General Category >> The Cafe >> I really miss her

Message started by mick on 11/27/10 at 12:38:58

Title: I really miss her
Post by mick on 11/27/10 at 12:38:58

my little ninja,I hope she went to a good home.

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by Serowbot on 11/27/10 at 12:56:50

Her spirit morphed into a 4 wheeled, red, chick-magnet... ;)...

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by mick on 11/27/10 at 18:29:54

You are very kind mate, as much as I love my Miata,I was having so much fun on that ninja, I mean look at it that little bugger,it could go from the street to the race track, in 5 minutes, just a few little mods and you got a ton up little racer , boo hoo boo hoo,sniffle sniffle.

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by kimchris1 on 11/27/10 at 18:44:57

Offering you a shoulder and a kleenex. Mick, I understand very well how hard it is to have that desire to ride yet unable to do so.
You have so much knowledge to share even though your unable to ride right now.
Have you thought of helping with beginners at a course by chance? You could verbally teach and share your knowledge. Or write a book?
You could insert pictures as well as the wonderful stories you have stored inside your brain.
I do hold out hope that the feelings in your hand is restored and once again you can be on 2 wheels.. Hugs.. kim :)

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/27/10 at 19:54:48

2E2A2028372B262F2A2E263A430 wrote:
You are very kind mate, as much as I love my Miata,I was having so much fun on that ninja, I mean look at it that little bugger,it could go from the street to the race track, in 5 minutes, just a few little mods and you got a ton up little racer , boo hoo boo hoo,sniffle sniffle.

I dont blame ya one bit, Mick. If I had the $$$ for another bike, that is what Id get, a Ninja 250.
Unless a clean Yamaha RD 400 showed up, then id go that way. I think,, IDK, It'd be a gut wrenching call, But, Id take the RD 400,, & if it didnt work out, then Id grab a 250 Kawa,, cuz thers a ton O them around, but an RD? Naaah, thats rare..

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by Midnightrider on 11/28/10 at 08:32:15

Mick youre making me feel guilty. For what it is and what it does, my little Ninja is probably the greatest motorcycle I've ever parked my a$$ on. Been thinking about selling my Savage because its not being ridden. My Ninja is not for sale. Its cheap to own and operate, plus its easy on the eyes. At my age and physical condition its almost the perfect motorcycle.

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by mick on 11/28/10 at 09:06:29

I love that you keep it spotless Mike, they go faster when they are slick. The savage is a great bike if you are a short a$$, I liked mine for piddling around town doing a little shopping. but for pure motorcycling fun, they dont come much better than the 250 ninja,I think with a little practice ,after you grind the foot pegs down ,I could start on the handlebars  ;) ;)

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by PerrydaSavage on 11/28/10 at 15:04:52

LOVE those Ninja 250's guys! Have heard nothing but good about 'em!

Here's a variant of the 250 Ninja that was sold in Canada from 2000 to 2007 ... the ZZ-R250 (EX250-H) that apparently never offered in the U.S. for some reason or another?

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by mick on 11/28/10 at 16:27:18

Holy c-rap that's  beautiful, Why on earth do company's do that ?
I could never understand why Norton Made the Manx just for their racing team only,the public coulden't buy one,the international was the public version but it wasn't even close.Sometimes I think they don't want to make money. I know the manx didn't have a kick start or lights , it had to be push started, easily remidied.

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by PerrydaSavage on 11/29/10 at 00:58:55

Actually mick, the ZZ-R250 was sold in the UK, Aus, NZ, parts of Europe and most of Asia from the early 90's onward ... it showed up here in Canada in 2000, replacing the regular EX250 ... ZZ-R has same engine as the EX250 (though slightly different gearing I belive), different bodywork, 17" wheels (vs 16" on the regular Ninja of that era), dual trip meters, fully adjustable brake & clutch levers, adjustable rear pre-load, front fairing storage pocket, etc. Kawasaki Canada marketed it as a "Lite" Sport Touring machine and was actually more expensive new, than the current Next Gen Ninja 250's. A good condition, recent year, low milage ZZ-R250 can be had on the used market up here for around $2.5K CDN ...

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by PerrydaSavage on 11/29/10 at 11:42:16

Here's an article I found comparing the Kawi EX250-H (ZZ-R250) to the regular pre-'08 Ninja 250 that you guys had in the States up until 2007;

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by mick on 11/29/10 at 11:54:50

754057575C4144764453444240250 wrote:
Here's an article I found comparing the Kawi EX250-H (ZZ-R250) to the regular pre-'08 Ninja 250 that you guys had in the States up until 2007;

I guess it the riders size makes all the difference, how about you Midnight rider,how tall are you ? I know you go hundreds of miles at a time and never complain.

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by Midnightrider on 11/29/10 at 12:19:44

Mick I'm 5'7". I did put blocks under my handlebar risers to raise them up and a 2" taller windscreen. Made a major difference, I've done a few 400 mile days on mine and too many 300 mile days to count.

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by mick on 11/29/10 at 17:07:11

694D404A4D434C50564D404156240 wrote:
Mick I'm 5'7". I did put blocks under my handlebar risers to raise them up and a 2" taller windscreen. Made a major difference, I've done a few 400 mile days on mine and too many 300 mile days to count.

you and I are the same hight ,I guess that's why it fits us so well.
So their you go Savage Rider.

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by PerrydaSavage on 12/03/10 at 18:26:38

So whatdaya think Mick ... think she fits me OK? :)

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by Midnightrider on 12/03/10 at 19:27:24

Perry is she yours? Santa come early?

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by mick on 12/03/10 at 22:21:12

OK Perry I'm impressed ,so that is the Canadian model, I love the color, and she fits you just fine ,will you have to wait until spring for a good test run.  You guys must be close to winterizing your bikes up there in the hinterlands.
Anyway Perry Congratulations on the new steed, you are going to love it.     Mick

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/04/10 at 01:44:55

Good choice, Perry. Looks great with ya sittin there.

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by PerrydaSavage on 12/04/10 at 02:29:13

Thanks for the sentiments b'ys ... yes she is mine ... I've been despondent ever since my personal situation saw me have to sell my beloved S40 last March ... my brother, knowing that I've always had a fondness for small motorcycles, came across this ZZ-R variant of pre-08 generation Ninja 250 in New Brunswick and had her shipped down here to The Rock for me! She's a Canadian spec 2007 with 3200kms on her and she's spotless!! Was dropped off yesterday evening in a torrential rainstorm ... so ya, unfortunately she'll be winterized this weekend or next, so no Ride Report until April. :(
The LS650 will always be first in my heart, so I am hoping that you guys will let me stay on here ... and even let me bring my new girlfriend around once and awhile?! 8-)

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by Midnightrider on 12/04/10 at 06:13:57

"The LS650 will always be first in my heart, so I am hoping that you guys will let me stay on here ... and even let me bring my new girlfriend around once and awhile?! "
Please do, my little Ninjette needs some company!!!!!!!!! Congratulations, youre gonna have some of the most fun youve ever had with your clothes on. These bikes handle like theyre on rails. I'm faster on my little Ninja In the tight stuff than I was on my bigger sportbikes. They love to be revved. They start getting happy around 9000rpm. Its fun to be able to twist the throttle and not worry about dying or going to jail LOL. Keep the rpm up and she'll accelerate as fast as the Savage. But oh the handling is so much, oh well youll find out  [smiley=smiley.gif]

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/04/10 at 08:37:30

Fine lookin bike & you look right on it. Keep that paint smooth, no scratches.

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by mick on 12/04/10 at 09:19:52

looks great Perry.
Now you haven't been splitting wood with that press behind you have you ?

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by PerrydaSavage on 12/04/10 at 09:33:26

LOL!! Nahhh Mick, not splittin' wood ... my brother is in the pumps and compressors business ... our Bikes sleep the winter away in a small storage area in the back of this Shop ... I think that press is used to re-pack bearings and seals n' stuff.

I think the Ninjette is gonna be a fun little Bike ... took her for a spin around the parking lot this morning (still no snow!) and she felt wonderful ... stabilized the gas and then yanked the battery, so she hibernating for the next several months now :(

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by babyhog on 12/06/10 at 12:50:46

Perry, looks like a fun ride.  Congrats on your new acquisition.  

As far as this site, I'm sure many would agree with me in saying that we would be terribly offended if you left us, just because you are riding a different bike.  You better stick around!  

Momma hath spoken.  ;)

(besides, you've got great Ninja help here too...)

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by PerrydaSavage on 12/06/10 at 13:01:55

Thanks folks! Can't see me EVER leaving this Site ... I've been a Member here since 2003 and this place is literally my home on the WWW ... I am proud to be associated here with some of the finest people I've ever had the privledge with! 8-)

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by Trippah on 12/06/10 at 13:36:34

Perry- I've been told the only way to leave this site (and the Rock) is well, unpleasent at best.  Pretty soon we're going to seceed from the US and New England and the Maritimes will form a more perfect union . :D      Newfieland (in honor of the best dogs in the world.)

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by mick on 12/06/10 at 14:27:24

Yes they do have there own breed of dog ,I cant remember what they look like, big brutes arent they ?

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by PerrydaSavage on 12/07/10 at 01:07:36

Hey Trippah ... y'know, I actually think a union of the New England States, The Maritime Provinces and Newfoundland (technically, Newfoundland and Labrador is not considered one of the Maritime Provinces) is a good idea ... be a great way to get rid of all the dead wood in Washington and Ottawa and chart our own course!

Mick my friend, the Newfoundland Dog is really a small breed of black bear and not actually a dog at all ... we just haven't bothered to let those fancy, high-society breeders in on that bit of info! ;)$file/Newfoundland-Dog.jpg

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by mick on 12/07/10 at 06:36:24

Yes I remember now,very powerful as I recall, it could pull a stuck tank out from a ditch, When I lived in Lake Arrowhead our local Sheriff had one,also black,or is that the only color?
Beautiful dog. thanks for the pic mate.

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by kimchris1 on 12/07/10 at 07:21:10

Wow Perry, your new bike looks awesome. Best your not my neighbor or else I might be begging for a ride..
Now that you will have to wait better riding weather, at least it gives you a very good reason to look forward to Spring.. Hugs and best of luck. O and don't even dare think about leaving your family here.. Hugs.. kim :)

Title: Re: I really miss her
Post by PerrydaSavage on 12/07/10 at 07:22:46

Black is the most common color for the Newfoundland Dog, but there is a much less common black/white version known as the "Landseer" ... which I have never actually seen personally! :o » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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