General Category >> The Cafe >> Question that's been bugging me for some time now

Message started by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 12/14/10 at 16:22:56

Title: Question that's been bugging me for some time now
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 12/14/10 at 16:22:56

Why is gold so valuable? It has no practical use that I can ascertain. It's too soft to make any type of useful product out of. So why is it considered so precious? Making jewelry out of it ain't what I would call a practical use. Jewelry after all is only an adornment. Can anyone give a satisfactory answer? I really would like to know. After all, wars have been fought over the stuff, people have been enslaved and driven from their ancestral homes over it, murders have happened all because of some yellow soft metal that I can't see a proper use for.

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by Trippah on 12/14/10 at 16:41:46

Peter Bernstien has written a book "The Power Of Gold." that reportedly would give you the answer.

I suspect that gold, as the most maleable of metals, was found to be valuable as jewelry but not tuff enough for weaponry.  It was relatively common and relatively easy to find and ammass, making it a good choice for an agreed upon common measure for trade; international commerce and financing. :o

If I find the book, I'll give it a read and report back. 8-)

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by Trippah on 12/14/10 at 16:43:30

and Younah, anything that your wife thinks is beautiful and desireable such as gold jewellry will become at least desireable to you. ;)

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by LostArtist on 12/14/10 at 16:47:09

because we like it, a lot, oooh it's shiney!!  

it does have some limited practical uses, great conductor, most computers, phones, electronics in general have gold in them, just enough to get electrons moving not enough to get rich by recycling old electronic parts. it has some other uses too but mainly electrical stuff.  

but yeah, it's shiney and now people think it's worth something so therefor it is

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by on 12/14/10 at 16:47:57

Gold is one of the most useful metals in existence.  It is far to important to be used for jewelry.  It doesn't corrode, it is inert, and it has other properties that make it especially useful in a wide range of applications. (I am glad that my crowns are made of gold.) One of the big reasons that computers (and much other electronics) can be recycled is to reclaim the gold used in them.

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/14/10 at 16:54:11

Its been used as Money for centuries. Why is not an easy thing to answer. Its a commodity, prized by many. It, at least, has more appeal than a small rectangle of paper, said to be valuable, when that paper has no backing of any sort.
Gold doesnt rot or rust. It is useful in industry, in coloring glass & in electronics, tho silver has more uses in industry. It tarnishes, but, as far as I know, silver doesnt corrode away.
Each is considered money in most places.

The strangest currency Ive ever heard of, the longest lasting currency Im aware of, were the Tally Sticks.

I think rare materials are considered valuable by most folks, & gold isnt a real common element. If diamonds were common as sand, Ill bet they wouldnt sell for much.

Camel Dung could be a valuable item, used as money, if there were few camels & no other option for something to burn to cook & heat a small cave. If I owned the only camel in the village & there were no trees to burn, nothing to burn to make heat but poo,, Id be a rich man.

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by sluggo on 12/14/10 at 17:12:12

the short answer?  we as  species have decided so.

now again what does this have to do with motorcycles.

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/14/10 at 17:14:38

With enough gold, I can have as many bikes as Jay Lenno

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by mick on 12/14/10 at 18:57:27

if all the gold in the world was in one place it would cover a football field one foot thick, that's it that's all of it. A perfect place to ride your bike. the main reason it is costly is because it's rare. just like Vincent motor cycles,and a good shape BSA gold star.  ;)

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/14/10 at 19:05:36

if all the gold in the world was in one place it would cover a football field one foot thick,

Dude,, Ive heard that, too, but Im just not real sure thats correct. Im pretty sure Ive seen at least 6 inches worth of that on teeth, back when I was hangin out in the wrong places.

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by mick on 12/14/10 at 19:17:30

2D322B3939315E0 wrote:
the short answer?  we as  species have decided so.

now again what does this have to do with motorcycles.

Ok Sluggo lets talk about motorcycles, you start ..

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by stinger on 12/15/10 at 01:14:39

I remember Panama Gold!  Stuff was expensive but worth the price!

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by MMRanch on 12/15/10 at 01:25:42

I agree with Trippah ,   IT'S BECOUSE  " WOMEN CAN'T RESIST IT ".


Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by Toymaker on 12/15/10 at 02:28:31

Gold was seen as part of the sun...and to have a piece of the sun was important to pre-historic folks.

and silver is part of the moon

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by Oldfeller on 12/15/10 at 02:38:56

Gold is rare enough to be "rare" and it is easily formed into coins, struck with emblems, etc.    Gold and silver have been precious for as long as written records exist so it is natural they are considered to be "intrinsically valuable" no matter where you are in the world.

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/15/10 at 07:26:45

Yep, And, if someone comes to me with a small paper rectangle with numbers on it & someone else shows up with a humk of gold or silver, each wanting the same product from me, Ill most likely accept the metal over the paper, because paper currency has always, without fail, become worth exactly the intrinsic value of the paper it was written on. No paper currency has ever lasted, gold & silver have always been accepted as valuable .

Yonuh, did you look up Tally Sticks?

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 12/15/10 at 12:39:22

So basically what all of ya'll are saying is that ya'll don't rightly know either.

Darn, I was so hoping someone here could tell me.

No I haven't looked up Tally Sticks yet.

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by LostArtist on 12/15/10 at 13:03:12

where's the gold motorcycles??

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by bill67 on 12/15/10 at 13:04:45

Gold Wing

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by mick on 12/15/10 at 15:01:15

I did go gold panning once on the American river ,close to Sutters Mill.
With my very first try I found a little nugget about the size of my pinky nail, After that you couldn't get me out of that river,I found a few more flecks ,but that was it, I looked like a prune.8 hrs work for a buck and a half. :'(

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by babyhog on 12/16/10 at 05:19:05

7B7F757D627E737A7F7B736F160 wrote:
I did go gold panning once on the American river ,close to Sutters Mill.
With my very first try I found a little nugget about the size of my pinky nail, After that you couldn't get me out of that river,I found a few more flecks ,but that was it, I looked like a prune.8 hrs work for a buck and a half. :'(

Ah mick, that just came from somebody who had just puked after drinking a bottle of Goldschlager!  You found his gold!   ;)

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/16/10 at 05:20:51

Yonuh,, why is that dollar bill valuable?
Intrinsic value. interesting concept.

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by JohnBoy on 12/16/10 at 09:49:14

Cavemen understood that it would conduct electricity better than their copper wires. Music was easier to invent without all the hiss and pop.

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 12/16/10 at 18:05:35

1. gold is pretty useful, sorda.
2. gold stores and retains value over long periods of time
3. gold is right now artificially overpriced at least 50%
4. gold is used about 50% in jewelry, 40% in investments, and 10% in industry.
5. gold is also difficult to mine, there are "only" about 5 billion troy
ounces worth mined on earth so far, this is less than 1 coin per person.

Now, gold cannot be eaten but has been for some reason valueble
to man since the beginning of recorded history, why?

Because Yonuh gold was/is the key ingredient, along with some precious
gems, for the ancient civilizations (pre-rome, pre-egypt, pre everything)
to make their alchemical based comunicator gadgets so humans
could communicate with beings that inhabit the other higher planes
of existance; it so happened that these gadgets kinda looked like
jewlery (think of a mix between a ouija board and a glorified
mood-ring) and I think this is the real reason why most of us are
instinctively, subconsciously attracted to jewlery.

This is not a joke, this is one of the ultimate secrets of our age
and any serious student of *real* ancient history or of kabbala
or magick knows exactly what I'm takling about.

Hope this thread doesnt get censored cause if this, L8r

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/16/10 at 18:17:32

. gold is right now artificially overpriced at least 50%

How you figure?

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 12/16/10 at 18:29:35

... by supply/demand market manipulation due to
dirty insider trading using money that only exists
on a computer screen, holding it until the price goes
up and then selling it back to your crooked banker
buddy to repeat the process again and again till it
goes unnaturally from $300 to 1,300 in a decade,
thats how

also people are scared of inflation and of all paper money
so everyone knows gold (and silver) is/are the way to go,
but NOT at $1,300 for a 31 gramm coin, jeez

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by LostArtist on 12/16/10 at 18:45:51

wonder how valuable gold boobies would be, two things men like best . . .  

okay, sorry, I'm in a weird mood tonight

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/16/10 at 21:34:54

4265787C6168110 wrote:
... by supply/demand market manipulation due to
dirty insider trading using money that only exists
on a computer screen, holding it until the price goes
up and then selling it back to your crooked banker
buddy to repeat the process again and again till it
goes unnaturally from $300 to 1,300 in a decade,
thats how

also people are scared of inflation and of all paper money

I think the price is legit, if not suppressed.
I look at the price of gold when I was a kid, 32 bux an OZ. & I saw a gallon of milk cross the dollar mark before I saw that. By about 4 years,, 3 maybe. Ive watched the dollar get inflated/ That, coupled with demand, is driving the price up.

The bankers you so rightfully hate have no desire to see gold go up. Theyve been working for years to keep the price down, because when gold goes up, it shines a light of doubt on the value of the dollar.
T^hey desperately do not want to see the value of the dollar get to its own intrinsic value.. the value of paper.
so everyone knows gold (and silver) is/are the way to go,
but NOT at $1,300 for a 31 gramm coin, jeez

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by Stimpy - FSO on 12/17/10 at 01:59:33

$32 an ounze?  wow!

you may be right, gold could have been totaly undervalued
all these years while everyone thought the mighty dollar
(which is backed up by NOTHING) was king of the world.

I'm still kicking myself for not having bought any metal
10 years ago, oh well, at least I got me a bunch o'silver
last february at "1/2 price"  :D

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by mick on 12/17/10 at 09:33:28

41667B7F626B120 wrote:
$32 an ounze?  wow!

you may be right, gold could have been totaly undervalued
all these years while everyone thought the mighty dollar
(which is backed up by NOTHING) was king of the world.

I'm still kicking myself for not having bought any metal
10 years ago, oh well, at least I got me a bunch o'silver
last february at "1/2 price"  :D

Stimpy , the pound Stirling has been up there for many years it has always taken more dollars to buy a pound that the other way around ,
the Pound rules. When I came here it was $4.50 to buy one pound,
now it's about $1.80 to buy a pound. I would take a million pounds over a million dollars anyday.

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by bill67 on 12/17/10 at 10:23:52

Lee Harvey Oswald's coffin just sold for $87000 at and auction,I knew I should have bought that.

Title: Re: Question that's been bugging me for some time
Post by mick on 12/17/10 at 11:07:23

292227277D7C4B0 wrote:
Lee Harvey Oswald's coffin just sold for $87000 at and auction,I knew I should have bought that.

Was he still in it ?
Or did he do the old Jesus trick ? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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