

Title: Re: Ok Oldfellow , how many poker-chip was that ?
Post by Driller on 12/15/10 at 05:32:17

On your way over, perhaps I can show you some of the "super secret" roads around here. Of course you will have to learn the mystic handshake to gain entrance.
Actually a "Raid on the Grade" may be needed next spring.
Stay tuned.....

Title: Re: Ok Oldfellow , how many poker-chip was that ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/15/10 at 07:22:30

How is that guy gonna make a dime on those stolen chips, anyway? Go in with a $25,000.00 chip & play till he loses most of it & cash out?

Title: Re: Ok Oldfellow , how many poker-chip was that ?
Post by verslagen1 on 12/15/10 at 08:52:22

Been thinking about that, chips are probably marked, otherwise they would be easy to counterfit.

A million in chips that could fit in your pocket, I'd have them seriallized.  Possibly encoded with a chip.

These are probably going to be used as repayment of markers.

Title: Re: Ok Oldfellow , how many poker-chip was that ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/15/10 at 09:58:44

These are probably going to be used as repayment of markers

hadnt thot of that.

i did think he mite sell them for a big discount

Title: Re: Ok Oldfellow , how many poker-chip was that ?
Post by mick on 12/15/10 at 11:58:02

283B2C2D323F393B306F5E0 wrote:
Been thinking about that, chips are probably marked, otherwise they would be easy to counterfit.

A million in chips that could fit in your pocket, I'd have them seriallized.  Possibly encoded with a chip.

These are probably going to be used as repayment of markers.

He will have to use them in less than an hour,that is how fast the news will get out .the Casino in question will just change chips, they have several designs hidden away, trust me on this I was a 21 dealer for a year in that great city

Title: Re: Ok Oldfellow , how many poker-chip was that ?
Post by kel30734 on 12/15/10 at 12:08:12

506C61506B7D69656F6176040 wrote:
Toymaker checking in...

Nope, ridin; the put me in the rear....but I do believe you might be surprises a bit...I won't be "pokin' this year.

Hope those streight Parts of the road dont make you fall over agin.... ;)

Title: Re: Ok Oldfellow , how many poker-chip was that ?
Post by Toymaker on 12/15/10 at 14:12:56 new outriggers to keep me up!!!! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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