General Category >> The Cafe >> new use for old watches

Message started by LostArtist on 12/09/10 at 09:43:10

Title: new use for old watches
Post by LostArtist on 12/09/10 at 09:43:10

making toy motorcycles out of old watches!

Title: Re: new use for old watches
Post by babyhog on 12/09/10 at 10:15:21

That is so cool.  When my father-in-law died a couple years ago, we found a bag full of old watches.  I mean like 200+.  Mother-in-law said he bought them from somebody a long time ago.  They weren't worth anything (I thought), but what a neat use, we could have recycled them into motorcycles!  Guess I'll have to find out if she still has them, or if we got rid of them.

Title: Re: new use for old watches
Post by LostArtist on 12/09/10 at 10:36:15

very cool, now  wish I had more watches . . .   think we could share babyhog if you have them anyway?

Title: Re: new use for old watches
Post by babyhog on 12/09/10 at 10:58:40

let me do some checking... I wouldn't mind sharing...  I think it looks like fun!

Title: Re: new use for old watches
Post by verslagen1 on 12/09/10 at 11:21:53

Some of us ride m/c's to forget time exists...
Some put watches on our bikes to remind us of time...
Now we have a few that know m/c's are more important than time.


Title: Re: new use for old watches
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/09/10 at 18:35:08

Its About TIME someone did that

Title: Re: new use for old watches
Post by mick on 12/09/10 at 22:10:49

if it was one of our members who was doing the bike making. I have a half dozen watches ,that I dont need,I have 2 Seiko's one is automatic,it runs while you are wearing it but take it off and it stops,there is a Longene in there ,fully clockwork as in no batteries,the other 3 are just cheepo's probably just need batteries. If you are allowed to use camera parts ,I have a hole front of a Roliflex,and a minalta.  So,if anyone is going to make something out of them let me know.

Title: Re: new use for old watches
Post by mpescatori on 12/10/10 at 02:02:45

696A6B66647E070 wrote:
That is so cool.  When my father-in-law died a couple years ago, we found a bag full of old watches.  I mean like 200+.  Mother-in-law said he bought them from somebody a long time ago.  They weren't worth anything (I thought), but what a neat use, we could have recycled them into motorcycles!  Guess I'll have to find out if she still has them, or if we got rid of them.

If those watches are still around, find a competent antiques specialist (I mean, competent in antique watches, not justr furniture) and have them estimated/quoted, one by one.

You'll find out that whereas many were considered to be just "old watches' 20-30 years ago, thy may now have increased in value up to 100 times.
For example, a "merely wind-up watch" i.e. not even automatic may look pointless, but if it was built by somebody specific it's like discovering a vintage Studebaker in a barn...

So don't throw them away yet, much less take them down in bits, but have somebody take a serious look at them.

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